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GDT praises Torn in Time Magazine!
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May 22 2009, 6:31pm

Post #1 of 43 (11563 views)
GDT praises Torn in Time Magazine! Can't Post

This month's "Short List" feature, which is always at the end of every Time magazine edition, features Guillermo del Toro's list of "things he likes to bite into during his spare time".

One of them is listed as "Tolkien online", to wit:


TheOneRing.net is a great community where intelligent, articulate dissenters argue about fascinating minutiae--and not just about fantasy.


Thanks, Mr. del Toro!

a.s. (the occasionally articulate part-time dissenter, possibly intelligent)

"an seileachan"

"If any one had begun to rehearse a History, say not I know it well; and if he relate it not right and fully, shake not thine head, twinkle not thine eyes, and snigger not thereat; much less maist thou say, 'It is not so; you deceive yourself.'"

From: Youth's Behaviour, or, Decency in Conversation amongst Men, composed in French by Grave Persons, for the use and benefit of their Youth. The tenth impression. London, 1672

Tol Eressea

May 22 2009, 6:35pm

Post #2 of 43 (9954 views)
Yay!! [In reply to] Can't Post

Thanks GDT!


May 22 2009, 7:12pm

Post #3 of 43 (9959 views)
Fantastic! [In reply to] Can't Post

(in my best Doctor Who voice)

I love that man. Guillermo... that is.

I mean, I love Doctor Who too but I was talking about Guillermo.

We don't argue, though do we?

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magpie avatar gallery ~ Torn Image Posting Guide

Ainu Laire
Tol Eressea

May 22 2009, 7:37pm

Post #4 of 43 (9893 views)
Oh wow! [In reply to] Can't Post

What a lovely thing to say!

My LiveJournal ~ My artwork and photography ~ My LOTR fan fiction

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NARF since age 8, when I refused to read the Hobbit because the cover looked boring and icky.


May 22 2009, 8:44pm

Post #5 of 43 (9921 views)
Thanks, Mr. del Toro! [In reply to] Can't Post

I love reading your posts. And one other thing, you make it so easy to forget that English is a second language for you. Thanks for taking the time to drop by.

May your beer be laid under an enchantment of surpassing excellence for seven years!

Listen. Strange women lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 22 2009, 9:25pm

Post #6 of 43 (9904 views)
Oh, no, never! [In reply to] Can't Post

We just have spirited differences of opinions, of course. Angelic

I will never forget GdT's first post here, and it makes me proud to think of him as "one of us". Smile

"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

"It struck me last night that you might write a fearfully good romantic drama, with as much of the 'supernatural' as you cared to introduce. Have you ever thought of it?"
-Geoffrey B. Smith, letter to JRR Tolkien, 1915


May 22 2009, 10:41pm

Post #7 of 43 (9945 views)
what do you mean! Yes, we do! [In reply to] Can't Post

Well, I just had to answer your subject line, it was impossible not to!!!



"an seileachan"

"If any one had begun to rehearse a History, say not I know it well; and if he relate it not right and fully, shake not thine head, twinkle not thine eyes, and snigger not thereat; much less maist thou say, 'It is not so; you deceive yourself.'"

From: Youth's Behaviour, or, Decency in Conversation amongst Men, composed in French by Grave Persons, for the use and benefit of their Youth. The tenth impression. London, 1672


May 23 2009, 12:23am

Post #8 of 43 (9872 views)
Now that is cool! [In reply to] Can't Post

It makes me want to try and come up with some controversial topic or other!

Life is beautiful and dangerous! Beware! Enjoy!

Tol Eressea

May 23 2009, 1:56am

Post #9 of 43 (9885 views)
Not sure I've been there.... [In reply to] Can't Post

I'll make sure to check it out! Thanks!

What's the matter, James? No glib remark? No pithy comeback?"

