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Official Introduction & Welcome Thread


Feb 17 2007, 8:45pm

Views: 261960
Official Introduction & Welcome Thread

Use this thread to introduce yourself to the boards and tell us a little about yourself, whether you're a new newbie or an old newbie, or a new oldbie, erm... oh heck, you know what I mean, lol! Laugh

Feel free to post a piccie of yourself too, if you like.

(p.s. thanks for suggesting this in Feedback all).


(This post was edited by Altaira on Mar 29 2007, 3:12pm)


Feb 17 2007, 9:19pm

Views: 244565
OK I'll go first

My name's Scott, and I live in Pittsburgh PA with my wife and three sons. I've been on TORn somewhere around 8 years. I joined back in the days when the movie project had recently been announced, yet no cast information had been revealed. This is a great community. Although I've taken extended breaks at times, I always come back Smile .

I have a degree in professional writing, and worked as a software documentation developer for a number of years (hated it). A long time friend of mine had a successful mortgage brokerage firm and gave me the opportunity to make a career change. I love what I'm doing and actually look forward to going to work every day!

I'm 35 years old, Roman Catholic, of mostly Italian (Sicilian) descent. I like beer, sports (football, basketball, soccer), cooking and video games.

That's about all I can think of for now. Sly

(This post was edited by FingonOfPittsburgh on Feb 17 2007, 9:21pm)

Tampa Phil

Feb 17 2007, 9:46pm

Views: 249604
OK, I'll go second.

My name is Phil, and I live in Tampa.

Registered User

Feb 17 2007, 10:12pm

Views: 235200
Nurindel reporting in, sah! Er... ma'am...

Hello, Tornadoes! What beautiful new boards- and a great opportunity to re-introduce myself.

Nurindel here, otherwise known as Kristin. Smile I've lurked around the forums almost daily since mid-2001 but rarely post. My hometown is Albuquerque, New Mexico, but I'm a junior at a college in Grand Rapids, Michigan so I spend most of the year up here (in the bitter cold!). I'm studying Information Systems and Mandarin Chinese; this summer I plan on going to China for a few weeks with my prof and some kids from class. Really looking forward to it. In my spare time I read--plenty of Tolkien, Pratchett, misc. scifi and everything in between--and when inspired I do my fair share of art stuff. When I'm back home a good chunk of my time goes towards playing with my two cats!

Saw Fellowship before I read the books, then read the Hobbit and the trilogy before Two Towers came out. Silmarillion came the next summer. Hopeless addict now... Wink

A few favorite things, not including Aragorn: pasta, Doctor Who, horsey things, cat things, and listening to a good soundtrack.

And a picture! My hair color changed recently, so I didn't have many up to date photos to choose from... still, this'll give you an idea.

Luthien Rising

Feb 17 2007, 10:46pm

Views: 247761
"new subject line"

I'm technically a Stephanie, but I really do answer to Lú. It's all your fault, TORn. I'm a TORn midbie, I suppose, having joined just after ROTK came out. I'm very fortunate to have been able to meet lots of TORnwhatevers in the flesh at conferences in Milwaukee and Toronto, at the Chicago symphony TORnmoot, and more casually as well. I hang out in the Reading Room here, except when I don't, but I always come back. Really, I do.

I live in Toronto with my husband & three kids, and work as an editor (and a bunch of other things) in book publishing, which isn't quite as glamorous/dull as it sounds. One of my editorial skills is overlooking spelling and grammar mistakes when I'm not being paid. I'm also a "cutting-edge emerging" photographer, according to the curator of my next show; I find that somewhat amusing, given my non-youth.

I last watched the movies during the Christmas holidays, all in one long day, with my family. The Not-Geeky Husband cooked hobbit food all day for us. I'm currently reading FOTR, again, and I'm supposed to be reading JRR Tolkien: Artist and Illustrator (again), for the Reading Room. But I will, I promise, in time.

<-- That's me in my avatar.

Lúthien Rising
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. / We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

Tol Eressea

Feb 17 2007, 11:11pm

Views: 249548
Well, here goes nothing:

My name is Roberta. Growing up I knew very few people named Roberta and I liked being different. Now, however, you see the name everywhere. My nick is Roberta in Quenya. Since I have always loved my name, I liked being able to have my name in Elvish.

I am unofficially retired. I just quit the job I had and didn't "retire." I am a full-time homemaker, but evidently that is not politically correctEvil

I first read Tolkien when a friend gave me the books because he wanted someone to talk about them with. I absolutely fell in love with Tolkien! I have been reading them at least twice a year since the early '70s. And joy of joys my husband loves the books also. It is so nice having someone handy to talk about the books and movies with.

I started lurking on TORn before the first movie came out, but because I am "backward" (translate that Ohioism as shy), I didn't start posting until after Indymoot in October of 2005. Getting to meet TORnsibs was so nice! There don't seem to be people in our neck of the woods who are as passionate about LOTR as my husband and I are.


Feb 17 2007, 11:34pm

Views: 235757
Re: [FingonOfPittsburgh] OK I'll go first

You ever eat at Bravo Franco in town? The owner is the brother of a friend....I hear it's great.

(Pittsburgh and Italian mentioned in same post begged the question...)

In Reply To

I'm 35 years old, Roman Catholic, of mostly Italian (Sicilian) descent. I like beer, sports (football, basketball, soccer), cooking and video games.


Feb 17 2007, 11:56pm

Views: 234245

In Reply To
You ever eat at Bravo Franco in town? The owner is the brother of a friend....I hear it's great.

(Pittsburgh and Italian mentioned in same post begged the question...)

In Reply To

I'm 35 years old, Roman Catholic, of mostly Italian (Sicilian) descent. I like beer, sports (football, basketball, soccer), cooking and video games.

And then of course there's Primanti Brothers where you can get your fries and slaw inside the sandwich! (I lived in Pgh for about 2 years.)

(Formerly drogo of the two names!)

(This post was edited by drogo on Feb 17 2007, 11:59pm)


Feb 18 2007, 12:03am

Views: 235604

Uh, I'm David and was drogo_drogo on the old board. I started in the spring of 2002, and post quite a bit in the Reading Room. I'm a university librarian in Oklahoma and a Tolkien lover since I was 13. In a previous life I was an English professor, but I am a recovering academic! I'm originally from Texas and have lived in Lubbock, Houston, Southern California (Orange Co. and LA), Pennsylvania, and now the land of twisters (and ice storms this year!). I've always enjoyed TORN discussions and look forward to having a new, spiffier board to play with.

I'm mainly a book lover, but have a soft spot for the movies (in places where they don't make me want to shout!). I had to add that!

(Formerly drogo of the two names!)

(This post was edited by drogo on Feb 18 2007, 12:06am)


Feb 18 2007, 12:20am

Views: 230538
Hi, I'm Sandicomm

I joined TORn Around five years ago (right before FOTR came out) and I've been on and off the boards ever since. I am currently a high school senior (just heard back from one college--Earlham! I got accepted! Woohoo! My first choice is Carleton, though.) I live in NYC with my family. I like some fantasy (mostly just C.S. Lewis and YA fantasy), 18th and 19th century novels, Edith Wharton and Virginia Woolf, comic books (American and Japanese), anime, and Disney movies. I draw comic books and illustrations when school gives me some breathing room. But since I'm a second semester senior, I guess I don't really need to do my homework, huh? ;)

C'est moi:

Forum Admin / Moderator

Feb 18 2007, 12:35am

Views: 231486
Re: [drogo] Or...

mmmmm.....Primanti Brothers.

Each cloak was fastened about the neck with a brooch like a green leaf veined with silver.
`Are these magic cloaks?' asked Pippin, looking at them with wonder.
`I do not know what you mean by that,' answered the leader of the Elves.

NARF since 1974.
Balin Bows

Forum Admin / Moderator

Feb 18 2007, 12:37am

Views: 239124
Re: [Alcarcalime] Well, here goes nothing:

Are you from Ohio? I grew up in Akron

Each cloak was fastened about the neck with a brooch like a green leaf veined with silver.
`Are these magic cloaks?' asked Pippin, looking at them with wonder.
`I do not know what you mean by that,' answered the leader of the Elves.

NARF since 1974.
Balin Bows


Feb 18 2007, 12:38am

Views: 234735
Re: [entmaiden] Or...

In Reply To
mmmmm.....Primanti Brothers.

I just found out they're actually opening one close by my house (in McCandless). I love their sardine sandwich. Seriously. Unimpressed

Forum Admin / Moderator

Feb 18 2007, 12:50am

Views: 235909
Here's me

I'm Anne in real life, and I've lived in Chicago for 20+ years after growing up in northern Ohio (Akron). I'm a certified public accountant and I work with the tax departments of large companies to help them prepare their tax returns and introduce process efficiencies so they can work smarter and provide value to the organization.

I know that sounds really boring, and one of the great things about TORN is I have the opportunity to interact with people who work in areas that are far removed from what I do. Since finding TORN over five years ago I've been able to broaden my horizons and learn from the amazing people on this site.

I'm making a big life change this spring by buying my first house and moving into the city of Chicago. Several of you have heard/been bored about me mentioning it (Entmaiden realizes she can post about her new house ad infinitum on the shiny new OT board Evil).

Each cloak was fastened about the neck with a brooch like a green leaf veined with silver.
`Are these magic cloaks?' asked Pippin, looking at them with wonder.
`I do not know what you mean by that,' answered the leader of the Elves.

NARF since 1974.
Balin Bows

Tampa Phil

Feb 18 2007, 1:39am

Views: 233348
Let's try this again.

Hi, my name is Tampa Phil, and I'm a Gemini.

I like long walks on the sand at sunset and the warmth of a real log fire on a cold day.

I hate cliches.

I discovered TORN during the summer of 2000, started posting in late fall, and was a semi-regular on the boards until mid-2004. For a while, I was the resident stat geek, tabulating the box office returns for each LOTR movie. And chief tormentor of the oddball posters and trolls. Drifted back briefly last year during the influx of old-timers.

Back in 2000, TORN was a fun place to anticipate the upcoming trilogy, and dissect the early trailers and promo articles. Anticipation gave way to excitement after the Cannes festival in May 2001, when some of the new footage debuted to rave reviews from movie critics. Like most long-time TORN posters, I found the movies immensely entertaining, with a strong fidelity to the spirit of the books, but not without flaws, some minor, some irritating.

I'm a Brit from Bristol, married to a New Yorker and living in West Central Florida. We have two young girls. I work for a certain TV ratings company as a software designer.

I'm partial to crab cakes, the novels of Iain M Banks, The Daily Show, winter sports, the Sunday edition of The New York Times, and the sensational new Fruit Smoothie flavored jelly beans.

Grey Havens

Feb 18 2007, 2:50am

Views: 254833
So how does a schizoid introduce herself?

Hmm... I'd draw straws, but Gollum would just swipe 'em and use 'em to make spitballs.


Okay, there's me... diedye, schizoid extraordinaire with a Sean Bean fixation and #1 B-girl (no matter what the rest of the club says Tongue)

There's Gollum... half of my pain-in-the-assets alter egos who's never coming out of the closet if I can help it.

And then there's Smeagol... the other half, who if he knows what's good for him will find my Boromir life-size pillow he supposedly misplaced.

*shoots him the evil eye*

Not much else to say, other than I have a dirty mind and 30 Gigs of Bean pics and am not afraid to use either.

Tol Eressea

Feb 18 2007, 2:52am

Views: 233115
Re: [entmaiden] Well, here goes nothing:

Well, I live in Ohio. We live about 40 miles south of Akron. I was born in Los Angeles but lived in Mexico, Arizona, New Mexico, Minnesota, South Dakota. No, my father was not in the military (I've been asked that question A LOT). Wink


Feb 18 2007, 3:01am

Views: 232417
Well, here is me

I am Jo, but will answer to WLE just about anytime you yell it at me, even across a crowded room at DragonCon. :)

I live in Southeast Tennessee, about 2 hours north of the many TORN-adoes in the Atlanta GA area. I have met many of you at the Atlanta Symphony moot in the summer of 2004, and more at DragonCon and IndyMoot. I hope to meet a great many more of you at the w00t-Moot in September of this year.

I have a 17 year old daughter and two cats, and a husband that just does not "get it" when it comes to the magic of the movies and the books and the Fellowship that many of us have found with one another.

And that is me dressed as Eowyn in my avatar, from this past year's DragonCon (( stuck sitting on the floor at registration when the computers crashed )).


Feb 18 2007, 3:10am

Views: 232022
Sharing time!

CAhobbit here. Real life name is Alexandra. I guess I would be considered a 3rd ager since I came along right after TT was released in the theatres (though I was a TORn, front page regular since the FOTR release). Hmmmm what else can I ramble on about? I live in southern California, my favorite food is Mexican, even I don't recall the natural color of my hair and I've had the most wonderful time of my life since coming to TORn. The wonderful people I've gotten to meet over the years has brought about some of the most rewarding moments in my life. Heart

Oh here's a pic of me (since we're sharing). It's a little outdated since I now have bangs (I'm sure everyone wanted to know that):

Do not meddle in the affairs of hobbits for we can bite your kneecaps off!


Feb 18 2007, 3:28am

Views: 257825

Well, I did it, I changed my nick, but only a little. This one reflects where I'm at much better and still 'links' to my old nick enough to be recognizable as moi.
Moi being of course a 4th ager who'se been around TORn for about 4 years. Hey, where'd the time go?
My avatar is as close a pic of me as you'll get, only my hair's longer now and I'm no longer living in Tokyo, sniff.
But I'm in beautiful BC where my artistic tendencies have taken wing.
Got a hubby, two nearly grown kids, a dog and a chocolate habit I don't intend to break.
Love to run, read and alliterate.
All for now.
Is thisEvilsupposed to be Gandalf and his bushy eyebrows?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
"I walk along the shore and I gaze
At the light that radiates down
Will it travel forth to you
Far across this shimmering sea?"
formerly linkinparkelf


Feb 18 2007, 3:32am

Views: 237949
How does a Sicilian get the name Scott?

In Reply To
My name's Scott,
I'm 35 years old, Roman Catholic, of mostly Italian (Sicilian) descent. I like beer, sports (football, basketball, soccer), cooking and video games.

That's about all I can think of for now. Sly

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
"I walk along the shore and I gaze
At the light that radiates down
Will it travel forth to you
Far across this shimmering sea?"
formerly linkinparkelf

The Shire

Feb 18 2007, 3:40am

Views: 239194



Feb 18 2007, 3:43am

Views: 231519
My turn

I'm Joelle, and I reply to that as quickly as I do my first name. I've been around TORn since a couple months before TTT and in the last year or so I haven't been around as much but I've never really disappeared. What else, I'm finishing up my fifth semester of college, majoring in theology and next semester I'll be at a new school. Or not in school, haven't figure that out yet. I really value the friendships I've made here over the years and that's why I stick around.

...And this is me as of last summer.

"In the end the shadow is only a small and passing thing; there is light and high beauty foever beyond its reach"- J.R.R Tolkien
My pseudofiction novel

The Shire

Feb 18 2007, 3:49am

Views: 230396
May as well

I've been around TORn since just after FOTR came out but I only posted occasionally on the boards. What would usually happen is I'd get modding privileges and about two weeks later they'd vanish into the modding powers abyss. I'm firmly convinced that they're sitting in a room filled with the socks that go missing from my dryer one at a time.

I live in Southern California with my husband and son and our three dogs and seven cats.


Feb 18 2007, 3:53am

Views: 231253
The secret about modding

In Reply To
I've been around TORn since just after FOTR came out but I only posted occasionally on the boards. What would usually happen is I'd get modding privileges and about two weeks later they'd vanish into the modding powers abyss. I'm firmly convinced that they're sitting in a room filled with the socks that go missing from my dryer one at a time.

I live in Southern California with my husband and son and our three dogs and seven cats.

Stats periodically set sail on the Straight Path for Valinor so that the Valar and Maiar will always be able to mod you up or down.

One of Eru's little jokes in creation, ya know.

(Formerly drogo of the two names!)

Tol Eressea

Feb 18 2007, 4:04am

Views: 187437
Eventides checking in! :D

Wow, this is like deja vu. Seems like I just posted my story not too long ago. :D :D

Heh. Well, I first found out about the Lord of the Rings back in late 2002-- just a few weeks before the Two Towers opened-- by my best friend asking me if I had seen the Fellowship of the Ring. Neither of us had. A week or two later, I got the Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition (which I'm glad I saw first :) ) and we watched it together. Needless to say, we loved it. :) I started to read the LOTR novels, and literally a week after I saw FOTR, I went to see the Two Towers at the theater. By this time, as you might imagine, I was thoroughly hooked on the Lord of the Rings, both the books (including The Hobbit, Silmarillion, and the making-of chronicles) and the movies.

In mid-2003 I found TORn, and soon afterwards I registered and began to post. And then I found out that you all are, hands-down, the most amazingly, wonderfully welcoming people-- on any board, anywhere. You made me feel at home instantly.

Over the past few years I’ve learned a *lot* from you guys; both insights into the movies and books, and insights on life. I’ve also very much enjoyed all the great humor here. But most of all, I enjoy the fellowship.

I don’t use that term as a pun; nor do I use it lightly. The great camaraderie between everyone on TORn (and that wonderful welcome-ness you all showed and continue to show) is really what made me stay-- no other board I've seen has that kind of draw. *That* is why I humbly call this place my online home.

So, thanks once again to you guys and to the Admins for letting me volunteer for and participate in different things on TORn. I’m very privileged to know you all, even if only online so far, and I greatly look forward to another *awesome* year on the *NEW BOARDS* of! :D

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"I stepped out of my body to let God slide in; although I'm still dressed in flesh that I spiritually died in. Alive in Christ a new creation started breathin', Life exists and through this came completion. ... I'm not that person anymore (more!)! That's what blood was shed for! No longer a failure, livin' life more abundantly, therefore you'll never see me livin' less than victory."
John Reuben.

"Desperation, needing You; every last breath I scream for You. Shatter me into a million pieces, make me new. ... Break me, mold me, make me what You want me to be; I am Yours, for You to use, so take and replace me with You."
Family Force 5.

"Under a light in Bethlehem, I was sifting through the sand; the saline burned my eyes, I was looking for Your hand. I gave up on myself, and left my pride disarmed; I cried out 'I'm alone!' and found myself in Your arms. 'Rest in Me, oh, My love; I have loved you before the world began. Rest in Me, oh, My love; you'll never wander too far to reach My hand.'"

Grey Havens

Feb 18 2007, 4:27am

Views: 191722
Now don't start THAT again!!!...



Force of Hobbit
Registered User

Feb 18 2007, 4:45am

Views: 187722
This is most excellent!

Hello! I am formerly known as Eomer's Woman and have been around on TORn since ROTK was released. I have been living in the Washington, DC metro area (in Northern Virginia) for 20 years now. I have been to several MOOTs and have been fortunate enough to meet some WONDERFUL folks through TORn (starting in Atlanta in June '04 at the symphony MOOT).

I was born in Brooklyn, grew up in the US Virgin Islands, and ended up living in and around the DC area. I absolutely love DC - most people don't know what a great place it is... I have 2 kids, a cat named Maximus and a REALLY LARGE dog named Jasper who we adopted 3 years ago.

I have been working for non-profit organizations all of my professional career - now I am the Chief Information Officer for an organization that helps to improve the quality of life for Americas senior citizens. I have loved Tolkien since I was young, and I am also Harry Potter obsessed.

My current television obsessions are:
  • Rome
  • Top Chef
  • Most Haunted
  • Ace of Cakes
  • Rob & Big
  • Hex

I LOVE music - and have very diverse tastes. My current musical obsessions include:
  • IMA Robot
  • Bloc Party
  • Loreena Mckennitt
  • Harry Potter Soundtracks
  • Incubus
  • Clannad
  • LOTR Soundtracks
  • Fall Out Boy
  • Modest Mouse
  • Steel Pulse

I am currently reading "The Dark is Rising" series by Susan Cooper...

That's it for now!!! Cheers!

Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain

— J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, 1999


Feb 18 2007, 5:22am

Views: 186664
Love finding out about all of you, so...

Hello! My real name is Erin, but I chose Asclepias as a nick because it's the genus name for milkweed, and at the time I joined TORn I had been doing a lot of work with butterfly milkweed. I came to TORn just before FOTR came out because I couldn't find many people who shared my passion for the books (and upcoming movies, which turned out to be only OK after FOTR).

Right now I am sort of a satellite of Cheyenne, Wyoming, sent out to actually do real work periodically and then reeled back in. I went to college in Waverly, Iowa, then came back home; I did a 3-year stint in grad school, then came back home; last summer I spent 4 months studying pikas at Lava Beds National Monument in northern California, then came back home. Barring any drastic changes in the next 2-3 weeks, I will be headed to the Sawtooth Fish Hatchery in southeastern Idaho for 8 months, after which I will probably come back home. Full-time permanent biology jobs are hard to come by right now unless they have 'director of' or 'vice president of' at the beginning of the job title. Two years out from grad school, I don't qualify for those just yet!

It's nice to 'see' so many familiar faces! Let us join the throng!


Feb 18 2007, 5:51am

Views: 188239
many meetings, I guess

It's nice to hear stories from everyone. I'm Penthe, but most people call me Pen. Except the five year old who calls me 'Mum'. I live in Ipswich, the one in Australia, not the one in England. My life revolves around feeding the son, trying to earn money from writing, and teaching innocent undergraduates to try and make money from writing. Other than that I spend a lot of time worrying about whether I should get a real job.

My favourite things are really good children's books, especially Diana Wynne Jones, the Green Knowe books and more recently Garth Nix. I'm 35, so there's no point waiting for me to get over it. This morning I looked at my wedding photos and realised that I have aged disgracefully. Lucky none of you can see me.


Feb 18 2007, 6:01am

Views: 181564
Magpie checking in

Although I visited TORn's home page multiple times a day since the summer of 2002, I don't think I registered for the forums till early 2004... and then I don't think I posted till quite a bit after that. I had a few other Tolkien homes that faded after the movies and I've been slow in reconnecting with a new forum.

I was given the label Magpie by my husband because of my incessant collecting of things: rocks, feathers, bark, grapevine tendrils, shells, seed pods, acorns, pine cones, Viewmaster slides, advertising fans from the State Fair, wooden handled kitchen tools, rooster kitchen ware, folk dolls, game pieces, paper ephemera, Golden Books, joker cards, small glass salt shakers, tins, marbles, vintage sewing supplies, bird figurines, and buttons. But the bulk of my collection is stuff that can't be categorized in any way but 'stuff a Magpie would pick up'. On a bulletin board I have pinned up: an old large clip advertising a company, a little red Pegasus from a Mobil station, a pixie charm from Cornwall, a big red plastic butterfly pin, skeleton keys and brass hardware from a drawer. I like the name Magpie and I think it suits me because, for me, life is full of bright, shiny things. And my real initials are MMM and I live in Minneapolis Minnesota. So I kind of got the M thing working.

Although I hadn't read the books since the late 60's, when I reread them in 2002 I became a bit obsessed with them. My obsessive tendencies toward sorting and organizing also prompted me to begin 'sorting' the music of the LOTR movies. Today, I have a large soundtrack website. Although I wrote obsessively about the book for a few years, I mostly hang out on movie. I kind of burned myself out on the more literary discussions. But I still love the book way more than the movie.

When I'm away from my computer, I teach English Country Dance, host community sings, and look for a job. The job part's getting kind of depressing. I live with three grown men (husband and college-aged sons) who are all geeky, techy and mechanical. For kicks, they built a 390 lb. combat robot and use it to bash other 390 lb combat robots.

DJ Mix for Inaugural Celebration at:

no longer just aMagpie... I'm now *the* Magpie


Feb 18 2007, 9:09am

Views: 188196
*dives in*

My real name's Ilke (don't try to pronounce it unless you want to sound silly Wink), and am 22 years 'old'. I live in the Netherlands, hence the at times awful grammar/spelling/... - but at least I've grown better after having studied the language at a university for 2,5 years now. Or at least I'd like to think so Tongue No idea what I want to do once I have my MA, the only thing I'm sure about in that respect is that I don't want to become a teacher. I just don't have what it takes, I'm afraid.

It's close to 5 years of TORn for me; I came to the message boards some 3 months after FOTR came out. Seems so long ago in terms of years, but so short in memory...


Feb 18 2007, 12:22pm

Views: 187805
Re: [linkin-artelf] Hey!

In Reply To

Got a hubby, two nearly grown kids,

Gah - I always thought you were a teen boy! Guess I was way off! Shocked


Feb 18 2007, 12:24pm

Views: 190043
Re: [linkin-artelf] How does a Sicilian get the name Scott?

Welllllllll I'm of Sicilian descent. You'll have to ask my non-Sicilian mom why she named me Scott. Anyhoo - if I told you my last name, you'd say "Ah, that's as Sicilian as it gets!"


Feb 18 2007, 2:43pm

Views: 186952
I'm Alnilam from the constellation Orion

Hi, I'm Alnilam (most people call me Alni, for short).
I've been on the TORN boards since Jan 1, 2001, although I haven't been around too much lately. The inability to keep up with the threads before they disappeared into non-reply land kind of hindered my ability to participate in discussions. I'm very happy about the new boards.

I'm Brazilian, and I moved to Canada in 2004. I got married last year to an American and we are working on the paperwork to get him to move to Canada.

I first read LOTR at Easter of '99, after finishing the Hobbit. I took advantage of the long weekend and the fact that I wasn't feeling too well to stay in bed all day and read. Then I heard that there were movies coming out and found a few sites with info, including TORN. I didn't go to the messages boards, though, as I wasn't really in the habit of doing that. Until I reinstalled my computer and had a question concerning Mithril. The rest is history.

Alnilam's Realm
From the Old TORN Boards:
Top 5 Browsers/OSs:

1. Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98 (1568)
2. Microsoft Internet Explorer V6.0 using Windows 98 (890)
3. Microsoft Internet Explorer V6.0 using Windows 98 (464)
4. Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98 (175)
5. Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98 (136)


Feb 18 2007, 7:09pm

Views: 193190
Well, that's a first!

In Reply To

In Reply To

Got a hubby, two nearly grown kids,

Gah - I always thought you were a teen boy! Guess I was way off! Shocked

I guess the old nick threw you off.Sly (ok, this is definitely a devilish grin for me)
That's too funny.

ps, hubby's of Sicilian descent too and I'm from further North of the boot.
Ciao, Fingon

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
"I walk along the shore and I gaze
At the light that radiates down
Will it travel forth to you
Far across this shimmering sea?"
formerly linkinparkelf

Samantha Baggins
The Shire

Feb 18 2007, 7:19pm

Views: 194115
*Crosses fingers that she's doing this right...*

It's been quite a while since I've used a board like this...

Anyways, Hello all! I'm Jaclyn, and I'm an undergrad at Kent State University in Ohio, born and raised in Parma, Ohio. I spend most of my time procrastinating, though I also get around to actually reading and writing for school (eventually). I also love to draw, game with friends, drink with friends, hang out with friends, and sleep.

I came across TORn a few months before the first movie came out, and I think I started posting shortly after that - I can't remember for sure. There was a stretch where I got flood with school and other priorities and neglected posting on here for awhile, but now I'm back. And you'll be hard-pressed to get me to leave.

*looks at all the Ohioans on the thread* Hmmm, have we ever had an Ohio Moot?.....

And I don't have a pic because I don't have any uploaded that were recently taken, and I wouldn't know how to make it show up on here anyways. But I did draw my little avator over there.


*looks around*

Who cleaned up Bag End?

Varda Elentari
The Shire

Feb 18 2007, 8:43pm

Views: 199781
Re: [Samantha Baggins] *Crosses fingers that she's doing this right...*

There was a Columbus moot several years ago for the LOTR symphony. Let's see, who was there... gramma, Scout and Mr. Scout, Entmaiden, Eirhren, Asclepias, and myself (apologies to anyone I forgot, it's been awhile!). Good times.

Tol Eressea

Feb 18 2007, 10:32pm

Views: 200548
Re: [Samantha Baggins] *Crosses fingers that she's doing this right...*

As an Ohio-sib, a Moot would be nice (hopefully not in Cleveland -- don't like driving in Cleveland).


Feb 18 2007, 10:37pm

Views: 196426
Re: [Force of Hobbit] This is most excellent!

Force of Hobbit, if you like Clannad, you would like the group "2002". See if you can find a CD of theirs sometime.

Force of Hobbit
Registered User

Feb 18 2007, 11:02pm

Views: 193780
Re: [WhiteLadyEowyn] This is most excellent!

Thanks for the tip! Am always looking out for new music -



Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain

— J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, 1999


Feb 19 2007, 12:17am

Views: 204215
Re: [FingonOfPittsburgh] OK I'll go first

Bah, since we have a 10-minute "edit window" I have to drop a new post here in the thread.

Link to pics of my kiddies.

Out of the darkness of my life, so much frustrated, I put before you the one great thing to love on earth: the Blessed Sacrament... There you will find romance, glory, honour, fidelity, and the true way of all your loves on earth, and more than that: Death: by the divine paradox, that which ends life, and demands the surrender of all, and yet by the taste (or foretaste) of which alone can what you seek in your earthly relationships (love, faithfulness, joy) be maintained, or take on that complexion of reality, of eternal endurance, which every man's heart desires.

--J.R.R. Tolkien, Letter #43, to his son Michael


Feb 19 2007, 1:15am

Views: 195899
Hello New TORN

My first post on the new boards. I answer to either Morwen or Peggy. I started lurking on TORN back when the movies were in production and everyone was discussing who would play who, was Arwen really going to be at Helm's Deep, and other deep issues of the day. I believed that I was much too shy to post my own thoughts and opinions on a public message board, but, before I knew it, a very compelling discussion in the RR sucked me right in, and I never really went away.

I've returned to regular posting recently after a long period (imposed by RL responsibilities) of posting only occasionally. In real life, I'm an advocate for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in Oklahoma, but I love reading (many kinds of fiction), movies and dark chocolate, among other things.

Altaira, Mr. Altaira and Inferno-- I've said it already, but thanks again for the very cool Cool new boards.


Feb 19 2007, 2:04am

Views: 195841
Another long-time Buckeye here

OK, first of all, Alcarcalime and Ohio Hobbit, if you live 40 miles south of Akron you must live with my mother in Millersburg, the county seat of Holmes County, Ohio! I lived there off and on from 1967-1974, attended Denison and graduated from Ohio State. I've also done time in Chicago and Boston, and now I live in Los Angeles where I'm a law professor.

I first visited TORn the summer before TTT came out. I read the books in the mid-1960's and obsessively thereafter, but I paid little attention to PJ's movies at first (despite my husband being a film critic) because I'd been fooled before. But as I slowly caught on to this here internet thingy it occurred to me that there might be online communities devoted to JRRT (d'uh) and stumbled onto TORn and its wonderful people and its truly remarkable Reading Room. Even though I don't spend as much time here as I did for a while, TORn and the people I've met here (and in RL at Marquette, in Los Angeles, in San Diego, in Toronto, in Chicago) have changed my life.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Registered User

Feb 19 2007, 3:50am

Views: 193572
Hello from MN

I'm Nicole and I've been around since '03. I live with my new husband, got married April 29th '06 and work as a surgical tech. I don't post very often (not sure why) but I'm here about everyday. I love this place and hope it stays as great with the new boards. I know it'll take me awhile to learn how to navigate. I'm so glad there is the option to view in flat or threaded mode. I have a hard time reading the flat mode. Glad to meet you all!
Attachments: 130redo.jpg (294 KB)


Feb 19 2007, 3:58am

Views: 200555
Hello Lalaith

Another Minnesotan... How did you like the LOTR Symphony?

DJ Mix for Inaugural Celebration at:

no longer just aMagpie... I'm now *the* Magpie


Feb 19 2007, 4:25am

Views: 190681
Hi from Virginia

It is so fun to see so many old newbies, new newbies, formerly-lurking oldies and newbies, new oldbies...someone should slap me before I keep this up much longer!!!

I'm Mary, in RL. My old nick on Torn was "an seileachan" because I was working out something in Gaelic at the time I registered, and it's the name of a pretty little wildflower, and so I registered and have regretted it ever since. But I got stuck with it, shortened it to a.s., and voila! here I am. I signed on right after the Oscars sweep for ROTK, thanks to a photo of PJ in People magazine where he was sporting a WEE LITTLE lapel button that said "The One Ring . Net". I couldn't resist checking it out, and have been glad ever since. It's my favorite spot on the net.

I'm a nurse with many years experience in maternal-child community health, the last decade or so in case management of children with special needs. However, I just got a new job! (yay, me!) and am going back to prenatal/birth to two to coordinate a program for moms at high risk of poor outcomes (poor, no access to health care, etc). I am also a wife and mom to three lovely daughters, ages 16, 20, and 25. I'm a former Navy wife who grew up in the Washington DC area but has lived in Tidewater Virginia for the last 20 years and loves it here!

I am a very active community volunteer for various disability related groups, currently working on housing options and etc. I am very interested in bioethics and the ramifications of medical policies on marginal groups.

In my "spare time", I read. A lot. Please, if you aren't a regular, check out the weekly "What have you been reading this week?" thread in the Off Topic folder on Wednesdays! We have lots of readers here, and you will get great recommendations.

I also like bluegrass and "alt country/Americana" and traditional Irish music.

Whoa, this is way too long. So happy to be here. I can be found mostly in the RR. If you haven't been to the RR, please come by.

a.s. (no pictures, but I look just like my avatar...heh heh heh) Wink

"an seileachan"

The Lost Mod Power: An Elegy (with apologies to Wordsworth)

What though the mod power which was once so bright
Be now FOREVER taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendor in the stats, of glory in the power,
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind.


Feb 19 2007, 4:37am

Views: 192362
I'm still RosieLass

I still live in Denver, Colorado.

And we still have snow...

Although it's been 40 all weekend, so it feels like we're having a tropical heatwave...

(='.'=)This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(")signature to help him gain world domination.

Gorgeous avatar by Aravanye!

Finding Frodo
Tol Eressea

Feb 19 2007, 5:24am

Views: 247274
Found my way here, finally!

More than 24 hours after registering, editing my profile, posting, trying out formats, smilies, etc., I finally stumbled across the introduction thread. Typical me.

I'm Jennifer, known as Finding Frodo or FF (not to be confused with the other FF's -- Fantasy Fan, Far From Home, or...hmm....I know there's another.) Anyway, I first read The Hobbit in 4th grade, finally got through all of LotR in 7th grade, and have been reading them yearly ever since, as far as I can remember. Now I'm a part-time music teacher, wife and mother of 3, and devote unrealistic amounts of time to TORn because it has so enriched my Tolkien life. I found the message boards after FotR came out, but only lurked and didn't register until after RotK came out. Some great things I've gotten to do were attending the first ORC, Indymoot and a Tom Shippey lecture, as well as leading discussions in the RR and Movie boards.

In real life I live in Iowa, and I've never lived more than 80 miles from where I grew up. I'm a part-time music teacher, a wife and a mother of 3. I have a need to read. Some other favorite authors are Jane Austen and Laura Ingalls Wilder. And I always have chocolate in the house, the darker the better.

Here's a picture of me from two years ago. I look the same. If you knew me in third grade, you'd recognize me.

Where's Frodo?

Tol Eressea

Feb 19 2007, 8:18am

Views: 191302
*peeks in*

Okay, I'll try this out. So many familiar faces, but the furniture is all strange!

Let's see...I'm Ro. I probably look something like the picture below (provided I managed to attach it successfully, of course). I have an inordinate fondness for pointy-eared bow twangers, and I'll never say no to chocolate. Occasionally I have Random Thoughts, which I suppose is better than having no thoughts at all. I have just been read a passage from "The Romance and Prophecies of Thomas of Erceldoune", and no, I have no idea what it's about either. I think it's in Middle English.

I suppose that's enough of a (re-)introduction. It's nice to be here!
Attachments: greyhorse.JPG (19.5 KB)

Grey Havens

Feb 19 2007, 8:55am

Views: 199372
Where are you, anyway?

I saw your username on the main forum page, but I can't tind this post on the OT board. I had to do a search of the site to find it. Very strange! Anyway, the picture didn't show up. (I think.)

Nessa Inglorion
The Shire

Feb 19 2007, 11:02am

Views: 216159
Hello from old newbie!

Mae govanen!!
I've been an 1st ager when it comes to TORn, reading news and spy reports, before the 1st movie came out, and I visited the forum now and then. Now I finally joined and as an official member I guess I'm a 4th ager. LOL

I live in New Jersey. I am fan of the books and the movies. I first read part of the Hobbit when I was young on a cousin's reccomendation but then picked it up again and read most of FotR before I saw the 1st movie, and then finished the rest of the trilogy quickly after. LOL I had heard of Tolkien and admired his work, but now consider myself a devoted fan. I'm currently reading The Sil among other things.
Click on the attatchment to see a recent picture of me.

I look forward to taking part here in the forums Cool

Attachments: me for ID.JPG (39.3 KB)


Feb 19 2007, 2:25pm

Views: 214474
Alright, here I go..

I'm Hobbitmomma and I joined TORN right around when FOTR came out. (Can't remember the exact date.) My husband likes to say that he created a monster when he made me read the books before the first movie came out. Hy husband and I have been married for almost 10 years (May 25th!) and we have two absolutely fabulous kids. Joshua is 8 and Nina is 6. I am a professional singer/actor, classically trained and I teach voice and piano as well as direct. Life is very hectic so I don't get to post very often, but I'm always lurking and reading all of the posts. So for those of you that don't know me, now you do!Cool

Registered User

Feb 19 2007, 3:47pm

Views: 199987

My name is Michelle and I live in northern FL (where it is current 43? F! At least it's sunny). I first came to TORn after FotR came out but I don't think I actually posted until after the release of TTT. I was known as Elithraniel_M back then, but since no one at the moots could pronounce it, I've since changed my online nick to match my RL nick. It much easier that way.

I'm a high school science teacher (zoology). I live alone with my two cats, Pele and Lono. In my spare time I like to play outside (especially in the water), but I can also find enjoyment curled on the couch with a good book or something on the tube (I don't have cable so that's not too often). I also enjoy going to the local dive bar and running the pool table with my SO. We're a force to be reckoned with!

I must say, so far I'm a little intimidate by how big the new place is. But I'm sure I'll get used to it.

“I am an evil giraffe, and I shall eat more leaves from this tree then perhaps I should, so that other giraffes may die” ~ Eddie Izzard

(Elithraniel_M on the old boards)


Feb 19 2007, 4:27pm

Views: 204305
I'm Scout

My name is Moira and I work and live in Detroit. I have a wonderful husband and mean cat. I'm an academic advisor and have been for 15 years; currently I work with Nursing students. I have a BA and MA in English and am currently (slowly) pursuing a Masters in Library and Information Science.

I read LOTR when I was about 11 and loved it. Joined TORn in January 2002, just after FOTR came out.

I'm pretty into music, movies, and travel. I also love me some Buffy.

A relatively recent pic (did I do this right?! Doesn't look quite right...):


(This post was edited by Scout on Feb 19 2007, 4:27pm)

Frodo Hoy

Feb 19 2007, 4:36pm

Views: 200158
I think I am quite ready to go on another journey.

I found TORN (or did it find me?) about 7 years ago and loved the small, witty community of people from various locations around the globe. Oh, yes, we eagerly anticipated the movies, but we also thoroughly enjoyed one another and, on occasion, sparred with one another. This was good, too, as long as the differences remained at the level of civil discourse. It can actually be fun to have a running disagreement between mature people. Alas, as with any other arena of human interaction, we occasionally fell short of the ideal.

I initially registered as Frodo Hoy back then. I went through a phase of a number of months when I changed to Frodo Gardner - some of my posts are saved on humor collections under that name. But Frodo Hoy I am and remain. In the last several years, I have posted infrequently on TORN, but I have often stopped by the old place to read.

I reside in southern New Hampshire with my wife of 25 years and our three children. The oldest two are in their twenties (the eldest, our only daughter, was born six days after our first anniversary), and our youngest is a freshman in high school. My wife and I never subscribed to the myth that the teen parenting years are doomed to heartache and conflict. Our experience certainly has belied the maxim. As our kids have aged, we have learned to respect and love them more, and we have appreciated the outgrowth of their character and decision making. Of course they have not been perfect (what kind of fool expects that?), but they have added greatly to our joy in life.

As with some others who post here, my trust in God through the Lord Jesus is at the core of who I am. I make no pretense of perfection (anyone that has even a rudimentary understanding of the Christian faith knows the opposite holds for any true believer), but I do claim to be accountable to a standard of character that is derived from those attributes of God which are not exclusive to deity. In other words, I don't know everything, or have all power, etc. (the exclusive attributes of God), but I am supposed to be truthful, faithful, good, loving, patient, etc. (those godly characteristics that are accessible to humans). Inasmuch as any of my posts may fall short of the latter, please feel free to hold me accountable. The early ages of TORN bear evidence, I am sure, to how I have fallen short of the mark.

One reason I love where I live: I love long walks in the woods, both in the mountains and in the flatter areas closer to my home. The extended time without any sort of snow cover this winter (until this week) has been a delight to me and my wife. We've explored old trails and found many new ones within a half hour's drive of our home.

"From some way off, or so it seemed, he thought he heard a cry: 'Hoy! Frodo! Hoy!' .. 'Frodo! Hoy!' came the thin voices out of the mist."

Fog on the Barrow-downs

(This post was edited by Frodo Hoy on Feb 19 2007, 4:41pm)

Grey Havens

Feb 19 2007, 4:52pm

Views: 205436
I've got just the smiley for you...

Arwen's daughter

Feb 19 2007, 5:28pm

Views: 203416
Hi Everybody!

