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Aaack! Glitch help (Calling Inferno!)

Ethel Duath

Oct 31 2022, 5:05pm

Post #1 of 7 (5532 views)
Aaack! Glitch help (Calling Inferno!) Can't Post

I was posting along today and everything was just fine, but suddenly any time I try to reply to someone's post, I can write in the subject line, but the body of my potential message is grayed out. Whenever this happens, I just refresh a couple of times and it's fine. But now, I instead get this message, and I can't reply to anybody!
I cleared a bunch of caches, cleared and restarted my browser, but it's still happening. Any help would be very much appreciated! Smile

You don't have permission to access /forum/gforum/perl/gforum.cgi on this server.
Apache/2.2.16 (Debian) Server at newboards.theonering.net Port 80

Superuser / Moderator

Oct 31 2022, 5:41pm

Post #2 of 7 (5516 views)
Send me a screenshot please [In reply to] Can't Post

Not sure what's going on from your description and a picture will help.

Good night, tOR.Nados. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely delete you in the morning.

Ethel Duath

Oct 31 2022, 6:10pm

Post #3 of 7 (5517 views)
Here 'tis [In reply to] Can't Post

Somehow, it's letting me reply here, but not in the other forums.

Superuser / Moderator

Nov 1 2022, 12:36pm

Post #4 of 7 (5492 views)
Couple of things to try [In reply to] Can't Post

Delete all your browser cookies. Then close the browser, restart your computer, and try connecting again.
Make sure you're using the most recent version of your browser.

If it's still happening, see if it happens on a different computer, or the same computer with a different browser.
Try those and let me know.

Good night, tOR.Nados. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely delete you in the morning.

Ethel Duath

Nov 1 2022, 6:10pm

Post #5 of 7 (5482 views)
Yes, will do! [In reply to] Can't Post

Right now it seems fine. I did all of that yesterday without effect, except the re-start, so maybe since I shut it down overnight, it de-glitched itself--but we'll see!
Thanks so much. Smile


Nov 2 2022, 3:55am

Post #6 of 7 (5479 views)
I think it's a Firefox thing [In reply to] Can't Post

Coming in late to the conversation..

I experience the same thing sometimes when using Firefox. Ethel, is that the browser you use?

I like using Firefox because it provides icons that automate things you would otherwise have to use markup to accomplish, such as links, quotes and embedding pictures. However, I think some of the updates made to Firefox don't always synch with the board software.

A good example is it seems like for months now, to get a paragraph break to 'take' in Firefox, one must hit 'Shift' and 'Enter' together. Otherwise there's no paragraph break.

When I get the message you showed in the screen shot, I first try refreshing my screen (Ctrl F5 on a windows machine, or the round circle with an arrow at the top left of your screen). Often, the reply box appears and I can continue. If not, I go back to the main board menu and drill down to the post I want to reply to, refreshing it as I go. So

- go back to the main board menu and refresh
- go to the forum the post is in and refresh
- go to the post you want to reply to and refresh
- hit 'reply to post'

That seems to work for me 9 times out of 10. If it doesn't, I switch to Chrome or try again later. Crazy

(This post was edited by Altaira on Nov 2 2022, 4:00am)

Ethel Duath

Nov 2 2022, 4:10pm

Post #7 of 7 (5455 views)
Aha! [In reply to] Can't Post

Yes, I use Firefox, and have the same spacing problem, but I didn't know the fix. Thank you!
Until now, I'd have to do that same refreshing thing, but it just quit working. I'll try your work-around if it does it again.
Silly computers. Crazy


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