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New TV spot!
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Oct 31 2012, 9:13am

Post #1 of 50 (2786 views)
New TV spot! Can't Post




Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!


Oct 31 2012, 9:20am

Post #2 of 50 (1328 views)
¿No español? [In reply to] Can't Post

Any source without Spanish subtitles?

Russian LotR/Hobbit Site:

Henneth-annun.ru - the Russian LOTR site

Pipe Dream

Oct 31 2012, 9:21am

Post #3 of 50 (1314 views)
Very nice. [In reply to] Can't Post

Interesting. Thorin either has or receives his key in Bag End as it should be.

"There is a long road yet," said Gandalf. "But it is the last road," said Bilbo.


Oct 31 2012, 9:23am

Post #4 of 50 (1293 views)
I've been searching. I'll post it here if I find it. :-) / [In reply to] Can't Post


Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!


Oct 31 2012, 9:46am

Post #5 of 50 (1285 views)
Lol, Balin. // [In reply to] Can't Post


The greatest adventure is what lies ahead.


Oct 31 2012, 11:18am

Post #6 of 50 (1204 views)
Thanks for this! [In reply to] Can't Post

I think this has been my favorite of the tv spots thusfar. Can't wait to see more of Thorin and Balin.

"After all, I believe that legends and myths are largely made of 'truth', and indeed present aspects of it that can only be received in this mode; and long ago certain truths and modes of this kind were discovered and must always reappear." Professor Tolkien, 1951


Oct 31 2012, 11:39am

Post #7 of 50 (1167 views)
Nice! [In reply to] Can't Post

That was good. Not much we haven't seen before but still good all the same. Maybe that one will show up not in Spanish so I can save it without subtitles.

Flame of Udun

Oct 31 2012, 11:59am

Post #8 of 50 (1213 views)
Balin at the end :) [In reply to] Can't Post

I also wish for there to be an english version

"'Ai! ai!' wailed Legolas. 'A Balrog! A Balrog is come!'
Gimli stared with wide eyes. 'Durin's Bane!' he cried, and letting his axe fall he covered his face.
'A Balrog,' muttered Gandalf. 'Now I understand. What an evil fortune! And I am already weary.''

Tol Eressea

Oct 31 2012, 12:20pm

Post #9 of 50 (1080 views)
"Like" // [In reply to] Can't Post


-Tim came by. Tim! If you had heard only a quarter of what I have heard about him, and I have only heard very little of all there is to hear, you would be prepared for any sort of remarkable tale.

Tol Eressea

Oct 31 2012, 12:27pm

Post #10 of 50 (1098 views)
El Hobbit :) [In reply to] Can't Post

That was a good spot, maybe the best one yet.


Oct 31 2012, 12:43pm

Post #11 of 50 (1118 views)
LOVED IT! [In reply to] Can't Post

"Something moves in the shadows" juxtaposed with Goblin Town

"I find it's the small things that keeps the darkness at bay" juxtaposed with bumbling Bilbo

Oh man, that was great!! The more footage I see, the more confident I'm becoming that I won't just "like" these movies....

The dialogue in these previews is for the most part really, really good, and that's a huge requisite for me to enjoy a film. This doesn't look like another Prometheus or Snow White (beautiful films with dialogue so bad I could barely sit through them)!

"There are no safe paths in this part of the world. Remember you are over the Edge of the Wild, and in for all sorts of fun wherever you go."


Oct 31 2012, 1:11pm

Post #12 of 50 (1070 views)
The Plate tossing is going be A Laugh Riot [In reply to] Can't Post

With Bilbo Flipping Out!!!!


Oct 31 2012, 1:45pm

Post #13 of 50 (1003 views)
\this tv spot was awesome [In reply to] Can't Post

and dare i say the best one yet.\i'm growing to love R.A as Thorin especially when he says We will reclaim our homeland.It seems the improvised dialogue is sounding great and i am looking forward to seein the chip the glasses sequence in full.Wink

We are more connected than ever before, more able to spread our ideas and beliefs, our anger and fears. As we exercise the right to advocate our views, and as we animate our supporters, we must all assume responsibility for our words and actions before they enter a vast echo chamber and reach those both serious and delirious, connected and unhinged.


Oct 31 2012, 2:22pm

Post #14 of 50 (942 views)
Yep, like it! [In reply to] Can't Post

Oh man, that was great!! The more footage I see, the more confident I'm becoming that I won't just "like" these movies....

I agree!

signature by kiteflier with kind permission of http://richardarmitagenet.com


Oct 31 2012, 2:36pm

Post #15 of 50 (967 views)
New Dialogue [In reply to] Can't Post

I agree, I'm really liking the new dialogue! Very LotR-esque to me. Considering the book has barely any dialogue (comparatively) and usually doesn't even feature more than 2 or 3 lines per conversation, the new dialogue was going to have to carry the movie along. And it looks like it will pull it off just fine :)

"There are no safe paths in this part of the world. Remember you are over the Edge of the Wild, and in for all sorts of fun wherever you go."