Hi, I'm Dianne aka Arwen's daughter. I found this board shortly before ROTK was released but didn't sign up until a few months after the release. I remember hearing about some great fantasy series based on these great books, I don't even know how I'd heard about it, and I read FOTR and enough of TTT right before I saw the first movie. I immediately read The Hobbit and the Sil, and I desperately need to reread LOTR as I haven't since the films came out.

I'm in Kanas. I graduated from the University of Kansas just last May with a bachelor's in classical antiquity and art history. I'm officially taking some time out before grad school, though that time is getting longer and longer. Right now I work for the family direct marketing business.

Let's see, I'm an all around sci-fi geek. I dabble in a lot of things, but am a master of none. I read, write, paint, sew sci-fi costume, take photos, make movies, but none of them well enough to make a living out of. I'm a fan of ancient history and modern art and the beach when I can get to one.

This is me.

My Livejournal

My Costuming Site

Tol Eressea

Feb 19 2007, 7:09pm

Views: 207169

Leave it to me to get lost without even knowing it. Not sure about the trouble finding my post; it seems to be here to me, but perhaps that's a cookie issue or something. As for the picture, it appears to be attached to the post, rather than actually posted in it. Must read TORn 201.

Cheers, Aerin!


Feb 19 2007, 7:22pm

Views: 216154
Love it!


The Shire

Feb 19 2007, 8:06pm

Views: 212609
My name is still Tolchemist

and life is still pretty much the same for me - college eats up most of my time. The new boards are probably the biggest change all semester.
And if there are no worse changes in store for me this year, it will be a grand year indeed! Sly

Latin is a language, as dead as dead can be
It killed the ancient Romans
And now it's killing me!

The Shire

Feb 20 2007, 1:57am

Views: 193335
Magrat says hello

Reporting in on the new improved TORN! I'm an oldie, ancient, and largely absent now because two small people and a kingdom to run keep me too busy. Plus all those books and deadlines. Shocked

But I'm happy that TORN lives on and has a new incarnation and maybe I'll have less trouble logging in and posting now.

In the Beginning there was nothing, which exploded. - Terry Pratchett


Feb 20 2007, 3:11pm

Views: 196278

I'm Owlyross, or Owly, or Ross, whatever you will... I'm from the midlands of England, Leicester to be precise (hence the little logo that is my avatar, that's our rugby team).

I found this place back in 2002 or 2003 I think, and registered soon after, but lurked a lot... But it's put me in touch with a lot of cool and learned people, which is always good... I read LotR for the first time when I was about 12 (I'm 27 now). I work as a Proofreader and Copywriter for a Further Education College, which makes me extremely popular with the lecturers (correcting the grammar of qualified teachers? Heaven forbid!) I love books, movies and TV and music, particularly rock and acoustic stuff. I'm also an amateur singer-singwriter... Some may say a Bard... In fact, that's the last four letters of my surname... Hmmm... Owly should have thought harder about his nick n'est ce pas?

Anyway, here's me below, having a "Gondor Moment"

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."
Benjamin Franklin


Feb 20 2007, 3:56pm

Views: 191557
Hello. Newbie here.

Hello, everyone. I’ve been a lurker at theonering for some time and have thoroughly enjoyed a lot of the discussions there, especially the Screen Cap of the Day. Have you really been through all three films? I’m so sorry to have missed participating and hope it will be repeated sometime. I never registered at the old boards as I couldn’t get my head properly around how they worked in terms of posting, replying, viewing things in order, and so on.

I was very excited to see the new boards appearing but held back in case there was already an Elanor who wanted to keep her nickname - not wanting to tread on anyone’s toes. I love flowers, especially the early spring ones, and I always think the elanor must be a bit like a celandine. In time I hope to get an appropriate avatar but I’m a bit technically challenged so it could take a while. I love words too, and “elanor” is so pretty. I wish I could say “pretty” is a word that describes me, but a girl can dream…

I’ve loved “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings” since I was a child but am a very recent comer to the films. I resisted watching them in case doing so spoilt the books, but had once caught a clip almost by accident (the moment with Aragorn, Legolas and the Evenstar) and liked it enough to want to watch the films when they were aired on terrestrial television last autumn here in the UK. I enjoyed them very much… until the end of the Return of the King. I spent an unhappy few days wondering why the changes had been made and half wishing I had never watched the films at all. Then several people told me that watching the extended DVDs are a great help in understanding why the films were made as they were, so I got them and found it to be true. I was – and am – so delighted to see how the writers and producers honoured the books and I now love the films for what they are.

In real life I’m married with two teenage children and work part time for an accountant, although maths was my worst subject at school…

I look forward to getting know you.

"Frodo thought for a moment. 'Well, Sam, what about elanor, the sun-star, you remember the little golden flower in the grass of Lothlorien?'"


Feb 20 2007, 4:02pm

Views: 195206
Sorry to double post but...

The font in that post isn't the one I meant to have; I hope I've made the necessary change...

"Frodo thought for a moment. 'Well, Sam, what about elanor, the sun-star, you remember the little golden flower in the grass of Lothlorien?'"

Alassëa Eruvande

Feb 20 2007, 4:40pm

Views: 199757
Well, it's taken much time over the course of 2 days, but here I am!

Ah, *that's where you get the smilies! Crazy

It's Alassëa Eruvande from Texas. I first joined TORn around Feb. 2, 2004, after doing a google search for "Figwit". I thought just *maybe* the internet might have some information on him and/or LOTR and managed to stumble into TORn.

I think I have an avatar uploaded, but I haven't decided on a footer. I'm glad to finally be posting on the new boards and look forward to reconnecting with all the absentee Tornsibs I now see frolicking about!

Also, please remember that I am a techno doofus and that this is the first message board like this that I've ever attempted. If I'm doing something wrong, please tell me and I'll try my best to fix it! Laugh

Whee! Lookit all the smilies!! Angelic Evil Evil PirateMadHeart
Sorry. As you were.


Feb 20 2007, 4:49pm

Views: 203567

Glad to see you on the new boards.



Alassëa Eruvande

Feb 20 2007, 4:53pm

Views: 202544

The picture you posted makes you look like movie-Arwen's little sister. You have lovely hair!
Nice to meet you! Smile

N.E. Brigand

Feb 20 2007, 5:05pm

Views: 198240
Good to see you!

*scratches another name from the missing list*

Detail from earliest version of Thror's MapTolkien Illustrated! Jan. 29-May 20: Visit the Reading Room to discuss art by John Howe, Alan Lee, Ted Nasmith and others, including Tolkien himself.

Feb. 19-25: The Hobbit.

Alassëa Eruvande

Feb 20 2007, 5:08pm

Views: 197140
Hi, a.s. I liked your wildflower name!

I thought the story behind it was lovely as well. Something about the first flower to repopulate a burned area or something like that?
Nice to see you!

N.E. Brigand

Feb 20 2007, 5:09pm

Views: 197026
Welcome, elanor!

On the Movie board, weaver is taking suggestions for future regular discussions -- please chime in with your ideas.

Detail from earliest version of Thror's MapTolkien Illustrated! Jan. 29-May 20: Visit the Reading Room to discuss art by John Howe, Alan Lee, Ted Nasmith and others, including Tolkien himself.

Feb. 19-25: The Hobbit.

Alassëa Eruvande

Feb 20 2007, 5:26pm

Views: 200853
Glad to see you too! (No Text)



Feb 21 2007, 1:40am

Views: 194654
yes, it's a lovely little flower (and name)

In Reply To
I thought the story behind it was lovely as well. Something about the first flower to repopulate a burned area or something like that?
Nice to see you!

Fireweed, it's sometimes called, or rosebay willowherb (its common name):

From p 96 . of WILD IN LONDON - A Shell Book, text ©David Goode, photographs - ©Chris Schwarz, first publ.1986

For many Londoners the sight of rosebay willowherb is a grim reminder of the wartime blitz, when it covered the bomb sites in a blaze of red. The colonisation of these bomb sites was mainly accomplished by a group of plants with windborne seeds, of which rosebay was perhaps the most spectacular.

It's also known to cover areas decimated by forest fires, etc. One web site says:

When Mount Saint Helens exploded, a year later the Fireweeds were first to recover, turning the blasted hillsides purple.

Here are some pretty pictures.

Most gardeners consider it a weed, but I just find it sentimentally lovely that a little pink flower blooms after devastation. Sort of a metaphor of hope, in my opinion, for all it's a weed.

Still, no one could spell or say the name (although if Tolkien had just included it somewhere, I bet they could have, don't you!!!), and for the sake of getting along in conversation, I shortened it to a.s. anyway.

Thanks for remembering my little fireweed, though.



"an seileachan"

The Lost Mod Power: An Elegy (with apologies to Wordsworth)

What though the mod power which was once so bright
Be now FOREVER taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendor in the stats, of glory in the power,
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind.


Feb 21 2007, 1:46am

Views: 194245
yes, some of us are enchanted with picture smilies (me!)

In Reply To

Whee! Lookit all the smilies!! Angelic Evil Evil PirateMadHeart
Sorry. As you were.

oh, some of us are highly enchanted with having picture smilies. And it bugs the heck out of squire.

Now, I'm not saying there's necessarily any connection between my use of smilies and the fact that it bothers squire.

I'm just saying, is all.

See my halo??? Angelic

Wink a.s.

"an seileachan"

The Lost Mod Power: An Elegy (with apologies to Wordsworth)

What though the mod power which was once so bright
Be now FOREVER taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendor in the stats, of glory in the power,
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind.

Nessa Inglorion
The Shire

Feb 21 2007, 2:13am

Views: 195189
Thank you :)

Thanks!!! It's naturally curly and the easiest thing to do with it is to wear it half up, half down :)
Lovely baby in your avatar
Oh, and btw, you did a good job on your first post on this type of board.

SandWitch King

Feb 21 2007, 6:49am

Views: 188796
Careful there

Revealing too much can attract internet stalkers. Keep your wits about you. Shocked

Once upon a time I was MrCere. I still am but this name is for posting and being part of the community while that one is for official business. 8-)

Alassëa Eruvande

Feb 21 2007, 4:36pm

Views: 188394
And thank *you*!

The baby is my youngest son. He was about 8 weeks old in that picture, now he's 8 1/2 months. It's the only little picture I had at the moment on my computer and I thought it would work well for an avatar until I get the hang of this place.

Alassëa Eruvande

Feb 21 2007, 4:40pm

Views: 205828
I knew it bugged some people.

I like them when used sparingly. But they can be like sugar. Too much is too much.



Feb 21 2007, 8:55pm

Views: 188295
Yea, BABY!

Hi all! I'm Patti in RL, and mostly Far here online. I can't post a pic because I am a Geek: Not In A Good Way. Maybe houndrock or Varda or Lu will have pity on me and post the pic of me and Matty, *bats eyes*
I lurked on Old TORn a bit before I joined, but finally took the plunge after TTT came out, where I was scolded and plucked at by many of the oldbies (for an admittedly inane post) who are now my snarkyass friends! Shamed, I ducked into a Hobbit Hole, grew a thicker skin and quickly changed my name to Farawyn.
I live on Long Island, where I hang out with my family; hubby, 2 boys and my mutt, Barney. I'm an RN, and I absolutely love it. My interests include, but are not limited to: reading, cooking, walking, boating and baseball. Lets Go Mets- I loathe the Yankees.
I tawk way more in RL than I do here, so be thankful that you don't *really* know me.
I am a Pod.

Snark: It's what's for dinner.

Aunt Dora Baggins

Feb 21 2007, 9:27pm

Views: 190752
Yikes, how did I miss this thread?

I made it all the way to Bree and missed this thread. But I've been enjoying reading it. I'm supposed to be grading calculus tests, so I'll keep it short. I live in Colorado, and have had the great good fortune to meet Altaira and Mr. Altaira and RosieLass and Nefisa and a few other TORnsibs in person. I started reading the front page of TORn in 2000, and sent in several spy reports about things like the Burger King crown with the Ringspell on it, but I didn't actually post until November 2001. I first read LotR in 1970, and I calculate I'm on my 26th reading now.

I'm a community college math professor, and have a husband (Uncle Baggins) and two grown kids. My daughter reads LotR regularly too, and all three of them love the movies.

TORn has been such a wonderful place to be for the past six years. Thanks so much to all who prepared this new home for us!

Here's my pic:

and here's my abistation portrait:

I learned about abistation here on TORn, and I thought I got a pretty good likeness. (My hair is grayer than the photo shows; it's about eight years old.)

"For DORA BAGGINS in memory of a LONG correspondence, with love from Bilbo; on a large wastebasket. Dora was Drogo's sister, and the eldest surviving female relative of Bilbo and Frodo; she was ninety-nine, and had written reams of good advice for more than half a century."
Chance Meeting at Rivendell: a Tolkien Fanfic
and some other stuff I wrote...
leleni at hotmail dot com



Feb 22 2007, 3:15am

Views: 192330
I like this board

I did like the old board a lot, but believe it had outlived its usefulness. This one is much better. I'm sure the old gang will all find their way here in the next few days. It's nice to be here!

I'm WonderBroad, and I've been on this site from its earliest days. I can't believe how much has happened during the years the site has been up! Amazing.

(This post was edited by WonderBroad on Feb 22 2007, 3:16am)

The Shire

Feb 22 2007, 5:26pm

Views: 185261
here ya go

here's Far with one of her little guys:[/img]


Feb 22 2007, 7:47pm

Views: 187749

Thanks, GF!
I will learn to do this someday. Oh yes, I will.

"I have a perfect horror of words that are not backed up by deeds."
- Theodore Roosevelt, Oyster Bay, NY, July 7, 1915
Snark: The Other White Meat.
Disclaimer: The author of this message does not guarantee correct grammar, spelling or English usage. No responsibility can be accepted for the use of this message as a guide to written English.

Drusilla Darling

Feb 22 2007, 9:00pm

Views: 188422
I sort of already made a new post for this...

And then the welcome thread got moved. My bad!

I went by Ayaediran on the old boards starting around 2002ish, but figured it was time for a change.

Here's a pictar:

The user formerly known as Ayaediran

deviantART -->kinda new at this, more to come I promise!

Annûn n'Ithil
The Shire

Feb 23 2007, 1:06am

Views: 189227
The hubby hussled me over here to be introduced to folk proper-like.

Many apologies for creating a bit of a kerfuffle. I didn't know this official Intro & Welcome was here!
We should have introduced ourselves before sneaking into the 'Main' hall fer a look-see at the fancy new digs. Hoping to ease into things quietly didn't exactly work out. We (and by that I mean me) caused some confusion. Sorry, everyone!

The old "HobbitLoveR*M-e" is going, going, gone. That slightly silly thing is being exchanged for "Annûn n'Ithil", which is elegant Elvish for West of the Moon.
My mate, referred to formerly as the "hobbity hubby" was never registered before. I finally convinced him to join in as he has lurked long. He is my apposite opposite: "Amrûn n'Anor"; East of the Sun, of course.

It all does seem a bit much when you try to explain things.
Deciding 'off with the old and on with the new' is a bad thing to say to me, I'm thinking. Now what are we going to do for signatures? Hob was pretty good - Sunny and Moony - not so much. : {

Well, we'll come up with something. In the meanwhile, just remember, he's the tall one, I'm the short one.

See ya all on our wonderful new TORN!

An'I & An'A

Oldbie: HobbitLoveR*M-e

Egleria! Iorhael!
Eglerio! Daur a Berhael!

Drusilla Darling

Feb 23 2007, 3:46am

Views: 188115
Hey lady!

Aya here, long time no see/speak! I love your hair color, it's so vibrant.

The user formerly known as Ayaediran

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
~ Albus Dumbledore

deviantART -->kinda new at this, more to come I promise!

For even more geekdom: teh geekery (Anyanka_was_framed, at your service!)

Registered User

Feb 23 2007, 2:17pm

Views: 185476
Taedius is back...

...allthough you are quite forgiven if you've forgotten my nick. Never posted much, and only sporadically. I'm a lurker.

Anyway, 32 years of age, location Norway. Read anything I come across regarding Tolkien and his authorship.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Feb 23 2007, 4:53pm

Views: 193725
I think I'll still call you Hob occasionally

Great to see you! Isn't this fun?

Each cloak was fastened about the neck with a brooch like a green leaf veined with silver.
`Are these magic cloaks?' asked Pippin, looking at them with wonder.
`I do not know what you mean by that,' answered the leader of the Elves.

NARF since 1974.
Balin Bows

Nessa Inglorion
The Shire

Feb 24 2007, 5:19am

Views: 194304
Very cute!!

He's such a cutie :) My pic. is old, too, now that I think about it. -- it's from last Easter. :)


Feb 24 2007, 7:19pm

Views: 186767
all righty then

I'm Annael, my real name is Jody, I read LOTR for the first time back in 1967 and have read it over 50 times since. I joined TORn in July of 1999 after I heard they were making a live-action film of the book and went searching on the internet for a site where I could find out more!

I live in one of three official "Victorian seaports" in the US, a little town full of wonderful old Victorian houses, artists, writers, and musicians. I am writer currently working on a book about the journey of the heroine as portrayed in literature and film. I am an avid outdoorsy type; in my basement you'll find both cross-country and downhill skis (I was a racer once), hiking and backpacking gear, a mountain bike, and a raft. I climbed Mount St. Helens years before it blew its top. I'm also a trained singer and sing in a select choir, occasionally with a solo. In my wild youth I sang backup in a rock-and-roll band.

I'm the one on the left:

NARF and member of Deplorable Cultus since 1967


Feb 24 2007, 9:35pm

Views: 190632
Checking in from TN

Just introducing myself and reassuring the Reading Room that I have registered and am diligently working on my discussion. I might need some help with linking the pictures though.

I joined TORn before the first movie came out after my brother, a movie nut, told me about the site. I usually check the front page for news and have stopped by the RR and Main off and on for the last several years. My mother read the now well-known Ace editions while I was in utero but I didn't read the books myself till the summer before the movies came out. And proceeded to kick myself for not reading them sooner. I have read The Sil and much of the HOME material. I have given talks on The Sil at Dragoncon and The Gathering of the Fellowship. Not because I'm any kind of scholar, I'm just one of those people who loves to talk. Sly I'm also active with the Eowyn Challenge though my progress has been very slow. I am a nurse in real life. I love hockey (go Preds) and fence (foil) at least once a week.

Now to figure out this picture thing...


Feb 24 2007, 10:26pm

Views: 192355
Made it to the Shire

without having noticed this thread. Tstst.

I first came across Tolkien after seeing the Bakshi version at the age of – hm– about 11 or 12. I then got the book which kept me busy for a year or two (I never could accept it would end, so I'd start it over and over). When we moved to another country at the age of 15, it helped me get over the lonely first 6 months (until my dad bought me a moped and I finally could visit school mates).
I must have read it about 30+ times, but still can't get my head around it.

I saw the very first trailer (the one with music from – was it? – Gladiator), and thought, 'oh well, they're trying again' – but then I was a great PJ fan back then, and I have a university degree in media science with a grad paper on literary adaptations, so I figured it might be fun to watch FOTR.
It wasn't. I thought it was irrelevant.
I went again to watch it the next day, because if anything, any adapation of LOTR could *not* be irrelevant. I loved it then.
TOR.n happened by accident a few weeks later, I think I stumbled over it at work when I didn't have anything to do. Which happened a lot. I wonder why they closed the place down :-p

Apart from writing long, pointless posts about myself, I have remained a lousy guitar player for 30 odd years, like mostly dark, heavy music (with an occasionaI LedZep period), married the girl who would go to New Zealand with me after seeing TTT (where we met with NZStrider, Smokering, Eärwen, Telkemeniel who iirc couldn't make it, but it's a long time ago for an old geezer like me, and I still need to apologize, I was jetlagged *and* drunk, but I enjoyed the evening very much :) , and we have a wonderful almost 2 year old son who refuses to fall asleep.
And yes, the paper from OldTOR.n is still alive. It just smells funny. It doesn't, I just let it slumber for a bit.

Enough enough! I don't have even one presentable pic of myself.

Otherness represents that which bourgeois ideology cannot recognize or accept but must deal with (…)
Robin Wood 2003, p. 49. "Hollywood from Vietnam to Reagan – and beyond". Columbia University Press, New York, Chichester, West Sussex.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Feb 24 2007, 11:15pm

Views: 192270
Hi Saelind

Great to see you here! We met in Toronto, in case you can't match my nick with me. I drove from Chicago with Nancy.

Each cloak was fastened about the neck with a brooch like a green leaf veined with silver.
`Are these magic cloaks?' asked Pippin, looking at them with wonder.
`I do not know what you mean by that,' answered the leader of the Elves.

NARF since 1974.
Balin Bows


Feb 25 2007, 5:42am

Views: 199595
Hi back!

Yes, I do remember you! Nice to see you again.

Registered User

Feb 25 2007, 2:50pm

Views: 189381


My name is Meira and I come here from Finland. I have been lurking around for the past years, my more active posting days were from 2001 to 2003. I originally came here after I 'lost' the Council of Elrond site. (They moved when I lived in England and had only limited access to the internet.) I felt right at home and have never really left since.

To Tolkien and his work I was exposed as an infant; my father is a huge fan and started reading Hobbit to me when I was old enough (six years, if I recall correctly). He had been telling me the stories for years before that and even carved little wooden swords to me and my brother. He also took us to see a theatre version of LOTR around 1989, when I was ten. I finally read the books when I was twelve. I think I had put it off for so long because of the huge exposure I was getting - too often when something is hyped that much it ends up being really disappointing. I'm glad that LOTR proved to be an exception to that rule. :) Today Silmarillion is perhaps my favourite of Tolkien's published works.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Feb 25 2007, 4:13pm

Views: 192307
Welcome back

to a returning TORNado. Hope to see more of you around here.

Each cloak was fastened about the neck with a brooch like a green leaf veined with silver.
`Are these magic cloaks?' asked Pippin, looking at them with wonder.
`I do not know what you mean by that,' answered the leader of the Elves.

NARF since 1974.
Balin Bows


Feb 25 2007, 8:49pm

Views: 190227

In Reply To
Just introducing myself and reassuring the Reading Room that I have registered and am diligently working on my discussion. I might need some help with linking the pictures though.

If you do end up having trouble figuring out the picture-linking, please give a shout. Are you planning to copy images into something like a photobucket account or personal website, or linking directly to another website where they're available (e.g. War of the Ring)?

In any case, glad to see you made it over here.

ink drawing by JRRT

Alassëa Eruvande

Feb 26 2007, 4:02pm

Views: 199645
Well, it's nice to finally see you, Annael!

Although, you look nothing like the Annael in my head. I was actually expecting you to say you were the one one the right in that picture. Don't know why. But it's great to finally have a face to go with your nick!

The Shire

Feb 27 2007, 8:18am

Views: 186960
Hello from Down Under

I've just made it here to these shiny new boards, and my, are they swish-lookin'. Kudos to all involved in their creation Heart

I'm Estelwyn, also known as 'Stel, or Susan in RL. I joined TORn just after ROTK was released and immediately wished I had joined sooner. I had a couple of years of being very obsessed with all things LOTR related a regular poster on TORn, and learned a lot. I particularly enjoyed the regular discussion threads. Haven't been very active for the last year or so (RL has gotten a bit too real!), but I hope to pop in here from time to time.

Oh, and I live in New Zealand. Lucky me!

Daughter of Nienna
Grey Havens

Mar 2 2007, 10:41pm

Views: 207050
Aloha Kâua!

(See my footer for translation)

I live in Hawai‘i… for 20 years as of December 1, 2006. I am a grandmother. My granddaughter, Kapua, is turning fourteen on March 15, 2007. (I am one of those mold-breaking, get a head start, youthful grandmothers.) I grew up in Chicago, left at age 23 in 1976 (best decision I ever made). Lived in the Bay area for eleven years. My home of my heart is in Hawai‘i, I could never leave here.

I have two long-lost sisters that I reconnected with in 2002 after 47 years (2 weeks before my 50th birthday). One lives in Virginia, and the other lives in the Virginia Islands, on St Croix; and found an extended family I never knew existed. I grew up an only child of a single mom, most of those years (age 6 to 13) I lived in a Children's Home.

I belong to the local Tolkien Society smial: Tol Andúnë (“Island of the Setting sun”). I am an Artist and a classic film fan. I love movies all kinds, new, old, from art-house to big Hollywood productions (if well-done). I am a member of HIFF (Hawai‘i International Film Festival). Last Sunday, I went to an Oscar gala put on by HIFF, at the world-renown Halekulani.

I draw, make jewelry, and do sewing crafts (elegant book covers for Tolkien books are my specialty). I’m trained in graphic design; though I don’t do it accept for my own amusement like doing things in PhotoShop. I have art posted on the Fan Art board.

I post mainly in the Reading Room, tough I love the LotR movie, I am first a Tolkien book fan; I feel that is where I learn the most. On OT, I look for the thread, “what movie did you watch”, and Fiesta, when I get up early enough. I peek in occasionally on Movie and Main. I enjoy the new Fan Art board.

I first signed up when FotR was released, but did not stick around. I returned right after the TTT was released on DVD. I really wanted to talk about the film on the movie board, but found it a bit unfriendly to open discussion at the time, so I picked my threads. I stuck close to the Reading Room where open exchange of ideas flows freely. I had to stop cold-turkey in June of 2004, hanging out here took over my life. Finding balance is not one of my strengths. I peeked in over the holidays, being sick with not much to do. I saw the sign-up thread for the Art discussion and took the plunge.

Last Sunday, I went to a huge Oscar gala put on by HIFF, (Academy sanctioned) at the world renown Halekulani, 6-course gourmet food and red carpet. I even got an Oscar poster.


Websites Directory, my drawings, Aloha & Mahalo

Nienna: “those who hearken to her learn pity, and endurance in hope . . . All those who wait in Mandos cry to her, for she brings strength to the spirit and turns sorrow to wisdom." — Valaquenta

(This post was edited by Daughter of Nienna on Mar 2 2007, 10:47pm)

Goldie Took
The Shire

Mar 4 2007, 5:53pm

Views: 184030
hullo! one of the Tooks here :)

the Took formerly known as Goldilocks.. going with the shorter Goldie Took

I've been around Torn since right after FOTR came out, and I had no idea when choosing my geeky nickname I would end up meeting so many of my online friends LOL (I'm very tall with long dark hair) or I would of choosen wiser I suppose :P



Mar 4 2007, 8:50pm

Views: 189749
OMG Hi !!!! :: hugs ::

Glad to see you around here. :)

Registered User

Mar 11 2007, 11:29pm

Views: 201126
Fancy posting underneath the Took!

Helloo, m'lady!
Is your email addy the same one we used to use??


Mar 12 2007, 1:06am

Views: 182713

Hi, I'm Draug. I'm from the USA.

I've been a fairly low-level poster but I've been here since before FOTR hit theaters (what a time that was, checking for news about what things would look like, etc.)

My mom read me LOTR when I was a boy; I'm only 21, so although being kind of young I guess I"m one of the last generation of fans that read the books ***BEFORE** there was news of a movie coming out (I think I read it in like 1996), back in the days when everyone who read it would say "no way in heck this could be made into a movie"

And then I saw a blurb in a newspaper that they were starting work on a LOTR movie (this was like 1997), and I just googled around on the internet until I found stuff like this; this was also the first time I actually had a computer and the internet and stuff, so it's kind of how I started getting online in fandom and such (similar to how the LOTR DVD's redefined how people thought of DVD's: I mean who had "DVD parties" before LOTR?)

So I'm a big book fan (Silmarillion is SO cool; looking foward to Children of Hurin), that was excited when the movies came out and was obsessively comparing everything to what's in the book, what details they added in (obsessing over minor details is half the fun!)

Have every LOTR action figure (like 70); haha, well it took like 5 years worth of christmases and birthdays to get them all eventually. Except Wormtongue of course; they made like none of those.

Looking foward to a Hobbit and prequel/linker-Appendix movie. IN the end, I think everything will work out.

N.E. Brigand

Mar 12 2007, 3:40am

Views: 188922
*scratches Draug from list of the missing*

Welcome to the new boards!

Detail from earliest version of Thror's MapTolkien Illustrated! Jan. 29-May 20: Visit the Reading Room to discuss art by John Howe, Alan Lee, Ted Nasmith and others, including Tolkien himself.

Mar. 5-11: Tolkien's "Visions, Myths and Legends".


Mar 17 2007, 4:18pm

Views: 187880
I mean

I'm the one on the left as you look at it - is that what you meant?

Here's another pic of me having tea with my niece on her birthday last winter - I'm on the left - the one in red!

Only a real man would dare do his morning power walk in a puffy shirt.

NARF and member of Deplorable Cultus since 1967


Mar 20 2007, 2:55am

Views: 190150
This is embarrassing...

Gotta get this over with but it is more than a bit embarrassing to have to do it. The hobbity hubby and I are dumping our new nicks.

It didn't take long to realize that the fancy new nicks that we (and by that, I mean I) picked for the new boards just weren't right. They had to go! So, "Amrun n'Anor" and "Annun n'Ithil" are no more! (Except in poetry and song, of course)
We're very sorry for all this silly fuss.
I promise, no more changes! EVER! (on these boards at least)
It is "ordinaryhobbit" (the hubby) and "hobbitlove" (for me) from now on. Simple is good.

Still 'Hob'

(former nick: "HobbitLoveR*M-e" among several others, briefly)


Egleria! Iorhael!


Mar 20 2007, 3:08am

Views: 188757
Yeah... 'Hob' is back! n/t


Registered User

Mar 24 2007, 3:13am

Views: 190213
Oldtimer finding her way back

Hi, I' m Lothirienne. I joined TORn after FOTR came out and was very active through "the movie years". I started in the Reading Room where I lurked for awhile and then joined in the discussions. I first read LOTR when I was a teenager (that would be just after the earth cooled!) and read it many times through the college years. Took a break but reread it again as I heard the movies were coming out and have continued to reread it. TORn was a very special part of my life for sevearl years, haven't really had the time for awhile. I happened back on the baords just as the message for the final Fiesta thread was up.

In real life I am a biology professor at a community college with Mr. Lothirienne and 2 children keeping me very busy! My office is decorated wtih LOTR references, movie pictures and calnedars as well as maps of Middle Earth. I manage to work a lot of LOTR into my lectures (today it was comparing similarities of arthropods with elven, Rohirrim and Gondorian armour) Fun to come back and see many names I remember. I don't know how often I will be able to post, but I will try to visit now and again. As other people have said - TORn was a very special place and I loved the time I spent here, the discussions of the books, the movies, and the great limerick contests and song paradies on MAIN! (We still sing the Christmas carols that Inferno posted before Two Towers premiered!)

Lady Luthien
Registered User

Mar 27 2007, 10:24pm

Views: 192804

Hello! I've visited this site since FOTR came out, but I haven't participated in the message boards until now. I'm a freshman in college studying graphic design and Japanese. I've been a Lord of the Rings fan since 5th grade, right after I read the Hobbit. I don't know what else to say, so if you want to know more you can message me. Bye!

Registered User

Apr 5 2007, 5:40pm

Views: 191405
Aloha All!

Hello, I'm Aelinl and I am a complete newbie to these boards. Wink I have had TORn set as my home page since FOTR so I visit daily and have contributed a couple of articles. But I must say I have never ventured over to these boards, so I guess better late than never! Crazy

I am a Mum of two beautiful children, whom I call my little dragons, I've been married for almost 14 years and I currently reside in AZ. I was born in Hawaii and grew up and Air Force brat and spent many years traveling. Luckily I am still very close to my family in Hawaii and visit as often as I can. I'm an avid fantasy fan and am a member of a few different forums, TFF, Stormcrowpictures (formerly the Ringers forum), ASoIaF and now these great boards! Hope to be online enough to get to know you all...see you on the boards!

(This post was edited by Aelinil on Apr 5 2007, 5:47pm)

The Shire

Apr 9 2007, 12:57am

Views: 202912
Hello all! Sorry I overlooked this thread when I first registered...

I didn't find this site until the trilogy films were just about wrapped up. I think ROTK was about to be released. So I didn't register--thought it was kind of late to participate at that point, but I've visited the site numerous times since then and was impressed to see that the site is still thriving. I finally decided to join a few weeks ago, intrigued in part by the weekly Lost thread (I've been an avid fan since day one though I'm a bit disappointed this year). I'd visited ABC's Lost theads several times but was not impressed.

I'm also an avid LOTR fan and first read the trilogy for a college Fantasy Lit class in the late 70's. I truly love the films and still watch them when I need a fix. My husband's grown kind of weary of them so I try to find times now when he's not at home. lol!

I live in Va Beach with my husband of 10 years, our two beagles, Sammie and Sadie (ages 15 and 16 months, respectively), and our tarantula Rosie (4+ years old--not sure of her exact age). I teach English online for a technical college, so I'm online a zillion hous a week (at least it seems like a zillion!). :) I love the beach and suntanning, reading when I have the chance and my eyes aren't too weary from the pc, movies, and rock music.

Guess that's enough about me. I'm looking forward to interaction with the members on this great site!

The Shire

Apr 11 2007, 4:56am

Views: 190692
When should I head to Welington for the Hobbit?

Hello , my name is David and I am a newbie. I always thought was for "secret" insiders or something like that. I currently work as a customer service rep for a flower company (you'll be surprised by their healing power and how great they can make people feel). I remember reading something about all three Lord of the Rings movies being made at once back in the day and thinking that would really rock if Peter Jackson pulls it off (the only comparison I had was Star Wars). My ideal day would be learning how to surf at Lyall Bay and be an extra in the Hobbit if it is ever made (I think I would enjoy living in Wellington). Smile


Apr 11 2007, 2:04pm

Views: 192472
Hey, welcome to the group of 'secret' insiders....

or something like that. ;^)

I wouldn't be at all surprised at the healing power of flowers. We've had some conversations about the symbology of flowers in the movies. I wouldn't be surprised if there's been similar ones for the books.


Enjoy the LOTR movie soundtracks?
Why not join us for fun and discussion in
the current Movie Music Trivia Game.


Registered User

Apr 12 2007, 5:56am

Views: 188728

Hi everyone!
I've just signed up to the new boards. I've been using TORN for a while, but unfortunately haven't been able to spend as much time on it as I would like :) I've been watching my LOTR DVDs over the past week and they brought back all those wonderful memories of seeing them for the first time ...


May 19 2007, 7:59pm

Views: 183293
Greetings from Orcbane

Finally here! I am fairly new to forums, but have spent a learning year on a quite nice small forum. I like talking about Tolkien's world & our own (The two are connected in some odd way). I love the Armies of Middle-Earth figure series and making customs & original figures. I am very concerned about a deteriorating environment. I hate Trolls.

N.E. Brigand

May 19 2007, 8:51pm

Views: 191695
Welcome to the boards! /nt


Detail from earliest version of Thror's MapTolkien Illustrated! Jan. 29-May 20: Visit the Reading Room to discuss art by John Howe, Alan Lee, Ted Nasmith and others, including Tolkien himself.

May 14-20: Open Discussion!

Alanna Smithee
Registered User

May 29 2007, 6:37pm

Views: 184536
Hi everyone

I go by Alanna Smithee on the boards, and eons ago I went by PisceanMaid here, but the system didn't seem to want to remember such a slacker, so I'll just be Alanna here as well. Laugh

*waves to Altaira and any other KiKn folk who are here*

N.E. Brigand

May 29 2007, 7:06pm

Views: 185253

The new boards would indeed have required you to re-register as PisceanMaid without reference to your previous incarnation under that name, but why not: welcome Alanna!

Detail from earliest version of Thror's MapTolkien Illustrated! Thanks to everyone who participated in our sixteen-week discussion of Tolkien-inspired artwork! New posts on this subject are welcome at any time.

Registered User

May 30 2007, 1:11pm

Views: 204783

hi im kirsty and im from edinburgh. after a long absence i return to find everything new and sparkaly. so i have a new sparkly name. for those of you who might remember i was child of the evening light.Smile

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 30 2007, 4:21pm

Views: 194257
Welcome! or Welcome Back!

Glad to see you here!

Each cloak was fastened about the neck with a brooch like a green leaf veined with silver.
`Are these magic cloaks?' asked Pippin, looking at them with wonder.
`I do not know what you mean by that,' answered the leader of the Elves.

NARF since 1974.
Balin Bows


Jun 11 2007, 7:09pm

Views: 214874
This should explain me a lot

I've only just now found this thread. "Duh"

I've been reading The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit since I was 19yo in 1971 and have read it at least once a year ever since. I saw each of the films an average of 55 times, and can't wait to see it at the theatre AGAIN!

I'm a gramma of 4 (hence, my nickname IS my given name... by them). I live in Michigan and work as an online/database editor/caretaker for a university.

I found TORn in January 2002 after being a member of the "official" Lord of the Rings website... who led me here through one of their posts. I was lucky enough to get my name on 2 of the 3 eedvds *squeeeee* and can't WAIT to get to New Zealand!


(picture in my profile ;)

sample sample
Trust him... The Hobbit is coming!

"Barney Snow was here." ~Hug like a hobbit!~ "In my heaven..."

TORn's Observations Lists

Lorien Calling
Registered User

Jun 25 2007, 5:10am

Views: 187424
My goodness, but it's been such a long time!

I thought that a new name suited the new boards. Some of you may know me as Glorindiel. I think that's what it I said, it's been such a long time since I was on...
Well, I'm 18 and a LOTR junkie still and proud of it! :) Glad my boyfriend appreciates that. (He's a closet junkie) Speak of the devil, he's the love of my life, and he's a combat medic in the Army Reserves, heading to Iraq in a coupple months...sad...
Anyway, back to me, I'm heading to college this fall to study visual arts, mainly photography, and theatre arts. Fun fun.

Put up one of my senior pics :)

Happy Hobbit Lass
Registered User

Jul 24 2007, 9:38pm

Views: 188413

Hello everyone! I am a nineteen-year-old English Major at Luther College - Tolkien was part (most) of my inspiration for choosing to study English. I am a geek and a loser, but that doesn't really matter, because I think geeks and losers represent the best of humanity. There is an assortment of obsessions, usually stories of some sort in book, movie, or television form, that I constantly dance among, waltzing with one before skipping off to another for a while... The Lord of the Rings is my most common partner. In that same vein, I have an inner hobbit lass who is increasingly fond of bare feet, long skirts, and food. My life's goal is to convince the world that fantasy and science fiction novels can potentially avoid the cheap action thrill or child bedtime story stereotypes and be intelligent genres worthy of being labelled "great literature."

I first read The Lord of the Rings somewhere around seven or eight years ago and was immediately hooked. I've read it a total of seven times, three times pre-movies, four times post-movies, so enough to brag a little bit, although I still bow to the superiority of those who have read it far more often. Wink I have also enjoyed some of Tolkien's other works, including The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, and Children of Hurin. I've had as my homepage for well over two years without ever thinking about joining the forums. Ah well, at least I'm here now!

Thank you very much for providing a great community! I look forward to meeting all of you and expanding my Tolkien geekdom. Smile

"Some who have read the book, or at any rate have reviewed it, have found it boring, absurd, or contemptible; and I have no cause to complain, since I have similar opinions of their works, or of the kinds of writing that they evidently prefer." A feisty Tolkien


Jul 29 2007, 9:27pm

Views: 184228
Back after a long break...

Hi everybody

I used to frequent these boards during that period of delicious expectation before the films were released, and for some time after. I stopped posting because my life got fairly busy and complicated and everything internet-related kind of fell by the wayside.

During my absence I've been diagnosed with that wonderful illness M.E., sometimes known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I had to give up work at the beginning of the year and have had some really rough moments health-wise but I'm staying positive and taking each day as it comes.

I recently realised that I hadn't read a book written by Tolkien for some time, so I dusted off my copy of The Silmarillion and got stuck in. Whilst reading it I suddenly thought of TORn and so decided to check out my old haunt. It's still here! Okay, it looks a bit different but I'll get used to it.

I look forward to getting to know everyone (again)


Forum Admin / Moderator

Jul 29 2007, 9:38pm

Views: 189222
So what's a Nazguy like you

doing in a place like this?

I know - I kill me! ;)

Nice to see you here again Nazguy. :)

Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded b*****d with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Ataahua's stories


Jul 29 2007, 10:07pm

Views: 187144

Yes, the creation of my username took several days of incredibly deep thought. Not.

divine hobbit
The Shire

Aug 28 2007, 5:57am

Views: 183927
it's been a while

Hi, I'm Kristin and I've been away from TORn for a bit, like 3 years or so. In that time I've moved across the country twice, completed my masters degree, had a baby and am now 'settled' and working. I'd love to connect with anyone in the Bay Area and just get back into the community in general!

The Shire

Sep 14 2007, 12:58am

Views: 182892
New but not so new.

Hello I'm Awië.

I'm new on the boards but old on TORn having checked out the web site almost daily since I found it when FOTR was released. I was also blessed to attend all three of the TORn Oscar parties.

I've only now checked out the message boards though and can't believe what I have missed. I especially like the GOLD Nuggets and Screencap of the day.

I'm an at home mother of two, who likes watching birds (my handle Awië means Little Bird in Quenya) read, medieval history, anything to do with nature especially trees.

I've been reading LOTR yearly since 1982, and read the books for the first time in the early 70's. I love the books and I love the movies.

I'm not sure how brave I will be in posting replies but I will try.


Sep 14 2007, 8:20am

Views: 199480
Welcome! And, don't be shy!

With a track record like that, you'll fit right in!

Son of Elizabeth in Frodo's tree
March, 2007

Elizabeth is the TORnsib formerly known as 'erather'

Registered User

Oct 26 2007, 9:50am

Views: 181817

I'm Helen and a virgo / libra edge (depending in which hemisphere and solstice you dwell)

I'm English from a stewpot of Celtic grand-parents, Cockney Mum and posh Kent Dad; so me accent's a bit dodgy.

(and I think I'm on the Yank website from what I'm reading about eating out places)

hmm Rohan is calling...

