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Tolkienia Times: December, "The Desolation of Smaug" Edition. Front Page
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Dec 6 2013, 2:42am

Post #1 of 40 (2865 views)
Tolkienia Times: December, "The Desolation of Smaug" Edition. Front Page Can't Post

The Animal Vote Poll: Results are In. Campaigns Were Tense, Diverse

The days of waiting are over, citizens of Tolkienia!! After a grueling voting process, the results of the first mascot election are in. Story page 2

Will Local Woman's Garage Roof Bring the Dragon?

Among other construction projects going on around Tolkienia, one residents efforts both stand out artistically yet present us with a Draconian-sized puzzle to solve. Story page 3

EXCLUSIVE: The Times Interviews Smaug the Stupendous on the upcoming film, "The Desolation of Smaug."

We were granted satellite access to the star of the upcoming major motion picture, directed by Sir Peter Jackson, "The Desolation of Smaug." Story page 4

The Mayor's Report, (or, The State of the City-State) See page 2

The second TORn Amateur Symposium is running right now, in the Reading Room. Come have a look and maybe stay to chat!


Dec 6 2013, 2:47am

Post #2 of 40 (2267 views)
Tolkienia Times: December, "The Desolation of Smaug" Edition. Page 2 [In reply to] Can't Post

The Mayor's Report, (or, The State of the City-State)

A little over two months ago a small nation was established, nestled between the banks of the South and the West Baranduin (and East-Northeast of the ancient city of Londinium). Founded on the love of all things Tolkien, Tolkienia is thriving, despite some initial growing pains involving land disputes and minor altercations (to use an umbrella term).
After recovering from my inadvertent airborne adventure, I have been working hard to establish guidelines for a safe and pleasant manner of life for all our citizens and visitors. In the next few months, we hope to vote in members of a city council and a couple of part-time Shirriffs. Our national alarm system is nearly in place. Several local choruses are taking part in a "Fear! Fire! Foes!"recording competition, and the winning group will become the voice of our citizen alert broadcast by radio, television, loudspeaker, and palantir, in case of any widespread emergency.
Careful development continues to take place, strictly within the limits of the law, and in keeping with our national priority of preserving ancient buildings and the natural environment.
All concerns and disputes concerning development or any other topic should be submitted in writing to the mayor's office, where each submission will be read and carefully considered. Contact ioreth@iwillbeheard.gov for instructions in submitting your communications to any of the government offices.
Once our city council is in place, we will have monthly meetings where all citizens and even visitors will have every opportunity to air concerns. Translators are urgently needed for these meetings, so applications for fluent speakers of Entish, Quenya, Sindarin, Westron and Khuzdul are now being accepted. Translators for additional languages, such as Gnomish and Druedain (Wosisch) may be necessary in the future.
And lastly, in some very exciting news, there have been sightings reported of three or four elusive, rather graceful tree-like creatures flitting between the grape arbors and the Replantable-Christmas-Tree field belonging to Drogo H. Gamgee, just south of Bree Hill Drive, and tantalizingly close to a certain museum (and not far from Treebeard's Retreat forest reserve). One can only hope . . .
With affection, and in hopes of getting to know all of you at least half as well as you deserve,

Your Mayor, The Honorable Ethel Duath

The Animal Vote Poll: Results are In. Campaigns Were Tense, Diverse

The days of waiting are over, citizens of Tolkienia!!

After a grueling voting process, the results of the first mascot election are in. No less than seven offices were up for grabs, and they were fiercely contested,tooth and nail, wing and hoof, tentacle and ... well, you get the idea. As anypolitical analyst will tell you, the road to political power can be tricky, andthis race was no different.

Pulses ran high, when several disturbing rumors came to light, with a little aid from the Thrush party. Smaug was accused of plotting eat the opposition, but as all the nominees turned out on election night, we can only assume that he thought better of this clumsy stratagem. Several campaign workers for the Crebain party were accused of spying, and were summarily dismissed. At a press conference called by the campaign manager, Mr. S. Aruman. Mr. Aruman denied any connexion to the shady actions, condemning them as, "Something that would never be condoned by Dunlanders".

A full investigation of the dark tales of a 'barbeque', planned by the General Dragon party, of whom the Smaug Party was a splinter-group, was not undertaken by this reporter for reasons of personal safety.