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 23 2009, 3:10am

Post #10 of 43 (9915 views)
No, it wasn't! [In reply to] Can't Post

Impossible to not answer - wait, I mean impossible to not not answer - no, that should be just "impossible to answer" -

Oh, this is impossible! Laugh

"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

"It struck me last night that you might write a fearfully good romantic drama, with as much of the 'supernatural' as you cared to introduce. Have you ever thought of it?"
-Geoffrey B. Smith, letter to JRR Tolkien, 1915

Peredhil lover

May 23 2009, 5:23am

Post #11 of 43 (9870 views)
Oh WOW! [In reply to] Can't Post

That's a huge compliment! Thank you, Guillermo!

(And thank you, a.s., for posting it!)

I do not suffer from LotR obsession - I enjoy every minute of it.

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 23 2009, 5:29am

Post #12 of 43 (9868 views)
Giggle [In reply to] Can't Post

Wow, to read that. I had to laugh a bit. Thanks for putting this up here a.s.

And Mr. del Toro, well you are one of those intelligent, articulate dissenters arguing about fascinating minutiae, welcome to the club.


May 23 2009, 6:05am

Post #13 of 43 (9916 views)
WOW [In reply to] Can't Post

Just wow...GDT comes here to visit. Makes me nervous and excited in a good way. Thank you!Smile

"Gwenwin in enninath. U-'arnech in naeth i si celich. Renech i beth i pennen?"(Long years have passed. You did not wear the troubles you carry now. Do you remember what I told you?)

arwen aragorn Pictures, Images and Photos

"And to that I hold. I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone." Arwen Evenstar

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 23 2009, 7:18am

Post #14 of 43 (9867 views)
He likes us! [In reply to] Can't Post

Of course, it's entirely mutual. Smile

What a great mention for TORN! Thanks, Guillermo!


"Of all faces those of our familiares are the ones both most difficult to play fantastic tricks with, and most difficult really to see with fresh attention. They have become like the things which once attracted us by their glitter, or their colour, or their shape, and we laid hands on them, and then locked them in our hoard, acquired them, and acquiring ceased to look at them.
Creative fantasy, because it is mainly trying to do something else [make something new], may open your hoard and let all the locked things fly away like cage-birds. The gems all turn into flowers or flames, and you will be warned that all you had (or knew) was dangerous and potent, not really effectively chained, free and wild; no more yours than they were you."
-On Fairy Stories

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 23 2009, 7:44am

Post #15 of 43 (9903 views)
Yes. [In reply to] Can't Post

When he has the time, he joins in on our Hobbit board. He can't discuss everything with us but he does like to drop the occasional tidbit about how things are going with the Hobbit pre-production and to discuss filmmaking and mythology in general. We love hearing from him, of course, so it's nice to know he enjoys talking with us too.

Welcome to TORN, by the way. We're glad to have you here. Smile


"Of all faces those of our familiares are the ones both most difficult to play fantastic tricks with, and most difficult really to see with fresh attention. They have become like the things which once attracted us by their glitter, or their colour, or their shape, and we laid hands on them, and then locked them in our hoard, acquired them, and acquiring ceased to look at them.
Creative fantasy, because it is mainly trying to do something else [make something new], may open your hoard and let all the locked things fly away like cage-birds. The gems all turn into flowers or flames, and you will be warned that all you had (or knew) was dangerous and potent, not really effectively chained, free and wild; no more yours than they were you."
-On Fairy Stories

(This post was edited by Silverlode on May 23 2009, 7:45am)


May 23 2009, 8:40am

Post #16 of 43 (9872 views)
Oh Wow! [In reply to] Can't Post

Thanks for posting that a.s.

So... does this mean we're cool now? Shocked

Warning items may fade in the wash.

Kelvarhin's Universe~~~~~~~Laerasea's Travelling TORn Journal
One book to rule them all
One book to find them
One book to bring them all
And in TORn bind them
In the land of TORnadoes...where the brilliant play

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 23 2009, 12:46pm

Post #17 of 43 (9849 views)
Uh-huh. [In reply to] Can't Post


He tends to pop onto the Hobbit Movie board. Here's a recent post of his...isn't he a delight?