My likes: slow horses, fast men.
I always know what I want and getting there has always been easy.

I'm currently living in Africa and stick out a mile away - cos I look like a pagan witch from Avalon.
and I'm single.

The Shire

Jan 17 2008, 6:37am

Views: 203531
Hey everyone!

Hello there! I'm Isabel and i'm from Montevideo Uruguay, so sorry if my Enlgish is not perfect. Anyways, i've been a member of a Harry Potter fan site (The Leaky Cauldron) for a long time now (almost 2 years) and i was thinking today, if i like LOTR more than Harry Potter and like forever why on earth i'm not on a LOTR fansite?? Sooo here i am!
Anyways, silly story i know Tongue but i'm looking forward to start posting and checking out all the threads! So see you around!

"Everybody lies" Gregory House

Registered User

Jan 31 2008, 3:24am

Views: 182783
Hi there...

My name is Gonzalo, but you can call me Gon. Smile I'm a newbie here, so I'll tell you a little about me xD

I live in Chile and I've been a long time Tolkien's reader. The first time I read LotR was when I was 13 or so... now I'm 25 :o (gosh, time flies, uh? T_T) xD I'm a big fan of PJ's movies and I'm looking forward to seeing Del Toro's Hobbit! xDD

This is me... don't be scared! Blush

Well... nice to meet you people!
Kind regards,

The Shire

Feb 4 2008, 5:38am

Views: 181364
A newbie wants to say HI

Hello Guys,

This is Francili Joy from Philippines. I am an avid fan of JRR Tolkien's works. I'm a technical support in a Business Process Outsourcing company. I love Photography. And I certainly LOVE LORD OF THE RINGS!!

I am hoping to meet my Filipino LOTR fans here.

----- 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ------

Here's my scary face...

Forum Admin / Moderator

Feb 5 2008, 3:57am

Views: 187008

Glad to see you here. Have fun!

Each cloak was fastened about the neck with a brooch like a green leaf veined with silver.
`Are these magic cloaks?' asked Pippin, looking at them with wonder.
`I do not know what you mean by that,' answered the leader of the Elves.

NARF since 1974.
Balin Bows

Forum Admin / Moderator

Feb 5 2008, 3:58am

Views: 179181
Welcome to you!

My high-school teacher went to work in Chile, and he absolutely loved your country. I hope to get there some day. Welcome to TORN!

Each cloak was fastened about the neck with a brooch like a green leaf veined with silver.
`Are these magic cloaks?' asked Pippin, looking at them with wonder.
`I do not know what you mean by that,' answered the leader of the Elves.

NARF since 1974.
Balin Bows


Feb 19 2008, 3:49am

Views: 194148
Buenas Dias!

Buenas Dias!

"What do you mean? Do you wish me a buena dia, or do you mean that it is a buena dia whether I want it or not; or that you feel buena this dia, or that it is a dia to be buena on?" (Ah, Gandalf!)

Anyway, a hearty greeting to my fellow Latinos (I'm a mixed-blood Yaqui, born in the USA of a tribe based primarily in Mexico.) And a salute to the Filipina from the land of a thousand gorgeous islands, too! And to each and every one of you, because all cultures are rich and beautiful in their heritages and variety, and a homogeneous Middle Earth would bore me silly.

Hi, I'm new around here, also. I've been into Tolkien since I read the Hobbit in 1963, but didn't participate in fandom until just this century. I'd heard of TORN but feared it might be too lofty for me. Now I find that it is a warm and friendly place indeed. Thank you for being here.

My website offers fanfic, and message-boards regarding intentional community or faerie exploration.

The Shire

Mar 10 2008, 2:47am

Views: 184564

hi im new here and i'd like to thank the people who checked out my post(klingons,golf,and tolkin)
how to decribe my self? well i have a very bad case of o.c.r.dWink (obsessive compulsive reading disorder)
lol.and love all things star trec,tolkin,orlando bloom,robert jordan(author of the weel of time books),
brooks(Crazyyha i know he's a tolkin wana be,so shoot meCrazy) and basicly anything else in that genre. im
very involved in my churchyouth group.and have one bro.and two sis.i'll look forward to more responces
to my post.the ones i'v alreadygotten were great Unimpressedoh yea my spelling's not that great so please forgive me
if i mangle the english lang.Unsure


Mar 19 2008, 2:24am

Views: 177085
A human hobbit?

Hi, my name is Dave. I live in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

I love hobbits, eating, drinking ale, and growing my beard. I had my first taste of Tolkien around the 6th grade. Around the same time I first watched Star Wars as well. I love the life of a hobbit. Seems like paradise to me.

I'm new here but not to message boards. I've been posting on a Star Wars board for over 4 years. I hope to make lots of friends here.

Amaranth Brandybuck
Registered User

Mar 31 2008, 7:29pm

Views: 180523
hello again

I suppose I am a new oldbie, or is it an old newbie? I used to post here years back but I can't remember anymore how I was called back then. I've been lurking for some years, since I changed my computer and lost my nick and password but regurlarly follow the conversation anyhow.
My new nick was inspired by Dinah Hazell's The Plants of Middle Earth. I've become very much into plants and nature these recent years. What more becoming to a lover of Tolkien?
I hope to be a bit more active now though who knows what the Real Life has in store for us.

Registered User

Apr 5 2008, 2:39am

Views: 179964
New one

I'm Mike, 25, and I'm from Kansas.
I know I'm a little weird, so don't remind, me, but I've become a huge Lord of the Rings fan over the last several years (and I haven't even finished the book!).
Besides the Lord of the Rings, I'm a diehard metalhead, and a huge sports fan, my favourites being Australian Rules football, hockey, rugby, and the Olympic Games.
That's all for now....

Forum Admin / Moderator

Apr 7 2008, 3:16am

Views: 189834
It's great to see so many new names here!

Welcome to TORN! Smile

Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded b*****d with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Ataahua's stories

Registered User

Apr 17 2008, 12:26am

Views: 182049

Hi there just a quick note to introduce myself. My name's Andy, I'm 43 fron Northampton in the UK.

I first encountered Hobbits in 1978 When I read The Hobbit. My next encounter was many years later in the mid 80's when a Computer game on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum got me interested enough to read LoTR for the 1st time. I've since read it 2 more times.

Anyway, I now have a new job as a Lorry driver for a large supermarket which involves loads of sitting in my cab waiting to be unloaded/loaded so I have taken up reading again after a short hiatus of 10 years where I only read from the Internet, shame on me!!

I've Just finished Azimov's "I robot" and am about to embark on the HoMe series starting with Book of Lost tales part one.

That's enough waffling from me, Catch you all on the forums sometime in the future, most likely in the reading room!!

Cheers, Andy

P.S I'm working on an Avatar...Honest!!

N.E. Brigand

Apr 20 2008, 4:49am

Views: 183058
Welcome to TORN!

(Was this thread always stickied? I only just noticed it stuck to the top of the board tonight.)

Thanks for posting, and hope to see more of you around the boards.

We're discussing The Lord of the Rings in the Reading Room, Oct. 15, 2007 - Mar. 22, 2009!

Join us Apr. 14-20 for "The Riders of Rohan".

Registered User

Apr 25 2008, 1:58am

Views: 182474
Another newbie here...


I'm Anita, I live in London and I love love love love loooooooove Lord of the Rings Heart

I'm also a student Photographer, a film fan in general and a bookworm. I live at home with my parents and brother (and two cats) and I work for a bank.


Apr 25 2008, 3:39am

Views: 184939
I'm new to the forum!

Mae Govannen! I have been on TOR.n watchin the news about the hobbit movie for several months now so I finally decided to join the forum. I am a complete Tolkien freak so I should enjoy it here. i am also from NZ so I live in Middle Earth i guess!

Take what you can, give nothing back!


Apr 25 2008, 2:20pm

Views: 184047
Hey folks

My name is Leo, as is my nick. I'm not very original ;-) I used to frequent these boards back in the very old days, before they even started shooting LOTR. But then this takes a lot of time, and I don't really have a lot of time. But I can try...

I'm 26 years old now, and live in a little town in the middle of Holland, or The Netherlands if you prefer. No, not Amsterdam. I am a freelance journalist, mostly politics related. And the rest of my time is spent on other little jobs here and there. I like a bit of variation in my daily rumblings.

Back in the days I used to write up headlines for TORn, but I don't really do that anymore. But heck, as I seem to be in the process of picking up old habits I might just be tempted again...

It's nice to see so many old and even more new faces. And they changed the boards too, how about that... Very nice. I'm sure I will miss the old layout for a while, but as long as there are still fiësta friday's I should be okay!


May 27 2008, 3:44pm

Views: 259781
Hello just introducing myself

I'm a fairly new "convert" to Tolkien........and I only saw P.J.'s films a few months ago (where have I been?Shocked).

Looking forward to joining in and glad to have found some other Tolkien fans who are as crazy about his books as me!


The Shire

May 28 2008, 4:15am

Views: 255532
forgot to do this... old newbie, new oldbie, former forum member on the old boards

you get the idea. played there as glorfin2, because glorfin was taken and i lacked imagination (others will deny that). I used to be a wiz at eia and at spoofing the poetry of the Hobbit for sastl. Been known to moot.
Got married and another degree in the interim. Still prefer being under trees to anywhere else in the world.
Can't think of anything else atm.
I'll be around.
Oh, and i also revived an old bad habit and re-registered "me" in barli's. Pronoun wars amuse me.
Book fan first, like the movies, but still prefer books. And got into rather heated discussions about the casting of Arwen, the portrayal and placement of elves, the killing of Haldir, survived the footer wars, etc.
narf since i was 12.
Glorfin, me, ...

Glorfin has no footer. Glorfin needs no footer.


May 28 2008, 4:42am

Views: 208654

glad you've come to join in the fun SmileSmile

Once hooked, hooked for life LOL

There he stood
Proud and solemn
Yet happy and gay

The Shire

May 31 2008, 9:57am

Views: 191194
Greetings, all!

Greetings, fellow Tolkien fans!

I'm James, and I'm originally from Hawaii but am currently going to college in Japan. My first exposure to J.R.R. Tolkien's works came in 1998. I was 10, and my dad introduced me to the animated version of The Hobbit. I loved it, and read the book shortly afterward. I also got to hear a very good audiobook of the story . . . Not sure which it was, but it had a large cast that really got into the performance -- sang the songs and all, and ended each side of the tape with a rendition of the Dwarves' song, "Over the Misty Mountains Cold."

My next exposure to the world of Middle-Earth was in 2001, with the release of the Fellowship of the Ring film. I was completely entranced by the story, the visuals, the acting . . . everything about it. I knew I had to find out more, and managed to read the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy before the Two Towers film was released. I adored all three films, even when they occasionally strayed from Tolkien's words, and loved the extended DVDs even more.

In the fall of 2006, I got an excellent opportunity -- I was starting college, and found out that one of the professors was starting an English class in which students would get to read, study, and discuss Tolkien's works. It was mainly focused on The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, but also used selected portions of The Silmarillion. I signed up to become one of the class's first students, did very well in the class, and had great fun with it. Besides studying the books, we also got to look at the films and even learned to write our names and simple phrases in Quenya! Our professor also introduced us to Tol Andúnë, the Hawaii smial of the Tolkien Society. Dad and I are now proud members who regularly go to the events and parties that our founders organize. Cool

I'm looking forward to the Hobbit film, especially now that Peter Jackson is confirmed as the executive producer (and since I'm confident that Guillermo Del Toro will stay true to the spirit of the book and PJ's films). I look forward to discussing Tolkien's works and the films based on them, and also to making new friends here on TORN!

May a star shine on the hour of our meeting.
~ James

(This post was edited by Toru771 on May 31 2008, 10:00am)

Tol Eressea

Jun 2 2008, 12:35pm

Views: 192223
Welcome toru771

That's fantastic that you had such a cool professor! I remember one of my college professors saying that Tolkien wasn't 'serious' enough to teach. Crazy

Anyhow, glad you found your way here and I hope you enjoy your stay!

"...and back again."

Forum Admin / Moderator

Jun 5 2008, 5:44am

Views: 192954
Reminds me of an English teacher I had...

In Reply To
That's fantastic that you had such a cool professor! I remember one of my college professors saying that Tolkien wasn't 'serious' enough to teach. Crazy

She said to us, "We're scheduled to study Romeo and Juliet this year, but it's utter tripe so we're doing Othello instead."

Crazy Laugh

Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded b*****d with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Ataahua's stories


Jul 13 2008, 12:57pm

Views: 189283
It fits

It took me some three years since I first stumbled across TORn to click the link saying 'message boards', so some eight months untill I notice this thread is quite an improvement...
And that's probably the most revealing thing I could say about myself.Unimpressed

"Don't make jokes about it," hissed Gollum. "It isn't funny. O no! Not amusing. It's not sense to try and get into Mordor at all."
"I am commanded to go to the land of Mordor, and therefore I shall go" - said Frodo.
Sam frowned... his mind was full of doubt.
The Black Gate is closed,
but the Reading Room discussion is open.
July 7th-13th.

Registered User

Jul 14 2008, 1:23pm

Views: 191011
Me too!


I FINALLY signed up on TORN... :happy dance: - ahum, I better introduce myself.

I've been aware of the site and sort-of following it ever since FotR came out, at one stage wrote an email to Tehanu about one of her very smart articles to tell her how much I liked it, she responded by inviting me to perform music at the Ringer's party in Wellington on the eve of the RotK premiere... the pieces I prepared for that gig eventually grew into a full-blown "Travels in Middle-earth" programme which I've recently recorded on cd.... but for some reason I've never actually signed up for the TORN message boards, although I've been a member of a couple of other LotR-related fan communities on the net. Shame on me.

Well, I hear they're doing this whole new movie, so here goes my proverbial second chance. :D

What else is there to say - I read The Hobbit when I was about 10 or 11 and sort of liked it, then got completely hooked on LotR when about 16 and spent a few years living in Middle-earth (and liked the Hobbit much better after that) -- started painting images inspired by the books, learned harp because it is mentioned in Tolkien's writings so frequently and seemed a cool instrument, pushed Tolkien fandom to the back of my mind for about ten years while trying to be a sensible person, got completely bowled over by FotR-the-moivie and found myself living in Wellington a year and three months after first seeing the movie. Which was a series of a whole lot of unlikely lucky chances, so I like to assume it was meant to be.

Was here for the RotK premiere, have started painting a lot more and harping a lot less in the last few years, and eventually fulfilled a long-hedged dream to go to film school (well, actually it was more like multimedia design school but everybody there was dreaming about one day working for Weta of course), and learned about digital video, special effects and 3D modeling and animation. And Web design. And a whole lot of other stuff. :D

So here I am waiting for the future to happen.

:big wave: to everyone out there.

Peredhil lover

Jul 14 2008, 3:16pm

Views: 190621
*waves back*

Welcome, Frodo-lives!
Your life has obviously been influenced quite a bit by Tolkien! With *that* biography, I'd expect that you will feel at home here Wink
Have fun - and I hope to read more from you soon!

I do not suffer from LotR obsession - I enjoy every minute of it.

Ainu Laire
Tol Eressea

Jul 15 2008, 8:28am

Views: 196061

Wow, that is quite an awesome history :) Welcome to TORn! Join in the fun!

My art site
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
NARF since age 8, when I refused to read the Hobbit because the cover looked boring and icky.


Jul 15 2008, 10:03pm

Views: 186544

Hi, I'm Jamie and I live in Scotland. I joined TORn on Sunday because I needed to find somewhere that could appease my hunger for news about the Hobbit and F2. It's good to be somewhere that my Lord of the Rings obsession won't be met with scorn. Since Sunday I've been getting around the boards as much as possible and making my contribution Smile

"The city of Osgiliath has been reclaimed, FOR GONDOR!"

Forum Admin / Moderator

Jul 15 2008, 10:14pm

Views: 214657

It's great to see you here G_R. :)

Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded b*****d with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Ataahua's stories


Aug 7 2008, 6:11pm

Views: 191679
Old newbie or new oldie?

Not sure, but I'm glad to be back.

I joined the old Torn a long time ago. (Around the 1st movie I think.) Anyway, I was around quite a bit and loved it, but I stopped working in late 2004 after having my daughter and consequently didn't have a computer at my disposal all day. Now I'm hoping to be able to be back to my online escapades.

I first read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings when I was 10 (almost 20 years ago do the math- it pains me) My mom was and is an avid Tolkien fan and I grew up with her enthusiasm for the story until it infected me. I read the books at least once a year and am enjoying it right now.

About me a little bit: I'm from New York. I graduated from Cornell University with a degree in Cell Biology in 2000. Shortly after graduating, I married my wonderful Ranger. We've lived in Missouri, Florida, and now are in central Pennsylvania, which I find one of the more gorgeous places I have had the opportunity to live. My little elf-child is now 4 and we have two ferocious (in their minds) dachshunds.

I love hiking, reading, music, and would like to get back into theatre. (If I ever find the time.)

Salty Coqui

Aug 7 2008, 10:48pm

Views: 191083
Hi I'm Salty!

Hello, I've been wandering the website for awhile and finally decided to sign up here.
I've read the Hobbit and LOTR books. I have the LOTR extended dvd edition. There is alot I like and don't like about both the books and the movies. So I'm here to discuss and listen. I mean read, of course. I promise I will not disturb the peace here.

Registered User

Aug 8 2008, 3:13pm

Views: 197822
Welcome Salty

Welcome Salty! Glad to see more people joining up today

Registered User

Aug 26 2008, 6:41pm

Views: 195182

My name is Katya, I'm 38 and live about 35 miles south of Boston, MA. I've lurked among you all for years but feel like it's time to come out of the shadows.

What can I say? I love many authors but none more than Tolkien so it's nice to be here!



There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,
There is a rapture on the lonely shore,
There is society, where none intrudes,
By the deep sea, and music in its roar:
I love not man the less, but Nature more,
From these our interviews, in which I steal
From all I may be, or have been before,
To mingle with the Universe, and feel
What I can ne'er express, yet cannot all conceal.

~George Gordon, Lord Byron~

Tol Eressea

Aug 26 2008, 6:45pm

Views: 197054

Glad you decided to de-lurk. Smile

"...and back again."

Peredhil lover

Aug 26 2008, 8:13pm

Views: 194802
Welcome to TORn!

Glad you decided to de-lurk and join the fun. I'm sure you will enjoy talking to like-minded people, particularly now that the Hobbit movie is underway! Hope to see more of you on these boards.

I do not suffer from LotR obsession - I enjoy every minute of it.

Aunt Dora Baggins

Sep 10 2008, 7:45pm

Views: 194061
Welcome back!

I think I remember you from the old days. Hope you'll stick around!

"For DORA BAGGINS in memory of a LONG correspondence, with love from Bilbo; on a large wastebasket. Dora was Drogo's sister, and the eldest surviving female relative of Bilbo and Frodo; she was ninety-nine, and had written reams of good advice for more than half a century."
"A Chance Meeting at Rivendell" and other stories

leleni at hotmail dot com


Sep 10 2008, 7:59pm

Views: 193164
I'm hoping to..

I remember you as well. I just started a job where I sit in front of a computer all day, so it should be easier for me to stay around here than get work done. ;)

I heard Elwen is out of hiding after 4 years. You didn't see me here.

Registered User

Oct 10 2008, 9:07pm

Views: 193409
I suppose I should toss a "well, thank you" somewhere up there

I do believe that, since I've been reading this fora for quite a few years, now, and never ever have posted anything, I owe many a thanks to all of you. And since I don't want to pollute any of the other fora, even if I read almost solely the Reading Room ( not having much idle time due to a sudden rush of work as never seen in my life ( consdering you don't even ever read me, consider this as useless babbling ), I suppose here is the best place to begin and thank people. Besides, off-topic fora do fit me. So, I thank each and everyone of you for posting as you post, reading as you read and acting as you act and being what you are. Maybe this would pass unmarked, but it is past-time I thank you.


Nec reparare novas vires, multumque priori
Credere fortunae, stat magni nominis umbra.

Tol Eressea

Oct 10 2008, 9:09pm

Views: 195974

What a wonderful post! Welcome to ToRN! I hope you enjoy it here!

*Jazminatar the Brown*


Oct 13 2008, 4:54am

Views: 190432
I hope

this doesn't mean this is going to be your "only" post.

Look forward to seeing you around the boards Smile

Kelvarhin x

Valinor, O Valinor
Andavë yányë hyarya
Tumna yá nyèna minya fëa
An Valinor, lissë Eldamar

Kelvarhin's Universe~~~~~~~Laerasea's Travelling TORn Journal
One book to rule them all
One book to find them
One book to bring them all
And in TORn bind them
In the land of TORnadoes...where the brilliant play


Dec 3 2008, 4:00am

Views: 187608
Hello Everyone ^_^

My name is Morgan (yes, that is my real name, and “Ly” and “Fe” are the first two letters of my middle and last name; though the resemblance it bears to Morgan Le Fay is a plus) I just joined here the other day, but I’ve been visiting on and off for the past ten years or so. My mom use to be a member, but that was ages ago and I doubt she was ever very active.

Anyway, I am, of course, a Tolkien fan. I have been practically since the day I was born, as my mother is (and always has been) a huge fan herself. I grew up watching the old cartoons (which I loved with a passion), particularly The Hobbit, and listening to my parents read me the books. I have tons of hilarious stories revolving around them as well, if anyone ever wants to hear about them. I distinctively remember a time about a year before the “real” movies came out, when we were sitting around the dinner table and I asked my mom “Hey, mommy, do you remember that movie where the scary black mean attacked the dwarves but they were really pillows?” But I wasn’t great at pronouncing dwarves, so it came out more like “Drawers.” And my mom just looked at my dad and was like “What have you been showing our kids!?” Eventually, and after a lot of confusion, we came to realize it was the lotr cartoon. That was when I was told there would be new movies, and I went back and read the books before they came out.

I love both the books and the movies, though I don’t like the Return of the King movie as much as the others. I really like to follow the story of Frodo and Sam, and I think that could have been more prominent in the movie. But that’s just my opinion.

I’m now 18 and a freshman in college, which is so weird to say :P I lucked out and got awesome suite mates who I spend the majority of time with (though they did at first call me “that weird Frodo Girl”) and it’s really a lot of fun. I haven’t decided on a major yet, but it’s between Film, Creative Writing, and Philosophy. I love reading, writing, and working on films, if that wasn’t clear enough in the last sentence.

I also liking talking to new people and making new friends, so hopefully that’ll happen here! :D

I'm going to try to attach a picture... let's see if this works, lol. It's not the best or most recent picture, but it's me. (Taken at waffle house at 2 in the morning... my room mates get hungry like hobbits!)

(This post was edited by morganlyfe on Dec 3 2008, 4:02am)


Dec 3 2008, 5:46am

Views: 196044
Hi Morganlyfe

Welcome to the boards, noticed your nick when I got back, it's always lovely to meet and greet new friends.


Valinor, O Valinor
Andavë yányë hyarya
Tumna yá nyèna minya fëa
An Valinor, lissë Eldamar

Kelvarhin's Universe~~~~~~~Laerasea's Travelling TORn Journal
One book to rule them all
One book to find them
One book to bring them all
And in TORn bind them
In the land of TORnadoes...where the brilliant play


Dec 7 2008, 6:40pm

Views: 209600
Welcome Morgan

This is THE place to be as we count down to The Hobbit Smile. You'll have fun here Wink.

Registered User

Jan 12 2009, 4:06am

Views: 205643
And again...

Because I change my email and such so frequently...I have a new profile...again.

Hey guys, you may know me as AbsintheFaerie, or more commonly Glorindiel. Yea. I'm back!

I'm now 19, living in Ames, Iowa, going to Iowa State University, and going into Design. Yay!

It was twenty years ago today,
Gaffer Gamgee taught the band to play
They’ve been going in and out of style
But they’re guaranteed to raise a smile.
So may I introduce to you
The hobbits you’ve known for all these years,
Gaffer Gamgee’s Lonely Hobbits Club Band!


Jan 12 2009, 6:28pm

Views: 200883
Welcome back

Cirtolthiel Smile. Are you a Beatles fan?

Registered User

Mar 7 2009, 11:46pm

Views: 198925
Winifred, Winnie, Fred, Freddie - you decide.

Hello there!

My name's Winifred, nineteen and from Australia. I've been visiting TORn for some time now and finally decided to join the forums, and so therefore here I am!

Hope everyone's been well :)

(This post was edited by Winifred on Mar 7 2009, 11:47pm)


Mar 8 2009, 2:35am

Views: 218198
Welcome Winifred

Nice to have another 'down under' member Wink. It will be a lively place as we head towards 'The Hobbit'.

Grey Havens

Mar 8 2009, 4:43am

Views: 218513

Hope you have fun here and we (me and my husband) love Australia Cool He even wants to move there Wink

Culinary journey through Middle Earth continues! Join us on the Main board!

I believe

The Shire

May 13 2009, 1:21am

Views: 195080
Bramblerose is back!

I suppose this is more of a re-introduction. I was on the old message boards as a regular, between 2003-2005. After that, I became more of a lurker and posted less frequently. I found other interests, and eventually stopped visiting TORn all together.

But with the new Hobbit movies, my interest in Tolkien and LOTR has been rekindled. So, I rejoined TORn under my old username (even though I'm known as Wilwarin Andamar nearly everywhere else).

I'm glad to be back, and I hope to stick around a lot longer this time. ^^

Once a TORnsib, always a TORnsib.

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 13 2009, 1:34am

Views: 196102
Welcome back!

We're always happy to have former members return to the boards.

If you haven't been here since 2005, you'll notice the message board format has changed rather drastically. The main thing you need to know is that you can view threads two ways: Flat or Threaded. In Flat mode, all posts are listed in the order they're posted. In order to reply, you need to click on the reply link of the particular message you're responding to. In Threaded mode, you'll see replies indented below the post they're responding to, just like on the old boards. You can choose your default on your profile settings page, and there's also a button at the top of each thread that will allow you to switch between views.

If you need any help figuring anything else out, there's lots of info in the Welcome section. Anything not answered there can be asked on Feedback or by PM to one of the Admins.

Again, welcome back and enjoy! Cool


"Of all faces those of our familiares are the ones both most difficult to play fantastic tricks with, and most difficult really to see with fresh attention. They have become like the things which once attracted us by their glitter, or their colour, or their shape, and we laid hands on them, and then locked them in our hoard, acquired them, and acquiring ceased to look at them.
Creative fantasy, because it is mainly trying to do something else [make something new], may open your hoard and let all the locked things fly away like cage-birds. The gems all turn into flowers or flames, and you will be warned that all you had (or knew) was dangerous and potent, not really effectively chained, free and wild; no more yours than they were you."
-On Fairy Stories

The Shire

Jun 17 2009, 2:00pm

Views: 196674
Eh. Hi!

Hello... My name's Heather and I live in Edinburgh, in Scotland. I first read The Hobbit when I was still at primary school, loved it, and read The Lord Of The Rings around the time the films were coming out. Recently I finally got a nice copy of The Silmarillion and was practically inhaling it by the end :P

I've been reading TORN for a year or two, and evenually joined just now. It'll probably take me a while to get used to this place, it's very different to any other boards I've been on...

So yeah. Hi :D

Forum Admin / Moderator

Jun 17 2009, 3:34pm

Views: 192832
They are a bit different, aren't they!

These Boards are more "conversation-oriented". You've probably already found that it's best to view them in threaded mode.

Welcome to TORn, Beetle! You live in a magnificent old city! My eldest currently lives there, so I've had the pleasure of being given a walking-tour of it and climbing to Arthur's Seat. Did you grow up in that area?

"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

"It struck me last night that you might write a fearfully good romantic drama, with as much of the 'supernatural' as you cared to introduce. Have you ever thought of it?"
-Geoffrey B. Smith, letter to JRR Tolkien, 1915

The Shire

Jun 17 2009, 6:06pm

Views: 200203
Yep :P

Lived here all my life, I'm really close to the Firth of Forth so I can see it from my street, it's great! I'm moving to Glasgow for uni in September, it'll be very different :P But I really love it here ^^


Jul 10 2009, 4:26am

Views: 196107
Hi, just found this thread

I live in Washington state. We have lived in the same place in the shadow of Mt. Rainier for over 40 years. It is a beautiful mountain. We can't see it from our place, but anytime I'm out and about , it's there. We have 6 daughters, some nearby, some in other parts of this beautiful country. I've followed the boards for quite a time, but dial up was slow and gave me very limited time on the computer. I really enjoy catching up on the background of the books and movies.I am a total fan of the music.I am playing the tape of "The Hobbit" and reading the annotated while listening. It is great to hear Rob Inglis do the different voices. I have more hobbies then there are hours in the day. I love all of the earlier mountain climbing stories and Antarctic exploration books. I also have a large collection of classical,opera and soundtracks. I am looking forward to all the discussions on the books and movies. Just now getting into the reading room, I'm a little behind.Thank you all for being here and adding so much to this forum.


Jul 18 2009, 5:03am

Views: 194880
Gee, I guess I never responded. Well, talk about belated.

I'm an attorney in Chicago. I have a wife who has no interest in Tolkien, and two daughters, 7 and 1, who have no interest in Tolkien yet. I spend most of my time in the Reading Room, although I visit the other forums from time to time (like now).

I first read LotR when I was nine, which I remember because I wrote a letter to Tolkien asking him where the Red Book is kept, and he signed a nice form letter telling me he didn't have time for questions. But it was his real signature and I have it on my wall today.

After that I re-read LotR every year through college, which was very unusual for me. Then, having pretty much memorized the book, I didn't read it straight through again until I joined these boards and took part in the second discussion of LotR in the Reading Room. Since then I've discussed it two more times, and I'll probably be there for the fifth discussion after we finish The Hobbit and The Silmarillion.

I also led a discussion of Beowulf which you can find in the Off Topic section.

I love it here, as you will see if you look up the number of my posts. Just look for me on that big comfy sofa in the back of the library.

(This post was edited by Curious on Jul 18 2009, 5:03am)

Elladan Calaelen
The Shire

Oct 26 2009, 12:58am

Views: 197309
Mae govannen

Mae govannen, mellons. I am Elladan Calaelen of the Galadhrim. I reside in Lothlorien, proudy serving my Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel alongside Haldir. I look forward to discussing everything Tolkien!

Forum Admin / Moderator

Oct 26 2009, 1:40am

Views: 202977
Welcome Elladan!

Pull up a chair and join the Tolkien party. :)

Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded b*****d with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Ataahua's stories


Dec 15 2009, 3:12am

Views: 196385
Mae Govannen!

Mae Govannen,
Aranel eneth nin.
excuse me, let me try again:
My name is Ar-- Sarah
I will answer to Aranel and sometimes to Elanor.
I saw the movies about a year or so after ROTK came out and loved them but never really said much about them as I was about 10 or so and didn't think that 10 year old girls were suposed to like movies like The Lord of the Rings. Everytime I'd mention reading the books my mom would tell me that they were boys' books and that I'd find them boring. (She has not even made it through The Hobbit, though I have tried to make her do so on multiple occasions) so finally after my 14th b-day I read them and was obsessed, within two weeks I bought them.
Now my family is tired of hearing about LOTR and tired of seeing LOTR. Actually this school year (I'm homeschooled) I was able to do a complete Lord of the Rings literature course.

My interests (other than LOTR) include:
reading, writing, acting, making movies, and music.

this is all I can think of for now



Dec 15 2009, 3:43am

Views: 207697
Welcome, aranel

I'm not sure how or why the myth that LOTR is just for boys is still perpetuated, but more power to us girls who prove it wrong!

So glad you joined us here. Smile

Koru: Maori symbol representing a fern frond as it opens. The koru reaches towards the light, striving for perfection, encouraging new, positive beginnings.

"Life can't be all work and no TORn" -- jflower

"I take a moment to fervently hope that the camaradarie and just plain old fun I found at TORn will never end" -- LOTR_nutcase

TORn Calendar

Tol Eressea

Jan 4 2010, 4:45am

Views: 194239
oldie newbie

(not me, I'm female, but this is what I do... see more at I first tripped over TORn just before the films came out. I've just rediscovered it, and whoooaaaa, it's grown. In 1977, a wild black mare was born on the high desert of eastern Oregon (I'd meet her, and she would train me, in 1985), another "wild black mare" was launched at Inner Harbor Baltimore (I'd sail on her sister, on Halloween of 2007), Star Wars hit the screen, and a fellow fan dumped a pile of reading material into my hands. "You must read this," she intoned. I stared at the stack of verbiage and paled. Lo!, in my copious free time, somewhere in the next millenium. The epic tome was J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.

Somewhat later, I borrowed a tent from a second cousin twice removed, so I could spend a week on a desert island called Assateague (VA, USA). He told me about this game they played: D&D. I showed up, rolled up a character, waved the paper at the DM and said, "What do I make of this?"

"Play an Elf."

"What?" You mean like Hermie, in Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer?

"Read Lord of the Rings."

I did, in 1978. Thirty years, many fantasy illustrations, several "fanfics", essays and re-readings later, I'm still a fan of the original fantasy epic that spawned the rest (LOTR was born the same year I was).

Tol Eressea

Jan 4 2010, 5:06am

Views: 195925
Tidewater VA

In Reply To
It is so fun to see so many old newbies, new newbies, formerly-lurking oldies and newbies, new oldbies...someone should slap me before I keep this up much longer!!!

I'm Mary, in RL. My old nick on Torn was "an seileachan" because I was working out something in Gaelic at the time I registered, and it's the name of a pretty little wildflower, and so I registered and have regretted it ever since. But I got stuck with it, shortened it to a.s., and voila! here I am. I signed on right after the Oscars sweep for ROTK, thanks to a photo of PJ in People magazine where he was sporting a WEE LITTLE lapel button that said "The One Ring . Net". I couldn't resist checking it out, and have been glad ever since. It's my favorite spot on the net.

I'm a nurse with many years experience in maternal-child community health, the last decade or so in case management of children with special needs. However, I just got a new job! (yay, me!) and am going back to prenatal/birth to two to coordinate a program for moms at high risk of poor outcomes (poor, no access to health care, etc). I am also a wife and mom to three lovely daughters, ages 16, 20, and 25. I'm a former Navy wife who grew up in the Washington DC area but has lived in Tidewater Virginia for the last 20 years and loves it here! I am a very active community volunteer for various disability related groups, currently working on housing options and etc. I am very interested in bioethics and the ramifications of medical policies on marginal groups.

In my "spare time", I read. A lot. Please, if you aren't a regular, check out the weekly "What have you been reading this week?" thread in the Off Topic folder on Wednesdays! We have lots of readers here, and you will get great recommendations.

I also like bluegrass and "alt country/Americana" and traditional Irish music.

Whoa, this is way too long. So happy to be here. I can be found mostly in the RR. If you haven't been to the RR, please come by.

a.s. (no pictures, but I look just like my avatar...heh heh heh) Wink

I live in York County PA, and the Tidewater is one of my favorite places on earth, or water...

I grew up on horseback (the wild black mustang I adopted through the BLM's program got named Olori Eldalie, or Lor), but have since sailed across the Bay on several of the tidewater's historic tall ship reproductions; Sultana and Pride of Baltimore II, what an experience! I've also paddled the edges of the Bay in my sea kayak.
I've rediscovered TORn after a bit of an absence. Glad to see it's bigger and better than ever.

Tol Eressea

Jan 4 2010, 5:18am

Views: 197608
who else named their critters in Elvish??? Or Hobbitish?

SPCA rescue cat: "Sindarin" (he's obviously a grey elf...)

Forum Admin / Moderator

Jan 4 2010, 6:01am

Views: 201054

.....or should I say welcome back? Smile You're just in time for the big Hobbit news start rolling in.

You may find some kindred spirits on the Fan Art board, but don't be shy about joining in on any conversation on any board.

You'll find the rules of the board here, for reference. Anything you want to know that you don't see in the Welcome section, you can ask on the Feedback board and someone knowledgeable will be sure to help you out. Otherwise, dive right in and join the party. We're always happy to have new voices in the mix!


"Of all faces those of our familiares are the ones both most difficult to play fantastic tricks with, and most difficult really to see with fresh attention. They have become like the things which once attracted us by their glitter, or their colour, or their shape, and we laid hands on them, and then locked them in our hoard, acquired them, and acquiring ceased to look at them.
Creative fantasy, because it is mainly trying to do something else [make something new], may open your hoard and let all the locked things fly away like cage-birds. The gems all turn into flowers or flames, and you will be warned that all you had (or knew) was dangerous and potent, not really effectively chained, free and wild; no more yours than they were you."
-On Fairy Stories


Jan 7 2010, 9:17am

Views: 198676

Hi all... I've been lurking around this forum and this site for quite a while, and have decided to give in and join, even though this will probably mean that I spend more time on here than in the real world...
I ashamedly was only initiated into the world of LOTR exactly 2 years ago, but have swiftly become more and more obsessed- first it was just the films I was into... but then I discovered the rest of the Tolkien world, re-read the trilogy (I tried reading it when I was little, and became rather lost and bored (Blush)) and realised how amazing it was, and well, since then, the only new books I ever really want are ones about LOTR. I sometimes fantasise about doing a degree in Elvish, but unfortunately I don't see that happening Smile ... I have various friends who are also fans, but my level of obsession has rather outgrown theirs, and I need somewhere else to vent it! Cue praise for this amazing site, and me joining it!!
Look forward to meeting you all!!


Jan 8 2010, 5:03am

Views: 203008
Welcome Eryn

Like you, in my real life world of close friends and family, I am the only LOTR/Tolkien fan who is still a fan. It's great to come here and read like minded peoples thoughts Cool. It will be a fun place full of speculation and rumours as we count down to The Hobbit Smile.

Tol Eressea

Jan 20 2010, 3:39am

Views: 198531
new fan

Smile mae govannen!

This is one of the best forums of any subject on the web. Tolkien only published a very small amount during his lifetime, but there is enough there, and in the works his son has resurrected from notes, to last any fan a lifetime. I first read LOTR in 1978, and haven't got tired of it yet. It's the Classic That Spawned the Rest, so dive in and enjoy! There's always more to learn, to explore, and to spark your own creativity. Tolkien himself once made a comment (I think it's in the book of his letters) that he had created this worodl of Middle Earth, and it had enough room for other minds to come in and play, wielding pen or brush.

Or keyboard.

Go outside and play...

Night Phoenix
The Shire

Feb 14 2010, 7:32pm

Views: 197245


i suppose every new comer to Tolkien feels like, well, a new comer but considering I'm a long time fantasy buff, I shouldn't be a newcomer. :)

I actually only first read LOTR last summer, though in previous years over my life I attempted it, but found Tolkien too hard to handle. (or maybe I was just too slow of reader?) So I saw the movies before I ever read the books, though I was remotely familiar with the basic premise, and of course the Hobbit. I of course fell in love with the Trilogy, and decided, at the recommendation of a LOTR fanatic/friend of mine, just enjoyed the movies without trying to read the books first. After seeing the extended Edition of ROTK (but not FOTR or TT because the copies from the library were in bad shape and wouldn't play) I decided to give the books another go. I ended up reading the thing in just a few weeks (which is fast for me) and while it took me some time to adapt to the differences from the movies, I began to LOVE the details and the journey of just reading. Middle Earth became a much bigger world for me. After reading LOTR I had to read The Silmarillion, which I had almost no knowledge of and I loved it. Both of those books/stories have helped me greatly in my personal life; to keep pushing on and to not give up hope even in the face of despair. Tolkien some how touches on a nerve deep within the human race I believe in this respect. And this emotional/spiritual aspect of LOTR has made a deep impression upon me. In fact I just finished the movie Trilogy again last night, and I still inwardly cheer at the climax within Mount Doom when the Ring is destroyed. Now I'm going to buy my first copy of the books this week, and will be re-reading it pronto. :)

Anyways I can't wait to begin to post here and get to know so much more about Middle Earth as obviously I'm a newbie in most respects. This looks like a great site and I hope I can contribute and for the most part learn from everyone here.


Feb 15 2010, 2:58am

Views: 199775
Welcome Night Phoenix

I saw FOTR before I read the books and was blown away! I couldn't wait another year for TTT so went out and bought the books to see what happened next.Like you, I got caught up in the details of the book that brought Middle Earth to life and changed me fundamentally. I've been a fan ever since and always will be. It's just part of my life these days and I love it. This site has so many knowledgeable people in all aspects of Tolkien and the movies. I'm always amazed and in awe when I read here. You'll love it. Smile

Tol Eressea

Feb 15 2010, 9:06pm

Views: 195985
film to book...

Which is why I love movies. I grew up on books, and would encourage any kid to read read read. But I have noticed a number of YA fantasies turned into film lately... which should encourage kids to pick up a book. I suspect the LOTR films encouraged a lot of people who were, like me, intimidated by the terrifying pile of verbiage that is LOTR. (I actually read the books after having seen the semi-awful Bakshi film; it didn't destroy my ultimate love of and immersion in Middle Earth). Some of my favorite bits in the books were left out, (book and film are two very different media, requiring a different approach to storytelling), so it's wonderful to see someone falling in love with the film, then discovering the different wonders of the books.

PS: here in Pennsylvania (east coast US) we look like scenic Mt. Caradhras...

Go outside and play...

The Shire

Feb 17 2010, 12:33pm

Views: 196507
Quiet Girl in the Corner

Hey everyone, I'm Biz (Elizabeth.) I am very new on here, so I may be slow to start at first, but I hope to have a lot of fun on here! Everyone seems so friendly.
I'm from Western NY and I am currently at school at the University of Vermont. I will be building on my profile information as the day goes on (after I finish my essay on Strider/Aragorn, Tolkien's Middle Earth English course. Epic win!) I'm a History major, Theatre minor and other interests besides Tolkien include traveling, singing, hiking, random facts, reading, music, etc. so on and so forth. Nice to meet everyone!
~Ornawen Rana~

Tol Eressea

Feb 17 2010, 3:16pm

Views: 191211
Hi Biz!