In the capital, most of the contenders had their own camp on the Town Hall lawn. The Oliphant party was out in force, a very large presence, as some might say. The Warg party snarled at any outsiders that approached, and couldn't be approached for comment. When asked for speculation on the outcome of the race, the leader of the Huan party did not have much to say, something about some prophecy or another. The Fox party was not much more responsive, keeping their thoughts to themselves, no doubt.

The lawn was the scene of some last-minute politicking, as Shadowfax, Arod and Hasafuel attempted reconciliation with the main Mearas party. Shadowfax, however, would accept no lower position than 'Lord of all Horses', and so negotiations soon stalled, unable to reach a stable agreement. When asked for comment on the possibility of a similar Avain Alliance, the Swan party pooh-poohed the idea, preferring, "To maintain our exalted station above such dark birds."

The Ravens were curiously absent, preferring to haunt their ancestral home, and to receive the voting results among friends. The only other absence was the Watcher in the Water, who could not attend for obvious reasons. Instead they had their own party near the Eyott Club, ready to take possession of any ship if it should become their namesake. Far from missed, it was the prevailing opinion that the Watcher had been far more active than his name suggests. "One too many tentacles in the pot!", was the sentiment most expressed.

Finally, as the long hours of the night passed, the results trickled in. Announced in the early morning hours, here are the results:

News Station- Party Fox Flagship of the Fleet- Party Swan First Ship of the Line- Party Watcher in the Water Second Ship of the Line- Party Arod Tolkienia High School Basketball Team- Party Warg Tolkienia High School LaCrosse Team- Party Raven Downtown Sports Arena- Party Oliphant

The second TORn Amateur Symposium is running right now, in the Reading Room. Come have a look and maybe stay to chat!


Dec 6 2013, 2:53am

Post #3 of 40 (2284 views)
Tolkienia Times: December, "The Desolation of Smaug" Edition. Page 3 [In reply to] Can't Post

Will Local Woman's Garage Roof Bring the Dragon?

Among other construction projects going on around Tolkienia, one residents efforts both stand out artistically yet present us with a Draconian-sized puzzle to solve.
Grammaboodawg recently created this masterpiece of a garage roof: a representation of beloved Bag End, complete with a doorknob.

The craft and design are flawless, and when this reporter inquired of Grammaboodawg how the blank space on the roof was to be filled, she replied, "with a very realistic Smaug. He has agreed to model for me."

Hold the presses. This intriguing comment raises the question of how this modelling is to be achieved. The Wyrm himself is not known for his amiable nature nor for his patience. We found a news story in the Archives which tells the story of a surveyor who ran into Smaug the Terrible while mapping out distant farm and mountain boundaries near the Toasted Sheep Pass:

"The ground shook, and the next thing I knew a great red-golden eye was staring at me," gasped the surveyor, as wisps of smoke twirled off of his singed jacket. "He asked if I cared to stay 'for a bit of a smoke'...I said no and ran! A lick of flame hit me in the back and I heard him laughing! I hear that laugh in my sleep!" Wiping his forehead with shaking hands he added, "Can I get a drink?" [News Archives: 10/1/99]

So the question for Tolkienia is: will this modelling trake place at Grammaboodawg's own in-town residence? Somewhere else? Is there a danger to life and property from the Wyrm?

Smaug has declined an interview requested by the Times in person, replying, "Thank you, I'm not hungry." But a written response has been sent to the Times office, and we note Smaug the Calamitous has recently acquired a fax machine, presumably one with very large buttons. It reads as follows:

"The project to glorify my image will not present any danger to the residents of Tolkienia. I have every desire to see the project come to fruition and have myself represented in the medium of shingle. And the lady herself, Grammaboodawg, has quite won me over."

When asked directly how she managed to win over the Dragon , the lovely lady merely twinkled at this reporter, saying, "That's for me to know." So the question remains: how did Grammaboodawg 'win over' this savage beast? Food? Magic? Or, was it her sheer personal charm?

Readers can expect a follow-up to this story come Spring of 2014, when the project is expected to proceed.

(Photo courtesy of Grammaboodawg, with our thanks.)

