

Jan 1 2017, 12:25am
Post #1 of 3
Fellowship of the Rings 15th Anniversary Redux - TORn's FotR Geeky Observations List
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From the moment movie goers first experienced Peter Jackson's The Fellowship of the Ring, they couldn't stop talking about every little detail no matter how small or obscure. In December 2001, one of TORn's very brave Discussion Board members began collecting these observations on the LotR Movie Discussion Board and put them into a list. Very soon after, our brave collector disappeared leaving all of these wonderful observations floating loose in Wilderland! Early in 2002, and being a chronic hoarder, I adopted the abandoned list and put out the word to the Movie Discussion Board that the collection was on again and to bring forth whatever they saw or heard that they took special note of and it would be added to the list. Here are some examples of observations:
-At the beginning of the Battle of the Last Alliance, Elendil is carrying Narsil upright before him (a theme repeated throughout the film). -Gil-galad is wearing armour with the insignia of the House of Gil-galad on his chest! -Merry tosses his apple to Aragorn when ready to swordplay with Boromir. The floodgates opened and the list quickly grew to over 700 observations that stood out to us as poignant, book-related, or so incredibly trivial it will make your eyes roll in disbelief. Well, we're geeks... what'd you expect? Every few weeks during the film's run, I put out a call for more or collect observations from Members' posts! The challenging part was sorting out duplications (or similar observation), putting everything in chronological order and in filmic chapters. I also did a little editing when needed ;) Then... with the release of the extended dvd...I added those observations and marked each one with double asterisks to highlight them. Believe it or not, we're always finding more!! Here's an example of the results: THE PROPHECY 1. When the New Line logo appears, you can hear the same ringing sound the One Ring makes throughout the film! 2. In the film and soundtrack there are chapter titles from The Fellowship of the Ring and The Hobbit are worked into story - From the soundtrack: "The Shadow of the Past"; "The Treason of Isengard"; "The Black Rider"; "A Knife in the Dark"; "Flight to the Ford"; "Many Meetings"; "The Council of Elrond"; "The Ring Goes South"; "A Journey in the Dark"; "The Great River"; "Amon Hen"; "The Breaking of the Fellowship"--From the film: "A Long-Expected Party"; "Shortcut to Mushrooms"; "The Bridge of Khazad-dum"; "Lothlorien"; "Mount Doom"; "Strider"; shows the "Sign of the Prancing Pony"--and From The Hobbit; "Riddles in the Dark"; "Not at Home"; "Concerning Hobbits." 3. The three Ring-bearers at the beginning of the film are the ORIGINAL three (i.e. Galadriel, Gil-galad and Cirdan) 4. When Galadriel holds up her hand wearing Nenya in the prologue, the faint wrinkles on her hands disappear, and they become younger. 5. Only the Elves wear their Rings, and these Rings are not taken by Sauron [ref: The Silmarillion]; all the Elves wear their rings on the middle finger while Sauron wears his Ring on the Finger of Ego, the Index Finger; The Dwarves inspect their rings then hold their Rings away from them; the Men keep their rings close to them. They are the only group which stares straight ahead like Zombies. [read more] One of the changes I made to the original list was that nothing of a nit-picky or negative sort would be added. Thinking of everything Peter Jackson and the hundreds of people who made these films had gone through to create three movies at one time, I just didn't think it was right. Those observations were for others' lists. As each of the LotR films was released, I started TheOneRing.net's The Lord of the Rings Geeky Observations Lists which ultimately grew to TheOneRing.net's The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Geeky Observations Lists. Naturally, with the release of the 3 Hobbit films, we got busy on The Hobbit Discussion Board! All of the lists will be updated and very soon, so keep an eye out for announcements on the Geeky Observations Homepage New From Bree. Because these lists are still active and growing all the time, feel free to share your own observations. Find me on the Boards where you can also find all of these links and more in the footer of my posts on The One Ring Forums Message Boards.
(This post was edited by entmaiden on Jan 1 2017, 9:17pm)


Jan 1 2017, 3:44pm
Post #2 of 3
2. Fog on the Barrow-Downs, I think belongs in that list.
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Maybe it wasn't said out loud, but the scene-setting image was there, showing what was undoubtedly fog on downs. I clearly remember seeing that for the first time in the theater and I almost said "Fog on the Barrow-downs" out loud.
They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters, these see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. -Psalm 107