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It gets you down after a while. Barbara Remington has passed away.


Jan 25 2020, 7:49am

Post #1 of 3 (1087 views)
It gets you down after a while. Barbara Remington has passed away. Can't Post

She died on the 23rd of January, in her 91st year.

Tolkien fans can hardly be unmoved. She had a lifetime of work as an artist and commercial illustrator, but to this community she is the creator of the famous triptych painting [see below] for the covers of the Lord of the Rings trilogy when Ballantine Books published it in the first authorized paperback edition, in 1965.

For all that it's been the source of fun at times (see: Bored of the Rings cover art), and for all that she's been criticized, starting with the Prof himself, for not having read the book before illustrating its cover, in fact the art captures the arc of the Quest of Mount Doom remarkably well. For me, this painting will be an eternal expression of the sense of wonder and joy that I felt when I first read The Lord of the Rings for myself, in the mid-1960s as a young and impressionable boy.

Thank you, Barbara Remington, and may you find peace in a heaven of enough color, spirit, and energy to match your worldly art.

squire online:
RR Discussions: The Valaquenta, A Shortcut to Mushrooms, and Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit
Lights! Action! Discuss on the Movie board!: 'A Journey in the Dark'. and 'Designing The Two Towers'.
Archive: All the TORn Reading Room Book Discussions (including the 1st BotR Discussion!) and Footerama: "Tolkien would have LOVED it!"
Dr. Squire introduces the J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia: A Reader's Diary

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Jan 26 2020, 5:35pm

Post #2 of 3 (975 views)
One can't help but think.... [In reply to] Can't Post

With the loss of C. Tolkien, Ms. Remington and another well-known Middle-earth illustrator Roger Garland (died in 2017), and the earlier deaths of Karen Wynn Fonstad and Humphrey Carpenter (both in 2005), we are in the midst of the passing of the 2nd Age of Middle-earth scholarship and art (JRR Tolkien being the 1st Age, of course).

It is unfortunate, but none of us are immortal in terms of physical manifestation. Tom Shippey, Verlyn Flieger, Alan Lee, Christina Scull, etc. are all of an advanced age.

I have now thoroughly depressed myself. Unsure

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Jan 29 2020, 10:19pm

Post #3 of 3 (890 views)
Rest in peace. [In reply to] Can't Post

She never did say what those bulbous pink things on the trees are, did she?

Gollum is a lizard, there's a dragon in the background, and Shelob is dangling nicely from a web-string. This is indeed perfect for the BotR parody.

But this vividly colorful style fit perfectly the psychedelic 60's, and (dare I say) probably encouraged the naive browser to take a look at the contents of the books!

It's quite a masterpiece, Ms. Remington. Thank you. Heart


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


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