Your TOLKIENIA Weather, by DanielLB:

This month will begin with almost a week of mild and dull northeasterly winds, but for the remainder of the month westerlies and cold temperatures will dominate. The TWS (Tolkienia Weather Service) predict that this week will see seven consecutive completely sunless days, the longest such run here since the first stones were laid in Tolkienia. Vitamin D pills are now for sale out at the local supermarket, Tolko's, but residents of Tolkienia are asked not to bulk buy. Coincidentally, sun cream is going selling for 2 for 1 in Tolko's.

After this rather miserable week, a northeasterly airflow will bring cool but bright weather to central, eastern and southern parts. We expect minimum night time temperatures of -7.0oC. As we now enter winter, it becomes increasingly likely that West and South Baranduin will freeze over. All boat traffic is to be stopped, and local farmers are hunting wild wolves that may dare to cross the River. A very disturbed west-to-southwesterly airflow will follow, during this period all districts will experience unsettled weather with frequent rain, heavy at times, strong winds, and only brief sunny intervals. The weather will be particularly bad in northern and western districts, with as much as 70 mm of rain falling at Bree Hill in 48 h, while the wind will gust to 70 kn at Rivendell Vale. The mud in Bree is expected to be very deep, so carts are forewarned: book a room at the Pony and expect to be mired.

The last ten days of December will be generally mild, with above average temperatures. From the 13th to the 17th high pressure will lie lay close to southern Tolkienia with a mild southwesterly flow elsewhere, and although the anticyclone will retreat to mid-Atlantic, temperatures will continue to be above average. Rain may return by the end of the month, but amounts of rain are expected to be generally small.

Temperatures are expected to approach 15oC on several afternoons, peaking at 16oC at Faramir House. The minimum overnight temperatures will be in the region of 6oC. Firewood should be kept under guard as goblins are likely to snatch firewood stores if they have easy access.

Outlook for next month: A strong northerly flow will bring frequent snow showers to northern and eastern parts of Tolkienia. Temperature will not climb higher than ~1.0 °C . Snow and freezing rain will cause difficulties for traffic throughout Tolkienia. We expect no sightings of Smaug out of doors given these weather conditions.

Shipping forecast:

Wind: Southeast 7 to sever gale 9 veering west or northwest 4 or 5

Sea State: Rough or very rough.

Weather: Showers

Visibility: Moderate or good.

We recommend to avoid sailing if at all possible. Stay home in front of the fire. And enjoy the holidays!

The second TORn Amateur Symposium is running right now, in the Reading Room. Come have a look and maybe stay to chat!


Dec 6 2013, 2:58am

Post #4 of 40 (2259 views)
Tolkienia Times: December, "The Desolation of Smaug" Edition. Page 4 [In reply to] Can't Post

EXCLUSIVE: The Times Interviews Smaug the Stupendous on the upcoming film, "The Desolation of Smaug."

We were granted satellite access to the star of the upcoming major motion picture, directed by Sir Peter Jackson, "The Desolation of Smaug." The tale was initially reported in the form of a book but Professor JRR Tolkien. Smaug and his agent, Mr. Ecks, spoke with us via sattelite last week.

TIMES: "Hello, it's very gracious of you to speak with us. You are looking wonderful these days. And hello Mr. Ecks."

SMAUG: "Yes, I know."
MR. ECKS "Hello, everyone."

TIMES: "Can you give us some insights into working with Sir Peter, Smaug?"

SMAUG: "The magnificent."

TIMES: "Sir Peter the magnificent? That's high praise indeed!"

SMAUG: "No, ME. You say, 'Smaug the Magnificent'. That's how this works."
MR. ECKS: (sotto voce) "Its for the best. Trust me."

TIMES: "Apologies...was it difficult working with Men and Dwarves, Smaug the Magnificent?"

SMAUG: "In a way, yes. Imagine working with, let me say, dozens of succulent, walking, talking pork pies and you get how I felt."

TIMES: "Have you studied acting, Smaug the Magnificent?"

SMAUG: "No, I am a Method actor. That is why I play myself."

TIMES: "Can you give us any insights into working with Sir Peter, Smaug the Magnificent?"

SMAUG: "Well, he is a taskmaster, but he appreciates the material and respects my tale. He realizes that I am the center of the tale, and filmed it thus, as per our contract. So because of that, and ONLY because of that, I accepted his direction."

TIMES: "Have you read "The Hobbit," Smaug the Magnificent?"

