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Another report of an earlier visit to the set


Oct 27 2012, 6:17am

Post #1 of 7 (960 views)
Another report of an earlier visit to the set Can't Post

I don't think this report has already been posted, so apologies if it has, but it contains some interesting details on character relationships, etc. I also love the sketches by Lauren Davis in lieu of photographs, which were forbidden.


(This post was edited by bookgirl13 on Oct 27 2012, 6:18am)


Oct 27 2012, 8:16am

Post #2 of 7 (462 views)
Interesting reference to Dale. [In reply to] Can't Post

"Dale is the largest set constructed for the film, and we'll be seeing Dale both pre-Smaug (which we don't get to see in the book) and post-Smaug. Pre-Smaug Dale will emphasize the city as an orchard city, with a fairgrounds feel, filled with fruit trees, grape vines, and raspberry bushes. But the team also identified it as an alpine city, with water flowing through it, giving it a somewhat Venetian feel. The teams wants to portray what day-to-day life was like in this version of Dale, right down to the fabrics people would wear on a Sunday afternoon."


Oct 27 2012, 8:26am

Post #3 of 7 (459 views)
Dale in the production diaries [In reply to] Can't Post

In the last(?) production video from PJ there is a view of a market in, what I presumed, was Dale. I think that this report confirms it as that glimpse fitted in with the description given here. It also showed dwarves and men interacting and I thought I saw both male and female dwarves Smile


Oct 27 2012, 9:39am

Post #4 of 7 (403 views)
Fairgrounds feel [In reply to] Can't Post

There seemed to be some sort of fairground ride in the leaked Dale pictures some months ago.

I wonder if this is in reference to that.


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Oct 27 2012, 1:18pm

Post #5 of 7 (369 views)
Dwarves!!! [In reply to] Can't Post

What a great read!

I really loved the part about the background of the dwarves. The good thing about three movies is that we (hopefully) get to see more full fleshed portrayals of each dwarf and the dynamics within the group.

And finally; I can't believe, that Richard Taylor thinks the design for Nori is more radical or experimental, than that of Kili. Wink


Oct 27 2012, 10:56pm

Post #6 of 7 (218 views)
Thanks for the link Bookgirl! [In reply to] Can't Post

The writer is a legend in my eyes for attempting to draw everything he/she saw. Smile

Would never have thought after Bombor (forgot the actors name sorry) Richard Armitage would be carrying the heaviest costume. I honestly would have thought Dwalin and Gloin's costumes would have been heavier. The characterization through the costumes was really interesting in regards to Thorin, Kili, Fili being noble lords, Balin being a councilller, Dwalin a general, etc. Never realized their costumes were so deep.

Yes, my username is terrible.

Tol Eressea

Oct 28 2012, 2:36am

Post #7 of 7 (188 views)
enjoyable read thanks for posting that// [In reply to] Can't Post



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