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Brian Sibley's Official Movie Guide to The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (some spoiler pics)
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Tol Eressea

Oct 27 2012, 2:23pm

Post #1 of 207 (8238 views)
Brian Sibley's Official Movie Guide to The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (some spoiler pics) Can't Post

Well, my copy arrived this morning! Lots of great behind-the-scenes info to digest, but sadly not too many new pictures...I guess that's because we've been spoilt so much with all the v-logs and still recently released. But never fear, there are a few you won't have seen yet!

For those who wish to, click on the following links to see

1. "Galadriel wears a coat in shot silk, woven with a metallic thread that magically catches the light...Beneath the coat, Galadriel wears a chiffon dress covered in rivulets of Swarovski crystals that look like running water over another shimmering layer of beaded chiffon." That, I believe, is the one we saw in an early v-log, the metallic, mink/gold colour...
And this is another stunning dress not described!

2. Hob Gammidge? If this is indeed the hobbit-hole we saw Sam and Rosie in front of at the close of RotK, might this been Sam's Grandad??

3. Old Took's party?

4. Rhosgobel set (outside) & Radagast

5. A more familiar-style orc...

6. How Aiden Turner might have looked as a dwarf with his own hair & beard, in the early days of training!

Obviously there's a lot to read so any further spoilers may appear later on, but for now, I will confirm that the three trolls are both voiced and mo-capped by Mark Hadlow (Bert) William Kircher (Tom) and Peter Hambleton (William)

"Choosing Trust over Doubt gets me burned once in a while, but I'd rather be singed than hardened."
¯ Victoria Monfort

(This post was edited by Eleniel on Oct 27 2012, 2:25pm)


Oct 27 2012, 2:28pm

Post #2 of 207 (5880 views)
the links dont work [In reply to] Can't Post



Oct 27 2012, 2:32pm

Post #3 of 207 (5859 views)
Cool! [In reply to] Can't Post

At least William Kircher gets to talk in English a little bit in the Hobbit! I feel kind of sorry for the guy being silent all the time. Laugh

Nice pictures! But the first three aren't showing up when I click the links...


Oct 27 2012, 2:33pm

Post #4 of 207 (5872 views)
The last three worked for me [In reply to] Can't Post

Rhosgobel is awesome!

Edit: Now those are taken down too! Something tells me these pictures weren't supposed to be seen...

(This post was edited by burgahobbit on Oct 27 2012, 2:34pm)

Tol Eressea

Oct 27 2012, 2:36pm

Post #5 of 207 (5908 views)
Just the first three? [In reply to] Can't Post

Sorry, I'll try again:

Nope...sorry, the links aren't staying up, but if you know where to find the scans of the EMPIRE article, you'll find these pictures too! Wink

"Choosing Trust over Doubt gets me burned once in a while, but I'd rather be singed than hardened."
¯ Victoria Monfort

(This post was edited by Eleniel on Oct 27 2012, 2:41pm)


Oct 27 2012, 2:40pm

Post #6 of 207 (5829 views)
Interesting, once again it's just the last three that worked [In reply to] Can't Post

The others say page not found. Do they work for you by any chance?

Tol Eressea

Oct 27 2012, 2:41pm

Post #7 of 207 (5830 views)
First three still don't work. :) // [In reply to] Can't Post


Tol Eressea

Oct 27 2012, 2:43pm

Post #8 of 207 (5916 views)
They worked initially... [In reply to] Can't Post

...then I was getting the same "not found" message after a minute or so. Frown

Anyway, see my helpful(?) hint in my re-edited second post, above!

"Choosing Trust over Doubt gets me burned once in a while, but I'd rather be singed than hardened."
¯ Victoria Monfort

Tol Eressea

Oct 27 2012, 2:46pm

Post #9 of 207 (5836 views)
How come you got the book so early? [In reply to] Can't Post


The reason your links don't work is because you haven't copied and pasted all of it.

(This post was edited by Carne on Oct 27 2012, 2:52pm)

Lieutenant of Dol Guldur

Oct 27 2012, 2:50pm

Post #10 of 207 (5811 views)
None of them works for me :( [In reply to] Can't Post

Can someone send me a link (at least as a private message) of that orc? Thanks.

"There is only one Lord of the Ring, only one who can bend it to his will. And he does not share power."

Tol Eressea

Oct 27 2012, 2:52pm

Post #11 of 207 (5953 views)
I pre-ordered from the Book Depository... [In reply to] Can't Post

(like DanielLB, I believe) and they contacted us a few days ago saying the publishers had release the books earlier than the expected date.

I'm just going to try linking a different way and see if this works!