SMAUG: "No, I do not read. The whole fire-and-paper thing is a constant problem for me. I'm seriously debating getting an e-reader."
MR. ECKS: (hurriedly) "Nope, Smaug the Magnificent doesn't need to read. That's my job. NO need to read The Hobbit. Or contracts. Or scripts. Nope. All good."

TIMES: "So how do you feel about the ending, Smaug the Magnificent? Have you come to terms with it? Was it emotionally difficult for you to film?"

SMAUG: (puzzled) "Difficult to film? Why would it be? After all ... I win."
MR. ECKS: "Yup, that's fine, it was no problem, good ending..."

TIMES: "You...win? I'm confused. Hmmmm, based on the book..."

MR. ECKS: (drawing hand across throat) "Shhhh."

SMAUG: "Wait. What does she mean, 'based on the book'? I WIN! Right? THAT is what I signed on for." (smoke puffs from nostrils) "You KNOW how I feel about LOSING! I had better WIN!"
MR. ECKS: (waving franically) "INTERVIEW OVER! THANK YOU!" (picture blacks out)
SMAUG: "GET BACK HERE ECKS!" (roar of fire heard)

Our link terminated at that point. We hope to contact Smaug the Magnificent again and further discuss his film work with Sir Peter, his future career aspirations, his reaction to the media frenzy surrounding The Desolation of Smaug, and to confirm the continued existence of Mr. Ecks.

Smile This Month's NERDSNORT Joy: Smile

There once was a knight named Sir Peter,
Who everyone said, "What a leader!"
He filmed hobbits, a wizard,
Some dwarves, a big lizard.
And asked us to come to the theater!

- Dame Ioreth, an original Limerick

The second TORn Amateur Symposium is running right now, in the Reading Room. Come have a look and maybe stay to chat!


Dec 6 2013, 3:06am

Post #5 of 40 (2239 views)
Tolkienia Times: December, "The Desolation of Smaug" Edition. Page 5 [In reply to] Can't Post

Tolkienia Times CLASSIFIEDS:

World Class Actor seeks new agent ASAP. Send resume, including blood type, to: Smaug the Magnificent, east side of Toasted Sheep Pass.

Fundinson and Fundinson seeks experience Paralegal. Must speak Khuzdul, read Dwarf runes and use Microsoft Office. Secrecy oaths mandatory part of Employee Orientation.

Theoden's Thepian's seeks new Director. Experience with Tolkien preferred, "no shoes needed" attitude and Hobbit hair a plus.

Honey for sale: organic, clover fed. By the pot or gallon. Come only in full daylight if you know what's good for you. Stop by Beorn's Bees to see our full line. No fur coats allowed on property.

DragonDNA seeks experienced Tracker to recover a recently misplaced Associate Professor, who went into the woods with RA (Reasearch Assistant) and hasn't come out yet. Position has the potential to become permanent.


Awaiting word of your response to my offer, White Wizard, relating to that very precious heirloom and its consequences. My special air mail courier confirms you received my letter. I am NOT patient so I await your timely answer. Reply ASAP # IonU

Elf seeks new experiences. Seen it all, done it all: including birth, death and rebirth.Balrogs need not apply. Been there, done that. Reply #glorfindelisbored

IonU: I received your letter. Am contemplating your offer but would prefer 50/50 terms - 98/2 and a DVD player not really sufficient. And nice of you to jump to the conclusion of my identity - which part of "notsaruman' do you not get? Reply re terms to #notsaruman

The second TORn Amateur Symposium is running right now, in the Reading Room. Come have a look and maybe stay to chat!


Dec 6 2013, 3:18am

Post #6 of 40 (2270 views)
Tolkienia Times: December, "The Desolation of Smaug" Edition. Page 6 [In reply to] Can't Post


"Ever On": A song by our December Bard Laureate, Meneldor

Though leaves fade
and obscure the trail,
Though snow falls
and buries the path:
Still the road
goes ever on,
the road goes ever on.

Seasons change
and time marches on.
Friends precede
and families pass:
Still the road
goes ever on,
the road goes ever on.

My time comes
to follow that road,
Walking slow
down the unknown path,
after friends
who went on before:
This we know
that we'll meet again,
as we share the road
that goes ever on and on.