Welcome! Cool I'm still fairly new too, but I've had a lot of fun so far. Everyone is very nice, and even if you only post occasionally, any amount of additional activity is good (in my opinion, at least).

Your University sounds awesome. I was almost a history major (decided on political science instead), but I don't think my university has a Middle-earth English course. Frown Tongue See you around!

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold
And if you listen very hard
The truth will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll

Forum Admin / Moderator

Feb 17 2010, 5:04pm

Views: 192151
Hi, Ornawen!

And welcome! So you're another U.V. student in Istar Indigo's (Chris Vaccaro's) class, eh?

I'm sure he's told you about having students in other classes take part in Reading Room discussions.

And you'll find lots of Aragorn fans here! Laugh So post away with any insights. (If your essay is brief, you could even post it on Main, or Reading Room if it's book-based, or LotR Movie if it's movie-based.)

By the way, you might want to switch to "threaded" mode regularly to see how the "conversations" take place here. You've actually responded to Joelle's introduction, instead of responding to the main post. Not a worry, we all know that it takes a while to get used to the more "conversational" style of these Boards! Smile


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

"It struck me last night that you might write a fearfully good romantic drama, with as much of the 'supernatural' as you cared to introduce. Have you ever thought of it?"
-Geoffrey B. Smith, letter to JRR Tolkien, 1915

The Shire

Feb 18 2010, 4:58am

Views: 194408

Oops, my bad. I will watch for that from now on. Yep, you hit the nail on the head. Actually just had a meeting with him this morning about the Tolkien Conference coming up here in April. Essay is done and I may post some insights after I get it back from grading. Smile

Tol Eressea

Feb 26 2010, 10:52pm

Views: 198288
What does your nic[kname] mean? //


"I shall not wholly fail if anything can still grow fair in days to come."

The Shire

Feb 27 2010, 4:56am

Views: 191811
Biz or OrnawenRana?

The name Biz I got when I was way younger and my cousin couldn't say Elizabeth.

Orna Wen Rana in elvish (I feel silly for not remembering which elvish language) means "Tall Lady Wanderer" :) or at least that is what online dictionaries tell me.

Registered User

Mar 2 2010, 4:30am

Views: 193209
Oh no, another Newbie

Hallo! My name is Christina (Aka Christy) and I'm a Newbie!!!! I feel like I should add, " And I'm addicted to LotR" but I won't because this isn't a support group for addicts Tongue

Anyways, I've loved the books since I was 9 years old and its been a long ten year relationship still going strong. I used to be ALOT more obsessed than I am now (stupid school and life getting in the way) but I will always be a devoted fan. Tolkien taught me so much in my life and it was a place to go to for me to get lost in a world that was safe. I joined, mainly because I will stalk this place for news of the new movie coming out *squeeee* and because I'm curious.

So maybe I won't post alot, but I'll be watching Wink And uhhh I'm an English Major with a writing concentration, I'm a senior in college, I'm 19, I'm from the US andddddd I dunno what else to say so.... Cheerio! Glad to be here!!Heart


Mar 2 2010, 4:49am

Views: 197756
well, welcome!

Glad you wandered in and looks like you will fit right in.

Make yourself at home and looking forward to your contributions to the discussions!


Registered User

Mar 2 2010, 5:12am

Views: 194893

Thank you very much!!!! I feel like I'd fit right in lol. I miss having people to talk to about Middle Earth. My family thinks I'm crazy. X_X Oh well, they're pretty crazy themselves so I don't care haha.

But thank you!!! Heart


Mar 13 2010, 6:36pm

Views: 190724
Mae govannen

Hmmm. Methinks that a "geek" emoticon is required (Yahoo has one as :-b ).
I'm Andrew, my screenie was given to me by a dear friend from the old aol message boards for the movies long before "Fellowship" came out. My profile lists quite a number of answers about me that questions may or may not arise from but I'm affable and welcome emails, IMs and other such. I probably used to be much more of an uber-geek than I am now, but while my reading speed is abysmally slow my retention is very high so there's not much of any of the Tolkien works (fiction or scholarly) that I've read that I don't have a pretty good grasp of and nothing I'm not willing to re-read to bone back up! I've lurked here on TORn for all the years before the movies and after but simply have not had time to make a screen name and post. Now, sadly, a divorce is wrenching my life in the most heart-rending way so I'm joining to share the cameraderie of those truly passionate about the literature I'm most passionate about.
Hail and well met, TORnadoes!
GAndyalf mka Andrew

Will post a pic when I get my computer back, but basically: 6' 0"(182.9 cm), 215 lbs (about 15.4 stone, 97.7 kilos), dark brown hair and eyes, and utterly "average" in looks and 'bout everything else.

"Even the very wise cannot see all ends."


Mar 14 2010, 1:49am

Views: 195474
Welcome GAndyalf!

Sorry you are going through an emotional time in RL right now. It's great to be able to come here and lose yourself in Middle Earth for a little while. Smile


Mar 14 2010, 4:57am

Views: 190855
My Lady...

Thank you for your kind words. My son and I will come through this well as I've been "investing" in my relationship with him from the day he was born and someday his mother will have to explain to him why she is doing what she is. It's lonely right now and it isn't fun, but betwixt my friends and family (who like TORnadoes here are far-flung across the globe) and my own personal stock of perseverance I'll manage well.
Nimloth the Fair and a Kiwi, but no other information? "Not fair, my Preciousss!" (laughs) I hope at some point I'll have earned your trust to share more, but in the meantime mae govannen and thank you.

"Even the very wise cannot see all ends."


Mar 15 2010, 2:48am

Views: 194747
You're welcome


Grey Havens

Mar 23 2010, 7:15am

Views: 187885

So I've been posting for a few days, hung about with nothing to say for years, I'm one of the Coloradans that seem to be quite numerous here, and I'm really bad about stuff like avatars, signatures and profiles. Not unfriendly, just takes me quite a while to decide, then act. Maybe I know where the Entwives have gone... Smile


Mar 23 2010, 2:36pm

Views: 195828
Mae govannen mellon hiril Arandiel

Pleased t'meet'cher! Pray come in and sit by the fire and let us tell stories until the shadows play upon the hearth!

"Even the very wise cannot see all ends."

Registered User

May 18 2010, 6:00pm

Views: 190892
Hah, I'm back again!

Never thought I'd find my old intro post here, but hizzah! I recently reread LotR and found myself thinking of Tor.n and the kindly folk here who made my growing up so much more interesting.

Nine years ago I first came to these forums and found both pleasant company and stimulating discussion. This certainly feels like coming home to familiar faces.

Regarding my last post up there: I did go on that trip to China, which is a tale full of adventure. Then I graduated and went to Beijing for a three month internship (more adventure ensued- I traveled alone, and made friends along the way). Now I'm two years out of school and have a job, mortgage, and fiance.

Thank you, Tornlingas, for making this journey all the better! I hope I can continue to look in on things, maybe even contribute now and again.


Aug 19 2010, 2:00am

Views: 188601
Hi! I'm TolkienOtaku!

I'm 21 years old and live in Utah. I've been a huge Tolkien fan for about 8 or 9 years now. I recently got my first job as a caretaker for a handicapped kid down the street. I also suffer from schizophrenia. It's very well under control now, but for a long time it was not fun, let me tell you.

I really hope I get to know all you guys and make lots of friends here.

I have no personality whatsoever. Cower before my blandness!


Oct 18 2010, 2:50pm

Views: 189884
Sorta new?

Hello all! I'm Rawley, and as strange as it sounds, I have been a lurker and an avid visitor of this site since the Fellowship of the Ring came out!

Oddly enough, I have never made an account or even thought of posting on the boards until now - now that The Hobbit greenlight has actually happened!! I figured I would want to take an active part in the anticipation for the first film, rather than being a spectator as I have been for the past decade!

I have refreshed the page hour after hour, day after day for the past 7 years since Return of the King hoping that The Hobbit would someday become a reality. I am still letting the news sink in! I suppose it won't until all this "non-boycott" and shooting location nonsense is sorted!

Anyway, I am a grad student working on my doctorate in adolescent/family clinical psychology. I have loved Tolkien since I was 8 years old - when my mom forced me to read The HobbitTongue and I am so glad she did! My first readings of the books were from her original copies from the 60's! Ever since I have collected many different editions and covers of the books - hoping one day I can have my kids read my mother's old copies and fall in love with them as I didSmile

Lord of the Rings to me is something completely indescribably beautiful and special. It has been an extremely large and important part of most of my life and will always stay with me no matter what. I could never put into words my love for the books and moviesEvil

I adore traveling, eating, my two beautiful kitties, my loving boyfriend of 5 years (also a HUGE LotR fanCool), and all things Tolkien. I look forward to a long and happy time here on these boards with all you wonderful people that - creepy, yes - I already feel like I know so well!Heart

Cheers, and here's to a long and happy time discussing, anticipating, speculating, and celebrating Peter Jackson and Co. and the wonderful Hobbit movies that are sure to come sooner than we think!!Wink

P.S. give me a little time before I can fancify my posts with exciting and beautiful signatures and avatarBlush


Oct 18 2010, 3:25pm

Views: 191043
welcome aboard!

Nice to meet you and glad you finally decided to delurk and let us know more about you!

I've been active for a lot of years and still don't have an Avatar and no one's kicked me out yet, so not to worry on that one.

Anyway, glad you're with us -- looking forward to your contributions around here!


The Shire

Dec 1 2010, 8:20pm

Views: 190530
Newbie alert

Hiya, I'm new here. The funny thing is, I was very obsessive during LOTR filming and post-production to find out everything I could and was a regular at a different LOTR forum. I took off work each time the new movies came out to see them, and saw them twice on opening day because the second viewing was usually more enjoyable. When ROTK came out, I was at the theatrical numb-butt-a-thon with the EE of FOTR followed by the EE of TTT, then on to the first showing in town of ROTK. After seeing that, I thought to make a movie version of Bored Of The Rings, updating it quite a bit to spoof PJ's movies. This was before the wave of bad spoof movies, like Epic Movie, that basically killed any desire to finish the script I was more than halfway done with.

I wanted to join TORN at the time of the movie excitement, but where I was working at the time always threw up an error when I tried to register, so I never could. Now that the movie version of the Hobbit is ramping up, I wanted to join TORN, and now I have. Yay for me!


Dec 1 2010, 8:24pm

Views: 207127

Take off your shoes and stay a while!

I met a Balrog on the stair.
He had some wings that weren't there.
They weren't there again today.
I wish he would just fly away.


Dec 2 2010, 2:52am

Views: 195853
Welcome Cagliostro

This is a great place to be for the build up to The Hobbit. Smile

Witchy King

Feb 6 2011, 5:11pm

Views: 186599
it's not easy being green

Being new is exactly why I avoid joining discussion boards... nothing worse than being that clueless kid in the corner who doesn't use the lingo quite right or who asks the same questions everyone has heard before.

Anyway. I was a member of another LotR board, oh, eight or nine years ago, as a part of the wave of fankiddies latching onto the movies. (I'm sure you all loved us.) I've decided I need to plug back into community. My next steps: get a new copy of the books (reason for why being a whole other story)...

"He is a moss-gatherer, and I have been a stone doomed to rolling."

(This post was edited by Witchy King on Feb 6 2011, 5:18pm)

Registered User

Feb 7 2011, 1:09pm

Views: 189977

My name is Missa! I've been an obsessive LotR nutcase since just prior to the first movie coming out. I'm sure I would have been into it earlier, but I was only 13 when I first read the books that year and neither of my parents were into fantasy (my dad's into sci-fi, but that's another story) so I only had a vague notion of what I was getting into.
I've lurked around TORN before, but mostly for the news stories and stuff like that. Now that it finally feels *real* that The Hobbit will come out next year (there better not be any delays), I decided it's time to get more involved with Tolkien mania before it becomes all "main-stream" to do so. (yes, I have some hipster tendencies, deal with it)
On that note, this is an example of how my brain has been functioning lately:
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! HOBBIT!!!! hobbithobbithobbithobbithobbit!!!!! AIDAN TURNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

also, I'm rereading some of the ME histories right now. I think Tolkien-ism has taken over my life. and I'm thrilled about it! 8)

Tol Eressea

Feb 7 2011, 11:41pm

Views: 185806
Late introduction is.... you know the meme.

I jumped right into the discussing and forgot to say hi.... how rude of me! Pirate

So. I'm 20-something female from Finland. Originally I studied history and archeology, but then realized I was on my way to graduate into unemployment, and switched to the Polytechnic, more specifically to dental hygiene. Also I felt that studying history is a nice hobby, but I wanted to do something more concrete to be useful to the society.

Sorry all my dear history students, you're needed too.

Now, as a lame excuse for an introduction, have some random trivia:

*I have a cat. Her name was originally Sméagol, but none else but me and my little brother could prononounce it, so we changed it to Sissi. And no, not because of that Austrian Empress. Sissi is Finnish for guerilla fighter.

*I'm a movie-firster.

*Favorite charcater in the Sil: Fëanor; in LotR: Boromir; in the Hobbit: Thranduil; multi-book: Sauron. As you can see, I have a terrible taste in men. Which is why I'm single. By the way. No reason for mentioning that.

*I have a bad tencency of Rooting For The Empire. Baddies and anti-heros, come here my darlings!

*Christian since 2006.
Wait, that's not trivial. Oh, never mind.

*Languages spoken: Finnish (native, but you couldn't tell), Swedish (in theory), English (I hope so), German (it says so on my CV, so it must be true).

*Languages I'm planning to learn one day: Russian, Quenya and Sindar.

*I'm a Russophile and a Germanophile. Meaning I *love* all things Russian and German. Makes me very lonely lass. Oh, Germany is well liked here, that's not the problem.

*Bad habits: exaggerating, over-simplifying and generally being over-emotional. Watch out for these.

Grey Havens

Feb 10 2011, 8:04am

Views: 191031
Welcome, Faenoriel!

My ex is an unemployed archaeologist and I have one degree in music and am working toward another in religion and ethics, so I understand the fix you were in!

Wherever you go, there you are.

Registered User

Mar 2 2011, 9:53pm

Views: 172828
Hola, Salut, Guten Tag, Mai Govannen

I'm Emily, 20 and British. I've been a Tolkien fan for most of my life (since 4 exactly when my Dad foolishly-?!- read me the hobbit) and unashamedly an Orlando bloom fan for about half of it...

My Favourite LotR characters are Gandalf and Eowyn (and Legolas in the films!) , my Favourite Tolkien book is the Hobbit, and I can't wait for the films! Outside of Middle Earth I'm a history student, who enjoys horse riding, theatrics and making things in photoshop :)

I can't wait to meet some lovely people here :)

Forum Admin / Moderator

Mar 7 2011, 2:27am

Views: 172836
Hi and welcome!

That's quite a young age for a first read of The Hobbit! Do you remember what your favorite parts were, or what scared you the most?


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

"It struck me last night that you might write a fearfully good romantic drama, with as much of the 'supernatural' as you cared to introduce. Have you ever thought of it?"
-Geoffrey B. Smith, letter to JRR Tolkien, 1915

The Shire

Mar 11 2011, 2:05am

Views: 173368
Oh no, someone with a Pirates Of the Caribbean Based Name..

Goody, I don't have to struggle finding a right place to post a Newbie Topic! Sly And yes, I am still debating on whether or not it is safe to use a picture of Gothmog as an Avatar.. Tongue

Long-Time Fan of the Movies, Newbie to the books(I've only read Silmarillion, Hobbit and Fellowship. Currently on Two Towers)

Hello! I'm Kraken Guard! A Villains fan. Tongue

I was unable to watch Fellowship of the Ring at the theaters, but me and my mom were able to watch both the Two Towers and Return of the King at the theaters. I think it's safe to say that we are both fans of the movies. We've also got the Extended Edition of the three movies. Before Peter Jackson's movies came out, I also have the Cartoon Rankin Bass Adaption of the Hobbit and Ralph Bakshi's Adaption of Lord of the Rings(The Neverending Cartoon!!).

I've also got a few of the Lord of the Rings games, Fellowship of the Ring(Which is more book-based from my knowladge), Two Towers, Return of the King, The Third Age and Battle for Middle-Earth I and II and it's expansion, Rise of the Witch-King. Am also on Lord of the Rings Online, Riddermark Server as Morgilwen(Elf Hunter), Mordalwen(Elf Lore Master) and Nazgurl(Woman Captain). Would really like to get my hands on Conquest for the PS3, despite what other people say. Only problem is: I don't have a PS3..

As for favorite characters? Legolas is obviously on the list But I'm more of a Villains Fan(Blame Disney).

I got my undying love of Dragons from Maleficent, so any Tolkien Dragon has to be my favorite. But I am more familiar with Smaug from the Hobbit.

I also thought the Balrog was a cute critter!

And for the Nazgul/Ringwraiths? I'm not called Nazgurl for nothing.. Favorite of the nine? Obviously the Witch-King. :P

I've also got a soft spot for some of the Orcs/Uruk-Hai. My two favorites are Lurtz, the Uruk-Hai that (sadly) killed Boromir in the films and Most-Hated-Turned-Second-Favorite-Character, Gothmog(Ironic, seeing as how the guy who portrayed Lurtz also did the Witch-King and Gothmog).

Yeah, some of these characters are hated by alot of people *Caugh*Gothmog*Cough*, but it's their nature, the nature of a villain. Without the villain, there wouldn't be a story.

Okay, I think the introduction post has gone on long enough.. Howdy!

Punk Rockin Hobbit
Registered User

Mar 11 2011, 3:27pm

Views: 174191

Hello everyone. I'm Punk, a.k.a. Gina, a 27-year-old Tolkaholic for about 11 years now. I used to be quite the regular on a rival fansite *shifty eyes*, but I drifted away a few years ago and can't seem to find my way back. And what with all this recent hubbub about The Hobbit movie, I thought it time I return to my forum roots so I can keep up with all the latest news and (hopefully) make some new friends!

I didn't join any sort of forum until after Fellowship had hit the theaters, so being around during the "newness" of casting and filming is going to be a newish experience. I can't really say being around during TTT and RotK pickup filming and editing will be quite like this, because everyone pretty much had a handle on the meat 'n' taters of the cast, and what to expect from them. This is going to be different, though. I have to confess, besides Sir Ian, Andy, Kate and Elijah (still trying to figure that one out), I'm clueless on this latest batch of Middle Earth faces, so I hope to learn as I go!

formerly Mabrie Brandybuck of infamy


Mar 12 2011, 5:15pm

Views: 172511
Welcome 'Punk;

Love your user name! Laugh

Following the casting (still some to come) and filming (almost started - finally, lol) is a great experience. So glad you decided TORn was the place to do that. Smile I dare say you'll meet lots of kindred spirits here and, yes, friends too. Heart

Glad to have you here!

Koru: Maori symbol representing a fern frond as it opens. The koru reaches towards the light, striving for perfection, encouraging new, positive beginnings.

"Life can't be all work and no TORn" -- jflower

"I take a moment to fervently hope that the camaradarie and just plain old fun I found at TORn will never end" -- LOTR_nutcase

TORn Calendar


Mar 12 2011, 5:21pm

Views: 173329
You've *only* read the Silmarillion?

My goodness, that's quite an accomplishment for a 'newbie' to the books! *is impressed*

I have to confess, I'm a villain fan too, and a fan of movie monsters in general (oh yes, the Kraken included, from the classics right up to the new).

Great first post! I hope to see you around a lot - welcome!! Smile

Koru: Maori symbol representing a fern frond as it opens. The koru reaches towards the light, striving for perfection, encouraging new, positive beginnings.

"Life can't be all work and no TORn" -- jflower

"I take a moment to fervently hope that the camaradarie and just plain old fun I found at TORn will never end" -- LOTR_nutcase

TORn Calendar


Mar 12 2011, 5:56pm

Views: 173404
Hullo, Lembas!

An Orli fan, huh? There are a few of us here. Wink

If The Hobbit is your favorite Tolkien book, you must indeed be very excited about the movie. Glad you chose TORn to savor and enjoy it all! (You do know that Orlando will have a short cameo type appearance in The Hobbit, right? That should help you enjoy it even more! Smile


Koru: Maori symbol representing a fern frond as it opens. The koru reaches towards the light, striving for perfection, encouraging new, positive beginnings.

"Life can't be all work and no TORn" -- jflower

"I take a moment to fervently hope that the camaradarie and just plain old fun I found at TORn will never end" -- LOTR_nutcase

TORn Calendar

The Shire

Mar 13 2011, 12:39am

Views: 179564
Hobbit and Fellowship as well

I've read the Hobbit as well and recently finished reading the Fellowship of the Ring. But the Silmarillion was the first one I read. Smile

Yeah.. Villains Rule! Smile

Punk Rockin Hobbit
Registered User

Mar 13 2011, 1:55pm

Views: 172543
Thanks Altaira!

I am most certain that I'll be bonding with people over Tolkien before we know it!

Wow, that's quite the feat reading Silmarillion before TH or LOTR. I enjoyed it once I got into it a bit, but I don't think I could have made it if I hadn't already developed a love for Tolkien's work. Bravo!

formerly Mabrie Brandybuck of infamy

Daughter of Imladris
Registered User

Mar 25 2011, 1:11am

Views: 174388
*Peeks head around corner*

Hello all, I'm new to posting on this forum, although I have lurked about in the shadows for years. I'm hoping that introducing myself will help me become a little more of an active member. Just a bit about me and my relationship with the world of Middle Earth to help us get introduced: Tolkien's works first became an important part of my existence when I was about eight, and read The Hobbit for the first time. Eleven years later I'm still a huge fan of his books, as well as the film versions of the Lord of the Rings. The Complete Recordings, the Extended Editions, as well as over 16 books written by or relating to Tolkien are proudly displayed on my shelves. For my graduation present my grandmother took me to see the Fellowship of the Ring with H. Shore’s Complete Score Performed Live to Film at Radio City Music Hall. (I went in costume.) In case you care to know more about me, you can check out my little blog: Please leave me a comment Smile

Well, I'm really looking forward to getting to know all of you, and maybe making some new friends!

With love,

~ Hattie (Daughter of Imladris)


Mar 25 2011, 1:16am

Views: 174413

In Reply To
Hello all, I'm new to posting on this forum, although I have lurked about in the shadows for years. I'm hoping that introducing myself will help me become a little more of an active member. Just a bit about me and my relationship with the world of Middle Earth to help us get introduced: Tolkien's works first became an important part of my existence when I was about eight, and read The Hobbit for the first time. Eleven years later I'm still a huge fan of his books, as well as the film versions of the Lord of the Rings. The Complete Recordings, the Extended Editions, as well as over 16 books written by or relating to Tolkien are proudly displayed on my shelves. For my graduation present my grandmother took me to see the Fellowship of the Ring with H. Shore’s Complete Score Performed Live to Film at Radio City Music Hall. (I went in costume.) In case you care to know more about me, you can check out my little blog: Please leave me a comment Smile

Well, I'm really looking forward to getting to know all of you, and maybe making some new friends!

With love,

~ Hattie (Daughter of Imladris)

Hi I'm new here so I thought I'd say hello. I'm 18, still at school at the moment, hoping to get into journalism eventually.

SHC Tolkien Club


Apr 4 2011, 12:28am

Views: 171855

Hi all; I haven't been around TORN for a couple of years and wanted to reintroduce myself{and see if my new signature pic works Sly}...I'm from Texas and been a freak for anything Tolkien since I was 17; and read The Hobbit, Silmarillion and the "trilogy" twice a year every year.

A pic of my goofy self. Hope the pic isn't too large Unsure

(This post was edited by Ataahua on Apr 4 2011, 12:43am)


Apr 4 2011, 1:06am

Views: 172314
Ok trying again

Ok Ataahua think I got it right. Thx. for the help.

Marching Towards the Abyss...........

Forum Admin / Moderator

Apr 4 2011, 1:13am

Views: 178209
*happy dance*

Perfection itself. :)

Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded b*****d with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Ataahua's stories

(This post was edited by Ataahua on Apr 4 2011, 2:04am)


Apr 5 2011, 2:36am

Views: 180696
Welcome, ladies and gent!

To Daughter of Imladiris, Melissa and LEGIONTX,

Thanks for introducing yourselves. If you love Tolkien, PJ and even fantasy in general, you're home! Laugh

I hope you all enjoy it here. Smile

Koru: Maori symbol representing a fern frond as it opens. The koru reaches towards the light, striving for perfection, encouraging new, positive beginnings.

"Life can't be all work and no TORn" -- jflower

"I take a moment to fervently hope that the camaradarie and just plain old fun I found at TORn will never end" -- LOTR_nutcase

TORn Calendar

(This post was edited by Altaira on Apr 5 2011, 2:36am)

The Shire

Apr 5 2011, 4:19am

Views: 171963
Well, bother.

Dunce hat goes to me for being so blind as to miss this thread. I actually looked for it! I couldn't find it! Crazy Wish I'd seen it a month ago. lol.

It's only been a month and I'm not even at Bree yet. Introduction still counts, right?... right? Unimpressed

Anyways. Joined a month ago. Lurking majorly. Occasional poster. Name's Rachael, but you can also call me Ray, Rae, or Annie. Or Moose. Or.. Tina... or any name you like, really. Doesn't matter to me, I don't post much! Laugh I'm 18, (sadly) from Alabama, and I very much love Tolkien (obviously!) First got introduced to it at a very early age when my oldest brother brought the FotR Interplay DOS game over. I was mad that one of the characters was named Sam, because I had a brother named Sam, and if a character could be named after him, why was there no Rachael? Yea. I was young Tongue Grew up with the Bakshi film, saw the Rankin/Bass a few times, then when I was 9 the PJ films started coming out and we absolutely loved them. I saw FotR 7 times in theaters, and RotK 7 times, too. We were obsessed Angelic I'm really shy. I'm homeschooled so I have way too much time on my hands (thus, the lurking), and I play piano (again, so hard to figure out). And I tend to be sarcastic online! I don't know why. Just happens. I apologize in advance (although it's not really in advance since I've been here a month... Hm.)

Oh! Dug up this old picture of me (well, it's 2 years old) from our local Sci-Fi convention. Went as a generic elf type, although my dress pattern is the same as Arwen's riding outfit from her first scene. I find it totally embarrassing, but you can see it here (don't know if the picture is too large to post so I'm posting the link. Pah Tongue) Complete with ears, brooch, and bow! Laugh

Oh. And I think I abuse the smilies Cool

Lady Ereg
Registered User

Apr 5 2011, 3:21pm

Views: 179040
Introducing... A Handful. =p

Ello, all. I am Ereg, but you're free to address me by my name in the common tongue, if you know it. ;) It pays to be a plant known by Tolkien.

Anyhow, before anything else I'm in love with Jesus, so if you label me anything, let it be Jesus Freak. Secondly, I'm an artist. I love to dance ballet (I also dance hula, being in Hawaii, but it's not a passion), I love to draw (I drew my avatar, btw) and hope to learn animation someday, and I love to write. And more than that I love to do these things for Jesus. =) Oh, and I love STORIES, movies and books. Especially war stories.

As for my Tolkien fandom, I don't read the books annually like some, sadly, and I'm not an expert but I definitely have enough knowledge to blow away every single person I know, for whatever that's worth. My love for Tolkien is not in the facts but in the characters, in the heart of the story. So, don't expect me to keep up, but I'm no noob to Tolkien. Lol. Actually, I've joined this forum before, several years ago, but I didn't do much for that very reason. But I'm here to give it another try (unable to resist the hot Hobbit topics). I didn't remember my login info, so here I am, all fresh and shiny!

For one more thing about myself, the Fellowship of the Ring came out when I was 9 or 10, my first introduction to Tolkien. Been in love ever since. Read the books plus the Sil and some others after ROTK. Nobody tops Tolkien for me. =)

Registered User

Apr 6 2011, 5:41pm

Views: 170287
Hello to All

My name is A.P. Stephens, a fantasy writer from Dallas, TX.

Been a long-time Tolkien fan and admirer. I love collecting new and old editions of the books and have found some good copies from my travels.

Even got a couple of cool Tolkien-related tattoos. Working on getting more in the future.

I hope to see some of you around the boards or at any events, if any come this way. Have a nice one, everyone.

A.P. Stephens
Author of The White Shadow Saga
Book I: The Stolen Moon of Londor
Book II: Shameless Wonders
epic fantasy


Apr 6 2011, 11:19pm

Views: 172731
hello everyone!!!

it's almost 2 months I logged in but I've never introduce me
My name is Carloalberto, and I'm from Soave, a small country near Verona (the city of Romeo & Juliet) so I'm italian!!!
What to tell about me?!?!
Well, first I look like an elf (but I haven't pointed ears...) and I'm very athlethic, I try to keep my body always on shape so I go running, play soccer, tennis, cycling and in summer I love hiking but also go to lake/sea to swim and sunbath.
I consider myself a nice person to stay with even if I am a bit shy, however when I'm hurt I can become veruy agressive.
My fav colour is orange (do you know kimagure orange road??) my fav fruit is strawberry and as italian I really like pasta and pizza; I hear every kinda music, even classic when I want to relax myself, my fav bands are SUM 41, Oasis & Coldplay, I like Christina Aguilera's voice and Rihanna <3
I'm a great reader, I love fantasy books but also thrillers and romances (Clive Cussler my fav one)
In matter of movies, I like actions (Bruce Willis) and thrillers ones, I hate musicals while on TV I watch soccer matches (I support AC Milan) CSI, The Simpsons, Family guy and the quizzes; I'm also a fan of WWE.
I think I said the most, at least what crossed my mind, so this is me.
I like this site and I post each day on forum so you can find me easily
That's all, c ya!!! Wink



Apr 14 2011, 3:21am

Views: 177648
Welcome, Ereg!

et. al. Laugh

You can call me Altaira or.. erm, Altaira, Lol.

Glad you joined us, and I hope you enjoy it here. Smile

Koru: Maori symbol representing a fern frond as it opens. The koru reaches towards the light, striving for perfection, encouraging new, positive beginnings.

"Life can't be all work and no TORn" -- jflower

"I take a moment to fervently hope that the camaradarie and just plain old fun I found at TORn will never end" -- LOTR_nutcase

TORn Calendar


Apr 14 2011, 3:23am

Views: 179834
Hello to you, too, APSWSS

Ooooh, you'll have to share some of your finds from your travels on our Gaming and Collecting board, and even show us your tattoos on Main if you dare. Wink

Hope to see you around more, too.

Koru: Maori symbol representing a fern frond as it opens. The koru reaches towards the light, striving for perfection, encouraging new, positive beginnings.

"Life can't be all work and no TORn" -- jflower

"I take a moment to fervently hope that the camaradarie and just plain old fun I found at TORn will never end" -- LOTR_nutcase

TORn Calendar


Apr 14 2011, 3:29am

Views: 178533
Welcome to you, KAOS

How about Lord of the RIngs? Have you read it in both English and Italian? And the movies - did you watch them in English, or with sub-titles? I'm interested in your experiences.

Have a great time here. Smile

Koru: Maori symbol representing a fern frond as it opens. The koru reaches towards the light, striving for perfection, encouraging new, positive beginnings.

"Life can't be all work and no TORn" -- jflower

"I take a moment to fervently hope that the camaradarie and just plain old fun I found at TORn will never end" -- LOTR_nutcase

TORn Calendar


Apr 14 2011, 9:47pm

Views: 174812

I know english language but not so much to read and understand everything
so I've red the trilogy and saw the movie in italian but I've also saw LOTR with subtitles to improve my english and to hear the voice of original actors

thanks, here I feel like in a big family and I like to discuss and know the opinions of others fans of LOTR



Apr 15 2011, 4:19am

Views: 173881
Back Again...

Hello all! I am an old newbie (I think?).
I was here a lot back in the LotR times, before stuff with The Hobbit was really even set in stone. I just cracked open my much loved copy of The Hobbit and thought, wow, it's been a long time since of been to TORN. So I figured this was a good time to come back and get involved again! Besides, my love for all things Tolkien has never waned.
Since I was here last, I have graduated from college, and moved to Austin, TX. Anyways, I'm glad to be back, and welcome, to all the real newbies! You are among great people!

Theres some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for.

Alassëa Eruvande

Apr 15 2011, 4:27pm

Views: 175471
Are you going to change your nick to txboyarc?


*waves from up I-35*

And suddenly the Tornadoes saw afar off a greenlight, as it were a cloud with a living heart of flame;
and they knew that this was no vision only, but that PJ had made a new thing: The Hobbit, the Film that Is.


Apr 15 2011, 4:33pm

Views: 165851

hey! no, because I've used this for years, its like my official internet name! Besides, I lived the majority of my young life in Vermont.
But Texas is a pretty cool place! Austin is a really nice city!

Theres some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for.



Apr 17 2011, 1:27pm

Views: 166325
Welcome back, vtboyarc

I did a double take when I saw one of your recent posts. Nice to have you back for all the Hobbit goodness

Congrats on graduating and moving on to 'real life.' Laugh Austin is a great place to get a good start. Best of luck to you there.

Koru: Maori symbol representing a fern frond as it opens. The koru reaches towards the light, striving for perfection, encouraging new, positive beginnings.

"Life can't be all work and no TORn" -- jflower

"I take a moment to fervently hope that the camaradarie and just plain old fun I found at TORn will never end" -- LOTR_nutcase

TORn Calendar


Apr 17 2011, 5:16pm

Views: 174706
thank you!

haha, I know it has been a while! Austin is great.
It's good seeing all the familiar "faces" here!

Theres some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for.


Registered User

Apr 18 2011, 9:08pm

Views: 168428
Mae govannen!

Hi all, I'm Alessandro, from Pescara, Italy (but now I'm in L'Aquila 'cause studiyng computer science in it's university).
I became fan of Tolkien since i read the trilogy, after that i read also The Hobbit, and The Silmarillion; than was the turn of Blind Guardian's music, and finally the movies.
I found this comunity searching news about the next movie of PJ, and i was amazed about it.
I wish to meet new people, to know other about Arda ...and to improove my english XD

At last, my favourite characters:
- for the good forces: Boromir;
- for the evil forces: Saruman.

The Shire

Apr 27 2011, 3:08am

Views: 169004
suilad, mellyn...

*waves* Decided to sign up here finally, as watching PJ's recent vlog about the start of Hobbit filming really inspired me to want to start following TORn a lot more closely.

I'm an "old newbie", I guess you'd say -- read The Hobbit and LOTR when I was small, which was back in the 70s, and was so deeply attached to it all that I was the type to assemble laborious handwritten Elvish dictionaries and draw heraldic motifs in the margins of notebooks. I really took to the movies when they came out, and am pleasantly looking forward to the experience of watching The Hobbit movies develop over the next few years. Have never really been involved in the fandom, but it's nice to lurk around.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Apr 27 2011, 3:16am

Views: 175676

We are glad to have you here. Be sure to look at our Welcome section for lots of helpful information for people new to the boards. This is a great time to join in, as we have an exciting time ahead of us while The Hobbit is in production. Smile


"Of all faces those of our familiares are the ones both most difficult to play fantastic tricks with, and most difficult really to see with fresh attention. They have become like the things which once attracted us by their glitter, or their colour, or their shape, and we laid hands on them, and then locked them in our hoard, acquired them, and acquiring ceased to look at them.
Creative fantasy, because it is mainly trying to do something else [make something new], may open your hoard and let all the locked things fly away like cage-birds. The gems all turn into flowers or flames, and you will be warned that all you had (or knew) was dangerous and potent, not really effectively chained, free and wild; no more yours than they were you."
-On Fairy Stories

Forum Admin / Moderator

Apr 27 2011, 3:19am

Views: 168659
Mae govannen, Eregyrn!

I'm glad you decided to step out of lurkdom and join us. We have a great community of fans here and you sound like you'll fit right in! Smile


"Of all faces those of our familiares are the ones both most difficult to play fantastic tricks with, and most difficult really to see with fresh attention. They have become like the things which once attracted us by their glitter, or their colour, or their shape, and we laid hands on them, and then locked them in our hoard, acquired them, and acquiring ceased to look at them.
Creative fantasy, because it is mainly trying to do something else [make something new], may open your hoard and let all the locked things fly away like cage-birds. The gems all turn into flowers or flames, and you will be warned that all you had (or knew) was dangerous and potent, not really effectively chained, free and wild; no more yours than they were you."
-On Fairy Stories

The Shire

Apr 28 2011, 3:59am

Views: 167768
I'm an older newbie- henceforth I just noticed this thread.

Hi everyone. I've read TORn news for years. I'm new to the boards. I used to hangout on the IMDb LOTR threads back in the day. I love the films, the books, WETA Workshop, the maps, virtually everything associated with the lore. Howard Shore's music is medicinal and inspiring.

About me- I'm into creativity, art, music and writing Epic Fantasy novels. My dream is for the movies based on my novels to be done in New Zealand with the WETA team. I'm obviously hoping sooner than later. It's great to have more movies to look forward to.


Apr 28 2011, 4:06am

Views: 183498
Mae govannen

And good skill to you in getting those novels movie-cised!

"Be good, be careful, have fun, don't get arrested!"
---Marcia Michelle Alexander Hamilton, 7 Nov 1955 - 19 Nov 2009


The Shire

Apr 28 2011, 10:18am

Views: 170586
I'd just as soon knock on Peter's door.

But that's not how my agent suggests going about it. I was thrilled that she did talk to Richard Taylor about it though.

In Reply To
And good skill to you in getting those novels movie-cised!


Apr 28 2011, 1:17pm

Views: 188121
"Do not meddle in the affairs of directors"? :) //


"Be good, be careful, have fun, don't get arrested!"
---Marcia Michelle Alexander Hamilton, 7 Nov 1955 - 19 Nov 2009


The Shire

Apr 28 2011, 3:28pm

Views: 174734
An executive Movie Producer fell in love with my novels.

It's a really long story, and complicated. I'll heed your advice. Maybe by movie four, when they've made a few billions, I'll start meddling and demanding they find a role for my niece and all that. Until then I'll have to take a few chill pills, and perhaps restraints and a muzzle.

In Reply To


Apr 28 2011, 3:59pm

Views: 168524
I wrote that as a question, not advice...

Making a joke of an old joke (Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons/wizards [ depending upon the T-shirt, etc, in question]).
I admire that you've not only done well, but that you've finished your works at all. I have probably six novels started, but not the writer's discipline to finish any of them. There are a few writers on this board but it sounds like you're quite successful in the novel field (most here are journalists of one stripe or the other).
I'll volunteer for a walk-on extra sort of part. Wink I did acting a long time ago, in another Life (or so it seems)!

"Be good, be careful, have fun, don't get arrested!"
---Marcia Michelle Alexander Hamilton, 7 Nov 1955 - 19 Nov 2009


The Shire

Apr 28 2011, 4:45pm

Views: 168699

I took the Tolkien route, which is insane- I was writing a story for friends who really loved it and told me I should publish. So, instead of trying to write 1 book, I wrote out an entire series from beginning to end to prove to myself I could finish it. That left me with a nightmare full of edits and rewrites. I had a 7 book/7 movie handshake deal. But the economic downturn hit and I was back to square one, as the parties involved couldn't go forward with my project. Well, not exactly square one. I had an agent and some excellent connections.

All the same, I admire any writer who has gotten into print. It's a difficult task. I was a features writer for a magazine, but it took too much time away from my goals.


Apr 28 2011, 5:22pm

Views: 168204
High fantasy, I presume?

And yes, you're MUCH further along than most ever get. My only hope is that it took me 9 tries and 29 years to complete my bachelor's degree. If I apply the same stubborness to writing then perhaps I'll have something published one day. Tongue

"Be good, be careful, have fun, don't get arrested!"
---Marcia Michelle Alexander Hamilton, 7 Nov 1955 - 19 Nov 2009


The Shire

Apr 28 2011, 6:25pm

Views: 167955
High Fantasy- is there any other kind?

Yes indeed. My story is High Fantasy and I tried my best not to build on another's foundation. In other words, no Elves, Dwarves, Dragons. It's not that I don't love Tolkien's world. I just felt it was best to start with a clean slate. All the same, it's impossible to have read Tolkien and not to be influenced by him. David Gemmel is another favorite writer. George R.R Martin is a brilliant writer, though my story is less adult than his. I want to cross over to a younger audience, as I see that as a key to a larger audience. I have a boat load of art and photos.

Lol, when the initial movie producer wanted to do my stories (before the economic bust) we talked about locations for filming, story-boarding. I did some artwork to show some of my creatures. We're still close friends. I will explain someday.


Jun 28 2011, 7:22pm

Views: 169293
Hello *waves*

I don't want to say too much about myself except that I have been lurking for a while and now feel the need to occasionally post. I am a big fan (obviously) of Tolkein and I have (generally) enjoyed the Peter Jackson movies, and am interested in seeing what he does with The Hobbit now that we appear to be on that track finally.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Jul 3 2011, 12:46pm

Views: 171390
Belated Hello back!

Welcome from lurkdom, and look forward to seeing you around!


Jul 19 2011, 4:56pm

Views: 167292
Lurker no more, berserker? That's another story.


ByThorinsBeard >

Hi everyone,

as I harbor a nearly life-long love of  high fantasy,  I always keep coming back to Tolkien about every 10 years since my first exposure in 1980. My interest in Norse mythology rekindled my desire to reexplore Middle Earth, so I'm looking forward to learning a lot more about the dwarves and rune-lore here.

I'm very pleased that I finally understand and like Bilbo upon a recent reread of  the Hobbit, but I've never forgotten my favorite Tolkien characters: Thorin and Beorn. I'm tickled  my fascination with mountain men and baresarkirs is embedded within The Hobbit, so I can't wait to see how these play into the films. 

Beyond Norse mythology, I have a fascination with Russia, feudal Japan, fur trappers and the Cold War era.

