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I'm just leaving this here


Sep 22 2012, 3:49pm

Post #1 of 25 (2818 views)
I'm just leaving this here Can't Post

No need to thank me.


"Who the hell are you?" he growled.
"I the hell am Harry," I said.
He pulled out his own gym bag and slammed the car door closed. "You always a wiseass?"
"No. Sometimes I'm asleep."

-Harry Dresden, 'Blood Rites', A Novel of The Dresden Files


Sep 22 2012, 4:01pm

Post #2 of 25 (1896 views)
Wondering when the dancing would start... [In reply to] Can't Post

Leave it to Gandalf to steal the show! (This was a hoot, thanks for finding it -- I think!)


Tol Eressea

Sep 22 2012, 6:01pm

Post #3 of 25 (1852 views)
I would echo weaver's [In reply to] Can't Post

thank you... I think
but you did say there was no need to thank you Wink

..The land of long-forgotten name:
......no man may ever anchor near;
..No steering star his hope may aim,
......for nether Night its marches drear,
..And waters wide no sail may tame,
......with shores encircled dark and sheer.

..O! Haven where my heart would be!
......the waves beat upon thy bar
..For ever echo endlessly,
......when longing leads thy thought afar


Sep 22 2012, 7:01pm

Post #4 of 25 (1851 views)
Now how could that have 616 dislikes! [In reply to] Can't Post

That was fantastic.

LOTR soundtrack website ~ magpie avatar gallery
TORn History Mathom-house ~ Torn Image Posting Guide

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 22 2012, 9:35pm

Post #5 of 25 (1888 views)
Where's a bazooka and an Aelric pie when you need one? [In reply to] Can't Post

Trust you, Ufthak.

Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded b*****d with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Ataahua's stories


Sep 22 2012, 9:41pm

Post #6 of 25 (1858 views)
what's an Aelric pie? [In reply to] Can't Post

not even google seems to know.

LOTR soundtrack website ~ magpie avatar gallery
TORn History Mathom-house ~ Torn Image Posting Guide

wendy woo

Sep 22 2012, 9:49pm

Post #7 of 25 (1842 views)
I love it!! [In reply to] Can't Post


"It's a queer country out here", Pa said. "Strange things happen."
"Yes", said Ma. "I'm thankful that so far they don't happen to us."


Sep 22 2012, 10:13pm

Post #8 of 25 (1891 views)
This is what's wrong with TORn these days [In reply to] Can't Post

All the newbies :p

"Who the hell are you?" he growled.
"I the hell am Harry," I said.
He pulled out his own gym bag and slammed the car door closed. "You always a wiseass?"
"No. Sometimes I'm asleep."

-Harry Dresden, 'Blood Rites', A Novel of The Dresden Files


Sep 22 2012, 10:17pm

Post #9 of 25 (1873 views)
haha... [In reply to] Can't Post

okay. I think I get the gist now, anyhow. But keep in mind, I rarely get jokes at all. Let alone jokes I have to be 'in' on.

I guess my version of an 'Aelric pie' would be 'come over here so I can slap you'...which is what I say to people who are teasing me. :-p

Now, I would know what an eelpout pie was.

LOTR soundtrack website ~ magpie avatar gallery
TORn History Mathom-house ~ Torn Image Posting Guide

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 22 2012, 11:06pm

Post #10 of 25 (1912 views)
A story of the First Age. [In reply to] Can't Post

In the Elder Days when Middle-earth was only books and rumors of moving pictures had not yet been heard by any save a few brave adventurers to the land of the Net, strange and wonderful beings inhabited the boards of TORN. One of these was Bullroarer the EVIL Overlord, he of the spiky boots and Julie Andrews obsession. He was ably assisted in administering his reign of humor terror by several underlings only slightly less mythic than himself. One of the greatest of these was Aelric, Steward of TORN, keeper of the Good Morning threads, he of the Highest Post Count and chief flinger of the Pies of EVIL. Any post incurring the groans of the EO would be dealt with by a swift pie thrown with deadly accuracy. Each pie was unique and horrible. Legend whispers of such ingredients as moldy avocado, bird beaks and dirty engine oil, all combined with ingenuity and imagination to create the maximum "EWWW!" reponse from its victim. And so was order maintained for many a day in the Land of TORN.



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(This post was edited by Silverlode on Sep 22 2012, 11:07pm)


Sep 22 2012, 11:08pm

Post #11 of 25 (1843 views)
Well, FYI [In reply to] Can't Post

Aelric is/was an old-time poster - he even predates *me*, which tells you something! He was known as the 'pie-man' for reasons I genuinely cannot recall other than his tendency to 'throw' 'pies' at people. I'm sure one of the other First Agers can tell you more.