1. Dress http://s574.photobucket.com/...urrent%3Dsibley4.jpg

2. Hob Gammidge? http://s574.photobucket.com/...;current=sibley1.jpg

3. Party http://s574.photobucket.com/...urrent%3Dsibley2.jpg

4. Rhosgobel http://s574.photobucket.com/...urrent%3Dsibley5.jpg

5. Turner http://s574.photobucket.com/...urrent%3Dsibley3.jpg

6. Orc http://s574.photobucket.com/...urrent%3Dsibley6.jpg

"Choosing Trust over Doubt gets me burned once in a while, but I'd rather be singed than hardened."
¯ Victoria Monfort


Oct 27 2012, 2:57pm

Post #12 of 207 (5889 views)
Such a shame [In reply to] Can't Post

Turner looked great with his own beard. A missed opportunity, IMO, and a decision that was almost certainly made for the benefit of pre-teens...

It's odd, because at least in the United States, it seems that beards are "in" more for young people than they are for the old. So, he may have still been deemed attractive by the majority of young female viewers, beard or no...

Lieutenant of Dol Guldur

Oct 27 2012, 2:58pm

Post #13 of 207 (5869 views)
Now it works! :-) [In reply to] Can't Post

Thank you! These pictures look amazing! Galadriel ist so beautiful and I'm happy to see another LOTR-Orc Smile

"There is only one Lord of the Ring, only one who can bend it to his will. And he does not share power."

Tol Eressea

Oct 27 2012, 3:06pm

Post #14 of 207 (5829 views)
Interesting [In reply to] Can't Post

I think men are just tired of all the anti beard agenda that we have had to endure for decades].

I for one, have spent the last three years sporting different kinds of beards, always dwarfy Wink

I dont know where this beardless, hairless, unhealthy fixation that we often see in movies, television has come from...but it certainly doesnt match the reality of female tastes. At least in my experience. Smile

Tol Eressea

Oct 27 2012, 3:08pm

Post #15 of 207 (5736 views)
How long did it take from they shipped the book till it arrived? [In reply to] Can't Post


(This post was edited by Carne on Oct 27 2012, 3:09pm)

Tol Eressea

Oct 27 2012, 3:15pm

Post #16 of 207 (5728 views)
Well, I got the email on Tuesday (23rd)... [In reply to] Can't Post

...saying the book would be despatched in the next few days - and it arrived this morning!

"Choosing Trust over Doubt gets me burned once in a while, but I'd rather be singed than hardened."
¯ Victoria Monfort

Tol Eressea

Oct 27 2012, 3:17pm

Post #17 of 207 (5698 views)
Thank you. [In reply to] Can't Post

I'm thinking of canceling my Amazon order now as they still only know of November 8th and rather buy from that site Smile

Tol Eressea

Oct 27 2012, 3:19pm

Post #18 of 207 (5747 views)
Beards, yes, but hair all over the place? I doubt ladies like that. ;) // [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
I dont know where this beardless, hairless, unhealthy fixation that we often see in movies, television has come from...but it certainly doesnt match the reality of female tastes. At least in my experience. Smile


Oct 27 2012, 3:22pm

Post #19 of 207 (5759 views)
Hairiness is manliness [In reply to] Can't Post

And manliness is hairiness!


Oct 27 2012, 3:27pm

Post #20 of 207 (5714 views)
I resemble that remark! // [In reply to] Can't Post


'But very bright were the stars upon the margin of the world, when at times the clouds about the West were drawn aside.'

The Hall of Fire


Oct 27 2012, 3:28pm

Post #21 of 207 (5702 views)
Me too! [In reply to] Can't Post


Tol Eressea

Oct 27 2012, 3:34pm

Post #22 of 207 (5684 views)
Even on the back and shoulders? :P // [In reply to] Can't Post



Oct 27 2012, 3:36pm

Post #23 of 207 (5666 views)
No, but [In reply to] Can't Post

I wish! Smile


Oct 27 2012, 3:49pm

Post #24 of 207 (5692 views)
Like everybody else [In reply to] Can't Post

I don't know why there's a party in the Hobbit...but I'm glad to see Gandalf dancing with hobbits again! Smile

Tol Eressea

Oct 27 2012, 3:51pm

Post #25 of 207 (5695 views)
Sexy chimpanse styles apart... [In reply to] Can't Post

Estel, that depends on the definition of all over the place and the thickness, amount of hair Wink Even bears can be attractive haha.

And some little growing hair line just above your bum climbing your back is....cute....so i'm told Tongue

Shelob : Hear Hear! And i would add : Manliness is Freedom and Freedom is Hairiness Smile

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