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Launching Tolkienia! 1) Calling all creative-idea-people 2) A Celebration Par Excellence!
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Ethel Duath

Aug 26 2013, 3:42pm

Post #1 of 88 (2060 views)
Launching Tolkienia! 1) Calling all creative-idea-people 2) A Celebration Par Excellence! Can't Post

Come one, come all and contribute of our final stage of nation building, and of course the Party to follow!

We have some key things in the works or already completed, like the location, anthem, flag and seal/coat of arms.

But we need you, and your ideas! Here are some possibilities for any and all to contribute:

--New and strange and beautiful species for our local parks and woodlands (your chance to be a Vala!)

--Government bureaus and offices (the fewer the better, but I'm guessing we need Tree Protection, Boat Safety regulators, and Laws Prohibiting the Theft of Spoons. Maybe a Thain hiding somewhere).

--Someone to design a 4 to 6 sided poetry monument.

--2 to 4 new poems for the Monument

--And designs for a library and parks and pools and shops and new kinds of trees or edible lamp-posts: anything else people have always wished they could do in the real world. Either descriptions in writing, or drawings, or something photo-shopped or on YouTube, or any way anyone wants to get their ideas on the thread. And maybe design some "travel vouchers" for any of us who want to go there in hopes of purchasing a plot of land, or just to visit.

Plans for a Celebration later in this thread. I'll keep you posted.

For now, lets all dive in and finish our Tolkien Paradise!Cool

The Grey Elf
Grey Havens

Aug 28 2013, 2:38am

Post #2 of 88 (1634 views)
For the Monument (the side that's always in shadow) [In reply to] Can't Post

Once there was a One, there then not there
Whither opened the Unlidded's stare
Iron glove and glass sand
A halfling's humble hand
Preying for salvation, the Ring, the Fell Snare.

8.27.13 - 22

Welcome more children to Middle Earth. Support The S.H.I.R.E. Project!

Ethel Duath

Aug 28 2013, 8:14pm

Post #3 of 88 (1581 views)
Okay, that is amazing. [In reply to] Can't Post

And takes thought to open the treasure chest--just what I like.!SmileSmile
Now calling all monument designers!


Aug 28 2013, 8:23pm

Post #4 of 88 (1583 views)
Can we use an existing monument? [In reply to] Can't Post

I like this one from The Falkland Islands (not my photo, and I didn't get better shot of it either). I think the Ship at the top would fit in Tolkenia nicely.


Ethel Duath

Aug 28 2013, 8:45pm

Post #5 of 88 (1569 views)
Wow! I really like that. [In reply to] Can't Post

I wonder if we could find 3 or 4 with features we like and photo-shop'em? Maybe get 7 stars on that middle sail? And your coat of arms on that square piece inside the wreath?

And there's lots of room for poems on there!

(Whose ship is that, in real life?)


Aug 28 2013, 9:12pm

Post #6 of 88 (1564 views)
Whose ship? [In reply to] Can't Post

Judging by the rigging and the lines of the hull, it's an Elizabethan era galleon. Personally, I've always pictured the ships of Numenor as similar designs, but without the guns.

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.

The Grey Elf
Grey Havens

Aug 28 2013, 9:18pm

Post #7 of 88 (1560 views)
Thank you, E.D. (May I call you Eddie, for short? ;-) [In reply to] Can't Post

It's nice to hear that someone likes this. It's a departure for me. You've given me some confidence that it's not too obscure to be appreciated. Smile

Welcome more children to Middle Earth. Support The S.H.I.R.E. Project!

Ethel Duath

Aug 28 2013, 10:01pm

Post #8 of 88 (1554 views)
Well, Eddie makes me think of the kid from the Munsters, [In reply to] Can't Post

ShockedLaugh. But Ethel will do just fine for short (courtesy of the Tolkien version of the Lucy showSly).

Departure or not, I like your poem very much!

Ethel Duath

Aug 28 2013, 10:19pm

Post #9 of 88 (1554 views)
Actually, I think I do too. [In reply to] Can't Post

Do you know a lot about old sailing ships?
I had a friend long ago who knew pretty much every detail about every single type, and used to try to teach me which ship had which kind of rigging.

