The One Ring Forums: Off Topic: The Pollantir:
Who, who, who would you like next in the Reading room?

Poll: Who, who, who would you like next in the Reading room?
Sam 1 / 3%
Bilbo 0 / 0%
Elrond  1 / 3%
Glorfindel 0 / 0%
Merry 2 / 7%
Treebeard 5 / 17%
Pippin 0 / 0%
Theoden 0 / 0%
Aragorn 0 / 0%
Galadriel 0 / 0%
Gaffer Gamgee 1 / 3%
the Witch King 2 / 7%
Tom Bombadil 5 / 17%
Gandalf 1 / 3%
Saruman 2 / 7%
Eomund 0 / 0%
Wormtongue 2 / 7%
Gollum 0 / 0%
Faramir 5 / 17%
Legolas 1 / 3%
Gimli 1 / 3%
Frodo 1 / 3%
Someone else? 0 / 0%
30 total votes

Ethel Duath

Apr 18 2023, 10:46pm

Views: 21638
Who, who, who would you like next in the Reading room?

 We've been doing LOTR (book) character explorations and are on Denethor currently.

Is there someone you've been hankering to delve into? Insights you're dying to share? A favorite you've been longing to highlight?

Let us know! It doesn't mean you'll be tapped to lead a discussion. It's just an idea to see where the most interest lies.

Please name anyone else you would like to see discussed in replies to this post.

(This post was edited by dernwyn on May 11 2023, 9:35pm)


Apr 19 2023, 1:33am

Views: 21531
Um, Eomund?

At first I thought that was a little too obscure a character for even the Reading Room, but then I looked at the list and thought, just maybe, that a mistake had been made.

Thanks for doing this!

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Ethel Duath

Apr 19 2023, 2:12am

Views: 21527
Ah yes, I did mean Eomer. Too much in a hurry between

2 new students. Perhaps I should have included Theodred!
I'll put Eomer in a reply to my initial post.
Thanks for the catch!

Ethel Duath

Apr 19 2023, 2:14am

Views: 21524
Adding Eomer. Vote in replies to this post. //



May 3 2023, 4:59pm

Views: 21142
I voted 'Saruman'

We could dust off this suggested programme.

In recent discussions we've used the last week to view the character as they appear from texts outside the LOTR story itself (e.g. Appendices, and in this case the UT Istiri chapter, and other places Tolkien might have written something relevant about Saruman). That could simply be added as a fifth week.

"I am not made for querulous pests." Frodo 'Spooner' Baggins.


May 11 2023, 12:52am

Views: 20953
Did we do Frodo?

if so, can someone link me the discussion? Thank you!

"By Elbereth and Luthien the fair, you shall have neither the Ring nor me!" ~Frodo

"And then Gandalf arose and bid all men rise, and they rose, and he said: 'Here is a last hail ere the feast endeth. Last but not least. For I name now those who shall not be forgotten and without whose valour nought else that was done would have availed; and I name before you all Frodo of the Shire and Samwise his servant. And the bards and the minstrels should give them new names: Bronwe athan Harthad and Harthad Uluithiad , Endurance beyond Hope and Hope Unquenchable.." ~Gandalf, The End of the Third Age , from The History of Middle Earth series

Ethel Duath

May 11 2023, 2:06am

Views: 20948
Not Frodo yet.

We've just started on these character discussions. It was always the books in general, or the Hobbit, etc. before this. Smile


May 11 2023, 2:23am

Views: 20952
ok thanks! Frodo should be added in the poll then. :)


"By Elbereth and Luthien the fair, you shall have neither the Ring nor me!" ~Frodo

"And then Gandalf arose and bid all men rise, and they rose, and he said: 'Here is a last hail ere the feast endeth. Last but not least. For I name now those who shall not be forgotten and without whose valour nought else that was done would have availed; and I name before you all Frodo of the Shire and Samwise his servant. And the bards and the minstrels should give them new names: Bronwe athan Harthad and Harthad Uluithiad , Endurance beyond Hope and Hope Unquenchable.." ~Gandalf, The End of the Third Age , from The History of Middle Earth series

Ethel Duath

May 11 2023, 4:05pm

Views: 20935
Yes, you're right! I actually intended to include him.

Off the ask the admins! Smile

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 11 2023, 9:36pm

Views: 20930
There he is!

I'm not sure if you can vote for him, if you've already voted, though.


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Ethel Duath

May 11 2023, 11:47pm

Views: 20926
Thanks so much!!



May 15 2023, 2:04am

Views: 20843
Thank you!

but alas, i have voted already.
Do you know when we will know the result of the poll and when the next character discussion will take place? Thank yoU!

