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One of four spoilers... the REVELATION (and some bonus stuff)! [SPOILER]
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Oct 28 2012, 10:51am

Post #1 of 114 (5597 views)
One of four spoilers... the REVELATION (and some bonus stuff)! [SPOILER] Can't Post

As I told before, one of our administrators is in close contact with the Russian distributor of Warner Bros., who consulted them about the script: Tolkien names, pronounciations, stressed vowels etc. With the distributor's permission, he was allowed to reveal some spoilers from the current version of the dialogue script used for translation. There were four spoilery options to be voted by our forum users, and this one was the winner of the vote:

- What cheesy and ugly Hollywood cliche does Jackson use on The Hobbit?

(I certainly understand the question is highly subjective)

Anyway, here is the answer. It does not describe a certain scene, but the actual cliché, somehow stylized to make it clear.

- In an abandoned factory, there is a deadly struggle between two companies: our guys™ (the good, the honest, the glorious) and the bad guys™ (the bad, the ugly, the lying and treacherous). The fight goes on with changing success: bullets are flying, spears are breaking, laser bolts are flashing. Suddenly it looks like our guys™ are about to win the battle.
At this moment the hideous leader of the bad guys™ steps forward. Before him, he is holding the beautiful Gwyneth Paltrow™ as a shield. The bad guy leader™ puts a gun to her head and declares with a nasty voice that our guys™ put the weapons on the ground, or else Gwyneth Paltrow™ is to be killed.
Bruce Willis™ looks saddened in the eyes of Chuck Norris™: "how sad that it has come this way!" Chuck Norris™ looks long and saddened in the eyes of Bruce Willis™: "yes, friend, we were so close to victory!" Bruce Willis™ and Chuck Norris™ look in the eyes of the hideous leader of the bad guys™: "we will die, but we will die honorably".
After that, all of our guys™ are chained up to a great iron ring on the floor. The hideous leader of the bad guys™ pushes a button and the ceiling begins slowly to lower down in order to crush our guys™.
Bruce Willis™ and Chuck Norris look in the eyes of Gwyneth Paltrow™.
Fade to black.

And here the bonus stuff from the dubbing manager for Russian dub (should be similar for other language dubs):
- The final cut is not yet completed. It shall be ready just in time for the premiere, so the dubbing studios are working on the intermediate version of the script and will be working on the changes that emerge during the final tweaks by PJ.
- The songs will be dubbed into all the foreign languages (there was an intermediate info from PJ that he would rather have them in English with subtitles)
- The foreign actors dubbing the main parts have already been approved by PJ. They are not necessary the ones who were used in trailers.

Russian LotR/Hobbit Site:

Henneth-annun.ru - the Russian LOTR site


Oct 28 2012, 10:59am

Post #2 of 114 (3460 views)
Eureka! I've filled in the blanks! [In reply to] Can't Post

In an abandoned fortress (Dol Guldur), there is a deadly struggle between two companies: The White Council (the good, the honest, the glorious) and The Necromancer (the bad, the ugly, the lying and treacherous). The fight goes on with changing success: arrows are flying, spears are breaking, thunderbolts out of staffs flashing. Suddenly it looks like The White Council are about to win the battle.
At this moment the hideous Necromancer steps forward. Before him, he is holding the beautiful Galadriel as a shield. The Necromancer puts a sword to her head and declares with a nasty voice that the White Council put the weapons on the ground, or else Galadriel is to be killed.

Gandalf looks saddened in the eyes of Elrond: "how sad that it has come this way!" Elrond looks long and saddened in the eyes of Gandalf: "yes, friend, we were so close to victory!" Gandalf and Elrond look in the eyes of The Necromancer: "we will die, but we will die honorably".

After that, the White Council are chained up to a great iron ring on the floor. The hideous Necromancer pushes a button and the ceiling begins slowly to lower down in order to crush The White Council.
Gandalf and Elrond look in the eyes of Galadriel.

Sounds great, doesn't it? Unsure

I wonder what on earth it refers to. The only thing I can think of is Goblin town, or a flashback to Azanulbizar?

Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!

(This post was edited by DanielLB on Oct 28 2012, 11:00am)


Oct 28 2012, 11:00am

Post #3 of 114 (3288 views)
How did that stupid question win? [In reply to] Can't Post

Do we take it Paltrow is a female character? If so I don't see how any such scene can be in An Unexpected Journey.

EDIT: That's kind of what I was thinking DanielLB, but then such a scene couldn't possibly be in the first film...

(This post was edited by Shagrat on Oct 28 2012, 11:01am)


Oct 28 2012, 11:02am

Post #4 of 114 (3258 views)
Could be a female dwarf? [In reply to] Can't Post

Perhaps Thorin's Mother, Grandmother or Great-grandmother (in a flashback)?