I'm about to embark on my Bachelors, while working full time in a law library. I hope to get my stories, screenplays etc. officially out there > wherever that may be.

Hope to eventually take a make up class and learn to sew too.

I'm floored by the knowledge and the camaraderie here. Hope to contribute in and around following Ori's path. :)


Jul 20 2011, 7:20pm

Views: 169429

Hi Everyone!

I'm new to the boards and wanted to introduce myself! I started reading TORN's main page back in 2001, but didn't look at the boards until recently. And I didn't start lurking here in earnest until all the Dwarf pictures started coming out. Now I'm hooked, and there's nothing left to do but join in! :)

I'm very much looking forward to participating in these discussions and communing with fellow Tolkien fans. When I first got sucked into Tolkien back when the LOTR movies were coming out, there were so many people I knew who were into Tolkien, I had no trouble finding company with whom to talk turkey. Then, everyone else seemed to move on, except for me. I'm rereading LOTR right now, and between that and the excitement over the The Hobbit films, I feel a desperate need to talk Tolkien, and I'm driving my friends and relations nuts in the process. Lurking on the boards has been a great outlet, and I'm hoping contributing will serve as an even better one!

As a side note, I love Hobbits, in part because I am one. I used to wish I were more Elf-like, but have embraced my Hobbitish tendencies.

Thanks everyone for the great discussions on here--looking forward to joining in!

"Yes, but what about SECOND breakfast?"

Forum Admin / Moderator

Jul 20 2011, 7:41pm

Views: 171741
Welcome, HappyHobbittess,

and all of our other newer members! It's great to see you here! :)

Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded b*****d with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Ataahua's stories

dream wanderer
The Shire

Jul 30 2011, 3:09pm

Views: 169372
A thousand years ago and on the other side of the world

I posted here briefly under the screen name Binky. I have returned.

Tolkien fan from age 12 when I read the LoTR Purple Emu Edition. I enjoy talking about Tolkien and the movies and hope to make some new friends here.
Married with three semi-grown kids.
I am currently restoring and repairing an old farmhouse that was passed to me which is a lot of hard work and lots of fun. I like to hike and spend time in the great outdoors. I am Catholic, a cancer survivor, part Cherokee and a writer.
I am waiting impatiently for the promo pics of KingThrandruil. I'm into elves but dwarves are cool.

The Shire

Aug 3 2011, 4:02am

Views: 167898

A friend recommended me TORN a few months ago, but I only discovered the forums yesterday, so here I am. Here are some randoms facts about me, divided into Tolkien related and non-Tolkien related Laugh

I read LOTR several years ago, and then TH. Read Sil only once, and should read it again, cause I don't remember much about it...Blush Right now I'm rereading TH, and planning to reread LOTR as soon as I can.
Didn't watch FOTR on the theater cause... well, because I thought it would stink and it'd ruin the books... Yeah, I know, shame on me!!! After that, I waited in line to watch the other movies, several times.
I don't have a fav book, but fav chapters in each book. TT the best movie ever made, though.
Waiting for the extended blurays to be published around here, and to be able to afford The History of Middle Earth, my big debt to Tolkien books is haven't read it yet.
I try to avoid anything spoiler-ish, so I really don't know much about The Hobbit movie, but enjoy discussing the ideas that everyone has about what will be done. And absolutely *love* the Reading Room here, it allows me to release all my Tolkien obsession w/o torturing my family and friends, as HappyHobitess also said Laugh

Well, on the off topic, I also like George R. R. Martin, J. K. Rowling, Lewis Carroll, C. S. Lewis, and I read anything that is near me. So if you have any book to recommend, I'll thank you!!! Smile I'm 27, am a vet, *should* be writing my Doctorate thesis, live in the south West, english is my second language (I'm sure you all realized this by now), also speak spanish, french (kinda) and portuguese (shoulda). Have 11 cats and 3 dogs, and enough with the random facts Laugh

You all seem really nice people from the lurking I've been making, so I hope I'll be doing a lot of virtual, Tolkien obsessed friends!!!

-¡Ningún hombre viviente puede impedirme nada!
-¡Es que no soy ningún hombre viviente! Lo que tus ojos ven es una mujer. Soy Éowyn hija de Éomund.

-After all this time?
-Always, said Snape.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Aug 7 2011, 12:37pm

Views: 172613

So glad you joined the throng.Smile

Forum Admin / Moderator

Aug 7 2011, 12:40pm

Views: 168586

I struggled with the Sil, but once I found the audio books, I had a much easier time. I listened to the books on audio a couple times, and now I alternate between reading it and listening.

Glad you de-lurked!Smile

Rána Baggins
The Shire

Oct 5 2011, 8:36pm

Views: 167476
"Underhill . . . my name's Underhill"

Just kidding! My names not Underhill, but like Frodo, I need to introduce myself, I suppose!

I'm Rana Baggins, I'm 13 (though people say I look and act older . . . the oldest I've been thought to be is 19 Unimpressed scary.)
After I saw LotR (when I was 11 or 12), I decided that I would become an actress. I still plan on doing that. So, I want to say thank you to all those who helped, acted or who had anything to do with the making of LotR and the Hobbit.
Does anyone know if the actors or anyone from the films have joined and are active on the forum here? I just want to get more info. Smile
I love drawing, reading, writing, travelling, being random and having fun!
Sorry if this post is long... I can be long winded...Tongue
See you around!

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility is being superior to your former self."
-Elijah Wood

Tol Eressea

Oct 6 2011, 3:56am

Views: 168052
Welcome, Rana!

We've had other TORnfolk join us at your age. It's fun to watch someone like you progressing through life. (Not that older people stop growing ...)

AFAIK, no one currently working on the film posts to the message boards. When Guillermo del Toro was directing, he did post, under his own name.
The website home page, however, often links to an interview or other encounter with cast or crew, and occasionally a ranger spy report.

Check out TORn 201 for suggestions on getting the most from the message boards. If possible, please stop by on Friday about noon Eastern (New York) time and join us on Friday Fiesta on Off Topic.

Welcome again on behalf of the whole group,


"I shall not wholly fail if anything can still grow fair in days to come."

Rána Baggins
The Shire

Oct 6 2011, 10:58pm

Views: 167304
Thank you!

Ha ha ha! You mean it's fun watching me mess up? Tongue Just kidding!!! Though I do mess up quite a bit! Crazy I'm a klutz (seriously, I was at my Church's fall festival one year and I was running to catch up with my friend to go on a ride, and I tripped on the pavement; I could feel my feet flying in the air and I felt my face was very close to the ground and I scraped my knees, elbows and palms, and two ladies were standing there trying not to laugh. I must have looked incredibly ridiculous! I get up, laughing embarrassed and keep running and sit next to my friend, she looks me over, especially my elbows and asks, "What happened?")
And I mess up in math all the time (I'm home schooled, so Mom thinks I'm good enough to have the hardest math curriculum she could find Crazy)

Okay! Thank you, ElanorTX! What's a ranger spy report?

I may be able to during school breaks, but I'm not allowed on the computer during school time, so I'll do it when I can!

Thank you so much!

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility is being superior to your former self."
-Elijah Wood

Registered User

Oct 23 2011, 12:09am

Views: 165893
Hello again!

I used to post here all the time- a million years ago when the LOTR movies were out. I'm so happy this site is still here! Looks like I'll need to brush up on "The Hobbit" before next year. Laugh

Registered User

Oct 24 2011, 9:46pm

Views: 170179
Hi there

Hi there.

My name is Heather and I have been a fan of Tolkien for about 32 years, ever since I read LOTR in the fifth grade. I read everything and I even did some scholarly work on things.

I am married and my wife Cindy does love the films but the book causes her issues. However, every year we do hold Hobbitpalooza, where the three extended editions are watched and she cooks all seven hobbit meals throughout the day. It is so awesome. This year was the fourth time we have done that.

Uhm... I am a writer and I am trying to get an Agent to help me get stuff published. That whole process is really frustrating, but so it goes. I am currently writing a YA novel which should be fun.

That about covers what I can think of at the moment to say. Just that I am happy to be on the boards and I cannot wait for the first of the Hobbit films to come out.

Aunt Dora Baggins

Oct 24 2011, 10:17pm

Views: 164530
Hi, Heather. Welcome to TORn!

I think you'll find this community to your liking; hope you enjoy it here!

"For DORA BAGGINS in memory of a LONG correspondence, with love from Bilbo; on a large wastebasket. Dora was Drogo's sister, and the eldest surviving female relative of Bilbo and Frodo; she was ninety-nine, and had written reams of good advice for more than half a century."
"A Chance Meeting at Rivendell" and other stories

leleni at hotmail dot com

Registered User

Nov 23 2011, 4:10pm

Views: 169638
Hello to all of you

Hi, I'm a longtime lurker and now i finally decided to register here.
I'm a great fan of all things related to Tolkien and happy to be now a part of this community.

The Shire

Dec 23 2011, 2:56pm

Views: 170148
Hello LOTR People

Disappointed in myself for not making an acc on here sooner, But after the Hobbit Trailer I made it. My name is Kyle I live in SC sadly. haha. From orlando, FL
I read the LOTR trilogy 6 months before the "Fellowship of the Ring" came out in theaters. Loved them, Loved the movies. Listen to hardcore,Death metal. I am religious about Star wars and Harry Potter (LOTR as well obviously haha) and I can quote any line in "Indiana Jones"


The Shire

Feb 21 2012, 2:59pm

Views: 164868
I Live!

Hello, friends - I started coming to TORn in 1999, addicted to the Spy Reports and the Green Books for five years. I had a couple of brief email exchanges with Quickbeam, but almost never visited the boards. I sent begging letters to the heads of New Line, UA, and MGM to 'Let The Hobbit Happen,' but then drifted away as other matters demanded my attention.

I read LOTR in 1971, then immediately read The Hobbit, then started with The Hobbit again and then LOTR. I got The Silmarillion as soon as it became available, and in the years since, have read Tom Shippey's books, UT and CoH. And despite the fact that I said (loudly) for 20 years to anyone who would listen that LOTR could not be made into a feature film (who could write the screenplay?) -- I am a big fan of the PJ films (as is my daughter, now 18, who claims The Silmarillion is her favorite book).

I have recently been reading Sigurd & Gudrun and re-reading The Road to Middle-earth and so I started lurking in the Reading Room around the first of the year. Thank you all for being here and keeping TORn 'tearing!'

Does Eärendil yet live?

Grey Havens

Mar 5 2012, 7:35pm

Views: 163559
Hi There!

I've been a big fan of the LotR series since 1977 when I first read it. I also enjoyed the movies when those came out.

Non-LotR facts about me - I live in the US, have a degree in math, and am a proud mother of 2. (They've not read the books yet, but I'm working on them...perhaps they need to finish elementary school first. Wink )

I've never joined an LotR fan board before, but this one seems like a fun and active one so I thought I'd give it a go.

Frodo Baggins

Mar 18 2012, 10:13am

Views: 163227
massive fan of lotr

mainly the films not the book. cant wait for hobbit and all of the merchandise. live in Kent,england.


Mar 25 2012, 3:21am

Views: 166102
The Return of TolkienOtaku!

How long has it been since I've been here? Far too long. In any case, I'm back! Smile


Mar 25 2012, 5:10pm

Views: 161440
Otaku-sempai welcomes you!

From one otaku to another! Cool

"Darkness beyond blackest pitch, deeper than the deepest night!
King of Darkness, who shines like gold upon the Sea of Chaos.
I call upon thee and swear myself to thee!
Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed by the power you and I possess!"


Mar 25 2012, 5:25pm

Views: 166672
There really does seem to be a connection between Tolkien and Animé

Lots of people are big fans of both... I googled LotR Animé and found this Any idea what it is?

"...For if joyful is the fountain that rises in the sun, its springs are in the wells of sorrow unfathomed at the foundations of the Earth"


Mar 25 2012, 5:28pm

Views: 162066
Never heard of that, Q.T.

But I'm just a simple, American otaku who isn't heavily into fan-fiction. The only time I've been in Japan was when I served there in the Air Force. I'm back to being a civilian these days.

"Darkness beyond blackest pitch, deeper than the deepest night!
King of Darkness, who shines like gold upon the Sea of Chaos.
I call upon thee and swear myself to thee!
Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed by the power you and I possess!"


Mar 26 2012, 8:45pm

Views: 163961
what to say.....

Well, I won't just give out all my information to the whole extended universe, but as far as introductions go, I'm kindof a newbie to these boards (well, to the whole idea of boards really). The only thing that makes me brave enough to give my opinion on any of this is the vast number of strange looks I get from my friends on a daily basis when I happen to foolishly think they would be interested in hearing about elves, balrogs, and ringsofdoom for the 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000(I don't even know how to pronounce that) time. (Especially when spoken in elvish.)

So anyway, Estelien is kindof my alter ego. She started out as my elvish name, but [accidentally ;-)] transformed into her own person. (Her life is quite the drama, by the way.)
I can feel the wierd looks burning through cyberspace now.

So, I think I'll quit before I start to sound too sick.

Namarie, and I LOVE YOU ARAGORN!

(dangit, I think I just sounded sick again)

~ Estelien


Apr 26 2012, 6:09pm

Views: 159792

Hey everyone!

Been a TORN follower and supporter for 10 years now and just decided to join in the fun ... especially with the upcoming Hobbit films! :D



Apr 26 2012, 7:53pm

Views: 164066
Welcome to TORN!

You're very much like me - I followed TORN for years and years and then decided to join only last year. The majority of us are friendly folk Wink so you'll enjoy your time here!

Noel Q. von Schneiffel

May 10 2012, 5:49pm

Views: 161114

Hello everyone!

My name is Noel. I have been a Tolkien Prophet for a long time. I live in a desert cave and preach the words of Tolkien to a modest number of followers. At least I think I do. Everything in my head is a bit hazy these days. Crazy But it is not a problem! The holy words and the limitless wisdom of J.R.R. Tolkien provide all the guidance I need.

I have been active in some Tolkien communities for a while, including the aaancient newsgroups of and rec.arts.books.tolkien; but those are kind of dead now, as is most of Usenet, unfortunately. So I did know about TORn, which was always there in the background, but I never really got around to taking a closer look.

Thank you very much for letting me into this forum! I promise I will not be too annoying. Usually, when someone says something heretic, I hit them with a spiked club; but for you I agree to only use my softest club. It is a zucchini padded with felt and styrofoam. It does not hurt, though it does tend to gather static electricity and ruin expensive hairdos.

As the old Romans used to say (who were very wise men) : In Tolkien veritas!

The Glorious Truth of J.R.R. Tolkien
Radiates from his Holy Writings


May 10 2012, 6:05pm

Views: 158257
Welcome welcome welcome!

Welcome to TORN! We all see ourselves as Tolkien Prophets, so you will fit right in!

And don't worry about being too annoying. Remember - there is always someone *more* annoying Wink

Join the Hobbit Character Elimination Game in the Arena!

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 10 2012, 6:19pm

Views: 166318
Welcome! //



May 10 2012, 6:27pm

Views: 164936

So you've read the novelizations?

Didn't quite get the movies, did they?

The audacious proposal stirred his heart. And the stirring became a song, and it mingled with the songs of Gil-galad and Celebrian, and with those of Feanor and Fingon. The song-weaving created a larger song, and then another, until suddenly it was as if a long forgotten memory woke and for one breathtaking moment the Music of the Ainur revealed itself in all glory. He opened his lips to sing and share this song. Then he realized that the others would not understand. Not even Mithrandir given his current state of mind. So he smiled and simply said "A diversion.”

Noel Q. von Schneiffel

May 10 2012, 6:47pm

Views: 163707
The movies

In Reply To
So you've read the novelizations?

Didn't quite get the movies, did they?

Well... Unsure

I know, of course, that TORn in general is very pro-movie. I will therefore gladly accept your false and heretic adoration of the blasphemer Peter Jackson and his horrible adaptations which are not true to the book. Live and let live, I say! It's your own soul that will end up in Hell and be subjected to endless readings of David Eddings novels.

I have written a little essay about Peter Jackson's movies; in case you're interested, it's on my website: .

Please note that I am not fundamentally against a movie based on Lord of the Rings! It would have to consist of someone reading the entire book on the screen. It would take 52 hours, but it would be worth it. For visual pleasure, still pictures of Tolkien might be shown during that time.

The Glorious Truth of J.R.R. Tolkien
Radiates from his Holy Writings

Count Balrog
The Shire

May 12 2012, 10:43pm

Views: 161244
Greetings, mortals

Hello, this is Count Balrog. My actual name is ... well, my title in Classical Balrog is @%#^$@%#&@%#%@&#%#@#@. My name is not the concern of mortals. Like Noel, I was in AFT/RABT before it kicked the bucket. If any of you were there, you might remember me as Count Menelvagor. Or, if in the Yahoo group LOTR87, as Count Nikolai Vagorovich. I'm (obviously) a Balrog, a race first traduced by Tolkien, and then insulted by fandom's obsession with "wings."

There's a website ( The formatting's rather poor; fixing it is somewhere on my to-do list, somewhere after working on a weird Tolkien-worshipping academy some friends and I came up with (Noel was also involved). There's a website for that, too.

I tend to do parodies, but I'm also periodically interested in real Tolkien scholarship. I have a friend who occasionally sends articles from Tolkien Studies. Also interested in languages, history, opera, and librarianship.

I have a tendency not to use capital letters, to save on typing, RSI, etc.; so no flames, please! (You'd be surprised how often one gets flak for this.)

Oh, and I was once in one of the TORN chatrooms (#teunc), so some people might know me from there as The_Count.

Balrogs rule (literally)


May 24 2012, 4:06am

Views: 160404
Welcome, Count!

I hope you enjoy it here. I'm looking forward to your parodies! Smile

Koru: Maori symbol representing a fern frond as it opens. The koru reaches towards the light, striving for perfection, encouraging new, positive beginnings.

"Life can't be all work and no TORn" -- jflower

"I take a moment to fervently hope that the camaradarie and just plain old fun I found at TORn will never end" -- LOTR_nutcase

Count Balrog
The Shire

May 24 2012, 11:11pm

Views: 157026

I did wonder a bit that I hadn't gotten any responses. Noel suggested that I was too scary (or something to that effect). Flame of Udun, and that, I suppose. Ai, ai, a newbie is come?

Here's a bit of Tolkien disinformation for you: (warning; contains lies).

Balrogs rule (literally)


Jul 23 2012, 6:01pm

Views: 142595

I've been a huge Tolkien fan since I was little, but I had never joined a forum before. I've been lurking here for awhile, then finally made a profile, but was too scared to post until today.

So...hello? My name is Kathleen, I live in Indiana but grew up in upstate New York.

(Help, what does one say in introductions?)

My degree is in archaeology/anthropology but I work as a tech writer.

I'm kind of boring, I guess.

Hello, though!


Jul 23 2012, 6:07pm

Views: 144894
Welcome to TORn DesiringDragons!

And it seems like you chose a good day to join with the release of vlog 8! *thumbs up*

You can never be too boring - archaeology sounds like a fun degree to have! Did you go on lots of field trips? Wink Have you ever found anything exciting?

Enjoy your stay here Smile


Jul 23 2012, 6:11pm

Views: 144164
Thanks! :)

It was lots of fun getting the degree (yes, lots of fieldwork and time in the pit and the lab) - but alas, the most exciting things I've found have been potsherds. One always dreams of buried treasure though ;)

I can hardly wait to join in more of the discussions, but I'm a bit shy so might hang back a bit.


Jul 23 2012, 6:16pm

Views: 142351
I once found a key ...

I've always wondered what it was for - I never found the treasure either Wink

Off-topic and Main is always a good place to start Smile. I wouldn't worry about just jumping in - our barks are louder than our bites Wink, and we are a very friendly bunch!

Count Balrog
The Shire

Jul 30 2012, 12:28am

Views: 140699
Pity you weren't practicing it in Middle-earth ...

at least in the Third Age (since technically, this is Middle-earth. One doesn't even have to dig at all to find a valuable ancient sword. All one has to do is run into the right trolls and not get eaten.

Balrogs rule (literally)


Jul 30 2012, 12:06pm

Views: 140262
Good point! Although

I'd hate to disturb a barrow-wight accidentally - they don't seem to take kindly to that!

Count Balrog
The Shire

Jul 30 2012, 7:32pm

Views: 141878
I've always found barrow-wights to be horribly vulgar


Balrogs rule (literally)


Jul 31 2012, 2:59pm

Views: 142122

Hello everyone, my name's Padfoot, and I'm new to this forum.

I've been using this username for some 10 years now on different forums, so maybe somebody remembers me from another forum. I sure hope to meet some new people here!

Tol Eressea

Aug 1 2012, 5:31am

Views: 142633
Hi Padfoot!

Welcome Smile I think you'll find that most people here are friendly. Though some discussions get heated, they (mostly) remain respectful. So feel free to jump right in!


Aug 1 2012, 6:07am

Views: 147836
Hi back

Thanks for the welcome! Sounds like the "usual" forum to me Sly I will jump in right away! Sly


Aug 11 2012, 11:23am

Views: 141343


My name is Thomas (AKA Thoromir), I'm 22 years old and I live in The Netherlands.
I have been on this forum for quite some time now (several months up to a year I guess). Mainly to stay up to date on the upcoming films.
But now I have an account:p
I don't know if I'll be posting a lot; I'm not a real Tolkien-geek so to speak. My knowledge goes as far as the movies go (and a little bit further perhaps).
I've read the Hobbit in English though, but that's all. So I try not to get cought up in hot discussions haha.

That'll be all I guess ;)



Aug 11 2012, 11:59am

Views: 140049
Welcome to TORn Thoromir!

Becoming a de-lurker his a great decision. I lurked for far too long, and wish now I had joined in sooner. We've got a great community here all with varying backgrounds, so I'm sure you will have great fun here.



Aug 11 2012, 2:37pm

Views: 144724

Haha thanks! (and to all others who have welcomed me already)
Well, I'll mainly stay a lurker. But I think I will show my face now and then. It sure is al lot easier now I have been registered ;)

The Shire

Oct 17 2012, 1:20pm

Views: 142579
Hello. I'm new here

Hello all. First time poster here. Although I first read Tolkien's books (Hobbit, LOTR, and a few short stories) back in sixth grade (I'm now 29, egad I'm getting old), I've only recently really latched onto the series. I'd seen the movies when they came out in theatres, re-read the trilogy a time or three, but sometime during the last year it went from "that really great series I read every now and then" to "this is amazing why have I not been more into this?". It has a little something to do with the Norse influence in Middle Earth tickling my Heathen fancy. But it's more a greater appreciation for the depth of the characters and the immersive nature of Tolkien's world. Well, I guess that's enough text for a "hello" post.


Oct 17 2012, 1:53pm

Views: 145628
Welcome to TORn Refurin!

It's great that the upcoming films have re-ignited (and re-introduced) you to the world of Tolkien. You'll enjoy it around here.


Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!


Oct 18 2012, 4:27am

Views: 146384
First post

Hi all, Steve here from Australia, long time fan of Tolkien's work, and more lately, Peter Jackson's! [:)]

Hoping to find out all sorts of stuff about the upcoming Hobbit Trilogy, I may even contribute stuff I find out about, and am planning a trip to New Zealand at the end of 2013 with a lot of the iconic places shown in LOTR and the THT on my list! [cool]


Oct 18 2012, 6:01am

Views: 142052
Gday Steve, welcome to TORn!

How cool of you to avail yourself of the Introduction Thread. A trip to NZ sounds great, and right around the time of The Desolation of Smaug (DOS) premier, nice!


Forum Admin / Moderator

Oct 18 2012, 10:14am

Views: 140712
That is cool!

Have lots of fun planning the trip, and don't forget a visit to Weta! Smile

And welcome to TORn!


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Oct 22 2012, 12:22pm

Views: 139819

Thanks guys, and look forward to adding to this great site with things I find out about!

The trip to NZ grows more real by the day, I plan to spend 2 weeks over Christmas 2013 there, and hope to be at Bag End or some simerlarly cool place on Christmas Day!

In the meantime I'm enjoying this site, so many cool stories and fans on here!


divine hobbit
The Shire

Oct 23 2012, 4:38am

Views: 141956
Long time no see

Hi! I'm Kristin and I'm an old newbie. It's been a bit since I've been on the boards, but I'm excited to be back. I have to say, the boards are way fancier now! I found TORN back when I first heard that LOTR was going to made into movies, and was around a lot through the release of trilogy and for a bit after. But then I had kids and had met several friends through TORN that I hung out with, so wasn't as active here. Now I've moved and the kids are older and I'm hoping to enjoy the excitement of the upcoming movies with people who do not think I'm nuts, and perhaps find new local Tolkien geeks to hang out with. Cheers!


Oct 23 2012, 6:56am

Views: 143533
Welcome back to TORn!

I hope you enjoy it as much as you did before. Smile

Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!

Registered User

Oct 23 2012, 8:25pm

Views: 139200

Hello all! Glad to be here with fellow Tolkien fans!

Thanks for accepting me into the fold.

The Shire

Nov 2 2012, 4:32am

Views: 138599
Looking forward to meeting other Tolkien lovers

Hi I'm brand new. Home from work sick today and love to disappear into Middle Earth when I'm sick (when I'm well too for that matter). I have lurked on here on and off and decided to join today because I want to talk to other people who love Tolkien's Universe like I do. Only one of my friends loves LOTR like I do and she doesn't like the books (WHAT???!!) so I have no one to share geeky discussions with about Tolkien.


Nov 2 2012, 5:23am

Views: 130545
Geeky discussions you say?

Well you've come to the right place. Laugh

Welcome to TORn ValarNienna!

The Shire

Nov 2 2012, 5:41am

Views: 134901
Thank Goodness

Haha I thought so from my lurking... so glad to hear it confirmed ;).

Don't really know where to start. Just been posting on things which take my fancy so far and I'l work up the courage to start a thread sometime.


Nov 11 2012, 12:48pm

Views: 132293
Old newbie. No wait... new oldbie....

Been wondering if I should reintroduce myself after being away from TORn since...oh, 2006ish. Knew Hobbity goodness would haul me back.

In brief: I'm a 'movie-firster' who wasn't originally into fantasy, but being a Kiwi with a member of 'the whanau' heavily involved in the film production, I initially watched the movies to support his work. And that's where it all began. A late-starter, me.

I first joined TORn back when ROTK had just been released, and bemoaned the fact that I hadn't been able to participate in the anticipation of the movies. But ... well...I find I haven't exactly been here speculating on The Hobbit. I guess in reality, I would rather discuss it once it has been seen. So I will be here more often from mid-December. Besides, am currently in the throes of Nanowrimo!

As I like to joke with people... if the world is supposed to be "ending" on Dec 21st this year, I'm making darn sure I see The Hobbit before it does.

'O' is very useful. You use it when you say... "Oscar's only ostrich oiled an orange owl today."


Nov 12 2012, 2:11pm

Views: 140456
Hello from Pakistan !

I have been lurking here for about three years now. Joined the forums last year in july I think. Was quite active back then and also started some threads. Thought I should introduce myself here. I am a 20 y/o full time student from Pakistan and a first saw the LOTR movies and then read the books..

The Shire

Nov 12 2012, 7:27pm

Views: 128922

My name is Simone, I'm 23 years old and I'm from Germany. I hope my English isn't too bad :)
I've been a fan of LotR ever since I read the book for the first time when I was 12.


Nov 12 2012, 9:25pm

Views: 128877

And it seems you are a fan of Doctor Who too! That's great! I hope you enjoy it here.Smile

Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!

The Shire

Nov 13 2012, 10:31am

Views: 128264
Back again

after an absence of a few months. It was about time I returned to middle earth.

Never ask an Elf for advice, for he will say both 'Yes' and 'No'.


Nov 14 2012, 12:37am

Views: 130764
hello, may i introduce myself :)

hello, thought id join TORN as i always check this place out, since the lotr films i think!

once i found a dusty old book that i couldnt even read with maps and funny writing in it, i was hooked, it wasnt till i was a teenager i could actually read the thing! and now many years later here i am!

big tokien fan, i love collecting old tolkien books, and even though i detest the changes in the film i still love them, though i actually prefer the bbc radio version :P

i spend alot of time on film sets as an extra/special action! though i did consider moving to new zealand for a year to try and get work on the hobbit , it was a bit far. ive done lots of cool films, lots of fantasy stuff and recently comic book adaptions!

i have to admit most nights i play lotr /hobbit/silmarillion audio books to send me to sleep!

looking forward to meeting some like minded people from across the globe!!

Registered User

Dec 13 2012, 12:12am

Views: 134545

I'm new here, but I've been reading Tolkien's works for about twenty years now and have been visiting TORN since before FOTR was in the cinemas. It seemed about time to show up in the forums!

I work in Scottish heritage and love history, literature and art. I really admire Tolkien's drawings - they look like they belong in illuminated manuscript and I just wish it was easier to find prints of them. Also, the detail and sense of reality you get when reading about Middle Earth has never been matched (I think, anyway) by another author. Fantasy needs to feel grounded in reality and LOTR does this.

One thing that I'd like to say straight away - my favourite film so far is FOTR, which I gather is unusual. I'm not really into battle scenes, but I think the character development you see in the first film and the quiet building up of the story are phenomenal.


Dec 13 2012, 8:09am

Views: 144006
Welcome to TORn Banrigh :-)

So, do you have your tickets booked for The Hobbit?

I'm assuming you live in Scotland, if that's your job?(probably wildly off). Wink

Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!

Registered User

Dec 14 2012, 4:21pm

Views: 148087
Greetings from Zagreb!

Hi everyone!

My name is Veronika (Vika for everyone or just V). I started visiting TORn a few years ago, but I have never joined it „officially“. So here I am!

I was born in Argentina, but I live in Croatia now. I´m an actress and film maker, though I also have to search for other jobs... Someone has to pay the bills, right?

I´m also a vegetarian, love to travel, nature, photography and cooking :)




Dec 14 2012, 7:09pm

Views: 145079
Welcome to TORn! And what an exciting time to join!

Was it The Hobbit that finally made you join? Is there much of a "fanbase" in Croatia?


Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!

Registered User

Dec 14 2012, 7:43pm

Views: 144693
Thanks for the welcome!

Yes, I could say so.

I don´t think there´s much of a fanbase here. I remember when I was still living in Argentina and FOTR was released... You could feel all that "Tolkien energy", it was all around. It´s not the same here.

It was quite impressive, though, to see such a lot of people the other night at the movie theatre, there was no empty seat :)

Registered User

Dec 21 2012, 8:39pm

Views: 148672
Hi from the southeast US

Galadhrim here. I'm brand new to TORN, though I have lurked off and on for a while. Been a Tolkien geek since college when I first read 'The Hobbit,' then it took me a long time to get throught LOTR books. Took me until about 2005 to see all the LOTR movies, and was sorry I waited so long. Have now read LOTR about four times and have about four more Tolkien works on my shelf just waiting to be read. (The Sil, Children of Hurin, Unfinished Tales, etc.) That probably makes me a piker in comparison to most of you, but hoping to learn more in the company of kindred spirits. :)

I love to read - mostly nonfiction. I like books and movies that will make me smarter, make me think, or make me want to be a better person.

Two kids (boy and girl) and a lovely husband, no pets. I'm a nurse by trade, but one day am going to be independently wealthy and travel the world. LOL

"But you have been chosen, and you must therefore use such strength and heart and wits as you have.' - Gandalf the Grey

Registered User

Dec 24 2012, 1:47pm

Views: 147592
Greetings from South Africa

Hi everyone!

My name is Liesl, I'm 28 years old and I'm from South Africa.
I've been a fan of Tolkien's ever since I read LotR for the first time when I was 13.

I'm a photographer and a mom to a gorgeous little girl (whose favorite bedtime story is Roverandom)

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Me and a cheetah 2"/></a>


(This post was edited by Liesl on Dec 24 2012, 1:48pm)

Grey Havens

Dec 24 2012, 3:13pm

Views: 146055
New to forums

Hi! I joined TORn after seeing the Hobbit movie. I've been a Tolkien fan for most of my life, having read "The Hobbit" and "LotR" for the first time some 35 years ago. I discovered the whole idea of online fandom far more recently, and through the "Harry Potter" series, hence my username. My favorite characters include Sam, Aragorn, Bilbo, and Thorin.

I live in the Northeastern USA, and have two sons I am raising to be Tolkien fans as well. I have a mathematics background and work as a statistician.

I'm enjoying the Hobbit movie discussions and speculation regarding the upcoming second and third parts!

Liesl, Snape is one of my favorites in the Potter series, also!


Dec 27 2012, 6:20pm

Views: 127909
Just found this thread

to properly introduce myself. I've been a Tolkien fan since I was 25 or so which is a long long time ago. I found this site little after Fotr came out but never joined until now.
I have three grown up children and one grandson. All the children have had their share of Tolkien.
I love reading, good food (too much) and cats (I have three).
I live in southern Finland, where there is now quite cold and lots of snow.

Registered User

Jan 4 2013, 2:13am

Views: 124670

Hi, my name is Henry and I'm 19. :)

My mom grew up as a serious Tolkien fan, and I first was introduced to the mythology in a Disney magazine for kids that had promotions for The Fellowship of the Ring back in 2001. I saw the movies in theaters with my mom, played the games - but never really got into the literature side - although I was heavily into the Forgotten Realms series and numerous other philosophical subjects and various works of literature.

I do have a great appreciation for the extended versions of the movies - having seen each extended version over twenty times each, easily. Entire weekends devoted to the films..

Recently I got deeper into it all. I read The Hobbit in middle school and started The Fellowship of the Ring in 9th grade - finishing it a few months ago. I'm more than halfway through The Two Towers as of right now.

I own the LOTR trilogy, The Hobbit, The Sil, The Tolkien Reader, The Guide to Middle Earth etc, and hope to prove myself as a true fan of Tolkien's unique vision.

(This post was edited by Eonlum on Jan 4 2013, 2:18am)

Registered User

Jan 5 2013, 9:04pm

Views: 128681
... And this is me!

Hi everybody!

My name is Erika and I'm from a little town in the north of Italy. I've been lurking around TORn in the last few months then I decided that it was time to make my move and introduce myself to this lovely world and to you, lovely people.

I'm a huge LOTR fan, from the book to the movies... and I'm falling for THE HOBBIT movie too.

I'm also into tattoos and the last one (but it's still a work in progress) it's a note of how much I love Tolkien's work. And yes, my friends tell me I'm quite a geek. :)

And this is me, in a very silly picture. ;)

Registered User

Jan 9 2013, 7:33pm

Views: 124492
Greetings to all Free Peoples of Middle-Earth !

Hi girls and guys !

My name is Sebastian and I'm a Law student from a beautiful Gothic town in northern Poland,called Torun(or Thorn),where a descendant of noble Noldor,Nicolaus Copernicus,has forever changed Arda by stopping the Sun and moving the Earth Wink

I've just recently started to browse these forums and decided to participate in the passion for Tolkien-related works.
It's been about 15 years since I first heard about the books,early in primary school.My fascination with them began with the name "Gandalf" that I had spotted in "letters from readers" section in a magazine reviewing video-games,mind you.And they say that games don't educate Wink Here I am now,after thousands of pages filled with Middle_Earth and countless rewatches of PJ's craft ,still no less enamored by it.

I ,like Bilbo, have more sides to myself than one. Probably an elf from appearance ,tall and slender tennis aficionado,with inquisitive approach and love for unspoiled nature ,but cannot deny dwarvish stubbornness and an unquenchable love for mountains.Yet there's nothing more relaxing than a glass of wine,good food and a brilliant film in the comfort of your own hobbit hole Smile

Thanks for accepting me to your community and wish You and myself many fruitful and enjoyable discussions.

“For so sworn good or evil an oath may not be broken and it shall pursue oathkeeper and oathbreaker to the world's end.”

Registered User

Jan 9 2013, 9:24pm

Views: 125203
oh hai!

oh hai!

i'm a 33 year old outcast living in sweden

when i first got my hands on tolkien

i was 16 years old

stole "the hobbit"

from my cell

in a juvenile prison

when i escaped

have had the book

since that

it is pretty worn

i am identifying

with it

very much


it tells me


of what i am

a drifter

a forger

of dreams

Registered User

Jan 11 2013, 4:46am

Views: 125340
Hi :)

So. Hi! My name is Pip and I'm 26 years old from Scotland :) I've been sort of lurking on and off of this site for years but never actually signed up for some reason.

I'm never really sure how to introduce myself to be honest. My nickname 'Pip' does come from Pippin Took (I know you were thinking it!), and it's a name I've been called for over 15 years now. I've been a fan of Tolkien's works for over 20 years, even since I was a bairn and my parents sat me down to watch the 70's animated movie :)

There isn't much more to say, really. I love punk rock, tattoos and horror movies. I'd rather spend a night in with my DVD collection than out at a club (well, sometimes ;)). I go to the cinema like it's church, and I spend too much time in comic book stores :)

Hi :D

Registered User

Jan 21 2013, 10:11pm

Views: 125799

Hi Everyone!Heart

My name is Yasmine from IndonesiaSmile
I have a degree in Linguistics and currently studying Mandarin Chinese.

I've been a fan of Tolkien since 2001~

i like anime, fantasy novels, sci-fi films, pop music, star-gazing, yoga, swimming, yogurt n cerealSly

c'est moi

(This post was edited by ringeril on Jan 21 2013, 10:16pm)

Registered User

Jan 22 2013, 4:57pm

Views: 125969
Hello all

Hello all,
I'm Toska (or Kelz if you wish). I'm 22 and live in Queensland, Australia where I run my run costume design/making business and amatuer SFX artist.

My first experience with Tolkien was seeing FOTR with my mum (who is a massive Tolkien fan herself) when I was 11 and fell in love with the movies.
It was November last year when my interest was reignited when I ran into the owner of the largest Tolkien collection in Australia at a pop culture expo where he was promoting the new movie. Then in December I got an invite from him to go and see the Queesland premiere of 'The Hobbit' in return for dressing in costume, so I threw together (on a weeks notice) hobbit costumes for myself, my mother and my boyfriend and we got to see it a week before the rest of Australia. From there obsession has really taken hold. I have since read 'The Hobbit' twice (I'm half way through my 3rd reading now) and have seen the movie more times than I care to admit. I have even joined 'The Brisbane Tolkien Fellowship'.
I am also working on a number of dwarf costumes for myself and some family and friends for another pop culture expo in April and spending alot of time obsessing over little details like exactly how the ties on Bofur's under shirt are meant to look.

I have set myself the goal of reading LOTR before the end of the year, something I have tried to do many times before, but I now have a new found determination.

The Shire

Feb 2 2013, 5:24am

Views: 125984
Hi, y'all!

Hola! My name is Andrea and I am a week from being 24. :) I am a Costa Rican citizen who moved back to her home country after living in the US for ten years. Short, brunette and quiet (though only around strangers!), I enjoy singing, knitting, gardening, baking and learning about cultures.

I was introduced to the world of Tolkien at around 11, when my parents randomly rented the cartoon movie from the library and sat me and my siblings down to watch it. I believe FotR had just come out and they wanted us to be introduced in a more kid-friendly way! Can't believe it was that long ago! From there on, I attempted to read the trilogy, but didn't really get much from it (as I had other things in my mind those days). I watched all three movies and instantly fell in love with all the characters and the world in itself. I remember coming out of the RotK in a haze, refusing to believe it was all over.

Last year, I read The Hobbit and I've been re-enamored with Tolkien ever since! Hobbits would have to be my favorites. Heart

I sincerely hope to meet awesome people while I'm here and maybe even join an event or two! In Costa Rica, there is a big Tolkien Club but I've always been much too shy to ever go to a meeting.

Anyway, peace!


Feb 2 2013, 9:47pm

Views: 124751
Welcome Anagum

I hope you enjoy your time here on TORn. I too love gardening - we have a gardening thread in Off Topic so I might see you there sometime.

It's nice to have someone from Costa Rica - I'm from New Zealand.

Registered User

Feb 19 2013, 5:26am

Views: 123047

Hello, everybody!

My name is Ann Marie, and I'm from Florida, USA.

Tolkien's works have been a huge part of my late childhood-early adolescent years, as that was when I first started reading them. I first read The Hobbit when I was eleven years old, and then moved on to the Lord of the Rings trilogy when I was twelve. Coincidentally, that was when Peter Jackson's movies came out, so I hurried to finish them all before The Fellowship of the Ring came to theaters.

Ever since The Return of the King, I had been waiting for a live action adaptation of The Hobbit, as that was my favorite book when I was younger. I used to watch the old Rankin/Bass cartoon all the time, and I would always wonder to myself how amazing it would be to see a live action version of my favorite story. My dream came true a year ago, so here I am.

I used to lurk around here every once in a while, and I decided to join today after watching the livestream with Sylvester McCoy earlier today (he answered one of my questions--it was the one regarding the Quenya when Radagast brought Sebastian back to life).

Outside of LOTR, I'm a graduate student pursuing a degree in librarianship, an amateur pianist, and a long-time fan of sci-fi (mostly Star Trek, Babylon 5, and more recently Doctor Who--thanks to some inspiration from Sylvester McCoy's performance as Radagast, since he played the Seventh Doctor).

I'd post a picture, but I have no recent photos of myself...I'm very, very camera shy. Blush

I got my name after perusing through various Elvish-language sites and came up with "Gilrandir", which means "Star Wanderer" in Sindarin. I thought it seemed fitting to go along with my interest in sci-fi.

(This post was edited by Gilrandir on Feb 19 2013, 5:30am)

The Shire

Mar 23 2013, 7:23am

Views: 125404
Hello, there!

Hello, I am new to this board. Though I have been lurking around for a while. I am a 21 year old man and I am a Christian. Faramir is my favorite character, as you could probably tell by my username. Smile I love Tolkien's works, he is my favorite author. I love the fantasy and science fiction genres and am currently attending College to earn a degree in English and become a writer. I want to write Fantasy and Science Fiction stories, and of course Tolkien is a major influence.