Listen to the song

The Feast

The Gréy Elf

"With all speed, we must seek him," said wizened old Gand,
"He will help us, I am sure of it. Safe will be his land!
We need to find refuge to escape further menaces.
Let us muster all our strength to reach his far premises!"

"Who?" the hobbit asked, "who would be 'he'?"
Then the dwarves joined in posing questions ten and three.

" 'He' is Beorn!" said Gandalf, "A bare-skinned bear!
One of an ancient race from the mountains over there.
He is a mercurial being unlike other Middle-earth men:
A skin-changer who can take the form of a bear and reverse back again!
He is stronger than fierce and fiercer than strong,
But he will give us food and shelter if we do not ask wrong."

Then Gandalf bent down to look each dwarf square in the face:
"You must mind your Ps and Qs to be welcome at his place!
Of his temper I'd advise all of you to beware.
Listen closely, just for once; you must beware of this bear!"

"We're so empty," said they, "we need meat and strong ale!
If we must eat or be eaten, then how can we fail?
Anything, twice, for a hearty meal we will do,
Even bow all as one to give thanks to his shoes!"

"Do not mention roast meat!" said Gandalf, "not in his lands nor lodge, no!
To do so could make him our dangerous foe!
Lowly creatures he protects, especially his own.
Let no words pass your lips of being served flesh and bone!"

So they tramped and they trudged over many long leagues,
Dusty boots and foots oft stumbling with fatigue,
Crossing meadows and hillocks and brambly ravines
Till along came a place quite unlike any they'd seen.

They halted and they squinted. Were their tired eyes playing some trick?
Before them jumbo honeybees bobbed over an ambrosial picnic
of sweet clover fields growing in a quilt of patches blue and white.
Radiant bee-song tickled their ears, hypnotic hums infused with the hot

"What remarkable bees!" exclaimed Bilbo all amazed.
"This is Beorn's homeland!" said Gandalf. "We've no time for delays!
To linger much longer could worsen our plight.
We must be far from these pastures before the fall of night!"

So they wandered with wonder along a rough-hewn road
Till their path gave way to a great wooded abode.
A grove of oak trees stood there so straight and so high
Bilbo pictured their leaves grazing the arch of the sky!

Then a hedge rose huge before them; its black thorns forbade any passage.
"We can't turn back!" cried the dwarves. "This is misfortune most savage!"
Then the wizard directed their notice to an aged wooden gate --
"Oh...." said they. "Time to eat! Bless our beards, we hope we're not late!"

Gandalf said "Bilbo and I will make our first greetings.
You must wait here and keep an ear for my tweetings."
The old gate creaked open, through it they passed
And Bilbo thought Just a mouthful of bread will be all that I ask!

Very soon they were met by a pair of alabaster mares
Who regarded each of them closely with a curious stare.
Then, nickering, they shook their long, daisy-decked manes

And turned right about to gallop away down the lane.

"They've gone to announce us," said Gandalf, ever-wise.
"To Beorn they'll nay 'Prepare for a surprise!'"

Steadily they marched on, listening to birdsong on breezings,
Inhaling the heady scent of fresh-cut hay most appeasing.
All around them, too, tall wildflowers fanned their perfume:
Honeysuckles, clumps of giant buttercups and milk thistles in bloom.

A colony of thatched hives then came into view,
Skeps keeping a treasure of a molten gold hue;
Home to buzzing alchemists who extract and blend
The sun-warmed essence and mellowed sugars from the blossoms they tend.

Bilbo and Gandalf rounded a bend and knew then they'd arrived
For before them sat a great, makeshift house at the end of the drive.
At first glance, it looked like a rambling woodpile yet was more than it seemed
Of logs stacked up high with green moss hanging from its beams.

But what seized their attention and made Bilbo's heart thump
was a very large man. With an ax. By a stump!
His shoulders were burly, broad enough to carry a yoke
And his legs pillars of muscle -- they looked as strong as the oaks!

From out of the depths of a gnarled beard dark and shaggy,
Growled a bearish voice. It was deep. It was craggy.
"And who may you be?" he asked as they drew near.
"State your business clearly on why you are here."

"My name is Gandalf the Grey and this small hobbit, Bilbo Baggins.
We've been forced from our way and lost our four-legged wagons!
Goblins and wargs fell upon our company in a journey most dire.
We beg leave just to rest here a short while by your fire."