He didn't have much success.Unsure


Aug 28 2013, 11:17pm

Post #10 of 88 (1557 views)
Another winner Grey Elf! [In reply to] Can't Post

Work week has once *again* rudely intruded on my poetry time. Will have to get to work tonight and get something together so we can get the monument done.

Is there a Tolkien topic that you have wanted to look into more deeply, and write about your thoughts on it? If so, we'd like to hear from you for the next TORn Amateur Symposium- coming in November. Happy writing!


Aug 28 2013, 11:19pm

Post #11 of 88 (1545 views)
What a cool picture [In reply to] Can't Post

The broad sides would work well for photoshopping text too. Great find Daniel - I knew you would come up with something.

Is there a Tolkien topic that you have wanted to look into more deeply, and write about your thoughts on it? If so, we'd like to hear from you for the next TORn Amateur Symposium- coming in November. Happy writing!

The Grey Elf
Grey Havens

Aug 28 2013, 11:30pm

Post #12 of 88 (1549 views)
Wow, that connection never crossed my mind. [In reply to] Can't Post

And I'm old enough to remember the Munsters. Tongue

Alright, Ethel it is, er, Ethel. Smile

Welcome more children to Middle Earth. Support The S.H.I.R.E. Project!

The Grey Elf
Grey Havens

Aug 29 2013, 12:30am

Post #13 of 88 (1544 views)
You're so kind, Brethil :-) [In reply to] Can't Post

Hope you find time tonight to write. Tolkienia's monument needs another of your wonders. Smile

Welcome more children to Middle Earth. Support The S.H.I.R.E. Project!

Forum Admin

Aug 29 2013, 12:56am

Post #14 of 88 (1565 views)
A poem I wrote in the early days of TOR.n [In reply to] Can't Post

I actually wrote is as a riddle but I always considered it more of a poem since it isn't difficult to understand.

Once there were eight leaves of Lorien
One drifted over the falls
One was cast down by the wayside but found
One went to Isengard's walls
Two went in fear to the darkening East
While three hasted westward to war
Each season the leaves in Lothlorien fall
But seldom it's leaves fall so far



Aug 29 2013, 1:51am

Post #15 of 88 (1558 views)
Do I know a lot about old sailing ships? [In reply to] Can't Post

Is this the pose of a man who loves old sailing ships?

That's me on a 4 day Maine windjammer cruise aboard the 1871 coastal schooner Stephen Taber. One of the best experiences I've ever had. www.stephentaber.com

Honestly, I haven't done a lot of sailing, but I love what little I get to do. I've read a raft of books on the age of sail, all the Patrick O'Brian Aubrey/Maturin novels, all the CS Forester Hornblower novels, most of Alexander Kent's Bolitho series, and lots more fiction and non-fiction. Anyway, yeah, I do know a lot about sailing ships.

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.

Ethel Duath

Aug 29 2013, 1:53am

Post #16 of 88 (1544 views)
Oh my, this is great! [In reply to] Can't Post

It does feel more like a poem than a riddle, but works perfectly as both.

Now we've got to find some engravers!

Ethel Duath

Aug 29 2013, 2:01am

Post #17 of 88 (1544 views)
Whoa, that looks not only really authentic. [In reply to] Can't Post

but like an tremendous experience! (Makes me think of Thor Heyerdahl, but his was flat . . .).

Just don't quiz me on the rigging!ShockedEvil

Ethel Duath

Aug 29 2013, 2:06am

Post #18 of 88 (1572 views)
Don't forget, we need all sorts of creative ideas [In reply to] Can't Post

about stuff our town/country needs, as well as the wonderful poetry and flags and all.

Maybe someone could design some Hobbit holes and a Flet village!

And a Mathom House Plaza for Magpie's already fabulously designed venue.

And I still want that edible lampost.Wink


Aug 29 2013, 6:24am

Post #19 of 88 (1536 views)
It's the 1914 Battle of the Falkland Islands Memorial. [In reply to] Can't Post

And I'm guessing it isn't supposed to represent any of the British or German naval ships involved. Google doesn't have any answers either (but there are plenty more pictures), so I have no idea.