I actually got into the novels from Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings films, I became a fan around the time of Return of the king. since then I have read many of Tolkien's works. I have read The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Silmarillion, Children of Hurin, and Unfinished Tales. I can't wait for the next Hobbit film! The dwarves are one of my favorite fantasy races, so I love that there are so many in the Hobbit. I am not a book purist and don't mind the changes in the film so much, I find them quite interesting actually. I like to look at the films as an alternate universe of sorts for the story, and so the changes don't bother me. It is nice to meet you all, and I hope for some interesting discussion!

Tol Eressea

Mar 23 2013, 5:17pm

Views: 124508
hello all you wonderful newbies!

Come on in, pull up a chair and grab a cup of meade... or hot chocolate. torn is a wonderful place to discuss Middle Earth. I found it somewhat before the first LOTR films. Read the books in 1978 (Lee Pace wasn't even born yet... and Orlando Bloom was in diapers). They've inspired a bunch of my own adventures...

Go outside and play...

Registered User

Mar 30 2013, 8:08pm

Views: 123448

Long time follower on twitter and been reading posts on main site for a while. Joined the marathon of the extended editions of the films earlier and decided to join up as that was great fun with fun people. Name is william. Niracas is william in quenya

(This post was edited by Niracas1980 on Mar 30 2013, 8:16pm)

Registered User

Apr 4 2013, 8:22pm

Views: 125246
It's all Laguz's and Kiwifan's fault...

...that I signed up Tongue

Hello all! I love books and tea. They go well together. Like bangers and mash Laugh

Smeagol Bagginsess

Apr 15 2013, 4:14pm

Views: 124376
Greeetingsssssss Precioussss!!!!!

We are Smeagol Bagginsess as you can see.
We are a PJ to Tolkien fan preciousss. Isn't we? Oh yes preciouss, we are.
We have read The Hobbitssess, and the Lord of my Precioussss and The Ssssil too.
Anyway, we hopes to make lot of friends here. Looking for ssome great discussions on the booksss and filmses!



I am Smeagol Bagginsess as you can see. I am a PJ to Tolkien fan and regard the books as well as the movies as masterpieces. I have read The Hobbit, LOTR and the Sil.
Anyway, I really hope to make lots of friends here and also have some good discussions on the books as well as films.


The Road goes Ever on and on.
Down from the door where it began.
How far ahead the Road has gone.
And I must follow if I can ...

The Shire

Apr 17 2013, 2:56am

Views: 123005
Greetings and salutations!

My name is Jennifer and I live in Northern California. I've been a Tolkien fan as long as I can remember; in fact, one of my earliest memories is listening to the BBC radio adaptation of The Hobbit on NPR. My fifth grade teacher also read The Hobbit to us in class and encouraged those of us who had the book to follow along, which I did. A couple of years later I tackled the LOTR trilogy, which took me a long time to read what with all the wordy descriptions and things I didn't wholly understand. It didn't help that I started with TTT because that was the only one my mom had on her bookshelf, and I got about halfway through it before I realized I was supposed to read FOTR first! Since then I've read most of Tolkien's works many times over (in order, even!) and am currently making my way through his Letters for the second time in as many years.

When it comes to Peter Jackson's films I'm somewhat torn - I love the visuals and most of the actors, but the unnecessary changes irk me. I find it's always the worst on the first viewing, because I have this expectation that the events will follow a certain course and I get disappointed when they don't. But usually after a couple of viewings the purist in me calms down enough that I can appreciate them for what they are, which is what led me here... my husband and friends are a bit sick of hearing my dissertations on The Hobbit since it was released on DVD, so I decided to seek out a more receptive audience! Smile

In addition to being a Tolkien fanatic I'm also a cat-lover, musician, occasional writer and a fantastic vegan cook, if I do say so myself! Wink


Apr 17 2013, 12:49pm

Views: 124789

I'm Mary. I come from a small town in Indiana. I am the youngest of 9 and I have just entered high school.Wink

Forum Admin / Moderator

Apr 17 2013, 5:41pm

Views: 124438
HI Luinnar!

Indiana! If you see a poster named Patty, she's also from your state! And there are many other Midwestern TORnfolks. Welcome!


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Aragalen the Green

Apr 18 2013, 1:23am

Views: 127177

I'm glad you are here! It's nice to see I'm not the only one dealing with a similar situation. Living in a household of Star Wars and Star Trek fans...who aren't quite as avid about Tolkien as I am...this is a great place to be Smile

In Reply To
... my husband and friends are a bit sick of hearing my dissertations on The Hobbit since it was released on DVD, so I decided to seek out a more receptive audience!

'"Never laugh at live dragons, Bilbo you fool!" he said to himself, and it became a favourite saying of his later, and passed into a proverb.'

The Shire

Apr 18 2013, 2:23am

Views: 126444
Thank you for the warm welcome!!

I can talk Star Trek with the best of them, but Tolkien is my heart & soul. Ironically my husband is a huge Tolkien fan as well but he prefers the Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales, so it just aggravates him when I start going into comparisons between LOTR/Hobbit films & books Unsure

The Shire

Apr 18 2013, 8:11pm

Views: 127041
Well, here goes...

I don't want to say my exact name and location, but I live in the Southwestern United States. And I am a girl, even though my username is Kili! Wink

I discovered TORn because I was looking for a good place to get Hobbit news. And after lurking around the boards for a while, I decided I should join the fun! Smile I grew up knowing about Lord of the Rings because my sisters were big fans. Now it's my turn to be crazy about it and the Hobbit!

I love animals but I only have two dwarf hamsters (named Fili and Kili).

Well that's about all I can think of right now!


Apr 18 2013, 8:58pm

Views: 124552
Welcome to TORn Kili :-)

You've picked a great time to join - with all the excitement of The Hobbit, we have plenty of discussions in The Hobbit board. Be sure to check out the other boards as well - we're all very friendly. Smile

You have something in common with a lot of us round here - naming pets after Tolkien characters. I have two cats called Gimli and Rosie.

Hope you have fun while you're here.


Apr 19 2013, 8:06am

Views: 125482

It's really nice to meet people on TORn with other interests that you have other than LotR - I also adore science fiction, especially Star Trek. I think it's the question of morality and a really intelligent show have been a huge part of my way of thinking.

Welcome. Live long and prosper! Cool

"Eala Earendel engla beorhtast
ofer middangeard monnum sended."

"You think you world is safe? It is an illusion. A comforting lie told to protect you. Enjoy these final moments of peace. For I have returned to have my vengeance. So, shall we begin? " - John Harrison/Khan/Sherlock/Smaug (Star Trek: Into Darkness)


Apr 19 2013, 8:13am

Views: 123076
Greetings to a fellow Jennifer!

I'm Jennifer, too. Smile

Welcome to TORn. It's really shiny - all these new members (not that I've been on these forums for a long time myself).


my husband and friends are a bit sick of hearing my dissertations on The Hobbit since it was released on DVD, so I decided to seek out a more receptive audience!

I have the same problem with my family, except the few who are fans. I sometimes enjoy their exasperation at my constant hobbiting. Blush

"Eala Earendel engla beorhtast
ofer middangeard monnum sended."

"You think you world is safe? It is an illusion. A comforting lie told to protect you. Enjoy these final moments of peace. For I have returned to have my vengeance. So, shall we begin? " - John Harrison/Khan/Sherlock/Smaug (Star Trek: Into Darkness)


Apr 19 2013, 8:03pm

Views: 123342
I guess I never said hi officially

My Name is Josh and I'm 31 from just outside of Kansas City, Mo

I've been a fan of Tolkien for over 10 years now. It started with my mom and has moved forward into a deep love of the world of Middle-earth. I've been collecting items based on Jackson's adaptation since December of 2003. I've posted on several boards over the years talking with lots of fans of Middle-earth, Marvel, SW, etc even totalling almost 66k posts on the Sideshow Freaks message board. In April of 2011 I was asked to join the staff of TORn to write a collecting column and from there Collecting The Preicous was born. I love posting here and talking Middle-earth with you all, helping to spread collecting Middle-earth, and being able to help TORn out.

I realized looking at this thread I never shared anything so I wanted to finally get around to sharing a bit about myself.

Registered User

Apr 19 2013, 11:56pm

Views: 126529
So new, not sure what I'm doing.

Hi, name is Emma and am well retired. Only became a Tolkien fan a few years ago when a neighbors boys asked if I'd seen the movies, which I hadn't so they loaned me Return of the King and I've been hooked ever since. Have read the Trilogy and The Hobbit but now rereading them.
I also enjoy a potpourri of other things such as my dogs, casual pc gaming, watching WWE and numerous miscellany. Used to have horses, rode motorcyles, showed my dogs and helped train dog obedience.
I live in eastern Washington state in a small town amidst the wheat fields.

Still learning my way around and not sure if I'm posting correctly and not sure how to post on the other forums. Noticed there's only a "reply to" option.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Apr 20 2013, 12:28am

Views: 126065
Hi Emma!

And welcome to TORn! If this is your first time on a message board, it can be a bit confusing, but I think you'll soon find it's actually easy. Smile (And you'll find other retirees here, as well!)

You've already figured out how to respond to a post...obviously! Laugh If you'd like to start a thread in one of the Boards we have here: click on the Ring (at the top of the page) for Main Index, then click on the Board which is pertinent to your topic. In the upper right corner above all the posts, there's a "Post New" box: click on that, write up your post, then Preview your post (always a good idea), then - Post it!

Did you see the FAQs thread on the Welcome Board? There's a lot in it, but it may be helpful! Here's a link to it:;

And remember, if you have any questions, feel free to post on Feedback, or you can send a PM (personal message) to any of us Admins (the list of Forum Admins is here, and by clicking Who's Online you can see if any of us have been active in the past 15 minutes.)


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Forum Admin / Moderator

Apr 20 2013, 12:29am

Views: 123325
Well, then!

Hello, and a belated "welcome to TORn"! Smile


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Apr 20 2013, 12:53am

Views: 123801
Thank you :)


Registered User

Apr 20 2013, 6:21pm

Views: 124106
Thank you

Thanks much for the welcome and links; have been browsing as much as I can.

Bella Gamgee
The Shire

Apr 30 2013, 7:03pm

Views: 124154
A belated introduction...

After years of reading this board, I finally signed on formally a little while ago. I'm a Toronto, Ontario dyed-in-the-wool Tolkien fan with a lot of long suffering family and friends that humour my passion, but appreciate it nonetheless. My first reading of LotR was back in 1974(!), but I didn't pick it up again for years until the movie production began. Life and raising kids get in the way sometimes. Since then there's been no holding me back.

While Gandalf was definitely my favourite character in LotR, I'm a huge fan of Thorin as portrayed by Richard Armitage. I was fortunate to be in the audience during the interview taped at George Strombopoulos' show in Toronto last December and would love to see him visit the city again - we gave him a very warm welcome!

All I'm doing right now, while we all wait for the DOS trailer, is planning to redecorate my kitchen to look more like Bilbo's...

The Shire

Jun 5 2013, 3:42pm

Views: 126631
Well here it goes.....

Hi I'm Jay236 or Flora and I'm 16 and I live Britain in the North of Scotland. I'm very new here and this is also my first time on a forum so just let me know if I'm doing anything wrong!
I love to read, write, act, be an introvert and LOTR/The hobbit and one day I want to go to New Zealand and also become an author. It's great to meet so many people who love LOTR as much as me and I can be as geeky as I want!

If more people valued food, cheer and song above hoarded gold, the world would indeed be a merrier place.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Jun 5 2013, 4:10pm

Views: 123779
This is the perfect place to be geeky!

Welcome to TORn, Jay236! If you have any problems or if there's anything you'd like to know about, you can post on Feedback, or feel free to send a PM to one of us Admins! Smile

North of Scotland? One of our TORnfolks is heading there on vacation - Lily Fairbairn told about it in posts starting here:;

(And she loves to write, also - in fact, there are many writers here on TORn!)


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Jun 7 2013, 12:32pm

Views: 124305
Hi all!

Hi everyone!

I'm Lothwen (yes, I'm not telling you my real name yetTongue)I'm 15 and I hail from South africa.

On Baliman's I call myself Goldberry.

So, about me. I'm a total newbie to torn (I only "discovered" it a few weeks ago). I first read the hobbit when I was 6, progressed to LotR 2 yrs ago and am currently reading Sil. for the first time. Smile

I love reading, writing, music, dancing, art and....oh well, the list goes on Wink

Tell me if I post this on wrong, as it is my 1st post...

Cheers, Lothwen/Goldberry

Forum Admin / Moderator

Jun 7 2013, 4:02pm

Views: 121814
Welcome, Lothwen!

Yes, you've posted correctly! And there are many other teens and Barli's people here, too (as you probably know already). Wink

Be sure to check out all the different Boards! And if you have any questions, feel free to post on Feedback, or send a PM to one of us Admins. Smile


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Registered User

Jun 12 2013, 7:20pm

Views: 123238
new newbie here

I'm a new newbie here :D

Well, I'm a big movie fan and watched almost all the movies, if it is fantasy or comedy, I don't really count how many times I watch those movies. Just love watching movies.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Jun 12 2013, 8:25pm

Views: 123963

And welcome to TORn, ionamartin! As you can tell, things are quite busy over on the Hobbit board at the moment - but check out our other boards, too!

How many times have you seen the LotR movies, and The Hobbit? Smile


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Registered User

Jul 23 2013, 1:50pm

Views: 121907
hi, Lin here

Hi, this is Linda Martin here and call me Lin :)

Nice to meet you all, seems to one big gang, eh


Jul 23 2013, 2:40pm

Views: 124422
If you're going to join the gang

You'll need to get the White Tree tatoo. Wink

Welcome, Lin!


Happiness: money matters, but less than we think and not in the way that we think. Family is important and so are friends, while envy is toxic -- and so is excessive thinking. Beaches are optional. Trust is not. Neither is gratitude. - The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner as summarized by Lily Fairbairn. And a bit of the Hobbit reading thrown in never hurts. - NottaSackville

(This post was edited by NottaSackville on Jul 23 2013, 2:40pm)

The Shire

Jul 28 2013, 3:33am

Views: 121329
TORn lives. All is right with the world.

Greetings, all. I was a regular on TORn for a while circa 2001. Been away for ... dear lord! Around ten years! Has it really been that long?!??

Spent some time waiting tables, went back to school, got a desk job. Located in Colorado Springs the whole time, except for a three-year foray into North Dakota. Made some friends. Lost others. Fell madly in love with Johnny Depp, Futurama, Doctor Who, Firefly, and MUSE (only seven weeks until their next Denver gig! Woot!!!!)

Also finally quit smoking (seven years and counting) and took up World of Warcraft (allies die!!!) My guildies and I met up at the Denver Comicon a few weeks back. Got me wondering what good ol' TORn was up to. Looks like you guys have been busy. Happy to see you all again. Sad about missing San Diego Comicon. Party there next year?



Aug 11 2013, 5:51pm

Views: 123399
Welcome back!

You're a sight for sore eyes, lady, and always welcome around here. It sounds like you've accomplished a lot since we last saw you. Big congrats on quitting smoking! Smile

There's definitely a lot to catch up on, so peruse what interests you, and there's usually a big TORn presence at SD Comic Con, so you'd be in very good company.


Koru: Maori symbol representing a fern frond as it opens. The koru reaches towards the light, striving for perfection, encouraging new, positive beginnings.

"Life can't be all work and no TORn" -- jflower

"I take a moment to fervently hope that the camaradarie and just plain old fun I found at TORn will never end" -- LOTR_nutcase


Aug 19 2013, 8:50pm

Views: 123767
Good morning!

By which I mean this is a good morning whether you wish it or not, that I feel good this morning, and that it is a morning to be good on!

I've been aware of this forum for years, and I'm not really sure why I never joined. JRRT appeared to me in the form of The Hobbit when I was a teen around 1980 and I've been his adoring acolyte ever since.

I'm a retired US Air Force flight engineer, and occasionally a medieval reenactor, as will be clear from this picture if I figure out how to post it...

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.

(This post was edited by Meneldor on Aug 19 2013, 8:58pm)


Aug 20 2013, 9:20pm

Views: 122804
Me, posing as an effigy

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Aug 20 2013, 9:57pm

Views: 122495
Looks great! How heavy is that to wear? /


Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded beggar with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Ataahua's stories


Aug 20 2013, 11:20pm

Views: 122658
Thank you!

In the picture above, I'm wearing about 50 lb worth of gear. Add gauntlets and helm to make the suit legal for SCA combat, and it's close to 70 lb. This is what it looks like in action:

Are there any other re-enactors, martial artists, or fencers here?

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.

Tol Eressea

Aug 20 2013, 11:36pm

Views: 121764

I don't think that this thread gets much use, so it might be best to start an off topic thread to get the most responses! Just a suggestion.

Welcome, to our little fandom. Make yourself at home!

BTW, I've always been interested in the SCA but RL has gotten in the way! Maybe after my life settles down a bit.

Post an SCA/Reenactor thread and I will chat for a bit!

(This post was edited by Rembrethil on Aug 20 2013, 11:38pm)


Aug 21 2013, 3:45am

Views: 122526
Hi from another newbie

Hi all! Been lurking here since AUJ came out, and finally decided to join in the fun. Big fan of the movies, and can't wait for DOS!

Forum Admin / Moderator

Aug 21 2013, 4:28am

Views: 121095
Welcome to TORN!

And good on you for delurking. :)

Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded beggar with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Ataahua's stories


Aug 21 2013, 4:34am

Views: 122633

I've never actually signed up for an online forum before, so looking forward to joining in the conversations.

The Shire

Sep 7 2013, 11:35pm

Views: 122999

Cheers! My name is Mat. I was born in Los Angeles, CA, but I currently live in Michigan. I am the lead singer / guitarist of the heavy punk band, Pissing Contest, as well as the co-owner of SAY-10 Records & Skateboards. Even beyond all of that, I find the time to be a full-time film student. I worship LOTR and collect screen-used props. My prized possession is a 35mm film canister used in production.


(This post was edited by Mat on Sep 7 2013, 11:36pm)


Sep 21 2013, 5:11am

Views: 120267
Why can't I stay active here?

So, I've been away for a while, and didn't really think much about TORn until Salt Lake City Comic Con, where I saw the booth and thought "Huh, I haven't been on that forum in forever."

I'll try to keep up with the happenings in this forum better, but I make no promises. Especially this November. NaNoWriMo will be won this year or else!

Even if all the world
Became your enemy
I will protect you so
You just be there smiling


Sep 24 2013, 5:30pm

Views: 122622
Hello there!

Hello, my name is Anna. I became a Lord of the Ring fan about a year ago, after I watched the movies and subsequently purchased the book on kindle. Ever since then, I have been hooked on it! Heart

My progress so far on my walk to Rivendell
I have traveled 71 miles
I have passed Buckleberry Ferry.
It is 2 miles to the next landmark.
I have 387 miles until I reach Rivendell.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 24 2013, 7:12pm

Views: 123864

I've already seen you about the boards, so it's good to see you've made yourself at home.Smile


Sep 24 2013, 7:13pm

Views: 122767

Stay a while!

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Sometime hours and hours hence:
In The Green Dragon two ales could buy
And drank the one less filling I
And that has made all the difference.
- The Ale Less Filling, by Robert Frostymug

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 24 2013, 7:13pm

Views: 121867

Hope you have fun here! Smile


Sep 25 2013, 3:13am

Views: 122272
Welcome Mat

I hope you enjoy your time here. It's very entertaining. Wink

Registered User

Sep 25 2013, 3:33am

Views: 121496
Hello and good evening!

The little bar to the left there says I'm Ninrandir, so we'll have to go with that (27 years old, Minnesota native, temporary Albany NY transplant). I have been a long-time lurker of TORn (think 2000?) for all my Tolkien needs and finally decided to join after seeing the TAS's call for papers. I finally have something to contribute!

Me (on the right) at the Texas Ren Fest:

My history with Tolkien's legendarium started when I was young; my mother read me The Hobbit. I read the Lord of the Rings on my own and then decided, "You know what? I'm just going to stick my head into The Silmarillion and see what I can figure out." I ended up basing most of my high school and undergraduate work on Tolkien. I spent a lot of time writing short stories and fanfiction based on LotR, even roleplayed on forums and Yahoo! Groups quite a bit back in the day, and I dare say that these experiences with the wider Tolkienite community set the foundation for the eventual career path I follow today.

While my studies have since become more of a hobby than an educational pursuit, I still enjoy both the academic and entertainment sides of everything Tolkien. I love writing, co-writing (a long time friend and I are working on a piece right now), editing, I love talking about anything writing. I also draw and am practicing digital art.

I've grown to also enjoy Lovecraft, Poe, and other suspense/weird horror media. I play way too many video games and watch way too much TV. Grew up as a Star Trek, Star Wars, and Stargate SG-1 fan. Trying to reconcile that insanity took up pretty much the first eighteen years of my life (lucky me, I didn't have television channels then! But Grandma did, and boy did she get loaded up with blank VHS tapes).

Now, I am a graduate student working towards my MFA in Creative Writing. I've had poetry and short stories published in a couple small journals, but haven't "hit the big one" yet. I'm still very much in a lurker mentality, so I don't know how truly active I'll be around here right off the bat, but from what I've seen over the years, TORn is an awesome community with intelligent and fun people. I hope to find a comfortable corner and do you all justice.

Through a long, convoluted linguistic obstacle course that took all four years of high school, I settled on the name "Ninrandir," which literally translates to "wet (or soaked) wanderer" and roughly to "wanderer in the rain."

Oh, and I write far too much (see above).

Lurker, broken silence. Feels good to breathe again.

(This post was edited by Ninrandir on Sep 25 2013, 3:41am)


Sep 25 2013, 10:48pm

Views: 123142
Hello peeps!

Good Afternoon. I thought I would drop by to say hello and introduce myself. I must confess that I have been a bit of a lurker on this site for a while now. I am a huge Tolkien fan, like all of you. Absolute favorite book is the Silmarillion and anything to do with the Silmarillion. You know, Morgoth's Ring, The War of the Jewels...etc. I am looking very forward to your reading of Unfinished Tales in the Reading Room and hope to join in. Any excuse to read more Tokien and you can count me in!

That being said, I do love the Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings as well. Looking very forward to the Desolation of Smaug. Especially Lee Pace's portrayal of King Thandruil.

The Shire

Sep 26 2013, 7:44pm

Views: 121441
Probably should have done this a while ago...

I am a 14 year old girl from England who prefers books to people and according to my family acts a lot older. I first became obsessed with Tolkien just under a year ago when my older brother by six years asked me if I wanted to see the Hobbit with him. A week or two later I had whizzed through the Hobbit and LOTR books, had had a movie marathon of the EE of all three films and have never regretted it for one second.

I discovered this site when tying to find a link to the article on Heir's of Durin website 'In Defense of Fili, Kili and Thorin Oakenshield – an Appreciation Beyond Hot Dwarves.' I didn't find the message boards for a while, lurked for a bit and then joined (eventually).

My username literally translates as 'lonely maiden' a reference to my anti-social tendencies.

Registered User

Oct 1 2013, 11:40am

Views: 125648

Hello I'm RedHatGirl and I'm 16 years old. I found out about TORn at the Tolkien track for dragoncon. In fact you might have seen me on the live stream wearing my red hat (Gandalf did give me my phone back and he's my dad so it's not to wierd.) Well anyways I've been a lifelong lotr fan and so yeah hi!

Registered User

Oct 10 2013, 11:28pm

Views: 124657
Hi! ^_^

I'm Beth, known online in many, many guises, but I've been Faev since 2011 in LOTRO, so I decided to keep the identity here ^_^

My route to TORn is a bit roundabout: I was utterly unable to finish LOTR in high school (pleasedon'thurtme!) and it wasn't until after the films came out that I was able to get back into it. I started playing Lord of the Rings Online a couple years ago, and it actually got me a lot more interested in the background of Middle Earth. So I finally finished reading LOTR about a year ago, and now I'm reading through The Silmarillion!

About myself: I'm American, educated in Scotland, now living in Iceland; I used to live in Atlanta, GA, but we do not speak of such things. I share a high-rise apartment overlooking the view of Snæfellsjökull to the north with my boyfriend and two manic cats. I used to do mediaeval reenactment with a company in Scotland, and I still have my swords! I like to tell people I'm a professional geek :3

A couple of you miiiiight remember me from here. I have a black mohawk, these days. This is me at work.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Oct 10 2013, 11:58pm

Views: 126217
*gasp* Unable to finish LoTR?


That was an impressive outfit - Danish, was it? Hey, did you pack it, or is it still in my basement?

(Yeah, you've got a lot of stuff to go through, next time you're home! Laugh)

Welcome to TORn, my eldest! Smile Any problems, just contact your friendly Admins (Angelic).


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Oct 11 2013, 2:59am

Views: 126533
Hi Faeverith, don't worry

I couldn't finish LOTR the first time I read it either, and didn't actually finish until I re-read them after the movies came out. So you're not the only one!

And don't worry, I've been to Atlanta (in July no less), so we need not speak of it. Tongue

Welcome to TORn!

Forum Admin / Moderator

Oct 11 2013, 3:01am

Views: 126337

Cute avatar!

You didn't want to use this for one...? Angelic


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Attachments: alterego2.jpg (18.1 KB)

Registered User

Oct 11 2013, 12:14pm

Views: 124703
Such an old drawing...

I'm just fond of the Gaia chibis. So cute!

Also, the dress was Viking, and I brought it with me. But yes, I need to retrieve the rest of my stuff from your basement. I need my comic books!

(May need to leave the swords with you, though, the Ielandic government is quite restrictive about such things.)

Ethel Duath

Oct 19 2013, 2:22am

Views: 125511
Welcome, and well-re-met!

I'm in that first picture in the pink jacket.

Remember the fabulous glass blower that made a drinking horn in your honor, at least partly because you had the first authentic costume he'd seen that day (or in years, possibly!)?

Roam around and enjoy yourself!

Maybe you can stage a re-enactment seminar in our new city-state of Tolkienia! ( )

Velkominn! SmileSmileSmile


Oct 19 2013, 12:26pm

Views: 125408

Hello, I'm Kalimac, or Kali. I find languages very interesting, and that's what got me hooked on Tolkien. (That, and a certain hobbit named Peregrin Took.) I've read The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and the Silmarillion (but I always get tongue tied and talk about the silmalirion). I signed up to TORn so I wouldn't need to bother the people I knew in real life with my thoughts on Tolkien anymore.
It's a pleasure to make your collective acquaintances.

Registered User

Oct 20 2013, 2:14pm

Views: 124645
Well re-met, indeed!

I do remember! If I'd had the money I would totally have taken that drinking horn home, because it was a fantastic creation.

I'd be happy to do that at some point, although most of my resources are still in a box in Dernwyn's basement ^_^


Oct 21 2013, 2:34am

Views: 124010
Welcome Kilimac

I'm sure you will feel very much at home here. Smile

The Shire

Oct 25 2013, 1:08am

Views: 124774
A triumphant return to an important world

Greetings, humans, hobbits, elves, wizards, dwarves, and other creatures.

I'm a 22 year old U.S. college student on the path to becoming a teacher.

I have been somewhat aware of TORn since I was in middle school. Having read the Hobbit in elementary school, I convinced my mother to take me to see the Fellowship film when it arrived in theaters (I was in fifth grade). It absolutely blew my mind. After that, I read the trilogy as quickly as I could and became captivated with the books/films, seeking any internet resources which could satiate my desire for more information. In 2006 I had the chance to briefly visit New Zealand, and I long to return someday. Various life adventures and pitfalls occurred since then, and I didn't keep up with developments much. Of course, I then saw AUJ last winter and was filled with childlike glee.

Anyway, my brain craves a return to all things Tolkien so I've joined the forums here! *takes a deep breath and puts out a plate of crazy awesome biscuits*

Forum Admin / Moderator

Oct 25 2013, 2:07am

Views: 145312

Jump right in - we're a friendly bunch. Smile Look forward to seeing you on the message boards.


Oct 25 2013, 2:16am

Views: 154433
Welcome Wayward!

I followed the same course you did, starting with reading The Hobbit' in school. It wasn't until I saw FOTR that my obsession really kicked in and I've been a 'Ringer' ever since. Cool

The Shire

Oct 25 2013, 12:37pm

Views: 151914

Thanks muchly to both of you! I must say, I feel quite comfortable here already. I just hope I don't annoy any wiser ents by being too hasty.


Oct 25 2013, 5:59pm

Views: 147059
Welcome, Wayward! You're in the right place. //


Registered User

Nov 14 2013, 1:43pm

Views: 147357

avid Tolkien fan, biker, interested in historical references to the ring such as the ref. in the old bible texts left out
of the bible to Solomon ring of power

In Reply To


Nov 15 2013, 1:14am

Views: 146004
Mae Govannen henry9449

You'll have a great time here. Cool

Registered User

Nov 15 2013, 4:11pm

Views: 146660

I still am confused on how to start a thread , begin a disussion any help my email is


Nov 16 2013, 2:00am

Views: 126974
New thread

In Reply To
I still am confused on how to start a thread , begin a disussion any help my email is

If you go to the main forums menu and click into the category you think your thread is relevant to, eg Reading Room or Movie Discussion etc, you will see a 'Post New' button on the right hand side of your screen above the threads. Clicking on that will let you start your own thread. Wink

I hope that helps. Smile

Registered User

Nov 17 2013, 10:34pm

Views: 124677
Good to be here!

I am so glad to be here. i have been an Tolkien fan all my life. I hope i like it here and make new friends.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Nov 17 2013, 10:36pm

Views: 125281

Look forward to seeing you on the message boards. Lots of Tolkien fans here. Smile

Forum Admin / Moderator

Nov 17 2013, 10:38pm

Views: 125277

Any time you have questions, just ask! Our Feedback forum is a great place to get advice from the admins, or other board members.


Nov 18 2013, 6:08am

Views: 125915
Hello. Just joined TORN.

I look forward to knowing more of you folks. Smile

To sum up my views on the first Hobbit film:

- It's not the Phantom Menace.
- The CGI is worse than LOTR
- Is it Freeman playing Bilbo or the other way round?
- Best villain - Goblin King
- Re: Bestest villain - Gollum
- Thorin is good but Bofur's the best!
- Too much attention on Armitage. Must rectify in DOS
- Azog is a weird heterogenous mixture of General Mandible and old Voldy. (which is bad)
- How many times will SIM have to play Gandalf to win an Oscar????
- I'm a Serkis-freak
- Freeman = Best hobbit till date
- Will I watch DOS? Are you outta yer freakin' mind!!!! Sure I would.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Nov 20 2013, 11:30pm

Views: 123780

I was out of town, so just getting around to wishing you welcome and look forward to seeing you around the message boards. It's certainly an exciting time to be a Tolkien fan, isn't it?

Registered User

Nov 21 2013, 2:33pm

Views: 125029
Hello, look forward to posting here.

Umm, ditto to what I said above.Wink

Registered User

Nov 26 2013, 5:43pm

Views: 121030

I`m mj...just plain mj, nothing fancy. I have been a fan of LOTR and The Hobbit for ...35 years or so I guess. Love the movies, love the books.


Forum Admin / Moderator

Nov 30 2013, 11:26pm

Views: 118578

Sorry for the delay in responding - big holiday week in the US. Look forward to seeing you on the message boards - it's about to get exciting Smile

Forum Admin / Moderator

Nov 30 2013, 11:27pm

Views: 119183

As i just mentioned to mj below, this is the Thanksgiving holiday in the US and some of the mods are a bit distracted. That, and a certain movie that's being released Cool. Glad to see you here!


Dec 1 2013, 1:02am

Views: 120459
Welcome mj//


Registered User

Dec 7 2013, 8:54pm

Views: 140339

Hello everyone, my name is Jane, i'm 25 in January and live in the east of England, UK. I have only just joined the message board here but have been aware of TORN for sometime now and I figured that because I don't have anyone to share my views on all things Middle Earth offline i'd save it for here where I know others will be equally interested. With the Hobbit films lately I think i've now annoyed people with my constant thoughts about latest news and what not so it will be of much joy to them I have an outlet to do so now and I can shut up (except I won't ;) mwhaha).

A little bit about me... I graduated in BA Graphic Design some years ago but i'm slowly working towards a career in Conservation. In the mean time I work part time self employed as a trader of shiny things.


Dec 7 2013, 11:38pm

Views: 137823
Welcome to TORn Jane! :-)

You've definitely joined at the right moment - just before The Desolation of Smaug kicks off! Smile Have you got your tickets booked?

There's a fair number of us here from the UK. Where in the east are you from? I lived in Norwich for a couple of years, but I originally grew up in London.

You wouldn't have a shiny gold ring lieing about? Wink Hope to see you around!

Registered User

Dec 9 2013, 8:44pm

Views: 142739

I'm not one for booking my tickets, I tend to wait until the cinemas aren't so packed for viewings and just buy them before the film is screened at week or so late when it isn't as busy as i'm really not a fan of hectic queues and so on. It would be nice to experience it on the night of the release, perhaps more so if I had friends to enjoy the experience with but alas. This time round i'm hoping to go with one of my elder brothers.

I live more closer to Ipswich so not too far away, it has been some time since I last ventured Norwich way so a long overdue trip is needed really, perhaps in the new year around the time of my birthday since I have nothing planned.

Haha, well no gold 'one ring' has come to me, if it did I may end up reenacting a scene like when Gandalf says he can't take the ring from Frodo. We have been known to buy silver 'one rings' and occasionally we've bought gold rings which look as though a royal elve would have worn them at one point.


Dec 15 2013, 2:06pm

Views: 140845

Hi everyone,

The Hobbit is a favorite book of mine. I am enjoying the films too (for the most part.) Lately, I'm drawn to Middle Earth's human characters, though skin-changers, Ents and Wizards and a Hobbit named Bilbo work for me too. Oh and the dwarves too (although Thorin is not allowed to get the Arkenstone just yet... Tongue )

Rather rusty with LoTR, might have to give it another read.

I always enjoy escaping with a good fantasy, science fiction or the occasional horror film, book or comic.

I am a newbie to this forum, but have enjoyed Middle Earth for quite some time. Not a purist, but someone who appreciates the worlds and words and images created.

Registered User

Dec 15 2013, 8:49pm

Views: 139408

Hi! My name is Ellen, I'm 44, just came back from seeing DOS and I am really hoping that I am posting this correctly as I have never posted on a message board before...


Dec 15 2013, 9:02pm

Views: 144398
welcome.... you posted just fine. :-)

Hope you like it here.

LOTR soundtrack website ~ magpie avatar gallery
TORn History Mathom-house ~ Torn Image Posting Guide

Registered User

Dec 30 2013, 3:15am

Views: 145336
Excited to join you all :)

Hi everyone! My name is Katherine and though I'm not new to Tolkien, I'm new to this forum :). I've been scouring the site but was a little overwhelmed about joining the message board as there are so many wonderful people posting everyday! With that said, I figured a good New Year's resolution would be to put myself out there and finally say hello.

I'm in my twenties and about to move to Seattle (so if you're around that area, say hi!). Perhaps one of my favorite things about the movies is Howard Shore's beautiful pieces that really bring life to the story (both film and novel). As for the novels--what's not to love?

Hopefully you'll see me around every now and then on posts and, again, I'm quite excited to be more active in this community. :)


Dec 30 2013, 3:27am

Views: 132587
Welcome to TORn!

It's definitely a busy time to join the boards, but jump on in - it's fun!

I'm also in the Seattle area, so happy to help with any tips as you get settled in. Good luck with your move! Smile

Registered User

Jan 9 2014, 8:49pm

Views: 119047


Though I never posted in the forums, I have been a lurker of tORN since mid-2001. I finally

My name is Kat. I am 25, from Calgary, Canada, a geoscientist and I have been a Tolkien fan for as long as I can remember.

I am looking forward to becoming an active member of this forum (yay!)


Jan 9 2014, 9:05pm

Views: 122579
Welcome! /



May 1910: The Nine Kings assembled at Buckingham Palace for the funeral of Edward VII.
(From left to right, back row: Haakon VII of Norway, Ferdinand I of Bulgaria, Manuel II of Portugal, Wilhelm II of Germany, George I of Greece, and Albert I of Belgium. Front row: Alphonso XIII of Spain, George V of England, and Frederick VIII of Denmark.)

Registered User

Jan 13 2014, 7:08pm

Views: 120885
Hi, I'm Angela, and I'm an author and a reader and a Tolkien language nerd :)

Hi TORN folks!

I just joined the forums last night and wanted to announce myself, and am happy to have found the right thread on which to do so. :)

My name's Angela Korra'ti, though I'm also known as Anna the Piper (my common online nickname) and Angela Highland (one of the two names under which I publish writing). I answer happily to either Angela or Anna.

I'm a lifelong Tolkien nerd, ever since I read The Hobbit in my sixth grade English class. With the coming of the new Hobbit movies, I've been doing a slow re-read of the book, not only in English, but also in German and French as I've been slowly studying both languages. Reading the book in unfamiliar languages is huge fun! And I hope to do a multi-lingual re-read of LotR soon as well as I've got French editions of those books. (When I get REALLY good at my French, maybe I'll tackle a translation of The Silmarillion!)

Movie-wise, I am pro-Tauriel, and Tauriel/Kili? I ship it. ;)

Non-Tolkien-wise, I'm a QA Engineer, a writer, and an amateur musician (I love me some trad music, particularly from Newfoundland and Quebec).

Looking forward to getting to know this community and reading all the lovely threads on the various boards!

I live at, so if you'd like to come over and check out my 'tolkien' tag, and in particular my Trilingual Hobbit Reread, please do!

Cheers all,

Angela Highland * Angela Korra'ti *


Jan 13 2014, 8:59pm

Views: 118569
Mae Govannen Angela!

You've come to the right place. Do join us in the Reading Room sometime- and, doing a shameless plug- we have started a 3-4 times yearly "Symposium" whereby we invite members to write a piece on a topic of interest to them connected to Tolkien's work. Open to allcomers- the next one is due in April

Is there a Tolkien topic that you have wanted to look into more deeply and write about your thoughts on it? If so, we'd like to hear from you for the next TORn Amateur Symposium- coming in November. Happy writing!

Registered User

Jan 14 2014, 6:12am

Views: 119898
Thank you very much!

elaen32, thank you for the welcome! I've already started browsing stuff in the Reading Room, thank you! Looking forward to seeing what's getting discussed and what I can possibly contribute to the threads. :)


Angela Highland * Angela Korra'ti *

The Shire

Jan 18 2014, 1:44am

Views: 122457
New here

Greetings! I have been lurking around for about a year and finally decided to join. I am very interested in the discussions in the reading room and have to say that just reading through those has enhanced my enjoyment of Tolkien's work greatly.

I hope to work up to actually posting on a discussion in the year ahead!


Jan 18 2014, 1:48am

Views: 120897
Welcome Neldoreth!

Saw your interest in the Reading Room and am glad to hear it! Welcome and enjoy! Hope to see you there!
Currently discussing Unfinished Tales (minus the Narn). Children of Hurin looks like it is next, and for the 60th Anniversary of its publication we would like to start FOTR.

Have an idea relating to the world of JRR Tolkien that you would like to write about? If so, the Third TORn Amateur Symposium will be running in the Reading Room in April, 2014. We hope to see you there!

The Shire

Jan 18 2014, 9:38pm

Views: 120700

My name is Jennifer, but on the web I'm always Ellanara. I live in southern California with my husband and Bengal cat, Kira. Origianlly, we're from Atlanta, Georgia, but we were seeking adventure, so we're here now!
A little bit about me: I love movies. All kinds, I'm not picky, I just love the escapism of sitting down and diving into another persons life in a different place and time. I actually get excited every time I go to the cinema and/or buy a new blue ray. I also read, of course. I first read Tolkien when I was 11 years old. I was very much into Harry Potter at the time, but when the preview for Fellowship hit the screens, I was sucked right in! I read the trilogy and then The Hobbit and I must say, The Hobbit was and still is my favorite. I don't pretend to be a Tolkien expert, but when it comes to the films... I know my stuff. My taste in books is much like my taste in movie, I'll read anything. I also enjoy going to the gym and cooking. I'm pretty fun and laid back, I love to travel and try new things. OH! I love people. I don't mind meeting new people, in fact, in my career I do it a lot!
I hope I can contribute to the community in a fun and positive way!
Let's be friends!

Forum Admin / Moderator

Jan 19 2014, 2:38am

Views: 122228
Hello, back atcha...

...and welcome to TORn, Ellanara! I think you'll have a fun time here! Smile


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Registered User

Feb 13 2014, 2:42am

Views: 120720
Tokien fan from Argentina

Hi, I'm from Argentina (no, not from Buenos Aires).
I have been a Tolkien fan for a lot of years (most of my life) since I discoverd a huge book on the nightstand of my best friend. It was "The Two Towers" from the library and the comment of my friend (huge SF fan like myself) was "it's rubbish, I didn't finish it". I took it and think that I finished it the same day (night). The traumatic experience afterwards was going every day during a month or so to the library and try to get the other two volumes. Two years later visiting friends in Munich (forgot to mention that I lived 14 years in Germany), I discoverd that they had LOTR in their bookcase! And they not only were Tolkien fans, they also know that there was an earlier book: The Hobbit! My visit was to ride a friends horse, but I spent most of my visit laying on the couch and reading.
When the movies of PJ came out, I didn't bother to go to the theatre. I had seen enough bad literary adaptations in my life. Maybe not bad, but not better as the images in my head. This changed when my oldest daughter came back from TT, enthusiastic and looking for the books! I think they were the first books she finished to read in her whole life. Later we bought the DVDs and all the family gather periodically to make some LOTR marathons. I'm waiting for the complete Hobbit edition and can imagine some epic family bonding during a weekend Hobbit / LOTR.