"By Elbereth and Luthien the fair, you shall have neither the Ring nor me!" ~Frodo

"And then Gandalf arose and bid all men rise, and they rose, and he said: 'Here is a last hail ere the feast endeth. Last but not least. For I name now those who shall not be forgotten and without whose valour nought else that was done would have availed; and I name before you all Frodo of the Shire and Samwise his servant. And the bards and the minstrels should give them new names: Bronwe athan Harthad and Harthad Uluithiad , Endurance beyond Hope and Hope Unquenchable.." ~Gandalf, The End of the Third Age , from The History of Middle Earth series

Ethel Duath

May 15 2023, 4:41pm

Views: 20823
You can vote just by sticking it in the subject line, and

I know that's a definite vote for you.
I'm hoping anyone that wants to add their vote for Frodo, or anyone that wants to add a name will juts stick it in a subject line on here. Smile

Ethel Duath

May 15 2023, 4:45pm

Views: 20826
Oh, and I'm not sure when the next one is--not sure who

might want to take the leap to organize it either. I think a week or 2 break would be good to clear the air a bit, and also see if anyone else would like to take a turn to organize the next one. I'll be happy to keep up with the voting, and coax some more responses, if necessary. Smile


May 18 2023, 10:37am

Views: 20717
Notes from an ex-organiser

Firstly, it is important to say that the character discussions so far have been a triumph.Heart Everyone who has been actively involved deserves the congratulations and appreciation of the forum. Heart

Anyone who thinks about what has been achieved will realise that the long, through, knowledgable, non-dogmatic and insightful starter posts which have been so enjoyable here -- and so different from much online Tolkien fandom these days -- are not something that can done in an hour, or even an afternoon. It's a wonderful achievement by very talented and generous people.

And of course everyone is a volunteer.

So it is entirely natural that we tire the small group who are willing and able to organise things at any one time, or to act as chapter leaders.

These projects should keep on being fun for organisers and chapter leaders -- as well as people who reply to any discussion, or just lurk and read what is provided -- because the fun is the healthy motivation for doing it.

So I think it is a good idea to take a break whenever needed.

And for new people willing to help organise or otherwise contribue to come forwards, if they were hesitating to do so or didn't realise that would be useful.

"I am not made for querulous pests." Frodo 'Spooner' Baggins.


May 18 2023, 6:08pm

Views: 20712
Fanarchy in the UK

while we sort his out democratically, I hope you don't mind a proposal to 'do' Saruman
My thought is that it would be a decent stop-gap, and the advantage of this forum being a fanarchy is that anyone can just get something started.

"I am not made for querulous pests." Frodo 'Spooner' Baggins.

Ethel Duath

May 18 2023, 10:35pm

Views: 20700
Not a bad idea! If we get enough post-ers, I say go for it.

I'm dying to do Treebeard, though, sometime--although I'm sure it wouldn't be a very long set of discussions. He just is one of my favorites. Evil


May 19 2023, 12:06am

Views: 20698
Two for Treebeard

That makes two of us. I'm all for reading Treebeard after Saruman and am going to work up a tentative schedule. I'm thinking two or three sections should do it.

*** Middle Earth Inexpert ***


May 19 2023, 3:51pm

Views: 20674
Or Frodo and Sam together as nearly a BOGOF?

Frodo and Sam are almost always interacting, and if we 'did' Frodo without Sam, I think it would feel artificial and be difficult to do Sam afterwards without lots of repetition.

But if we do them together we can naturally and efficiently cover what is arguably LOTR's most important relationship.

No less a writer and critic than Urslua LeGuin has suggested that Frodo and Sam are like two aspects of one character -- it would be interesting to see if we agree. She's bound to have had an interesting insight there, even for any of us who don't end up agreeing!

I don't think doing the two together would add all that much to the work of doing just Frodo (or, of just doing Sam).

But on the other hand it would be a long study anyway. How long exactly it isn't possible to say without working out a breakdown of the story into weeks of discussion. But I'm going to guess it is 12-15 weeks. I expect it would need people who don't normally lead discussions to give that task a go.

"I am not made for querulous pests." Frodo 'Spooner' Baggins.


May 20 2023, 11:13am

Views: 20642
That sounds good to study them together.

That'll be a great discussion! I would take them on definitely and try to lead. Would that be after Saruman and Faramir?

"By Elbereth and Luthien the fair, you shall have neither the Ring nor me!" ~Frodo

"And then Gandalf arose and bid all men rise, and they rose, and he said: 'Here is a last hail ere the feast endeth. Last but not least. For I name now those who shall not be forgotten and without whose valour nought else that was done would have availed; and I name before you all Frodo of the Shire and Samwise his servant. And the bards and the minstrels should give them new names: Bronwe athan Harthad and Harthad Uluithiad , Endurance beyond Hope and Hope Unquenchable.." ~Gandalf, The End of the Third Age , from The History of Middle Earth series


May 25 2023, 1:44am

Views: 20513
Really like this idea //



Jun 26 2023, 2:10am

Views: 19902
Whos' next in Reading Room?