"Who the hell are you?" he growled.
"I the hell am Harry," I said.
He pulled out his own gym bag and slammed the car door closed. "You always a wiseass?"
"No. Sometimes I'm asleep."

-Harry Dresden, 'Blood Rites', A Novel of The Dresden Files

Tol Eressea

Sep 22 2012, 11:10pm

Post #12 of 25 (1847 views)
I love a good TORn history lesson [In reply to] Can't Post

thanks Silverlode (and Magpie for asking) Smile

..The land of long-forgotten name:
......no man may ever anchor near;
..No steering star his hope may aim,
......for nether Night its marches drear,
..And waters wide no sail may tame,
......with shores encircled dark and sheer.

..O! Haven where my heart would be!
......the waves beat upon thy bar
..For ever echo endlessly,
......when longing leads thy thought afar

Ethel Duath

Sep 23 2012, 12:26am

Post #13 of 25 (1854 views)
Love it! You should get out and write more . . . [In reply to] Can't Post

Can we revive this tradition? Are we fit to be pied?


Sep 23 2012, 12:33am

Post #14 of 25 (1842 views)
Magpies are always pied [In reply to] Can't Post

duh... Magpie



LOTR soundtrack website ~ magpie avatar gallery
TORn History Mathom-house ~ Torn Image Posting Guide

Ethel Duath

Sep 23 2012, 1:04am

Post #15 of 25 (1832 views)
Well, you don't have to make it so black and white. :) [In reply to] Can't Post



Sep 23 2012, 1:15am

Post #16 of 25 (1823 views)
Is it bad [In reply to] Can't Post

if this reminds me of stories I heard about cast walking about in costume / with swords to help stay in character?

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 23 2012, 1:19am

Post #17 of 25 (1837 views)
You could rival Gandalf with your story-telling art, Silverlode! / [In reply to] Can't Post


Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded b*****d with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Ataahua's stories


Sep 23 2012, 1:25am

Post #18 of 25 (1864 views)
ah, the Evil Overlord [In reply to] Can't Post

a/k/a the Oval Evillord, the Evil Ovallord, etc. But he didn't have things all his own way; many there were fighting for good, led by our resident Shirrif, Robin Smallburrow.

The way we imagine our lives is the way we are going to go on living our lives.

- James Hillman, Healing Fiction

* * * * * * * * * *

NARF and member of Deplorable Cultus since 1967

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 23 2012, 4:55am

Post #19 of 25 (1878 views)
Yes indeed. [In reply to] Can't Post

I didn't have time to go into the forces of Chaotic Good which arrayed themselves against the EVIL hordes. Or, for that matter, to explain about bazookas, bagels, pop tarts, or cans of whale blubber. Or EVIL Quizzes. It was an EVIL Quiz which made me decide to read the Silmarillion, as I recall. I wish I had the time to put together and run an old-style quiz series. That would be fun.


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Sep 23 2012, 6:36pm

Post #20 of 25 (1823 views)
*readies patented Middle-Earth-River-Bombarding Bazooka* [In reply to] Can't Post

Go ahead, punk. Make my quiz.

"Who the hell are you?" he growled.
"I the hell am Harry," I said.
He pulled out his own gym bag and slammed the car door closed. "You always a wiseass?"
"No. Sometimes I'm asleep."

-Harry Dresden, 'Blood Rites', A Novel of The Dresden Files

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 23 2012, 11:03pm

Post #21 of 25 (1800 views)
What sort of ammunition [In reply to] Can't Post

does one use in a Middle-Earth-River-Bombarding Bazooka? I know I will undoubtedly regret asking, but.... Shocked


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Sep 23 2012, 11:10pm

Post #22 of 25 (1819 views)
well, you know [In reply to] Can't Post

that dry silicate stuff they put in with electronic equipment and, uh, sometimes shoes or clothes? The stuff that sucks the water up to keep everything else dry?


"Who the hell are you?" he growled.
"I the hell am Harry," I said.
He pulled out his own gym bag and slammed the car door closed. "You always a wiseass?"
"No. Sometimes I'm asleep."

-Harry Dresden, 'Blood Rites', A Novel of The Dresden Files


Sep 24 2012, 7:47pm

Post #23 of 25 (1760 views)
Would that be like a pied-à-terror? ;) // [In reply to] Can't Post


(This post was edited by Loresilme on Sep 24 2012, 7:48pm)

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 25 2012, 2:01am

Post #24 of 25 (1725 views)
Dessicant gun! [In reply to] Can't Post

Eeep! Shocked


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Grey Havens

Sep 26 2012, 2:53am

Post #25 of 25 (1875 views)
Only you, Ufthie... only you.... [In reply to] Can't Post


Actually that looked a lot like my nephew after his mom took away his rocking horse.... Laugh

Blessed are the cracked,
For they are the ones who let in the light!


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