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Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!

Tol Eressea

Nov 3 2012, 5:11pm

Post #1 of 1 (642 views)
     Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!  

Hobbit Headlines for the week of 26th – 2nd November 2012.

Hi people, covering for DanielLB this week! Sorry for it being so late!

Please see below for classification of spoilers:

S! - Spoiler! (Warning - you will be spoiled by opening the link)
LS - Limited Spoilers (Tidbits and snippets, no hard spoilers)
NS - No Spoilers (No spoilers contained whatsoever)

You have been warned!



TV Spot number 2 is released! S! [Thread]
Another set report after lifted embargo S! [Thread]


Official Movie Guide & Visual Companion released S! [Thread]

...In which there is a: New picture of Radagast S! [Thread] [Source]


Cryptic clue from Russian distributor (speculation!) NS/LS [Thread]
Yet another set report LS/S! [Thread] [Source]
HQ pictures of Great Goblin and Rhosgobel S! [Thread]

Sculptures on NZ Post building NS [Thread] [Source]


Ian McKellen interview NS [Thread] [Source]
Win a copy of TH signed by the cast NS [Thread]


NZ Air Safety video (funny!) NS [Thread] [Source]


TV spot #3 released S! [Thread] [Source]
Release date for AUJ moved forward NS [Thread] [Source]
James Nesbitt on BBC One Show NS [Thread]


Hobbit Soundtrack Artwork and Tracklist revealed S! [Thread] [Source]


Comic-Con Character posters in detail S! [Thread] [Source]

Thanks people!

--I'm a victim of Bifurcation--

Join us over at Barliman's chat all day, any day!

(This post was edited by Xanaseb on Nov 3 2012, 5:11pm)


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