Tol Eressea

Aug 29 2013, 5:31pm

Post #20 of 88 (1544 views)
May I offer something from a previous post? [In reply to] Can't Post


This was something I posted for a drabble & haiku contest thread from last year. http://newboards.theonering.net/...f2cf9a0ea1015#501442 would it fit on the Monument?

A bell at the door
Its a Dwarf at your service
A party begins.

They sing of old hoards
And of dragons and vengeance
Their poor host feels faint.

They tire of mutton
A new menu for three Trolls
A "burrahobbit"?

A short rest at last
This map features moon letters
Tra la la lally!

Down to Goblin Town
You go my lads! Goblins taunt.
Glamdring has a snack.

Riddles in the dark
What have I in my pocket?
Baggins! We hates it!

Fifteen birds up there
With fire climbing after them
"Can you give a lift?"

Party at Beorn's
Then off to Mirkwood's Old Road
Bombur sure can sleep!

Dwarves strung up in webs
Bilbo gets his groove going
I shall name you Sting

Dwarves are doing time
Wood Elves frown on trespassers
Barrels out of bond.

The King has returned.
Time to find that secret door.
Don't wake the Dragon.

Smaug misses his cup
Time to burn down that Lake Town
What's this black arrow?

Lake Men want their share
Wood Elves come with as back up.
Thorin says shove off.

Arkenstone so bright
Lets see if Thorin will deal
For the mountain's heart.

Clouds that gather, burst
Goblins on their way, with Wargs
Let's team up for this.

Its a long way back
Something to put in writing
There and Back Again.

* * *
Also Ethel, I have been working on figuring out the music for the Anthem, and placing chords with the lyrics. I'm about done, but I intend to go through on the piano to double-check and to specify chord voicings where I can (so far mostly just root chords). I'll send it to you once its ready. Whenever you have something relating to that please feel free to email it to me.

A bag is like a hole that you can carry with you.



Aug 29 2013, 5:57pm

Post #21 of 88 (1520 views)
Very much like your Privateer look Meneldor! // [In reply to] Can't Post


Is there a Tolkien topic that you have wanted to look into more deeply, and write about your thoughts on it? If so, we'd like to hear from you for the next TORn Amateur Symposium- coming in November. Happy writing!


Aug 29 2013, 5:58pm

Post #22 of 88 (1527 views)
This is so fun to read R-T [In reply to] Can't Post

with the Haiku metre! Wink

Heart Love it!

Is there a Tolkien topic that you have wanted to look into more deeply, and write about your thoughts on it? If so, we'd like to hear from you for the next TORn Amateur Symposium- coming in November. Happy writing!


Aug 29 2013, 6:08pm

Post #23 of 88 (1528 views)
Why, thankee kindly, Mistress Brethil! [In reply to] Can't Post

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.


Aug 29 2013, 7:06pm

Post #24 of 88 (1522 views)
I'm not so sure [In reply to] Can't Post

I know you women like bad boys, but to me he as a brigandish look to him, ready to plunder theonering.net and steal our doubloons and magic rings. Are the mods keeping an eye on him? Is anyone watching the last of Bilbo's silver spoons? Is everyone keeping tight lips about our hoard of mithril?


Aug 29 2013, 7:15pm

Post #25 of 88 (1522 views)
He's not going to get far in those bare feet. [In reply to] Can't Post

Now if he had a pair of Keds I'd be worried.

Once Gandalf dreamt he was a moth, a moth flitting and fluttering around, happy with himself and doing as he pleased. He didn't know he was Gandalf. Suddenly he woke up and there he was, solid and unmistakably Gandalf. But he didn't know if he was Gandalf who had dreamt he was a moth, or a moth dreaming he was Gandalf. Between Gandalf and a moth there must be some distinction! But really, there isn't, because he's actually Olórin dreaming he's both Gandalf *and* a moth!
-From Gandalfi: The Moth Dream

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