"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

"It struck me last night that you might write a fearfully good romantic drama, with as much of the 'supernatural' as you cared to introduce. Have you ever thought of it?"
-Geoffrey B. Smith, letter to JRR Tolkien, 1915

Aunt Dora Baggins

May 23 2009, 1:30pm

Post #18 of 43 (9911 views)
This isn't an argument. [In reply to] Can't Post

An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition...

OK, I guess by that definition, we do argue :-D

Dang, I'm supposed to teach that stuff on Tuesday. Modus ponens and modus tollens and all that. It's been a long time--I'd better study up.

"For DORA BAGGINS in memory of a LONG correspondence, with love from Bilbo; on a large wastebasket. Dora was Drogo's sister, and the eldest surviving female relative of Bilbo and Frodo; she was ninety-nine, and had written reams of good advice for more than half a century."
"A Chance Meeting at Rivendell" and other stories

leleni at hotmail dot com


May 23 2009, 1:40pm

Post #19 of 43 (9873 views)
WoW ... [In reply to] Can't Post

we made Time Magazine, and out of the mouth of GdT! We are blessed with good tornsib friends, stimulating and interesting topics to discuss, exciting news .. it really is a specail place!

Thanks a.s.
and thanks to Guillermo Smile

Elven x


Tolkien was a Capricorn!!
Russell Crowe for Beorn!!

Avatar: Liberace - The other Lord of the Rings.

Quote of The Week: The thing is I always write in the morning, and I know that if I go to the Net I won’t write ... you can start in the most scholarly website and end up at Paris Hilton dot com .. GdT


May 23 2009, 2:44pm

Post #20 of 43 (9858 views)
Only [In reply to] Can't Post

some of us. Cool


May 23 2009, 2:49pm

Post #21 of 43 (9842 views)
Talking of ourselves now are we? [In reply to] Can't Post


(or did you mean GdT?Wink)

*sorry up late and I'm a little silly with it, sleep deprived not good LOL*

Warning items may fade in the wash.

Kelvarhin's Universe~~~~~~~Laerasea's Travelling TORn Journal
One book to rule them all
One book to find them
One book to bring them all
And in TORn bind them
In the land of TORnadoes...where the brilliant play


May 23 2009, 2:56pm

Post #22 of 43 (9856 views)
The coolest geeks anywhere!!! [In reply to] Can't Post

At least, that's what I think "intelligent, articulate dissenters argu[ing] about fascinating minutiae" translates to, doesn't it? "Geek"?



"an seileachan"

"If any one had begun to rehearse a History, say not I know it well; and if he relate it not right and fully, shake not thine head, twinkle not thine eyes, and snigger not thereat; much less maist thou say, 'It is not so; you deceive yourself.'"

From: Youth's Behaviour, or, Decency in Conversation amongst Men, composed in French by Grave Persons, for the use and benefit of their Youth. The tenth impression. London, 1672


May 23 2009, 2:58pm

Post #23 of 43 (9861 views)
A very [In reply to] Can't Post

gracious turn of phrase to say the least.


May 23 2009, 3:01pm

Post #24 of 43 (9836 views)
*grins* [In reply to] Can't Post

Well, I for one, am very happy to be a part of the 'coolest geeks anywhere' Wink



Shards must go to bed now, way past my bedtime. Catch you soon.

Kel x

Warning items may fade in the wash.

Kelvarhin's Universe~~~~~~~Laerasea's Travelling TORn Journal
One book to rule them all
One book to find them
One book to bring them all
And in TORn bind them
In the land of TORnadoes...where the brilliant play

Lily Fairbairn

May 23 2009, 3:34pm

Post #25 of 43 (9858 views)
Wow! [In reply to] Can't Post

I'll be watching my mail box all day today, until this week's issue comes in. Not that he's saying anything I haven't said to, er, justify my time spent here Wink

* * * * * * *
Do we walk in legends or on the green earth in the daylight?

A man may do both. For not we but those who come after will make the legends of our time. The green earth, say you? That is a mighty matter of legend, though you tread it under the light of day!

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