Oct 31 2012, 3:06pm

Post #16 of 50 (902 views)
I don't think Anyone should Worry that [In reply to] Can't Post

Gollum won't be Terrifying ...in RITD
some peeps here
are.....on other


Oct 31 2012, 3:11pm

Post #17 of 50 (866 views)
Woot! [In reply to] Can't Post

I'm loving this onslaught of new TV spots! This next month and a half is going to be so much easier than all we've been through.

I am still waiting for that post-produciton vlog we were promised Wink

"...and his first memory of Middle-earth was the green stone above her breast as she sang above his cradle while Gondolin was still in flower." -Unfinished Tales

Mr. Arkenstone (isaac)
Tol Eressea

Oct 31 2012, 3:14pm

Post #18 of 50 (862 views)
aaaa my beloved español! [In reply to] Can't Post

That is not the same as Latino, both are castellano, but the castellano of Spain is español , the castellano of America is Latino, i think

Por fin un trailer que no tengo que esperar a que me lo traduzcan!Tongue

The flagon with the dragon has the brew that is true!

Tol Eressea

Oct 31 2012, 3:25pm

Post #19 of 50 (843 views)
That's a fun one! Thanks for sharing.// [In reply to] Can't Post


Middle Earth is New Zealand!

"Question everything, embrace the bad, and hold on to the good."


Oct 31 2012, 3:55pm

Post #20 of 50 (812 views)
What i meant to say was [In reply to] Can't Post

"Considering the book has barely any dialogue (comparatively) and usually doesn't even feature more than 2 or 3 lines per conversation"

Let me clarify with "for the most part", as there are a some fleshed out conversations (RITD, the trolls, Bilbo mocking the spiders, Smaug, ect), just not very many. In terms of incidental conversations and general character development, there's little to none. Because it's not a novel like LotR, is a fairly tale bedtime story.

Note: this is one of the main reasons I'm not too displeased with a trilogy. We can actually see these characters personalities as they morph throughout the course of the story! The alternative being a 3-hour long "supercut" like the book was, which would probably be the biggest disappointment for me ever.

I seem to have gotten off topic. My bad! At any given moment (even when I'm at work) I have so many Hobbit-y thoughts racing in my head!

"There are no safe paths in this part of the world. Remember you are over the Edge of the Wild, and in for all sorts of fun wherever you go."

Captain Salt
Tol Eressea

Oct 31 2012, 5:29pm

Post #21 of 50 (805 views)
So, seems like the Necro story for Film 1 is: [In reply to] Can't Post

- The Stone Trolls come down from the mountains

- Spiders attack Raddy's home

- Gandy/Raddy poke around the Nazgul tombs

- The White Council in Rivendell ("something moves in the shadows")

And that's about it? Thrain in Dol Guldur has been confirmed to now occur in Film 2, so that's seems like the beginning of Gandy's subplot.

My Top 5 Wish List for "The Hobbit"
5. Legolas will surf down Smaug's neck
4. Bilbo will be revealed to a Robot
3. Naked PJ cameo as Ghan-Buri-Ghan
2. Use of not only 3D, but smell-o-vision, plus the inclusion of axes coming out of the seats and poking the audience when appropriate
1. Not only keep the claim that Thorin & Co. ran amok in Mirkwood "molesting people", but depict said incident in vivid detail!!!!!


Oct 31 2012, 5:38pm

Post #22 of 50 (757 views)
Thrain in Dol Guldor [In reply to] Can't Post

Is in Film 2? I missed that one. So is it not a flashback? Or is the flashback just moved to Film 2? Is Thrain still alive?

So confused Crazy

"...and his first memory of Middle-earth was the green stone above her breast as she sang above his cradle while Gondolin was still in flower." -Unfinished Tales


Oct 31 2012, 6:04pm

Post #23 of 50 (673 views)
Very good [In reply to] Can't Post

Probably the best i have seen - not much new but put together well i thought.

Tol Eressea

Oct 31 2012, 6:15pm

Post #24 of 50 (688 views)
Probably be a flash back [In reply to] Can't Post

or dream to kick off film 2... Like what they did with Gandalf and the Balrog at the beginning of TTT.


Oct 31 2012, 6:22pm

Post #25 of 50 (670 views)
Hadn't thought of that [In reply to] Can't Post

That could very well be. I just hope it is a flashback and Thrain is not somehow still alive.

I'd still like to know where it was confirmed that this is in Film 2, though.

"...and his first memory of Middle-earth was the green stone above her breast as she sang above his cradle while Gondolin was still in flower." -Unfinished Tales

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