I have spent some days to read this forum before signing up. I like the discussions because they are passionate and insightful, but not agressive to others when there is disagreement. That was something I didn't liked on other forums. I also have become a dwarf fan since AUJ and DOS.

Hope to stay here and participate, even if I'm only a fangirl.

(This post was edited by EreborChick on Feb 13 2014, 2:47am)


Feb 13 2014, 3:10am

Views: 119248
Fangirls welcome!

No 'only' about it, especially if it involves the dwarves! Welcome, I hope you have fun around here. :-)


Feb 14 2014, 8:33pm

Views: 120225
Welcome, EreborChick!

And what a great story of your introduction to Middle-earth. It's admirable that you were able to walk into the middle of the trilogy and make sense of it. So glad you found the rest of the legends!


Feb 14 2014, 9:28pm

Views: 120607
Hello, everyone!

Although I have been around these boards for a bit now, I thought I’d finally introduce myself officially.
I’m J. L. aka BlackFox from Estonia, a tiny country south of Finland. Compared to many others here, I’m quite new to being a fan of Tolkien. So, here’s my story…
I remember first lending a copy of “The Hobbit” from my local library when I was about 9 or 10. But for some odd reason I couldn’t get past the first sentence (“In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.” – A what? Crazy). Anyway, I ended up returning the book without reading it (what a fool I was!). I first saw the LOTR films on TV – I liked them and would watch them whenever they were shown, but nothing more. Then came the year 2012. I knew AUJ was about to hit the screens and slowly an interest started to grow in me. I went and saw it right before the holidays and was not disappointed. I spent the Christmas reading “The Hobbit” (finally!) and well, fell in love. This was followed by me also devouring the LOTR, The Silmarillion, buying the DVDs etc. And here I am now, in the company of you, fine people.

"Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere." - Albert Einstein


Feb 14 2014, 9:30pm

Views: 126924

Take off your shoes and stay a while!


May 1910: The Nine Kings assembled at Buckingham Palace for the funeral of Edward VII.
(From left to right, back row: Haakon VII of Norway, Ferdinand I of Bulgaria, Manuel II of Portugal, Wilhelm II of Germany, George I of Greece, and Albert I of Belgium. Front row: Alphonso XIII of Spain, George V of England, and Frederick VIII of Denmark.)


Feb 14 2014, 9:33pm

Views: 128064
Thanks, that's the plan :)


"Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere." - Albert Einstein

(This post was edited by BlackFox on Feb 14 2014, 9:34pm)


Feb 14 2014, 10:16pm

Views: 130358
Glad to have you here, Blackfox!

You have me curious (well, it comes with my name). Do you read Tolkien in both Estonian and English, and if so, which "sounds" better to you?

Related to that: Tolkien was a big fan of the Finnish language and based some Elvish on it. I believe Estonian and Finnish are related, so does Elvish ever sound a little too familiar to you?

I'm an American, so I only get the English experience, I'm afraid. I know enough French to read LOTR in French, but it didn't sound right to me, so I didn't finish the French version I had.


Feb 14 2014, 10:54pm

Views: 131746
I appreciate your interest

The Estonian translations are really good, making Tolkien a very enjoyable read in my native tongue. However, there are some bits (some more famous quotes, for example) that sound better in English.
About Estonian, Finnish and Elvish... Estonian and Finnish are related, closely even, so yes, there's definitely some similarities between Estonian and Elvish as well. Pronunciation, for example. Or some words, like Sindarin "haudh" and Estonian "haud" (both meaning "grave, tomb") - although, for all I know, it could simply be a coincidence.

"Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere." - Albert Einstein


Feb 22 2014, 9:49pm

Views: 127486
Hi everybody! (Hope I'm doing this right)

Hi! Smile I'm Starglass and I just joined earlier today after enjoying reading the forums for the past week or two. I'm still fairly new to Middle Earth. I read The Hobbit as a kid and liked it; in fact if I remember correctly, it was my first book report! I just read the LotR trilogy for the first time last winter on a trip to England and it was enough for me to fall in love. Shortly after I saw AUJ in theaters and then knew I had to watch the rest of the LotR movies (which is funny, because when they first came out I thought I'd never watch them, silly me.) Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to contribute in spite of my newbie..ness and I'm looking forward to discussing with everyone and getting excited for the final Hobbit movie.
P.S. Which Tolkien book should I read next? Wink


Feb 22 2014, 10:00pm

Views: 127303

I'm also fairly new here, so I'm especially happy to welcome fellow newbies. Smile

Which Tolkien book should you read next, you ask? Hm... The Silmarillion, maybe?

"Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere." - Albert Einstein


Feb 23 2014, 2:53am

Views: 128448
Welcome, Starglass!

I agree with Black Fox, The Silmarillion should be the next book to read. Be warned, it is very different from the novels, and many people get bogged down in the early chapters. But if you can persevere, it is well worth the effort. Have you read Bullfinch's Mythology, or Edith Hamilton's? That's the nearest comparison to the Silmarillion I can think of.

If it proves too much for you, I'd recommend skipping ahead to Ch 19, the tale of Beren and Luthien. That part can stand on its own as a short story, even though it's still part of the greater history, and if you like that part (as most of us do) you'll probably be motivated to learn the rest of the story. The first time I read the Silmarillion, I skipped around a lot! But eventually I became intrigued enough to read through the whole book.

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep.


Feb 23 2014, 2:35pm

Views: 129751
Thanks Black Fox and Meneldor!

The Silmarillion it is! Is the tale of Beren and Luthien what is mentioned (and sung about) by Aragorn in FotR? If so, I think I would enjoy reading the full story; I liked that part of FotR.

Now to hope my local library has a copy of The Silmarillion and I'll get down to reading amidst this mountain of schoolwork...


Feb 23 2014, 10:15pm

Views: 129060
Yes, that's the story.

It is alluded to several times in LotR. When you go back and reread LotR after Silmarillion, you'll pick up on all kind of references that meant nothing before.

You ARE planning to reread LotR repeatedly, aren't you? Angelic

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep.


Feb 24 2014, 3:58pm

Views: 128339
Re-reading LotR

Yes, of course I'm going to re-read! I've already planned my second read-through for this summer. I'm looking forward to getting a new perspective the second time around, especially now that I'm planning on reading Silmarillion.

The Shire

Mar 6 2014, 3:03am

Views: 128835
Hello, hello! =)

Greets everybody! My name is Dillon, I'm 24 and I'm from the Finger Lakes region of New York. I've been coming to this site and having been reading these boards a few times a week for quite a few years and finally made a profile so I could join in on all the happenings. Looking forward to making new friends and discussing my love for Tolkien and Jackson. Smile

I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain.


Mar 6 2014, 3:26am

Views: 130256

Hi! I'm new here too, so I'm still getting into everything but it's a lot of fun as I'm sure you'll see.

I also happen to be from New York and I'm 24 too for what it's worth. Tongue

The Shire

Mar 6 2014, 10:58pm

Views: 128996
Thats awesome

That's very awesome! I always say Finger Lakes area because people always assume NYC haha and I have never actually been there.

I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain.

Registered User

Apr 23 2014, 4:27am

Views: 129563

Hello, I'm Shawn. I'm 20 years old and I'm brand new to Tolkien, and fantasy in general. I know its a bit late in life for someone to be getting into Tolkien, but honestly, fantasy never interested before lately, and so here I am. Better late than never, right? Anyway, I'm currently reading the Hobbit in preparation for reading The Lord of the Rings.

A little more about me, I'm an avid music listener, love reading, and I'm a huge sports fan.


Apr 23 2014, 9:00am

Views: 128623

And it's never too late to get into Tolkien! I, for example, was older than you when I contracted Tolkien-fever and I'm sure I'm not the only one here. Smile

"Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau

(This post was edited by BlackFox on Apr 23 2014, 9:01am)


Apr 25 2014, 9:17pm

Views: 128587
Welcome, Ghash! //



Apr 25 2014, 9:20pm

Views: 128360

It's never too late for talking about Tolkien!

Sit. Take your shoes off. Stay a while.

Best of all, there's pie!


Lurker in the Mirk

May 4 2014, 8:28am

Views: 129081

Well, I've done this a bit backwards... diving straight into the The Hobbit forum first, but old newbie reporting in!

A book-fan by way of the movies, I was a registered user with the pre-redesigned TORn. But RL got in the way in a really bad way around 2008, and I've since lost touch with everything Tolkien, TORn (I can't even say with certainty what my username was), and PJ movies. Finally was motivated enough to re-start everything post-DOS, and the reason is probably easy to see from my avatar. Tongue

TORn still has the same vibe before I fell off the wayside. I was definitely rather more lurky than I am so far in this incarnation, bit I am glad to be back, and hope to settle in and stick around for the long-haul.

Fan of both books and movies. Oh, and it seems I have severely misnamed myself... for the moment.

Thranduil Appreciation: I, II, III

"BoFA"= The Battle || "BotFA"/"tBofTA" = The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies


May 4 2014, 9:03am

Views: 128102
So glad

you threw off the cloak (with a flourish, no doubt) and decided to show yourself.
Welcome back!

Have a biscuit on me. Cool


May 4 2014, 9:31am

Views: 128916
Stop posting these pictures!

I hate drooling on my keyboard! Angelic

"Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau


May 4 2014, 9:46am

Views: 128116
I didn't mean to upset you

Here, I'll share mine with you to help you feel better.


May 4 2014, 10:05am

Views: 128932
Well, that's just plain cruel! //


"Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau


May 4 2014, 8:59pm

Views: 140000
We can't eat it, no no we can't!

Nassty elvish biscuitses!

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep.


May 4 2014, 9:10pm

Views: 142150
This can only mean one thing...


"Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau

Lurker in the Mirk

May 5 2014, 8:28am

Views: 135914
Thanks, Starling!

We loves choco bakes!

This line with the multi-allegories. I feel SO at home already. Smile

you threw off the cloak (with a flourish, no doubt) and decided to show yourself.

Fan of both books and movies. Oh, and it seems I have severely misnamed myself... for the moment.

Thranduil Appreciation: I, II, III, IV

"BoFA"= The Battle || "BotFA"/"tBofTA" = The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

Lurker in the Mirk

May 5 2014, 8:32am

Views: 133685
*Gollum* What has preciouses gots in their pocketses

We don't want no manfood, eh?

Creepily, Gollum was a mental squatter in my previous go-around due to my fanfic about the hunt for him so we gets it, we does... Tongue

Fan of both books and movies. Oh, and it seems I have severely misnamed myself... for the moment.

Thranduil Appreciation: I, II, III, IV

"BoFA"= The Battle || "BotFA"/"tBofTA" = The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies


May 5 2014, 8:42am

Views: 141486
Aww, thanks

I was quite proud of that sentence, which I made all by myself.
I cannot say the same of the biscuits.


May 5 2014, 8:46am

Views: 128242
No crunchable birdses

We are famished! Famished we are precious...Frown

Lurker in the Mirk

May 5 2014, 10:01am

Views: 144946
I wish there was a "LIKE" button for posts.

In lieu, how about some starlight from the earth? Smile

Fan of both books and movies. Oh, and it seems I have severely misnamed myself... for the moment.

Thranduil Appreciation: I, II, III, IV

"BoFA"= The Battle || "BotFA"/"tBofTA" = The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

The Foehammer
The Shire

May 29 2014, 12:52am

Views: 124965
Hello all!

In Reply To
Use this thread to introduce yourself to the boards and tell us a little about yourself, whether you're a new newbie or an old newbie, or a new oldbie, erm... oh heck, you know what I mean, lol! Laugh

Feel free to post a piccie of yourself too, if you like.

(p.s. thanks for suggesting this in Feedback all).


Hello all, I am an avid Tolkien fan since early childhood in the 80's, but am new to this site, I am really big into sports forums but have now branched out here, and to scified to enjoy some awesome middle arth discussion. :)

Nice to meet you all!

One question, why are there so many more views in The Hobbit forum when compared to the LOTR forum? Was this site not up and running until after the first trilogy? Just awfully curious, it would make sense that it would be the other way around.

"My teeth are swords, my claws spears..." - Smaug, The Magnificent

(This post was edited by The Foehammer on May 29 2014, 1:05am)


May 29 2014, 1:00am

Views: 122574
Welcome Foe Hammer

Hmmm good question. I think it's because the board was redone in 2007, about 2 years after LOTR wound down and 1 year before the Hobbit was announced. TORn has been around since 1999 (just had the 15th anniversary party). Everything before 2007 is called the old boards: for obvious reason LOTR dominates there rather than the Hobbit.

At it's heart TORn is a Tolkien fan site, but Sir Peter's movies do get a lot of attention.

Incidentally, for a good while before the first Hobbit movie was released in December 2012, "Off Topic" was the forum with the most posts.

(This post was edited by SirDennisC on May 29 2014, 1:01am)

The Shire

Jul 20 2014, 9:08am

Views: 122040
Hi everybody!

I'm brand-new to this forum, my (real) name is Juliette. I'm French, so please forgive my mistakes Smile. I'm currently living in Tours (200 km in South-West of Paris) where I'm a first-year medicine student.
I have been a Tolkiendil since I'm eleven.



Jul 20 2014, 9:21am

Views: 123505
Welcome, Lothiriel!

I'm always glad to welcome fellow Tolkien fans and students to these boards. I hope you enjoy your stay. Smile

“Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.” - Henry David Thoreau

(This post was edited by BlackFox on Jul 20 2014, 9:23am)

The Shire

Jul 20 2014, 12:35pm

Views: 123240
Thanks :)



Jul 21 2014, 3:32am

Views: 127545
Bonjour et bienvenue, Lothiriel! //


They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep.

The Shire

Jul 21 2014, 6:04am

Views: 122210
Merci ;)

Someone who speaks French! :D


Jul 22 2014, 2:23am

Views: 123961
I grew up in eastern Canada; French was a required course in school.

I've never used it in all the decades since school, so I've already used a significant portion of my vocabulary.

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep.

The Shire

Jul 22 2014, 6:47am

Views: 124440

I heard about these lessons but I thought it was only in Quebec ^^

"Ils ne savaient pas que c'était impossible, alors ils l'ont fait." Mark Twain


Jul 22 2014, 7:01pm

Views: 124042
I was in New Brunswick,

which is the only officially bilingual province. Quebec is officially French, and the others are officially English.

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep.

The Shire

Jul 22 2014, 8:27pm

Views: 128083
French and English languages in Canada

I didn't know that there were so many differences between canadian provinces for languages! I thought Quebec was bilingual and other provinces only English-speaking...

"Ils ne savaient pas que c'était impossible, alors ils l'ont fait." Mark Twain

The Shire

Jul 22 2014, 8:45pm

Views: 130752
Only 15 min to edit Oo

Being bilingual must be really convenient but I don't know if French is actually useful in your everyday life ^^.

"Ils ne savaient pas que c'était impossible, alors ils l'ont fait." Mark Twain

Registered User

Aug 1 2014, 3:14am

Views: 130062

Well, this is my first time on the message board of TORn, so i'll share a little about myself...
I've been a fan of the movies, books, and the like for years now.. I'm a 30 yr old female who lives in Georgia (USA) and I'm a proud mom to my six cats (I AM the crazy cat lady!).. hehe.. I have been a member of another website's message board for a looooong time now and have made a couple friends through there.. it's not very active anymore though.. i'd love to make even more friends; you can never have too many! So, anyways.. that's all that comes to mind right away.. if you might have questions, ask away.. I'm generally an open person..
Take care!

Forum Admin / Moderator

Aug 1 2014, 3:28am

Views: 130374
Welcome theodwyn!

Glad you've decided to join us. This is a friendly place, though the Hobbit board does see its share of opposing opinions these days! If you need help or information about anything, the Site Rules, FAQ, and TORN Dictionary can be found in the Welcome section, and you can get answers to all kinds of TORN-related questions or problems by posting on the Feedback board. But mostly, dive in and have fun!

See you around the boards. Smile


Want a LOTR Anniversary footer of your own? Get one here!

"Dark is the water of Kheled-zâram, and cold are the springs of Kibil-nâla, and fair were the many-pillared halls of Khazad-dûm in Elder Days before the fall of mighty kings beneath the stone."

Registered User

Aug 1 2014, 3:34am

Views: 127193

Thanks so much! I'm already a little confused about some things.. the configuration of this message board is a bit different than I'm used to, but I'm sure i'll learn my way around.. :P

Forum Admin / Moderator

Aug 1 2014, 6:39am

Views: 124221
Some tips on our layout

Obviously, the Main Index shows you all of our forums, each dedicated to a different category of discussion. Most of us wander happily back and forth between them, joining in any conversation that seems interesting, but there are some who find they're most interested in one section and spend most of their time there.

You can change the way the forums look to you by going to Edit Profile (one of the rings at the top of the screen) and then Display Settings. For your Default Post Display, you can choose Flat (when you click on a thread, posts all load in a line, sorted by time stamp) or Threaded (posts display in outline form by subject lines, with replies to each post indented and you click on each post to read it). Default Forum View allows you to set the main forum display to Collapsed, which will only show subject lines of root posts until you click into the thread, or Threaded, where you can scroll down the page and see the subject lines in each thread before clicking into it.

That may sound confusing, but it's not hard to play around with the settings a little until you find the arrangement that suits you best. Our forum setup is a bit different than most and takes a little getting used to, but it works well for us.

Also, you may notice that threads don't "bump" here when people reply to them. There are reasons behind this. But if you want to see the threads with the most recent replies when you enter a forum, look at the top right of the green bar. You'll see Age (creation). If you click on "creation", it will toggle to "activity" and bring the active threads to the top. Don't click on "Age" though, or it will sort with oldest posts first and you'll find yourself reading threads from 2007!

Hope that's helpful. Smile


Want a LOTR Anniversary footer of your own? Get one here!

"Dark is the water of Kheled-zâram, and cold are the springs of Kibil-nâla, and fair were the many-pillared halls of Khazad-dûm in Elder Days before the fall of mighty kings beneath the stone."


Aug 1 2014, 9:15am

Views: 123500

I hope you'll enjoy your stay!

“Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.” - Henry David Thoreau

Registered User

Aug 1 2014, 11:55pm

Views: 122119

That was very helpful, thank you!

Registered User

Aug 1 2014, 11:57pm

Views: 122116

Thank you, I think I will..

The Shire

Nov 8 2014, 8:53pm

Views: 124698
Hi, I'm TricksyHobbitses

I'm an Aussie-turned-American living in New York, and an all-round nerd (math, physics, robotics, you name it ) as well as a Tolkien fan. I've been lurking here for a few months and lurked the old boards way back in the LOTR movie days but finally decided to join so I could geek out with everyone over the impending release of TBof5A. Can't wait for December Wink


Nov 8 2014, 9:00pm

Views: 120557
Welcome, welcome and thrice welcome!

Glad to have you de-lurk. Smile

Registered User

Dec 3 2014, 1:18pm

Views: 120859


I'm Jubal, known in realspace as James: I run the Cambridge Tolkien Society (and hold the august title of Steward of Gondor as a result!) and am generally muchly a Tolkien geek. I particularly seem to specialise in knowing & speculating excessive amounts about Dwarves, about whom I have written several papers etc.

*waves awkwardly*

Honoured to be Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Also Megadux & founder of the Exilian!


Dec 3 2014, 6:57pm

Views: 119075
Khazad aimenu!

Welcome, Jubal. Have you lurked for a while, or are you just jumping in at the deep end like I did?

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters, these see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. -Psalm 107


Dec 3 2014, 7:00pm

Views: 119044
*waves back*

Welcome to TORn, Jubal!

The Shire

Dec 31 2014, 3:33pm

Views: 116870
I'm back....

I've been around since the beginning, though I post mostly on the LOTR forum that began with Decipher.

I feel a little wary about jumping in and posting on the forum, but at some point I won't be able to resist.

I have loved Tolkien for many years, reading LOTR yearly since I was 21 (56 now).

I went to all three LOTR Oscar parties and would love to be at the final one, but alas, Cancer became part of my life, and my money now belongs to numerous Doctor's.

It is good to be back.

'Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo, a star shines on the hour of our meeting,' --JRR Tolkien--

Registered User

Jan 4 2015, 10:12pm

Views: 118925
Hobbit sized woman quietly entering the room

Hello all,Very very new to forums,so will probably make horrendous mistakes and faux pas.
My father used to read The Hobbit to me, now I am reading it to my daughters. I love the films-pure escapism :-)
I live in England,my name is Lou and I am a champion of Orcs,(and all bad guys in general)
Now,where is the Azog Appreciation Thread? ;-)

Orc Sympathiser


Jan 4 2015, 10:16pm

Views: 118404
Mae govannen!

And don't worry about making mistakes, jump right in! Smile


Jan 4 2015, 10:23pm

Views: 118099
Orc Sympathizers

I think you'll find fellow sympathizers in Lio and Boldog, and if you don't see an appreciation thread, feel free to start one! As a fan of the Sons of Durin line, I'm afraid I won't be able to join you however. Tongue

Welcome to TORn!


Registered User

Jan 4 2015, 10:38pm

Views: 117987
Uh-oh-made an enemy already!

In Reply To
I think you'll find fellow sympathizers in Lio and Boldog, and if you don't see an appreciation thread, feel free to start one! As a fan of the Sons of Durin line, I'm afraid I won't be able to join you however. Tongue

Welcome to TORn!

Sorry to start off on a bad vibe Kim Wink lol.
Thank you for the welcome!

Orc Sympathiser

(This post was edited by SqueeOrcs! on Jan 4 2015, 10:40pm)


Jan 4 2015, 10:47pm

Views: 118324

I figured your alliance was pretty much right there in your username, so just giving you fair warning. Wink

P.S. I'm impressed you've already figured out the quote feature - took me months to conquer that one!


Registered User

Jan 4 2015, 11:07pm

Views: 117299
Just call me subtle!

In Reply To
I figured your alliance was pretty much right there in your username, so just giving you fair warning. Wink

P.S. I'm impressed you've already figured out the quote feature - took me months to conquer that one!

I think my ability to quote was sheer fluke. Starting a thread may take a looooong time Crazy

Orc Sympathiser

Tol Eressea

Jan 5 2015, 6:43pm

Views: 117852
Don't forget maciliel!

She pities them immensely!Wink

Double on the Welcome SqueeOrcs!

Call me Rem, and remember, not all who ramble are lost...Uh...where was I?

Registered User

Jan 10 2015, 4:24am

Views: 115879

Hi, everyone! I've been lurking on and off for years but finally decided to join in on the fun. My real name is Erin - you can call me that or Rineth, I don't mind! I'm from Atlanta, GA and have been a Tolkien fan since 2002 when a wonderful friend at the time convinced me to give Middle-earth another try (I did not get the hype at that point). So I went to the movies and saw TT, was suddenly intrigued, and that Christmas I got the book set and the rest is history!

I'm looking forward to posting and hopefully making some friends here. See you all around! Heart


Jan 10 2015, 4:33am

Views: 116872
Welcome, Rineth

Congratulations on leaving the world of lurkdom and stepping into the light at last!
I look forward to seeing you around the boards. Smile


Jan 10 2015, 10:45am

Views: 119277
Welcome to TORn, Rineth!

Glad you finally decided to de-lurk. Smile

Registered User

Jan 10 2015, 10:07pm

Views: 116990

Thank you both so much! Nice to feel so welcome already.

Registered User

Jan 28 2015, 3:28pm

Views: 118369
:) Bunny

Greetings :)
I have not been much of a forum person so far, but now that the Hobbit movies ended and left me sad for no movie highlight to look forward anymore (AGAIN!) I need some support :D

I love LotR (obviuosly). I am from Germany but currently live in Spain. I also enjoy video games a lot. Actually all my jobs so far have been related to video games. I have worked for companies Nintendo and Electronic Arts and my favorite game series is Resident Evil.

Looking forward to meet some nice people here and to talk about LotR things, despite working in a very geeky industry I don't know so many LotR fans ^.^



Jan 28 2015, 4:05pm

Views: 120064
Welcome to TORn, IceBunny!

Glad to have you here! Smile

The Shire

Feb 5 2015, 8:25pm

Views: 117611
Have a cookie


I'm a 22-year old from Belgium. I've been a big Tolkien fan since 2005, loving the books and films equally. I'm a big book nerd; I was always that one kid on the playground who was burying her nose in a book, or reading till 4 am in the morning. Right now I am a library assistant, which is pretty much like having an alcoholic working in a brewery...

some facts about me?

I love dancing ridiculously and singing badly.
I watch Doctor Who, Sherlock, and Firefly.
I am currently wearing purple fluffy socks.
I collect books, gems, shells, big yellow tea pots, and David Bowie vinyls.
I always write vinyl "vynil' and then I have to go back and correct it.
I am a cat person all the way.

I have been lurking on this forum for a couple of years now, but it's only with the One Last Party that I decided I should join the forum and make some new friends. I pinky promise I'm a pretty decent human being :)

(me playing Éowyn on mt Sunday. showin' off my Tolkien cred, yo)

Ask me anything!


Feb 5 2015, 8:29pm

Views: 117338

Stay a while!

NOTICE: Any reply to this post must contain at least 10 smilies.


Feb 5 2015, 9:16pm

Views: 117015

Hmm... What's your favourite flavour of ice cream? AngelicTongue

Welcome to TORn, Niniachel! Smile

The Shire

Feb 5 2015, 10:02pm

Views: 115890

Hi, people!

My favourite flavour of ice cream would be raspberries ^^ but it's not my favourite dessert anymore due to a massive binge once. So now I just go for chocolate-covered pastries, like the typical Belgian I am.


Feb 5 2015, 10:11pm

Views: 116589
Excellent choice!

Well, you've made a friend in me. Wink

See you around! Smile


Feb 6 2015, 12:20am

Views: 116799
Oh, you're gonna fit in here nicely. :)

I think each personal fact you've listed has had a thread in Off-Topic quite recently. Okay, maybe not one about purple fluffy socks, but...

In Reply To
I am a cat person all the way.

Oh look what you've done--now I'm blushing in front of everyone. BlushTongue

Anyway, glad to see that you've de-lurked and taken off that magic ring of yours. See you around the boards!

(P.S.- I'm super jealous of your trip to Mt. Sunday. I had the perfect chance to go while there, but didn't do it...hopefully I'll make it back someday.)


Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!

Tol Eressea

Feb 6 2015, 2:03am

Views: 116614
Glad to have you!

I've always wanted to work in a library, but never got the chance... I envy you immensely! Mad

From what you list as your interests, you should fit right in! I, myself, was a lurker for many years, but once I started posting, I just couldn't stop! Laugh

Thrice welcome, Niniachel!

Call me Rem, and remember, not all who ramble are lost...Uh...where was I?

The Shire

Feb 6 2015, 9:34am

Views: 118393
That's me in the corner

Hello Cat, Rem and Blackfox! (wow, didn't expect so many people to reply Blush )

@ Blackfox: I must say, you have a really cool avatar. it's eyes seem to follow me everywhere :p

@Cat: Hi! People around here already seem to be super friendly- I think I might hang around a bit ;) Do you have any cats?
(also funny you should say that - I have a lot of LOTR merchandise, but I've always been reluctant to buy the One Ring. I do wear Barahir's ring though)

@Rem: I can only encourage you to work in a library, even if it's just for the librarian perks. Everything's free, you can take home twice as much and for twice as long, you can suggest to your colleagues which materials we should bring into our collection... and you can call first dibs if, for example, they do decide to get rid of that one illustrated copy of Letters from Father Christmas. And I like your avatar as well! Bofur's hat is on my wishlist of things I absolutely MUST buy someday Heart


Feb 6 2015, 10:34am

Views: 113079
Aww, thank you!

And yup, I'm watching you. Evil


Tol Eressea

Feb 6 2015, 3:13pm

Views: 113507
I'd love to...

But I need a more lucrative occupation to pay for school. I don't know what your country's rate of compensation is for librarians, but in mine, it is very minimal in pay or an absolutely volunteer position. As a young adult, I really did try to get a situation in the local library, but as I did not attend the local school, I was not in the pool of acceptable candidates. I have, however, managed to advise the staff to acquire several of the recently released Tolkien related books, and so have done what I could to spread the cause of Tolkienlightenment in the world!

Yes Bofur is awesome! Smile Glad to have you!

Call me Rem, and remember, not all who ramble are lost...Uh...where was I?


Feb 6 2015, 4:55pm

Views: 113774
One cat.

He's feisty some of the time--very Jekyll and Hyde--but is usually quite a lazy fellow.

I've never purchased any of the merchandise, myself. Although getting the chance to hold a replica of Orcrist was pretty enticing. Cool

Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!


Feb 6 2015, 6:23pm

Views: 114210
Just had to jump in to say

I too am currently wearing fluffy purple socks, so looks like all of your bases are covered now! Welcome! Smile



Feb 6 2015, 6:24pm

Views: 114033
Wow BF

You're very scary close up!



Feb 6 2015, 6:26pm

Views: 114482
Muhahaha! //


The Shire

Feb 6 2015, 8:39pm

Views: 115500

Purple socks are the best ^^ I am all for fancy sockwear!


Feb 7 2015, 12:02am

Views: 114370
Bienvenue, Niniachel.

My socks are fluffy, but they're grey. Sorry about that.

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters, these see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. -Psalm 107


Feb 23 2015, 1:51pm

Views: 114114
Greetings to you all!


My name is Alex! Smile I am a 24 year old, long-term Tolkien fan who has only JUST thought to join "The One Ring Net" message board! To be honest, I have followed TORN for years, and yet it never occurred to me to join the message board and chat with other fans--I feel a bit stupid in that regard, though I'm glad I've at last come to my senses! Tongue

I actually live in Tokyo, Japan, and have been here for five years. It is a beautiful, unique culture, and I recommend the tourist experience to all who love adventuring! Smile

About my hobbies...I enjoy a great many things, including reading, writing, traveling, learning languages, playing flute and piccolo, acting, directing, and more! I hope to make some friends here at TORN!

Best wishes to you all, and nice meeting you! (^_^)/


Feb 23 2015, 2:02pm

Views: 113738

I'm glad you took the leap and joined this wonderful community. You won't regret it, I promise. Smile

(This post was edited by BlackFox on Feb 23 2015, 2:02pm)


Feb 23 2015, 2:10pm

Views: 114535

Thanks! ^_^

I honestly have no idea why it took me so long, haha! Tongue Somehow, I suppose it never even crossed my mind that such a great community could exist! But now I know what I've been missing from my life for too long a time, haha! Fellow Tolkien fans to share in the love with! Heart

Thanks a bunch, again, for your kind welcome! I hope to be seeing you around the boards sometime! Smile


Feb 23 2015, 2:16pm

Views: 113532
And I you

But be warned: this place is addictive! Tongue


Feb 23 2015, 2:18pm

Views: 112294

I can imagine!! I already checked out some of the boards with every intention of replying, and I was overwhelmed by the sheer awesomeness of everything I saw! I might be here all night! XD

Tol Eressea

Feb 23 2015, 5:19pm

Views: 120574
I haff many flufffffy sox

in various bright stripey looks...

and of course, you must wear non-matching ones...

Na 'Aear, na 'Aear! Mýl 'lain nallol, I sûl ribiel a i falf 'loss reviol...
To the sea, to the sea, the white gulls are crying, the wind is blowing and the white foam is flying...

The Shire

Mar 17 2015, 9:20pm

Views: 114140
Late to the party

I wrote on twitter that I was finally joining here and I immeadeatly got response from this community, so I feel very welcome even before making my first post on the forum (this post that is).

@TheMissGreen wrote this lovely reply on twitter: "Its never too late to get to the party. This one lasts a lifetime."

Such a good statement. The love and fandom of Tolkien's work never dies. :) So, I'm here to join even though I've been on this site occationally and I have known about it for more than 8 years.

If anyone went there, I was quite active at the forum of thehobbitblog when that one was running in their early weeks. I loved that vibe. Long before that I runned the biggest LotR club on the only big swedish anime/manga community. Both those experiences was very fulfilling and I hope that I will get the same, or a much better experience by being here and getting in touch with a lot of Tolkien- and Middle Earth fans!

To tell about myself very shortly, I'm currently a 23 yo student of Archaeology. I'm doing my masters and only have my thesis left to do. I'm on a study break this year. I am VERY interested in filmmaking (thanks to the LotR films and extras). I've studied both film history and filmmaking for one semester each - and I can't get enough. I really want to get into filmmaking as much as I want to work with archaeology.

My main way of expressing my passion of litterature or film is usually by creating drawings or paintings of characters and events. I like to be analytical of films, I can seem to be critical and negative, but actually I have it very easy to like films more than not. I just like to know and understand why I like something or why elements come across differently to different people. Those are the reasons why I pick apart films - definetly not because I am negative and lack emotion about the subject. :)

I choose my username "Fimbulfambi" from The History of the Hobbit, where I learnt that this was an early name for Thorin's grandfather (if I am not mistaken). It is of course of a old norse/ icelandic origin.

(This post was edited by Fimbulfambi on Mar 17 2015, 9:24pm)

Forum Admin / Moderator

Mar 17 2015, 9:24pm

Views: 112986
Welcome! It's never too late

to join the party. Have a look around and make yourself at home. Smile


Mar 17 2015, 9:30pm

Views: 112134
Mae govannen!

I'm always glad to welcome fellow students to the boards. Here's to seeing you around! Smile

The Shire

Mar 17 2015, 11:15pm

Views: 112779

Thank you! Cheers :)

Registered User

Apr 9 2015, 1:20am

Views: 113484
Hello friends!

My name is Bill. Bill the Pony.( But in real life, I am actually just a dorky young girl!) I am a newbie. In fact, this is my first post. I adore writing and drawing. Not much else about me that I want to share.

I apologize for any typos. It is hard to type with hooves.


Apr 9 2015, 1:30am

Views: 112756
Some of our nicest members have hooves, or paws. Welcome!

Enjoy TORn!


Apr 9 2015, 8:46am

Views: 112100
Mae govannen! //


The Shire

Apr 16 2015, 10:20pm

Views: 114268
finally there

Hello! I'm 27, from Europe.

I started reading HoME one or two yeas ago - in no chronological order... first I read 1+2 which encouraged me to give the Sil a second chance (it was good idea). I'm currently reading #10 and #3 and the LOTR, that's why I used to linger here a lot unseen in the reading rooms and decided that I might join your company.

So, hello!

What can men do against such reckless hate?

(This post was edited by Wasserwaldnymphe on Apr 16 2015, 10:21pm)


Apr 16 2015, 11:42pm

Views: 112600
Hello! Stay a while!

We are discussing LOTR in the Reading Room right now; but in the last two years we have covered Sil, UT and CoH.

Enjoy TORn!


Apr 17 2015, 8:49am

Views: 110534

Glad you decided to de-lurk. Smile

The Shire

Apr 20 2015, 3:28pm

Views: 113384
Hi everyone!

After having lingered in the shadows for a while, I quite recently decided to finally step into the light and join in on the fun. So, I'm very new to the message boards and I'm still learning how everything works around here. Wink

My name is Lisa and I'm from Germany. When I'm not obsessing over everything Middle-earth I like dancing, movies, photography, reading and a lot of other stuff. Sometimes I have to study, too. It's my ultimate year of Law School now, so I'm actually really busy. Or at least I should be ...

Anyway, I'm looking forward to meeting fellow Tolkien fans and having fun around here. Sly

That's me:

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."


Apr 20 2015, 8:31pm

Views: 113872
Mae govannen!

Stick around and make yourself at home! Smile

The Shire

Apr 20 2015, 11:36pm

Views: 115268
Thank you! //


"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."


Apr 27 2015, 5:09pm

Views: 116186
A belated welcome, Suleth! //


The Shire

Apr 27 2015, 10:47pm

Views: 114559
Thanks! //


"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

(This post was edited by Súleth on Apr 27 2015, 10:48pm)

Jade Jess
The Shire

May 8 2015, 6:33pm

Views: 117269
Hi everybody

Happy Friday! I'm Jess, a new newbie. I like stormy nights, blackened tilapia, Pentatonix, SF and fantasy, fan art, and creative writing. See you around ;)


May 8 2015, 6:38pm

Views: 116748
Welcome to TORn! //


Jade Jess
The Shire

May 8 2015, 6:49pm

Views: 113768
:) Thank you, BlackFox



May 9 2015, 4:20am

Views: 113746
Welcome, Jade //


Jade Jess
The Shire

May 9 2015, 5:44pm

Views: 116498
Thanks, CuriousG


Registered User

Jul 14 2015, 2:12pm

Views: 112071
New here!

Hello everyone! I just recently joined. I have always been a fan of the trilogy, but never read any of the books! I now just started reading the Silmarillion.


Jul 14 2015, 2:34pm

Views: 113113
Hey there!

Always nice to see a new member. The Silmarillion is heavy material to start with when reading Tolkien. It isn't a novel but is formatted more like a cross between a history and a religious text. If you find it to difficult to get into, you might want to switch to The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit or another one one of Professor Tolkien's works that was published in his lifetime (The Tolkien Reader includes a number of shorter works).

"At the end of the journey, all men think that their youth was Arcadia..." - Phantom F. Harlock

Registered User

Jul 14 2015, 4:00pm

Views: 112663
The Silmarillion

I'll keep that in mind, thanks!

In Reply To
Always nice to see a new member. The Silmarillion is heavy material to start with when reading Tolkien. It isn't a novel but is formatted more like a cross between a history and a religious text. If you find it to difficult to get into, you might want to switch to The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit or another one one of Professor Tolkien's works that was published in his lifetime (The Tolkien Reader includes a number of shorter works).

Registered User

Jul 18 2015, 9:01am

Views: 111435
Why hello there.. c:

I'm Ruscuite (really wanted to have it with the ë but I don't know if those are available in usernames? Ah well.), you can also call me Rusc, I like how it sounds-

I live in one of those areas that hardly anyone knows about unless they have been there at some point and I'm a bit of a nerd, from all I've learned about Tolkien it seems that we would have agreed on a great deal of topics and the other day I just felt such a strong need to talk to him in person but alas he is dead ._.

I speak three languages fluently, but am learning/wish to learn so much more, for linguistic studies are one of my greatest passions, my favourites are Russian and Scottish Gaelic.

Sometimes I think and talk in various quotes, though when I do so they hold a special meaning to me and their purpose is far beyond reminding people of a given piece.

I read a lot and of various genres, though it seems that my favourite genres are fantasy and the thing that is called um.. romantic realism I think?

I've been told I act like a grumpy 60 year old, I guess it's because of my chronical nostalgia, (relative) conservativeness, love for tradition and dislike of modern technology.. But actually I am a teen.
Apparently most people think I enjoy only calm music, but while I do love it (Slavic ethnic music is my favourite), I listen to various other things too, such as rock, folk metal, etc.

English is only my third language and though I am quite fluent in it for casual use, I sometimes have trouble finding the right words for stuff and end up using the less appropriate ones that do not tell exactly what I want them to.. but ah well. ._. (just saying though, if you ever see me not knowing what a certain word means, this is why. Although nowadays I tend to do the research before asking.)
And sometimes I end up with the thing where I say(write) a lot of words that don't say anything relevant, I hope I didn't do so here as well?

So yeah um I came here in hopes to find new friends, and that's that for now. See you later!~

Forum Admin / Moderator

Jul 18 2015, 1:32pm

Views: 113304
Greetings, Rusc!

And welcome to TORn. Smile

There are many here for whom English is not their first language, so if you ever have a question about word usage, feel free to ask!

Enjoy browsing around the various Boards. I have the feeling, that the Reading Room may be most to your liking! They've just finished a discussion of FotR there. But you can post a question, or start a discussion on something that interests you, at any time.


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Jul 18 2015, 5:47pm

Views: 113993
Mae govannen, Rusc!

Are you actually a Rus, by any chance? Your references to Slavs lead me to suspect you're in eastern Europe. Not that it's any of my business, just idle curiosity talking.

Don't stress over your English; you write it better than many of us who learned it as our first language.

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters, these see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. -Psalm 107

(This post was edited by Meneldor on Jul 18 2015, 5:48pm)


Jul 18 2015, 7:26pm

Views: 112619
Welcome, Rusc!

I'm trying to ease up on getting on the case of other posters about language usage unless that usage makes their posts confusing or unreadable.

"At the end of the journey, all men think that their youth was Arcadia..." - Phantom F. Harlock


Jul 19 2015, 2:07am

Views: 112748

In Reply To
I'm trying to ease up on getting on the case of other posters about language usage unless that usage makes their posts confusing or unreadable.

I don't understand what you're trying to say, OS. Wink

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters, these see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. -Psalm 107


Jul 19 2015, 1:52pm

Views: 111795

I was replying to Ruscuite and this part of his post:


English is only my third language and though I am quite fluent in it for casual use, I sometimes have trouble finding the right words for stuff and end up using the less appropriate ones that do not tell exactly what I want them to.. but ah well. ._. (just saying though, if you ever see me not knowing what a certain word means, this is why.

I'm not sure why you felt a need to respond as I was not addressing you. But it's all good.

"At the end of the journey, all men think that their youth was Arcadia..." - Phantom F. Harlock

Registered User

Jul 19 2015, 7:39pm

Views: 113396
[reply] -- yeah I don't know how to pick a subject for every post --

No, I am not a Rus, though I really like their language and culture. I learned to read and write in cyrillic script a bit less than two years ago.

I live in central Europe, in Croatia and Slovenia, but when you have double ethnicity & nationality and move between the two so often that they are both considered home, answering the "where are you from" type of questions gets quite tedious.