"A company?" Beorn asked, studying Bilbo with brows so severe,
It was all the poor hobbit could do not to shrink smaller in fear!

Then Beorn threw down his ax with a sharp thud on the stump
Right by Bilbo's elbow! How far he back-jumped!
He said "I do not like goblins, wargs or their ilk.
Your must tell me your tale. Come inside for warm milk."

To a low veranda they were lead and plunked down in their seats.
Gandalf unraveled their tale while Bilbo dangled his feets.
Now and then, the wizard trilled a whistle
Prompting a dwarf to appear -- and most fleet!

Thorin led Balin and Dwalin
Dori, Nori and Ori came after
Then Gloin was dwarf seven
Followed by Bifur and Bofur
Making Oin dwarf ten
Here Fili, here Kili
Then Bombur showed up, all willy nilly!

Their roll call was over. They bowed twenty-four times altogether.
"I believe you've come far," Beorn announced. "You appear very weathered.
You are welcome under my roof. Here, you may eat well and find rest."
Fearsome though he was, Beorn was also kind and generous.

Delighted, Bilbo smiled wide and relieved Gandalf sighed
While Thorin inclined his crown-less head in consent;
Bofur tossed his winged hat in the air,
Causing Ori to cheer for gone cares
Leaving Dwalin to glower quite affably;
A big tear splashed upon Dori's cheek
Nori belched once (well, he was weak)
And Bombur's belly gurgled and growled with impatience;
"Let's go!" shouted eager Gloin,
"Better use the spade, brother" said Oin
As Bifur tied his unbraided beard behind him;
Fili and Kili exulted with bold laughter, neither abashed nor nervous
And Balin said -- finally -- "Thank you, kind sir! We are most humbly

at your service."

Beorn clapped his great paws and two brown hounds who weren't there before,
With nudging and nosing, herded his guests inside from outdoors.

Beorn's home was cave-like, a place built of secrets and shadows,
Darkness hung from high eaves like the black frocks of crows.
They saw moon-shaped windows here and there admitting dusky daylight
As they walked through halls warmed by crocks of beeswax ignite.

An archway opened then to a broad dining room
Where many lit torches threw back the close gloom.
Then small dogs lead each of them to their place at an enormous oak slab
To await their supper. A meal. FOOD. They were each too famished to gab!

Beorn strode in with two ponies and a trio of hounds in his wake
to seat himself at his table of a most rugged make.
He barked brokenly then in a strange tongue of beasts
And his creatures understood what he said: bring in the FEAST!

Wooly sheep trotted forth lead by a spiral-horned ram,
Balancing laden trays on their stout backs, linens draped a white lamb;

Covered baskets swung from the jaws of six spotted rovers,
Ponies pushed barrels forward -- their insides sloshed rolling over!

The dwarves sat on their hands, eyes darting from dishes to host
Who laughed at their manners, saying "Which one of you can eat the most?"
At once, they tucked in, filling their cavernous insides
With all the seconds, thirds and fourths Beorn's feast could provide:

Plates crowded with sandwiches spread with rich nectar cream!
Mead enough to flow down their throats as if from a stream!
Cold buttermilk, too, passed round in deep carven bowls,
Pots of fresh butter perched atop a platter of brown-golden loaves.

They thought themselves served with no more in store,
When plates and jugs a-plenty arrived from out a side door --
And they ate as much as before!

Acorn flour biscuits with berries hidden inside, what a treat!
Spears of roasted walnuts! Hot buns shaped like oak leaves!
Last came cups of frothy milk afloat with cubes of honeycomb
That left one hobbit's bare lip covered with a mustache of white foam!

The bottomless bowls of Beorn, holding comfort and care,
Proved their earthy power to restore wasting souls from despair.

Dishes were cleared and a peaceful lull settled in.
The party filled their pipes waiting for their host's stories to begin.
Dwarf tales were heard too in the swelling voice of song.
A groggy hobbit collapsed into slumber before very long....

But dreams fetched him away to another drowsy scene
Of large bruins and small cubs and every sized bear in between
Gathering under trees of acorns and a far misty moon
Where they joined in a circle, dancing to some unheard tune.
They shambled on two legs in slow heavy-pawed plods
As if sleep moved their motions, their shaggy heads drooping with nods.