Or it's something that we would never guess, and it's just a really obscure reference to some tiny detail?

Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!

(This post was edited by DanielLB on Oct 28 2012, 11:03am)


Oct 28 2012, 11:09am

Post #5 of 114 (3266 views)
"Paltrow" isn't necessarily female... [In reply to] Can't Post

As I said, it's all highly stylized. It doesn't have to be a female character, it can just be a weaker one.

Russian LotR/Hobbit Site:

Henneth-annun.ru - the Russian LOTR site


Oct 28 2012, 11:10am

Post #6 of 114 (3290 views)
I also can think... [In reply to] Can't Post

...of the troll scene.

Russian LotR/Hobbit Site:

Henneth-annun.ru - the Russian LOTR site


Oct 28 2012, 11:13am

Post #7 of 114 (3285 views)
About how this question won... [In reply to] Can't Post

Well... I guess there are a lot of Tolkien purists on the Russian forum that still are unhappy with some of the twists PJ took on LOTR.

And about other questions:
About the first line in the movie: as I see it, everybody quite expects it to be "In a hole in the ground..."
About the main bad character: even if it's not that clear, it's not that important a role. Besides, the answer can be just "yes" or "now" without any further details.
About the strangeness of Radagast: why, he's not that strange at all, he's cute!


Russian LotR/Hobbit Site:

Henneth-annun.ru - the Russian LOTR site

Registered User

Oct 28 2012, 11:13am

Post #8 of 114 (3213 views)
Or Tauriel... [In reply to] Can't Post

is captured by Bolg and Kili and Fili die because they lay down their weapons to save her Crazy


Oct 28 2012, 11:14am

Post #9 of 114 (3211 views)
Yes, but... [In reply to] Can't Post

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is captured by Bolg and Kili and Fili die because they lay down their weapons to save her Crazy

Tauriel is not in film one.

Russian LotR/Hobbit Site:

Henneth-annun.ru - the Russian LOTR site


Oct 28 2012, 11:15am

Post #10 of 114 (3232 views)
And "Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire" chapter / [In reply to] Can't Post


Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!


Oct 28 2012, 11:33am

Post #11 of 114 (3234 views)
The idea of a device... [In reply to] Can't Post

suggests Goblintown? In Empire it said that the Great Goblin enjoys tormenting his victims.


Oct 28 2012, 11:33am

Post #12 of 114 (3306 views)
Given that this is supposed to be film one: [In reply to] Can't Post


In a mountain cave, there is a deadly struggle between two companies: Thorin's company (the good, the honest, the glorious) and the goblins (the bad, the ugly, the lying and treacherous). The fight goes on with changing success: arrows are flying, spears are breaking, lightning bolts are flashing. Suddenly it looks like the dwarves are about to win the battle.
At this moment the hideous leader of the goblins steps forward. Before him, he is holding the beautiful Bilbo Baggins as a shield. The goblin king puts a club to his head and declares with a nasty voice that dwarves put the weapons on the ground, or else the hobbit is to be killed.
Gandalf looks saddened in the eyes of Thorin: "how sad that it has come this way!" Thorin looks long and saddened in the eyes of Gandalf: "yes, friend, we were so close to victory!" Gandalf and Thorin look in the eyes of the Dame Edna: "we will die, but we will die honourably".
After that, the company are chained up to a great iron ring on the floor. The hideous Sir Les Patterson pushes a button and the ceiling begins slowly to lower down in order to crush the company.
Magneto and Guy of Gisbourne look in the eyes of Dr Watson.
Fade to black.

Which actually makes the dwarves look a lot less like incompetent wimps than the book version.

A Far Dragon is the best kind...


Oct 28 2012, 12:35pm

Post #13 of 114 (3126 views)
so damn funny... [In reply to] Can't Post

i laughed for about 5 seconds Unimpressed, but then i realized it was just me burping
well for the next time: at least try to be funny


Oct 28 2012, 1:11pm

Post #14 of 114 (3093 views)
Yes I think it is goblin town as well [In reply to] Can't Post

But who "Gwyneth Paltrow" would be I have no idea. Bilbo?


Oct 28 2012, 1:13pm

Post #15 of 114 (3085 views)
I applaud you, sir! [In reply to] Can't Post


Russian LotR/Hobbit Site:

Henneth-annun.ru - the Russian LOTR site


Oct 28 2012, 1:16pm

Post #16 of 114 (3042 views)
Is this definitely something from film 1? // [In reply to] Can't Post



Oct 28 2012, 1:20pm

Post #17 of 114 (3088 views)
I think you've got it [In reply to] Can't Post

But I don't think the ceiling will actually lower down to crush them. Some other torturous device will probably be used instead. Also, I think that Gandalf is not one of the two who lay down the weapons but rather another dwarf instead. Balin or Dwalin perhaps? After all this, Gandalf comes to save the day and slays the great goblin.


