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Nov 27 2022, 10:54am

Post #26 of 43 (920 views)
Lots of wood! [In reply to] Can't Post

I'm going to do more today. Lots of downed trees from that same storm a couple of summers ago. The neat thing about taking so long to get to it is the wood is already dried out. So it's easier to cut without the moisture in it and lighter to carry and stack.

Daughter likes her banana cream pie with just the banana pudding and cut up bananas in the bottom and towards the top. But I cover it with pudding so it doesn't get brown. Dinner was fun and very quiet with just the two of us :D Kitty was disappointed, though, since daughter made pancakes Crazy


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Nov 27 2022, 10:58am

Post #27 of 43 (923 views)
*gasp!* Bummer! [In reply to] Can't Post

Doesn't it figure the easier chainsaw would have such a pitfall? I'm glad you were able to fix it; but that meant leaving the job and finding the time to go back and finish. Harder to do when you're playing tag with the drizzles ;)


We have been there and back again.

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Nov 27 2022, 11:02am

Post #28 of 43 (923 views)
There you are :D [In reply to] Can't Post

You've been on my mind lots! I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling well. *warm hug* I hope you were able to enjoy Thanksgiving. Have the workers finished with your repairs/reno? Hopefully everything will settle down very soon :)

*more hugs*


We have been there and back again.

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Forum Admin / Moderator

Nov 27 2022, 7:09pm

Post #29 of 43 (915 views)
Pancakes? [In reply to] Can't Post

Turkey pancakes? Wink

With gravy instead of syrup? Shocked


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

(This post was edited by dernwyn on Nov 27 2022, 7:09pm)

Forum Admin / Moderator

Nov 27 2022, 9:48pm

Post #30 of 43 (905 views)
Oh dear... [In reply to] Can't Post

...what a pain to happen with that chain, I'm glad another one was handy to get!

Making Elderflower Fizz - that's a pleasant activity for a rainy day! How's the garden coming along?


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Forum Admin / Moderator

Nov 27 2022, 9:54pm

Post #31 of 43 (906 views)
Are you getting [In reply to] Can't Post

any of those strong storms in your area?

*hugs* I hope you'll be doing better before long! Sending you some virtual turkey soup loaded with helpful herbs, but wish I could send you the real thing. Were you able to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal?

And yes, how is the house coming along?


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Forum Admin / Moderator

Nov 28 2022, 4:17am

Post #32 of 43 (885 views)
Hope you're feeling better soon, Elanor. // [In reply to] Can't Post


The Passing of Mistress Rose
My historical novels

Do we find happiness so often that we should turn it off the box when it happens to sit there?

- A Room With a View

Forum Admin / Moderator

Nov 28 2022, 4:24am

Post #33 of 43 (887 views)
The garden [In reply to] Can't Post

seems a bit sulky - I think it would enjoy a little less rain. I'm still fighting an unequal battle against the slugs and snails, too - the next batch of cucumbers again eaten to the ground, all the rocket seedlings gone, and they're even nibbling the tomato plants! We've been here over 20 years, and I've never seen an infestation like it. I was comparing notes with my physio, and she's finding the same: slugs climbing right to the top of pea plants and eating all the new shoots. I was in the local garden centre last week, and noticed some of their seedlings had been eaten - and they were right out of snail bait.

The Fizz is bottled, now I just have to be patient for a week or two :) After an interesting result one year, I'm now careful to only fill the bottles half full.

The Passing of Mistress Rose
My historical novels

Do we find happiness so often that we should turn it off the box when it happens to sit there?

- A Room With a View


Nov 28 2022, 6:11am

Post #34 of 43 (883 views)
Fun indeed! [In reply to] Can't Post

Rarely a dull moment with that group. Smile

Definitely feeling like home, albeit a horribly cluttered one still, lol. The sofa arrives on Tuesday, so once that's assembled I'm hoping it'll start to feel even cozier. And no art, unfortunately - the little market we went to ended up being more like a gallery than a true market, and what was for sale was a bit out of my price range. But still a fun time.

Have you managed to get through all of the leftovers yet, or is there still enough for soup?

Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!


Nov 28 2022, 6:14am

Post #35 of 43 (882 views)
Aw thanks! [In reply to] Can't Post

There's always another box or two...or three...that we managed to tuck away in the Great Pile of Boxes in the living room and have to unpack. Angelic

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving with your daughter!

Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!

Forum Admin / Moderator

Nov 28 2022, 12:59pm

Post #36 of 43 (868 views)
All gone! [In reply to] Can't Post

Except for one more slice of pie apiece. We did have enough soup for two meals!

That's too bad about the art, but that's okay, once you've got all your furniture and all the little things put in their places you may find the perfect things to go with them to hang on your walls. (Movie posters, maybe? I've got a Yellow Submarine that my brother snitched from a movie theater back in the day...)


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Forum Admin / Moderator

Nov 28 2022, 1:13pm

Post #37 of 43 (871 views)
That's awful about the slugs! [In reply to] Can't Post

Are there any "natural predators" (fowl, large birds, etc.) that you could borrow and let loose in your garden?


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Nov 28 2022, 6:16pm

Post #38 of 43 (860 views)
That's pretty impressive! [In reply to] Can't Post

Even in my meat-eating days, I was lucky to make it to Saturday's lunch with any leftovers still intact.

It's funny you say that: I have some great LOTR posters back home with my parents, but the posters already framed so it would be a pain (and probably pricey) to have them shipped here. They're a bit big for this place though, so as you say now we have the chance to find stuff that works for the space!

Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!


Nov 29 2022, 3:17pm

Post #39 of 43 (837 views)
a tip from a very "sluggy" place [In reply to] Can't Post

put out a shallow pan filled with beer. They will crawl in and drink themselves to death.

I am a dreamer of words, of written words.
-- Gaston Bachelard

* * * * * * * * * *

NARF and member of Deplorable Cultus since 1967


Nov 29 2022, 3:18pm

Post #40 of 43 (834 views)
yes, we need an update! [In reply to] Can't Post

Hope you are now living in a fully functional home? And good vibes for moving from "mildly" unwell to perfectly well!

I am a dreamer of words, of written words.
-- Gaston Bachelard

* * * * * * * * * *

NARF and member of Deplorable Cultus since 1967

Greenwood Hobbit

Nov 29 2022, 9:36pm

Post #41 of 43 (827 views)
I can just imagine [In reply to] Can't Post

the neighbourhood cats getting stuck into that! On the plus side, they'd be too uncoordinated to catch any birds... Wink

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Nov 30 2022, 12:36am

Post #42 of 43 (820 views)
I think we have some teetotal slugs [In reply to] Can't Post

as the beer trap we put out was left untouched, except for a few earthworms! A disappointment, as I had high hopes for that. I think I'll just have to hope that if the dry weather ever comes it'll at least slow them down.

I was picking broad beans this morning, and realised I'd grabbed a slimy handful. Seriously yuck.

The Passing of Mistress Rose
My historical novels

Do we find happiness so often that we should turn it off the box when it happens to sit there?

- A Room With a View

Forum Admin / Moderator

Nov 30 2022, 12:38am

Post #43 of 43 (820 views)
Fowls in the neighbourhood [In reply to] Can't Post

But they can be destructive in the vege garden, so I'd be reluctant to invite them. I've been giving the blackbirds and thrushes stern looks for not keeping their end up.

The Passing of Mistress Rose
My historical novels

Do we find happiness so often that we should turn it off the box when it happens to sit there?

- A Room With a View

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