One black bear looked up; its midnight eye seemed to wink.
Were they dreaming of Bilbo Baggins, too?
Yes, perhaps ... don't you think?


The second TORn Amateur Symposium is running right now, in the Reading Room. Come have a look and maybe stay to chat!

(This post was edited by Silverlode on Dec 6 2013, 5:06am)

The Grey Elf
Grey Havens

Dec 6 2013, 11:49am

Post #7 of 40 (2189 views)
Any song that tempts me to sing is an automatic fave [In reply to] Can't Post

I just love this, Meneldor! It's so great to be able to hear the music that goes along with the bittersweet lyrics. You are our Tolkien Troubadour!

Thank you !! Smile

Welcome more children to Middle Earth. Support The S.H.I.R.E. Project!


Dec 6 2013, 9:59pm

Post #8 of 40 (2150 views)
Agreed...I found it very touching too Grey Elf! [In reply to] Can't Post

((((Angelic)))) Meneldor!

The second TORn Amateur Symposium is running right now, in the Reading Room. Come have a look and maybe stay to chat!


Dec 7 2013, 12:00am

Post #9 of 40 (2147 views)
Thank you both, [In reply to] Can't Post

but realize it's a collaboration. Ethel is the one who set the words to music. I guess you could say she "made it sing." Angelic

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep.

The Grey Elf
Grey Havens

Dec 7 2013, 12:09am

Post #10 of 40 (2135 views)
Then kudos to Ethel, too! [In reply to] Can't Post

You make a great team! Smile

Welcome more children to Middle Earth. Support The S.H.I.R.E. Project!


Dec 7 2013, 1:36am

Post #11 of 40 (2143 views)
Excellent collaboration! [In reply to] Can't Post

Really enjoyed both the lyrics and the tune, thanks to you both!

Ethel Duath

Dec 7 2013, 4:14am

Post #12 of 40 (2136 views)
Thanks! Meneldor did the real work. I just found an old Sea song [In reply to] Can't Post

and re-arranged it slightly. Smile

Ethel Duath

Dec 7 2013, 4:16am

Post #13 of 40 (2133 views)
My goodness, what an amazing poem! [In reply to] Can't Post

And such fun to re-visit that part of the story in verse--I can imagine Bilbo writing this in Rivendell.

When my niece and nephew are old enough, I'll be reading this to them. What better way to prime the Tolkien pump!Cool

Ethel Duath

Dec 7 2013, 4:55am

Post #14 of 40 (2137 views)
Ah! Now I must re-do the map! The voters have spoken. So now we have: [In reply to] Can't Post

Fox National Television ShockedSly Let's call it:

Tolkienia National News and Weather T.V.) Although that's a bit boring. Any ideas welcome!

Flagship of the Fleet: the Swan

First Ship of the Line: Watcher in the Water

Second Ship of the Line:

Tolkienia High School Basketball Team:
How about the Wailing Wargs, (Fighting Wargs, or Warring Wargs, Winning Wargs, or . . .?)

Tolkienia High School Lacrosse Team: The Ravens (who shall, or course, win evermore.)

Downtown Sports Complex: The Oliphant Arena


Dec 7 2013, 4:56am

Post #15 of 40 (2132 views)
Agreed - it so much fun! [In reply to] Can't Post

And the cadence just draws you in! Smile

The second TORn Amateur Symposium is running right now, in the Reading Room. Come have a look and maybe stay to chat!

Ethel Duath

Dec 7 2013, 4:58am

Post #16 of 40 (2129 views)
Great crossword! When do we get the answers?! :D I'm actually [In reply to] Can't Post

really bad at crosswords.Blush

Ethel Duath

Dec 7 2013, 4:59am

Post #17 of 40 (2129 views)
Now, when is Smaug coming to help Gramma [In reply to] Can't Post

heat-seal her roof??Shocked



Dec 7 2013, 5:10am

Post #18 of 40 (2129 views)
In shall publish them in a few days... [In reply to] Can't Post

and my sympathies! (I never get Sodoku) Blush

And I like your TV emblem - very catchy in Elvish!

As for the Wargs: I rather like Wild Wargs. Cool It would look great on a jacket.

The second TORn Amateur Symposium is running right now, in the Reading Room. Come have a look and maybe stay to chat!