Is it Treebeard or Faramir? :)

"By Elbereth and Luthien the fair, you shall have neither the Ring nor me!" ~Frodo

"And then Gandalf arose and bid all men rise, and they rose, and he said: 'Here is a last hail ere the feast endeth. Last but not least. For I name now those who shall not be forgotten and without whose valour nought else that was done would have availed; and I name before you all Frodo of the Shire and Samwise his servant. And the bards and the minstrels should give them new names: Bronwe athan Harthad and Harthad Uluithiad , Endurance beyond Hope and Hope Unquenchable.." ~Gandalf, The End of the Third Age , from The History of Middle Earth series

Ethel Duath

Jun 26 2023, 2:44pm

Views: 19890
I believe it's Treebeard next, because of

his link to Saruman.


Feb 16, 3:37am

Views: 5476
Who is next character after Faramir?


"By Elbereth and Luthien the fair, you shall have neither the Ring nor me!" ~Frodo

"And then Gandalf arose and bid all men rise, and they rose, and he said: 'Here is a last hail ere the feast endeth. Last but not least. For I name now those who shall not be forgotten and without whose valour nought else that was done would have availed; and I name before you all Frodo of the Shire and Samwise his servant. And the bards and the minstrels should give them new names: Bronwe athan Harthad and Harthad Uluithiad , Endurance beyond Hope and Hope Unquenchable.." ~Gandalf, The End of the Third Age , from The History of Middle Earth series

"He knew now why Beregond spoke his name with love. He was a captain that men would follow, that he would follow, even under the shadow of the black wings."- Siege of Gondor, RotK

Ethel Duath

Feb 16, 4:25pm

Views: 5442
Looks like Tom has the most votes, but

I'll make a post soon in the RR to ask again. Smile


Feb 19, 2:48am

Views: 54978
Thanks mellon nin!


"By Elbereth and Luthien the fair, you shall have neither the Ring nor me!" ~Frodo

"And then Gandalf arose and bid all men rise, and they rose, and he said: 'Here is a last hail ere the feast endeth. Last but not least. For I name now those who shall not be forgotten and without whose valour nought else that was done would have availed; and I name before you all Frodo of the Shire and Samwise his servant. And the bards and the minstrels should give them new names: Bronwe athan Harthad and Harthad Uluithiad , Endurance beyond Hope and Hope Unquenchable.." ~Gandalf, The End of the Third Age , from The History of Middle Earth series

"He knew now why Beregond spoke his name with love. He was a captain that men would follow, that he would follow, even under the shadow of the black wings."- Siege of Gondor, RotK


Mar 17, 9:13pm

Views: 54053
Did we ever talk about Beregond?

He's forefront on my mind lately. It'll be cool to talk about him and his decisions and his role in the Ring war though he's a minor character.

"By Elbereth and Luthien the fair, you shall have neither the Ring nor me!" ~Frodo

"And then Gandalf arose and bid all men rise, and they rose, and he said: 'Here is a last hail ere the feast endeth. Last but not least. For I name now those who shall not be forgotten and without whose valour nought else that was done would have availed; and I name before you all Frodo of the Shire and Samwise his servant. And the bards and the minstrels should give them new names: Bronwe athan Harthad and Harthad Uluithiad , Endurance beyond Hope and Hope Unquenchable.." ~Gandalf, The End of the Third Age , from The History of Middle Earth series

"He knew now why Beregond spoke his name with love. He was a captain that men would follow, that he would follow, even under the shadow of the black wings."- Siege of Gondor, RotK


Mar 21, 6:47pm

Views: 53999
Beregond: my only reserevation is that we don't have much content to work with

But that hasn't stopped us in the past. I'd be willing, I guess, but if I sound likewarm, I am. I like him but have trouble seeing what interesting tidbits we could extract from the text about thim.


Mar 22, 1:38am

Views: 53392
It could be a short one like the one we did for Treebeard

with points of his importance as related to Faramir and also what we can gather from Tolkien's point to include secondary characters that have a great impact.
I wonder if Tolkien mentioned him much in his letters? : goes to look:

"By Elbereth and Luthien the fair, you shall have neither the Ring nor me!" ~Frodo

"And then Gandalf arose and bid all men rise, and they rose, and he said: 'Here is a last hail ere the feast endeth. Last but not least. For I name now those who shall not be forgotten and without whose valour nought else that was done would have availed; and I name before you all Frodo of the Shire and Samwise his servant. And the bards and the minstrels should give them new names: Bronwe athan Harthad and Harthad Uluithiad , Endurance beyond Hope and Hope Unquenchable.." ~Gandalf, The End of the Third Age , from The History of Middle Earth series

"He knew now why Beregond spoke his name with love. He was a captain that men would follow, that he would follow, even under the shadow of the black wings."- Siege of Gondor, RotK