Oct 28 2012, 2:19pm

Post #18 of 114 (3013 views)
Norris = Thorin; Willis = Dwalin? [In reply to] Can't Post

I'm going for the beard and baldness respectively.Wink


Oct 28 2012, 2:19pm

Post #19 of 114 (3088 views)
My version (don't know the right scene either) [In reply to] Can't Post

On a forest opening around a fireplace, there is a deadly struggle between two companies: Thorin's company (the good, the honest, the glorious) and the Three Trolls (the bad, the ugly, the lying and treacherous). The fight goes on with changing success: arrows are flying, spears are breaking, lightning bolts are flashing. Suddenly it looks like the dwarves are about to win the battle.
At this moment the hideous leader of the Trolls (Tom, or William, or Bert) steps forward. Before him, he is holding the beautiful Bilbo Baggins as a shield. The leader of the Troll holds Bilbo over a large kettle and declares with a nasty voice that dwarves put the weapons on the ground, or else the hobbit is to be cooked.
Thorin looks saddened in the eyes of Balin: "how sad that it has come this way!" Balin looks long and saddened in the eyes of Thorin: "yes, friend, we were so close to victory!" Balin and Thorin look in the eyes of the Tom (or William, or Bert): "we will die, but we will die honourably".
After that, the company are put in great sacks and put on the floor. The hideous Tom (or William, or Bert) commands and the troll's buttocks begin slowly to lower down in order to crush the company.
Balin and Thorin look in the eyes of Bilbo.
Fade to black.

Russian LotR/Hobbit Site:

Henneth-annun.ru - the Russian LOTR site


Oct 28 2012, 2:25pm

Post #20 of 114 (2997 views)
There we go [In reply to] Can't Post

That's the kind of thing I've been expecting. Useful to know how an actual scene plays out. Thanks.

Man is but an ass if he go about to expound this dream.


Oct 28 2012, 3:14pm

Post #21 of 114 (2998 views)
you are kidding right? [In reply to] Can't Post

that scene is just a joke right? please tell me they are messing with us. Mad

Tol Eressea

Oct 28 2012, 3:34pm

Post #22 of 114 (2936 views)
Nothing surprises me at this point anymore // [In reply to] Can't Post



Oct 28 2012, 3:47pm

Post #23 of 114 (3017 views)
Another variation, from the German forum [In reply to] Can't Post

In an abandoned fortress (Dol Guldur), there is a deadly struggle between two companies: The White Council (the good, the honest, the glorious) and The Necromancer (the bad, the ugly, the lying and treacherous). The fight goes on with changing success: arrows are flying, spears are breaking, thunderbolts out of staffs flashing. Suddenly it looks like The White Council are about to win the battle.
At this moment the hideous Necromancer steps forward. Before him, he is holding the beautiful Galadriel as a shield. The Necromancer puts a sword to her head and declares with a nasty voice that the White Council put the weapons on the ground, or else Galadriel is to be killed.

Gandalf looks saddened in the eyes of Elrond: "how sad that it has come this way!" Elrond looks long and saddened in the eyes of Gandalf: "yes, friend, we were so close to victory!" Gandalf and Elrond look in the eyes of The Necromancer: "we will die, but we will die honorably".

After that, the White Council are chained up to a great iron ring on the floor. The hideous Necromancer pushes a button and the ceiling begins slowly to lower down in order to crush The White Council.
Gandalf and Elrond look in the eyes of Galadriel.

Russian LotR/Hobbit Site:

Henneth-annun.ru - the Russian LOTR site


Oct 28 2012, 4:00pm

Post #24 of 114 (2913 views)
DanielLB posted that above... [In reply to] Can't Post

I see two big problems though:

1) I'm assuming this scene takes place in AUJ

2) Surely they won't have Galadriel ending up in a predicament like that if they'll heralding her as 'the most powerful being in Middle Earth'?


Oct 28 2012, 4:04pm

Post #25 of 114 (2907 views)
It's not entirely serious, you know :) [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
I see two big problems though:

1) I'm assuming this scene takes place in AUJ

2) Surely they won't have Galadriel ending up in a predicament like that if they'll heralding her as 'the most powerful being in Middle Earth'?

I do hope you don't take this seriously. :)

Russian LotR/Hobbit Site:

Henneth-annun.ru - the Russian LOTR site

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