Tol Eressea

Dec 7 2013, 5:36am

Post #19 of 40 (2137 views)
Awwwww.... [In reply to] Can't Post

I was going to say......

EvilNEVER!!!!!! Mwhahahaha!!!!!!!Evil

I threw away the answers, and now they are safely hidden in a place you shall never find!!!

But I guess that won't work anymore.....SadnessUnsure

Sly Just kidding!!!Sly

P.S. I can give some tips on Sudoku if you like. I got it down to a science.

Call me Rem, and remember, not all who ramble are lost...Uh...where was I?


Dec 7 2013, 5:58am

Post #20 of 40 (2126 views)
Yes, please Rem, on both! [In reply to] Can't Post

On answers AND yes, Sodoku tutoring! CoolLaugh

(One of my next PM's was going to be to request the answers from you as I'm not sure I have them all right!) Crazy

The second TORn Amateur Symposium is running right now, in the Reading Room. Come have a look and maybe stay to chat!


Dec 7 2013, 2:13pm

Post #21 of 40 (2119 views)
All hail the Party Winners! [In reply to] Can't Post

I love the idea of a Fear Fire Foes competition! That would be awesome to be a judge for that! And I cracked up at the various Party names! The way so many iconic names and species have been weaved into this is fantastic! WELL DONE!!

6th draft of TH:AUJ Geeky Observation List - November 28, 2013
2nd draft of TH:DOS Geeky Observation List - Novembe 28, 2013


"There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West."

I'm SO HAPPY these new films take me back to that magical world!!

TIME Google Calendar
TORn's Geeky Observations Lists (updated soon)


Dec 7 2013, 2:24pm

Post #22 of 40 (2119 views)
Bwahahahahhaa!!!! *wild applause* [In reply to] Can't Post

OMG! I've been SO busted! My secret is out! The answer to the question of what deal I struck with The Magnificent One is ketsup. I've promised a lifetime supply of ketsup ;)

*bows deeply, still chuckling* I am honoured and tickled! SEE YOU IN THE SPRING! :D

6th draft of TH:AUJ Geeky Observation List - November 28, 2013
2nd draft of TH:DOS Geeky Observation List - Novembe 28, 2013


"There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West."

I'm SO HAPPY these new films take me back to that magical world!!

TIME Google Calendar
TORn's Geeky Observations Lists (updated soon)


Dec 7 2013, 2:34pm

Post #23 of 40 (2121 views)
Pork Popsicle! I love it! :D [In reply to] Can't Post

You really have to watch your step when in discussions with Smaug... as Bilbo and I ;) can tell you... but this was expertly done!!! *applause*

6th draft of TH:AUJ Geeky Observation List - November 28, 2013
2nd draft of TH:DOS Geeky Observation List - Novembe 28, 2013


"There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West."

I'm SO HAPPY these new films take me back to that magical world!!

TIME Google Calendar
TORn's Geeky Observations Lists (updated soon)


Dec 7 2013, 2:37pm

Post #24 of 40 (2116 views)
*laughs* Toasted Sheep Pass! :D OMG! [In reply to] Can't Post

I LOVE IT! My face and cheeks are beginning to hurt, guys. I've been laughing or smiling through this whole read! Brilliant! *runs to do crossword* I love these things!

6th draft of TH:AUJ Geeky Observation List - November 28, 2013
2nd draft of TH:DOS Geeky Observation List - Novembe 28, 2013


"There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West."

I'm SO HAPPY these new films take me back to that magical world!!

TIME Google Calendar
TORn's Geeky Observations Lists (updated soon)


Dec 7 2013, 2:40pm

Post #25 of 40 (2119 views)
Wonderful! [In reply to] Can't Post

"Ever On" had me tearing up. So beautiful, Meneldor. That poem of The Road is one of my all-time favourites, and you've really paid wonderful homage to it :)

I want to be at that Feast! I could imagine myself right there! *high five* Well done, Grey Elf!

6th draft of TH:AUJ Geeky Observation List - November 28, 2013
2nd draft of TH:DOS Geeky Observation List - Novembe 28, 2013


"There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West."

I'm SO HAPPY these new films take me back to that magical world!!

TIME Google Calendar
TORn's Geeky Observations Lists (updated soon)

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