As for my English, well I don't worry about it too much, I can easily get a 5 (aka "excellent") grade at it in school even without studying, but creative writing and linguistic theory are quite another thing (I never quite grasped the concept of English pronounciation, I mean I can speak it normally, but when it comes to stand-alone letters or explanation of how something is said - that just leaves me very confused. Explaining more complex languages in English gets really confusing too), and there have been cases where others got surprised that I didn't know the words for common things, but there are some things we don't learn much of at school and which haven't come up very often on the internet or television, and it might look like I don't know about basic things when in reality it is purely an issue of language.

Thanks for the welcome, everyone! ^^


Jul 19 2015, 8:32pm

Views: 112137
Just a little joke.

In Reply To
I'm not sure why you felt a need to respond as I was not addressing you. But it's all good.

Very little, apparently. Blush

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters, these see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. -Psalm 107

The Shire

Aug 21 2015, 3:48pm

Views: 111158
Better late than never, I suppose!

Hello all, my name is Cynthia. I've lurked off and on for a little while, but admittedly tend to be a little quiet and just read instead of chatting. I decided to finally join so I could more easily keep up with any new posts and news.

I'm "new" to Tolkien fandom -- although I'd seen the Lord of the Rings movies, I really only got interested in Middle Earth through The Hobbit when my husband wanted to go see AUJ. He'd been a fan of the book and Thorin since childhood. Now I'm hooked with him, and even started slowly reading The Silmarillion, because... thanks to Richard's performance, and my shared enjoyment of the story with my husband, I'm back to doing art again for the first time in a decade or more (eek -- actually, I honestly never thought I'd draw again, but thankfully I started back up again in 2013). While I do hope to draw things like The Sil and even The Hobbit book version, I'm still having fun drawing my own blend of the movies/book for now while I get used to pencil and brush again. Wink

Glad to "meet" you all!

Forum Admin / Moderator

Aug 21 2015, 4:35pm

Views: 110744
Greetings, CF!

That's been one of the best things about these movies: the number of people whom they've helped introduce to Tolkien! Heart

Would you be willing to share some of your artwork in the Fan Art board? It sounds like you're creating some fascinating pieces! Cool I'm glad you've been able to get back to doing something you love to do.

And welcome to TORn!


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

The Shire

Aug 21 2015, 4:44pm

Views: 112287
Totally agree with you!

I admit, I tried to get into Middle Earth earlier (I really really wanted to), but I honestly just wasn't at the right place in my life back then. :( It happens.

It was neat, however, coming at The Hobbit in a different way than my husband did (he'd read it several times in childhood, while I went into AUJ thinking I wouldn't like it and not knowing what to expect... afterwards, I ended up knowing almost more than he did LOL!). It really doesn't matter about the how, when, or why... but just enjoying finding something new to discover that inspires you!

I was looking at the image rules for posting as I don't want to just dive in and step on toes (or flood screens/scrolling heheh)... would it be okay if I just left a link to my deviantART gallery in a new art-intro thread? I have several finished pieces and in-progress/sketched items, but I tried shrinking one down. I wasn't too pleased with how garbled it got... I think a link would be better. :)

Thanks so much for the welcome!


Aug 21 2015, 8:09pm

Views: 110733
Welcome, CFGriffith! //


Forum Admin / Moderator

Aug 22 2015, 3:01am

Views: 112427
That would probably be best

I know it can get confusing trying to re-size photos to fit within the posting limits!

Yes, a post about what you're drawing and a link to your artwork would work, if you'd be willing to share it! I'm interested in seeing how you've "blended" the books and movies! Cool

Let me know if you have any trouble creating the link. I usually just type [url} then the url then end with [/url}, replacing the } with a ].


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

The Shire

Aug 22 2015, 1:47pm

Views: 109049
I posted one! :

Thank you, dernwyn! I just did a post in the fan art section with plenty of links. I hope I didn't make it sound too exciting -- I have a lot of things planned, and not as many things finished. The "blending" thing I explain a little better there hopefully. It just seems to be how I'm approaching drawing using Richard as Thorin so far. Once I do "from the book" art, I'd be trying to work as much as possible from what I'm reading (I'm trying not to look at other artists while I'm reading The Silmarillion so I don't accidentally "see" things the way they read it). All art on my dA currently is The Hobbit only. I'm so far behind, and working so slowly these days... I'll get there though! :D

The Shire

Oct 3 2015, 9:33pm

Views: 107940
Hi :-)

How're you guys doing, my name's Richard (or Oakensword as my imagination spat out). I've been a big Tolkien fan since I saw PJ's Fellowship in 2001 (that old chestnut) but I never really thought to go on forums at the time. I figured I should before the last of BOTFA comes and goes but I'm hoping to stick around for longer. Wink
I've seen your guys' forums through search engines and the likes; all.roads I go down seem to lead here so I figured this is where I ought to be. Smile
See you guys shortly! Laugh


Oct 4 2015, 12:13am

Views: 107535
"It’s dangerous to go alone!"

Welcome to TORN. I like your avatar!

"At the end of the journey, all men think that their youth was Arcadia..." - Phantom F. Harlock

The Shire

Oct 4 2015, 12:31am

Views: 107795
Cheers, dude!

Any fan of Zelda's gotta be a friend of mine Cool


Oct 4 2015, 9:36pm

Views: 108752
*peeks out of her corner* "Hi........"

I lurked quite a bit a while back, but only just now actually made an account. I guess I like sharing my thoughts.....when I have them Wink


Oct 4 2015, 9:38pm

Views: 109340
mae govannen, sparrowruth : )

mae govannen, sparrowruth : )

i +love+ (love) your name.

please to feel (very) free to continue to share your thoughts.

many cheers, and welcome ---


aka. fili orc-enshield
the scene, as i understand it, is exceptionally well-written. fili (in sort of a callback to the scene with the eagles), calls out "thorRIIIIIIN!!!" just as he sees the pale orc veer in for the kill. he picks up the severed arm of an orc which is lying on the ground, swings it up in desperation, effectively blocking the pale orc's blow. and thus, forever after, fili is known as "fili orc-enshield."

this earns him deep respect from his hard-to-please uncle. as well as a hug. kili wipes his boots on the pale orc's glory box. -- maciliel telpemairo


Oct 4 2015, 9:43pm

Views: 108742
hallo! :) my name is maciliel!

hallo! my name is macilliel. i mostly just lurk, and am more than a bit shy... but it's so nice to meet you all!

(wait.... should i have posted this a few years ago?)

cheers --


aka. fili orc-enshield
the scene, as i understand it, is exceptionally well-written. fili (in sort of a callback to the scene with the eagles), calls out "thorRIIIIIIN!!!" just as he sees the pale orc veer in for the kill. he picks up the severed arm of an orc which is lying on the ground, swings it up in desperation, effectively blocking the pale orc's blow. and thus, forever after, fili is known as "fili orc-enshield."

this earns him deep respect from his hard-to-please uncle. as well as a hug. kili wipes his boots on the pale orc's glory box. -- maciliel telpemairo

Registered User

Nov 20 2015, 6:15pm

Views: 101531
Hello :)

Hi everyone! I am a long time lurker and first time joiner haha

My name is Nicole, I'm from Nova Scotia, Canada and I am 29 years old.

I've been a fan of Tolkien since high school, the Fellowship of the Ring film being my introduction. I was smitten. I've watched the films more times then I can count, and have re-read the Lord of the Rings until they are falling apart. I also just re-read the Hobbit, am reading LotR currently, and plan on reading on through all the other Middle Earth books I haven't read yet.

I look forward to getting to know you all :)

Forum Admin / Moderator

Nov 20 2015, 6:20pm

Views: 101224
Greetings, wayward!

And glad you de-lurked! Smile


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Forum Admin / Moderator

Nov 20 2015, 6:24pm

Views: 103476
Greetings, Maciliel!

Glad you...uh...decided use of this thread! Laugh

Now, just remember, if you ever need anything, you can contact one of the friendly Admins, we're always watching you - ah, that is, watching out for you, yeah, that's it...Angelic


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Registered User

Nov 20 2015, 6:27pm

Views: 103053
oh no!

Oh no, am I not supposed to post here? Do people not do that? Is that not cool any more? haha

Forum Admin / Moderator

Nov 20 2015, 7:26pm

Views: 102245

You'd better click to view this in Threaded mode, wayward, I'm teasing Mac! Laugh


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Nov 20 2015, 11:47pm

Views: 102181
Speaking as the self-appointed arbiter of all things cool,

I hereby declare wayward to be part of the in crowd.

Just remember, you're on probation, so don't blow it. Wink
Jump right in, w_h, you'll be fine.

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters, these see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. -Psalm 107

Tol Eressea

Nov 21 2015, 12:50pm

Views: 100411
Welcome to official membership!

Since you've lurked for a while, you probably can tell that almost anything goes here... and do check out the Welcome section to learn what doesn't.
We have a lot of fun on and off topic.

What part of Nova Scotia are you from? I'm living in south Texas and would love to visit Wink

See you around!


"I shall not wholly fail if anything can still grow fair in days to come."

Registered User

Dec 13 2015, 6:44pm

Views: 90300

Hi everybody,
Adam from Poland here, I hope to spend some good times here.
I fell in love with Middle-Earth in my early teens, taking a rather unusual route and starting with Silmarillion. Tolkien had a great impact on me, I took interest in languages and old literature. Although I've started with fantasy, today I'd read anything from Lovecraft to Orwell.
Have a good day :)


Dec 13 2015, 8:36pm

Views: 88617
Mae govannen! //


Registered User

Dec 25 2015, 7:18pm

Views: 83226

Pontmercy here from Barlimans.



Dec 25 2015, 7:36pm

Views: 83541
Hi there!

Welcome! It's great to see you here. I've not jumped into Barliman's for sometime, now.

Hope you enjoy things around here. Smile

Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!

Registered User

Dec 29 2015, 6:41pm

Views: 81218
Not sure how this works but will give it a go!

Hi Everyone,

My name is Adam from Cheshire in the UK. I have been viewing the boards for a little while and thought I should join.

Particularly enjoyed the Reading Room discussions about the read-through as I am more a book-verse than a movie-verse fan, not to say I didn't enjoy the movies of course.

I look forward to hopefully being an active member of your community and engaging in some sensible if not lively debate concerning all things Tolkien and perhaps other things besides. Smile


Dec 29 2015, 6:53pm

Views: 79689

Glad you decided to jump in!

The audacious proposal stirred his heart. And the stirring became a song, and it mingled with the songs of Gil-galad and Celebrian, and with those of Feanor and Fingon. The song-weaving created a larger song, and then another, until suddenly it was as if a long forgotten memory woke and for one breathtaking moment the Music of the Ainur revealed itself in all glory. He opened his lips to sing and share this song. Then he realized that the others would not understand. Not even Mithrandir given his current state of mind. So he smiled and simply said "A diversion.”


Dec 30 2015, 10:25am

Views: 81263

Make yourself at home. Smile

Registered User

Jan 6 2016, 7:20pm

Views: 79647
Am I doing this right?

Hello all. My name is Chris. I am 42 years old and I live in Georgetown, KY, USA. I have been married for 17+ years, and I'm a father of 3 sons - 10, 6, and 2. I am a life-long Tolkien and Star Wars fan.

Question - Is the way to post always using the "Reply tab", or is there a "Post" tab?


Jan 6 2016, 8:49pm

Views: 79561
You're doing fine...

Hey there!

You can use Post New, but that starts a new, original thread. From an existing thread you can only "Reply To This Post" or use "Quote" which begins your reply by including the text of the post to which you're responding.

Or you can go to "Your Mesgs" at the top of the page to send a Private Message (PM).

"Things need not to have happened to be true.
Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure
when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot."

- Dream of the Endless

(This post was edited by Otaku-sempai on Jan 6 2016, 8:52pm)


Jan 6 2016, 9:07pm

Views: 77467
Welcome to TORn! //


Registered User

Jan 7 2016, 2:32am

Views: 77790
Thank you.

Nice to meet you.Wink


Jan 7 2016, 10:03am

Views: 82841
Who's that on your avatar? //



Jan 7 2016, 2:24pm

Views: 81069
Stone's Avatar

I knew he was a Warner Bros. character, but it took a while to identify him. He's Charles M Wolf, an obscure character who only seems to have appeared in one Merrie Melodies cartoon, "Hare-Less Wolf" from 1958. The short was directed by Friz Freleng.

"Things need not to have happened to be true.
Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure
when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot."

- Dream of the Endless

Registered User

Jan 7 2016, 6:37pm

Views: 80583
Charles M. Wolf

Charlie Wolf is correct. He is funny because his wife brow-beats him and also, he's constantly forgetting what he was doing. For instance, he'd be chasing Bugs and then he'd stop and say, "Now what was I chasing again? Possum, no...Chipmunk, no, no...Squirrel? No..."

It really cracks me up.


Jan 7 2016, 10:11pm

Views: 80152
Thanks, OS! //



Jan 7 2016, 10:12pm

Views: 80893

Sure sounds like a lot of fun. Smile


Jan 7 2016, 11:17pm

Views: 80025
You're welcome!

I knew that the image looked familiar, but Charles was a one-off character. Sources say that his name might have been a play off of the name of animation director Charles M. Jones.

"Things need not to have happened to be true.
Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure
when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot."

- Dream of the Endless

Registered User

Jan 8 2016, 2:41am

Views: 80723



Jan 10 2016, 12:34am

Views: 81300
Mae govannen

Etiquette requires that introductions are good manners - Alas, I fail at such things as I am the sort of 'fan' to look on from a distance in quiet observation and feel more comfortable doing that than waving and saying Hi. Perhaps I lack the gregarious gene? However, what has drawn me from my shell is the camaraderie I have witnessed here between members. It is a rare and lovely thing to behold.

Older than my teeth but the same age as my tongue, I live in New Zealand after emigrating here within the last few years. I am still growing accustomed to Kiwi ways but can tell you that you will not find a more friendly and warm hearted population anywhere. Our weather is dramatic, which is one of the things I love about the place, and the scenery is so beautiful it borders on the indecent. The night sky is the most atonishing I have ever seen anywhere. The country is more than able to cater to my vices which include amazing seafood and luscious wines.

I was introduced to Middle Earth at a very early age, and firmly believe that experience shaped me in some way.

I look forward to spending time here.

(This post was edited by Nieriel on Jan 10 2016, 12:40am)


Jan 10 2016, 12:41am

Views: 81891
Haere mai, Nieriel

And congratulations on your decision to come out of lurkdom. I am sure you won't regret it.
Where in NZ are you? There are quite a few Kiwis on TORn.
I would be happy to help you with any questions about Kiwi kulcha. Cool

Funnily enough, I shall be partaking in seafood and wine tonight...

Forum Admin / Moderator

Jan 10 2016, 12:43am

Views: 82228
Welcome Nieriel!

I'm glad you've chosen to come out of the shadows and join our merry band of TORNsibs. I look forward to seeing you around the boards. Smile


Roads go ever ever on
Under cloud and under star
Yet feet that wandering have gone
Turn at last to home afar.
Eyes that fire and sword have seen
And horror in the halls of stone
Look at last on meadows green
And trees and hills they long have known.


Jan 10 2016, 12:59am

Views: 79744
Thank you Starling

I am in Canterbury, my nearest LOTR shooting location is Edoras - if that helps define it. Where are you?

Thank you for the offer to help me with Kiwi Kulcha, I do have questions! One of my most pressing is the Kiwi love affair with pies. I have recently discovered Coupland's Bakeries pies, but most particularity their chicken and Camembert pie .. When I met my first one I was moved to utter in a love sick way "where have you been all my life?" I appreciate that this bakery is South Island based, but I urge you to partake if you ever get the chance, if indeed you have not done so already.

I am envious of your seafood and wine ... I am craving a little Blue Cod with a nice glass of Sauvignon blanc, alas chicken salad must suffice.


Jan 10 2016, 1:50am

Views: 80385
Thank you, Silverlode! //



Jan 10 2016, 1:55am

Views: 82111
Welcome to the hood!

I'm a Cantabrian through and through. I grew up in the country near a small town called Leeston. I've lived in Christchurch all my adult life.

As far as pies go, I must inform you that Coupland's are a very good 'cheap 'n cheerful' bakery, but they are relatively lowbrow when it comes to proper pies. I always buy their pies and sausage rolls for a morning tea shout, because they are good value. It is interesting that Coupland's have not really managed to break into the North Island market, despite being an institution in Christchurch. Their bread is actually pretty good, and I recommend you try their cheese busters. Their Belguim biscuits are good too. But if you are keen on their pies, a world of delights awaits you further afield!

What you need for comparison is Hillyers (the best), or Sheffield pies (think they're the best), or try the Aorangi Bakery or the Copenhagen Bakery. They all make very good pies.
Really, what you need to do is pie crawl your way around Canterbury. Every time you go to a bakery, try a pie. You will start to get a sense of the hierarchy of pies. We take our pies very seriously you know!
I am continuing on the quest to find the perfect Afghan, and the only way to do it is to try an Afghan at every bakery or cafe. It's hard, but someone has to do it. Cool

Without being too nosey, I would love to know more about how you came to be here - just share what you are happy to.Smile


Jan 10 2016, 2:36am

Views: 79819
Your Afghan search

is strangely coincidental, I am conducting the same search with regards to Ginger slice/crunch.. So far, Raeward Fresh is winning. I had the most dreadful Ginger Crunch at an establishment just outside Geraldine - it should be marketed as Ginger Concrete if it wishes to describe itself more correctly. As you say, someone has to do it. Aren't we brave?

Oh, I agree - Coupland's is cheap and cheerful but there was something about that Chicken and Camembert ... A guilty pleasure? I shall take your advice and further my pie explorations. I am not fond of Coupland's Ginger Crunch!

Baked goods brings me to Cheese Rolls - A completely unknown commodity before my arrival in New Zealand. Suffice to say I am fond of well made ones, and I am honing the recipe I was given to create my own to find Cheese Roll perfection. A native Cantabrian has taken me under her wing and is sharing her closely guarded Kiwi recipes with me. I recently made a form of Lolly Cake which involved Pineapple Lumps as the centre stage lolly .. Can I say 'yummy'? I was proud when several Kiwi ladies of a certain age asked me for the recipe!

My partner, a Cantabrian born and bred like yourself, is the reason we are here. When we met it was always agreed that one day we would come to New Zealand to live and I have never regretted the decision and thankfully our offspring has settled in so well and made so many friends. We live in a villa which we are restoring, a massive labour of love, and have a garden that needs taming, but we are happy. But my goodness don't things grow here? I swear if I planted a broom handle it would sprout roots and grow!


Jan 10 2016, 3:54am

Views: 79715
Cheese rolls

are one of the great wonders of the world. Cheese rolls and soup in the winter! I confess my knowledge of the correct method is limited, as they are a Southland speciality. There are actually people in the North Island who do not know cheese rolls exist. Poor, deprived people. Laugh
I always love starting conversations about bacon and egg pie, because there are often strong feelings about whether any vegetables should be included. (Which of course they shouldn't)

Lolly cake I adore, but I've never tried it with pineapple lumps inside - sounds fab! And if you are a chocolate fiend, Whittakers is the only way to go. Have you tried their pear and honey? It's divine.

Ah, the villa reno. Also known as the hole in the ground that you chuck money in. A labour of love indeed, but so worth it. Do share some photos if you feel like it.


Jan 10 2016, 4:22am

Views: 80673
Those poor devils in the North Island

and no cheese rolls .. My heart bleeds ... Perhaps a mercy dash to supply them might be the charitable thing to do? But do we trust Jetstar not to squish them en-route? I think not.

Speak not to me of chocolate! My New Year's Resolution was no chocolate until Easter ... But I have no willpower and a fondness for the darkest of all chocolate, so thank you for the Whittakers tip, as I see they have in their range a very dark one indeed.


Jan 10 2016, 10:18am

Views: 79916

Make yourself at home. Smile


Jan 12 2016, 7:00am

Views: 79215
D'you like pies, or something?

Mmm, I completely forgot about the wonderful Afghans I had. I grew to enjoy the walnuts, despite not liking them at the beginning!

Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!

Registered User

Feb 25 2016, 5:10am

Views: 77423

This is John. Newly join to this forum to have a general discussion about off topics.

N.E. Brigand

Feb 25 2016, 5:47am

Views: 78661

I look forward to seeing you around the boards.

Discuss Tolkien's life and works in the Reading Room!
How to find old Reading Room discussions.


Feb 25 2016, 11:26am

Views: 78980
Mae govannen! //



Feb 25 2016, 12:02pm

Views: 77898
this thread is making me hungry (it is nearly lunchtime)...

..and I'm a very long way from New Zealand, so can't try any of these things.... *sob*

For still there are so many things
that I have never seen:
in every wood and every spring
there is a different green. . .


Feb 25 2016, 12:03pm

Views: 78675
Hello Nieriel

..and a belated welcome!

For still there are so many things
that I have never seen:
in every wood and every spring
there is a different green. . .


Feb 25 2016, 12:04pm

Views: 78127

... and welcome! Smile

For still there are so many things
that I have never seen:
in every wood and every spring
there is a different green. . .


May 3 2016, 4:26am

Views: 74621
Awkwardly comes back after an eternity of being away.

Why did I spend so much time away from here? I'm a Tolkien fan! Nowhere else on the internet are my Tolkien needs met as they are here.

Well, I'm back. And I hope I don't lose interest again.

沉魚落雁, 閉月羞花


May 3 2016, 12:37pm

Views: 81542
Welcome back!

From one Otaku to another.

"Things need not to have happened to be true.
Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure
when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot."

- Dream of the Endless

(This post was edited by Otaku-sempai on May 3 2016, 12:38pm)

Registered User

Aug 2 2016, 8:54pm

Views: 80318
no pressure or anything

Hey all!

I'm Tigatag (after a bit in the Fellowship cast commentary), but some of you may know of me already as Dame Ioreth's eldest daughter. I live with my sister and a small, ridiculous cat. Mum and Dad got me into the series when I was a kid, and it's never really left. I'm still the family's reigning LotR trivial pursuit champion.

I'm twenty-four, I work as a designer, and I think half of my possessions are books by now. I like death's head moths. I read and watch a lot of horror and thrillers. I dislike unnecessary romantic subplots, but was okay with Kili and Tauriel. I like women's hockey.

Elrond is my favorite character, but I'd like to party with Merry and Pippin.

I've been told (by mum) that some of y'all had heard about my tattoo (which I got at the same time she got hers) and some of y'all wanted to see it, so that's attached (I think). It's a direct transcription of "not all those who wander are lost".

(This post was edited by tigatag on Aug 2 2016, 8:55pm)
Attachments: tigatagtattoo.jpg (38.7 KB)

Forum Admin / Moderator

Aug 2 2016, 9:06pm

Views: 81373

Glad you've chosen to join us. Sounds like you'll fit in great around here. Cool


Roads go ever ever on
Under cloud and under star
Yet feet that wandering have gone
Turn at last to home afar.
Eyes that fire and sword have seen
And horror in the halls of stone
Look at last on meadows green
And trees and hills they long have known.


Aug 3 2016, 1:06am

Views: 79359

Glad to see DI's next generation joining TORn! I myself am a LOTR trivia champion, so we may need to have a challenge at some point. Wink

"All we have to decide is what to do in the time that is given us."

Forum Admin / Moderator

Aug 3 2016, 2:02am

Views: 79571
Hey! Hi!

I understand you work in a rare book store - that is an awesome (literally) job. Cool Welcome to TORn!

That tattoo is sort of like a Tengwar bracelet! (Here's a bit more of it, which your Mom posted:;.)

So...what are your plans for challenging the Reading Room regulars to LotR trivial pursuit? Angelic


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Registered User

Aug 3 2016, 2:40am

Views: 81491
that would be it

I thought there were some better photos floating around!

Yes, I work for a rare book store. We specialize in crime fiction and film, but I've been fortunate enough to handle some truly fascinating rare materials. (No interesting Tolkien related material yet; "so I can hold it" isn't a good enough reason for us to buy stock outside of our area of expertise)

First order of business would be to review, that's for sure! I'm still good on the films, but haven't had time for an in depth re-read in years. It might be color coded sticky note time Wink


Aug 3 2016, 5:22am

Views: 79757
Hi there!

And welcome! Smile

Every time DI mentions the bookstore, I get really jealous--that's doubly so now that you've said it sells film books too. Shocked I'm hooked, please tell me more!

Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!

Registered User

Aug 5 2016, 1:53am

Views: 79170

"Bookstore" is kind of a misnomer at this point. A few years ago, my boss decided to sell scripts and other film ephemera in addition to first editions. It's interesting if you really know your movies. Over the years I've handled scripts for Empire Strikes Back, Arsenic and Old Lace, the series finale for M*A*S*H, to name a few interesting ones. Vincent Price took a lot of margin notes.

Everyone that works there is a film nerd, all with different preferences. And they'll go out of their way to make sure a co-worker gets to hold something from their favorite film. It's a good place to work,

Sometimes that just the way things go. Someone comes along and throws away your lembas bread… metaphorically

Forum Admin / Moderator

Aug 5 2016, 3:10am

Views: 80251
Welcome to TORN!

Always good to see a second generation on the discussion boards. Smile

Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded beggar with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Ataahua's stories


Aug 5 2016, 6:39pm

Views: 80471
Sounds neat!

A place I'd love to visit, by the sound of it. Smile

Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!

Dame Ioreth
Tol Eressea

Aug 7 2016, 2:05pm

Views: 79603
Here's my girl!

I've managed to last a few days without embarrassing you by posting but.... OK, just had to.

Welcome to the playground! I'm so glad you're as nuts as I am and decided to join. Some of the nicest people I've ever "met" are here.

I'll stop now. See, no baby pictures or anything! WinkSmile


Heed WBA when building blanket forts.
ITLs don't get enough FAS. :)

Where there's life there's hope, and need of vittles.
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings


Oct 21 2016, 2:44pm

Views: 78992

So, I'm finally daring to write my first post here. Smile I'm from Germany, but moved to Sweden a few years ago. (so sorry for my english, I don't have much opportunities to practice). I've been a Tolkien Fan for awhile now: My brother made me read LotR about a year before the films came out and I've been hooked ever since.
I really miss talking to other Tolkien Fans, since my friends irl don't really are that into it and the german forum I was active in kind of quieted down. So I'm hoping to find a place here and hopefully make some new friends! Blush

Greetings from Sweden!


Oct 21 2016, 3:06pm

Views: 77234
Wilkommen! (I hope my spelling is close enough.)

Your English is better than many of us who only speak English, so no worries there. Pull up a chair by the fire and make yourself comfortable, mellon.

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters, these see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. -Psalm 107


Oct 21 2016, 3:18pm

Views: 77392

Thank you and I'll do just that! Smile


Oct 21 2016, 4:49pm

Views: 78107

Greetings from Los Angeles.

I hope you enjoy it here! Smile

Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!


Oct 21 2016, 10:43pm

Views: 78474

Thank you! I´m sure I will! Smile


Jan 3 2017, 8:52pm

Views: 76694
Kinda new to TORn, kinda not...

Hi all!

Not really sure where to start here, but I'll do my best. Tongue I grew up with the Hobbit and LotR in artwork and book-on-tape form, because it was my dad's favorite series. Saw the movies in the theater before reading the books (okay, I may have read The Hobbit by then, but was more interested in Star Wars tomes at the time), did a high school term paper on Tolkien in '04/'05 (for which I used a collection of TORn essays from the library as one of my sources), and have since mostly just enjoyed the series in book form.

I may have joined here a lot sooner, but I am admittedly not so well-versed in Tolkien-lore to have considered myself a worthwhile contributor to the boards. However, I've been having a lot of fun poking around here recently and decided that you guys are such a nice lot that you probably wouldn't mind if I added a comment here and there. Plus, I really like how verbose (in a good way) some of the posts on here are; it's refreshing in this era of Twitter and Cliff Notes and all that. Wink

I guess a little non-Tolkien info about me might be worth putting up here for some extra background: I graduated from high school in '08, tried engineering school, hated it, switched majors a couple of times, worked at a grocery store for a year and a half, realized that I didn't like engineering because I was a doofus who didn't want to put the effort into it, decided that learning a hard discipline was worth the effort, and finally went back as soon as I got a chance. So, I'm a better-late-than-never almost-not-student who's looking forward to reading some non-technical literature (e.g. FotR, &ct.) by the end of the Spring (my last semester of classes), or before if the occasion presents itself.

My enthusiasm for all things Tolkien has been especially piqued again recently because I've gotten a chance to head up a senior-design team this semester to build a LotR-themed app, so I've been drawing up concept maps/screens and writing lots of pages of notes on features, etc., and just having a lot of fun with all of that in general. It's been nice to have an excuse to dive into something non-techy that I really enjoy while merging it with something technical that I'm also starting to really appreciate. Smile

Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting to know you all a little more and dive into some extra Tolkien lore in the weeks and months ahead.



Jan 3 2017, 9:49pm

Views: 75263

Find a comfy chair and take your shoes off!

Feel free to jump in and enter the discussions. This is an old and established board, but our excellent moderators make sure everyone feels welcome!

Look forward to talking with you!

That hobbit has a pleasant face,
His private life is a disgrace.
I really could not tell to you,
The awful things that hobbits do.
Things that your paper never prints
They only speak of them in hints.
They have such lost, degraded souls,
No wonder they inhabit holes;
When such depravity is found,
It only can live underground.
I really dare not name to you,
The awful things that hobbits do.


Jan 4 2017, 1:04am

Views: 75427

I saw the movies before reading the books, too! After liking the movies so much, I went and read all the Tolkien I could. I still don't know anywhere near enough Sly, but the folks here are very kind and welcoming no matter what our levels of lore knowledge.

Welcome to TORn and make yourself comfortable, tinkermarm!




Jan 5 2017, 9:12pm

Views: 78114
Wait, we were supposed to wear shoes??

Thanks for the welcome, Darkstone and Loresilme, I feel welcome already! Cool

(This post was edited by tinkermarm on Jan 5 2017, 9:15pm)


Jan 5 2017, 9:44pm

Views: 76242
Not if you're a hobbit.

Or a member of the House of Discalceated Elves, or of the Barefoot Dwarf Clan, or of the Realm of Unshod Men, or you just don't want to.

Otherwise, yes, you are.

“Begone, foul dwimmerlaik, lord of carrion! Leave the dead in peace!"
"Come not between the Nazgul and his prey! Or he will not slay thee in thy turn. He will bear thee away to the houses of lamentation, beyond all darkness, where thy flesh shall be devoured, and thy shrivelled mind be left naked to the Lidless Eye."
"Do what you will; but I will hinder it, if I may."
"Hinder me? Thou fool. No living man may hinder me!"
"But no living man am I! I am Eowyn, daughter of Theodwyn!”
"Er, really? My mother's name was Theodwyn, too!"
"No way!"
"Wow! Let's stop fighting and be best friends!"

-Zack Snyder's The Return of the King

Allan J
Registered User

Jan 13 2017, 3:11am

Views: 74324
Old newbie

Started reading Mr Tolkien's works as a teen in 1972. They were my summer vacation adventure, I don't remember how I discovered them, but I remember starting my adventures after the last day of school. Different world then.

Never believed they could translate to cinema, alll props to PJ for pulling it off. Pulled my wife in. She is a books on tape girl, and five years ago she gifted me with Rob Inglis work.

Life changing. I have an issue with reading, I will unconsciously skip over sections that I remember. With Mr Inglis as a narrator, I can shut my eyes and be carried off to Middle earth, what a gift.

I would be embarrassed to count up my "readings".

Just discovered this forum, I have enjoyed what I have seen so far. Looks to be like a amazing group of members


Jan 13 2017, 3:35am

Views: 75259
Hi there!

I think you are slightly older than me. I first encountered The Hobbit when I was in fourth grade around 1969.

"He who lies artistically, treads closer to the truth than ever he knows." -- Favorite proverb of the wizard Ningauble of the Seven Eyes

Petty Dwarf

Nov 8 2017, 10:10pm

Views: 64085
Hail and Well Met

Greetings, friends, I am the Petty Dwarf. I first saw Rankin/Bass' The Hobbit movie when I was 8 years old and fell in love with Middle Earth, I am now 20 and am still there. I look forward to discussing Tolkien's works with everyone.


Nov 8 2017, 10:15pm

Views: 63743

Grab a comfy chair and join the discussions!

The audacious proposal stirred his heart. And the stirring became a song, and it mingled with the songs of Gil-galad and Celebrian, and with those of Feanor and Fingon. The song-weaving created a larger song, and then another, until suddenly it was as if a long forgotten memory woke and for one breathtaking moment the Music of the Ainur revealed itself in all glory. He opened his lips to sing and share this song. Then he realized that the others would not understand. Not even Mithrandir given his current state of mind. So he smiled and simply said "A diversion.”

Petty Dwarf

Nov 10 2017, 2:07am

Views: 77678
Thanks! I have!

I'm enjoying the site very much, but I have to ask...

In my profile page, it gives me an option to choose between "less filling" and "tastes great", and again between "elves and dragons" or "cabbages and potatoes". What do these choices mean in the context of this site?

"No words were laid on stream or stone
When Durin woke and walked alone."

Forum Admin / Moderator

Nov 10 2017, 3:23am

Views: 77774
Questions that need answering...

The questions aren't important, they're just for fun

"Tastes great" and "less filling" are references to the ubiquitous ad campaign that Miller Lite Beer ran in the 80s. Pretty much every American who remembers that era remembers the ads full of people yelling those two slogans at each other. So that one is just the PTB of the site having a silly little joke (and showing their age, now, since so many younger people don't even recognize it).

The other question actually comes from The Lord of the Rings book, when the Gaffer is telling Sam not to get too enthralled with Bilbo's tales. "Elves and dragons! Cabbages and potatoes are better for me and you. Don't go getting mixed up in the business of your betters or you'll land in trouble too big for you." In that case, the choice is between the stay-at-home cosy life, or one of adventure.



Roads go ever ever on
Under cloud and under star
Yet feet that wandering have gone
Turn at last to home afar.
Eyes that fire and sword have seen
And horror in the halls of stone
Look at last on meadows green
And trees and hills they long have known.

Petty Dwarf

Nov 10 2017, 3:47am

Views: 77529
Elves an dragons for me

I left the other one alone for now. Maybe next year. :p

"No words were laid on stream or stone
When Durin woke and walked alone."

Mari D.

Aug 18 2018, 4:12am

Views: 70933
Ah, there's an official thread for introductions ... :-)

Hello everyone Smile

So, what to tell?

I first read Lord of the Rings when I was about 10 years old, and liked it. Then, nothing much happened until I got really into Fantasy novels as a teenager. I became a Tolkien nerd for a few years ... I was reading everything I could get my hands on, Silmarillion, letters, biography, poems ... I got as far as beginning to read the first HOME books, which I had to order, as our city library didn't have them (why not?? I thought they really should have them) ... Also, I was active on a German message board called "Elronds Haus" that existed at the time. I even wrote some fanfiction Wink

At the time I was reading the 2nd or 3rd HOME book, I became a Christian, and with the same passion got into all things Christian and biblical. [I'm not trying to convert anyone here, just to tell my story as it is. I hope that's okay.] I was then for some years quite content being primarily passionate about God. Learning more was easy and rewarding. Until at some point, having found answers to my easy questions, the ones remaining were only the complicated ones. Finding answers became work ... or maybe I've just grown older and less energetic about research. Whatever the reason, it's nice now to sometimes focus on a hobby that is less complicated, but that I can very much identify with, like novels my favourite author wrote ... and it's also interesting to observe how the Tolkien fandom is developing.

As the Hobbit movies were being produced I began reading the news at TORn regularly, occasionally skimming through the forums as well. After the last movie came out I thought the stream of news would dry up, but lo and behold! There comes a TV series! And now I wanted to participate in discussions, and finally created an account of my own.

I'm not a Tolkien nerd as I once was, so I'll try not to be overly know-it-all, because right now, I really do not know it all anymore like I used to. I still appreciate Tolkien and his works though. My other interests at the moment are psychology, environmental protection, new technology, Bible topics and sometimes other things like writing.

I look forward to exchanging thoughts with you! (As I have quite a high opinion of the members of these forums already Blush)

Thanks for having me! :)

(This post was edited by Mari D. on Aug 18 2018, 4:15am)

Forum Admin / Moderator

Aug 18 2018, 2:04pm

Views: 70755
Greetings, Mari!

And welcome to TORn! (Although you've actually been hanging around here for while, glad you de-lurked. Cool)

Yes, just when we were wondering if things were winding down, all of a sudden something new pops up - and there will be more questions, and answers, and questions again! Laugh


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Aug 20 2018, 8:46pm

Views: 70689
Welcome, Mari! //



Nov 5 2018, 9:45pm

Views: 68863
Happy to be here!

Greetings everyone. I'm a 58 year old husband, father and grandfather from Pennsylvania. Besides LOTR I am also interested in God, astronomy, nature, writing and sports. When I was in high school all my friends were crazy about The Hobbit but I never got into it...too many other things to do. Many years later when the first movie came out I didn't see it. Then came the second and then the third....still nothing. Then, for whatever reason...I can't even remember why but I got the urge to go see An Unexpected Journey in the theater and I was hooked for life. I have all six movies and have seen them all probably a dozen times. I am ashamed to say that I have never read any of the books.....too many things to do....but I will when I retire. I'll probably never will be a superfan like a lot of folks here but I am certain that I will be a lifetime fan. I look forward to making new friends here and am excited to pick your brilliant minds with my questions. This is an awesome place. You folks should be proud of it.

Aragorn the Elfstone
Tol Eressea

Nov 6 2018, 3:18am

Views: 68803


Allow me to say hello, and welcome to our humble abode! I'm quite interested to hear that you came to be a fan through first seeing An Unexpected Journey. It seems like most on here have come to Tolkien through a love of the books, or from seeing The Lord of the Rings first. It's wonderful to meet someone who has come along on a different (and more recent) path. Smile

I wouldn't be doing my duty as a Tolkien nut if I didn't say that you should read the books as soon as possible...Wink. But I'm sure you'll come to them in your own time.

You'll find TORn to be a very welcoming place, filled with some of the most absolutely wonderful people. I've found it to be one of the very few spots on the internet that has remained an warm and inviting place over the years (I've been hanging around since 2002 myself).

So, once again, welcome, and I hope you have a wonderful time here. Smile

"The danger with any movie that does as well as this one does is that the amount of money it's making and the number of awards that it's got becomes almost more important than the movie itself in people's minds. I look at that as, in a sense, being very much like the Ring, and its effect on people. You know, you can kind of forget what we were doing, if you get too wrapped up in that." - Viggo Mortensen

(This post was edited by Aragorn the Elfstone on Nov 6 2018, 3:19am)

Mari D.

Nov 6 2018, 11:18pm

Views: 68372
Hello and welcome :)

Thanks for the to me very interesting introduction, nice to have you here, and I hope you will enjoy virtually hanging out with everyone :)

(This post was edited by Mari D. on Nov 6 2018, 11:31pm)


Nov 8 2018, 1:14am

Views: 68270
Welcome, Cygnus

Cygnus the Swan is one of my favorite constellations--so easy to pick out! I suppose Tolkien would call you "Alqua" or "Alph", given his words for swans, but if you start with Latin, I'm sure you want to stick with it.

Glad to hear the movies made a fan of you. I'm a book-firster myself, but I've been re-watching the LOTR movies lately as the holidays approach and I remember my excitement to see them when they were released. I hope you enjoy our hobbity community here.


Nov 10 2018, 12:36am

Views: 68203

I appreciate the welcome. This is an exciting place and friendly too. I feel like I'm in the Shire!


Nov 10 2018, 12:46am

Views: 68280

Thanks for the response. It was great to see that you knew what Cygnus is. It is my favorite constellation. I have been an amateur astronomer for 22 years and volunteer at an observatory and planetarium at a local university. In fact, I just had a story published in Sky&Telescope magazine. Any other astronomers here?


Nov 10 2018, 1:34am

Views: 68367
More astronomy

I was an astronomy major in college in the 1980s, but when I realized what I really wanted to do--search for planets, like astronomers are doing now--wasn't possible, I switched to poli sci. But I think, like the Elves, if you've ever been in love with the night sky, it never leaves you.

I think it's cool that some major discoveries have been made by so-called amateur astronomers.

Registered User

May 5 2023, 3:23pm

Views: 27711

Huge LOTR fan here, I used to collect the Warhammer models way back and even won some local tournaments with my army of Wildmen of Dunland on the evil side and Gondorian Rangers on the good side. Simpler times! I was lucky enough to be 13 when TFOTR came out in the cinema, so the perfect age for full on nerd obsession for many years.

My proudest LOTR/Hobbit posessions are a Vinyl of Nicol Williamson reading The Hobbit (abridged), which first brought me to Middle Earth aged 4 or so.

Anywhere here to talk about LOTR LEGO?

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 5 2023, 4:46pm

Views: 27539
Hi, OldFatty!

And welcome! I recommend popping into today's Fiesta and saying "hi" there, it's our weekly chat thread!

And look for Otaku-Sempai, he's an excellent source for all things gaming, and maybe LEGO as well. We also have a Gaming & Collecting board.

Nicol Williamson reading The Hobbit? On vinyl? Nice! If you post about that in the What have you been reading thread, I think you'll start a discussion of how others have listened to the books! Cool


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


May 5 2023, 5:59pm

Views: 27723
Welcome to TORn!

Great to have you here and hope to see you around. Smile

I'm not much into LEGO, but I'm sure you'll find some folks who are!

Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!


Fri, 8:46pm

Views: 125
Back again... Where are my spoons?!

Hail and wellmet, TORNsibs. I used to be active here, but drifted away. Watching RoP, I wanted to discuss the new episodes and remembered this place. So, I'm back.

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters, these see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. -Psalm 107


Fri, 9:32pm

Views: 122
Greetings and Felicitations.

It's nice to see you again (so to speak)!

“Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved.” - Tony Isabella


53 mins ago

Views: 9
Welcome back! //


Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!