

Apr 20 2008, 3:41am
Post #1 of 154
My first post-
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A riddle for you all- Half familiar, half unknown. A thing it is, ØIt almost is-Ø This thing all things devours: Birds, beasts, trees, flowers; Gnaws iron, bites steel; Grinds hard stones to meal; Slays king, ruins town, And beats high mountain down. The day of the moon will be when all is revealed to thee Questions will cease Answers will please We“ll learn of the Shire and all you desire. At ten minus Three. Joining to be Ten minus Eight Add to the slate of the two dozen princes that die without winces. And add to each day of the week.

Tol Eressea

Apr 20 2008, 4:35am
Post #2 of 154
ok, so is just the first paragraph the riddle? the answer is "time" the second paragraph- you'll tell us the answer on monday? The Shire....hm, does this have something to do with "The Hobbit?" The info comes out "within the next five days" according to IGN (courtesty of Compa Mighty, on Main) (and since you said "half unknown," that sounds like Hobbit/bridge movie- plus, you are posting on TORn, so I'll make a guess that it's LOTR related) 72...hours= three days...join with 24 princes- hours- one day? *whine* I don't like this one...add seventy-two to each day of the week? or add nintey-six? ARRGH!!! I don't like this last paragraph/stanza- whatever- is "the slate of two dozen princes" a day? Ok, so all I can come up with now is that the answer to the first stanza is "time" and we might be hearing about the Hobbit on Monday...

Apr 20 2008, 5:44am
Post #3 of 154
Mr. GDT, is this really you? If so, (quoting Bilbo to Gandalf, in Bag End) "Welcome, welcome!" My goodness! We're not used to visitations of this sort, and if this is really you, I hope we have many more! It sounds as if you are just as excited as we all are and are trying to hold it all in! As to your riddle....I'll echo Laerasea and say I'm not that great at this, and let others better than me figure the whole thing out. I guess after all the stops and starts we've had on this project the past 3 years, I've become cautious at being too optimistic. It's been SUCH a long wait and we fans have been waiting oh so patiently!! While waiting, I've been checking out your website, Del Toro films, and like it very much. Doug Jones's site is great too. Well....it's late at night, must go, but if this is really you...! (Excuse me, I'm a bit awestruck ) Later
(This post was edited by Sunflower on Apr 20 2008, 5:46am)


Apr 20 2008, 6:02am
Post #4 of 154
I wish I were better at riddles. After Time (stolen from Bilbo of course) all I could guess was seven and eight. But welcome anyway, even if you did hurt my brain.
No improvement is too small or trivial to be worthwhile.

Apr 20 2008, 6:05am
Post #5 of 154
Well, I'll chance it. I HAVE to. The first part is, yes, "Time" (digging out my copy of "The Hobbit" here) The 2nd part sounds like "Within 72 hours"--by Monday night ( am I close?) But for the life of me, I can't figure out the third. Sorry! (I wish Andy Serkis were here.....he'd know, yes, yess! ) Things do sound encouraging though! I do sincerely hope ALL parties involved in the litigation--New Line, Warners, The Tolkien Estate, as well as Peter Jackson and crew, and yourself, of course (watching as a bystander, that is)---have gotten a settlement that is to their satisfaction. I am dying to hear how all this came about and what the results of the negotiations have been! Confusticate and bebother all this waiting for news! :) But I know it will all have been worth it.
(This post was edited by Sunflower on Apr 20 2008, 6:13am)


Apr 20 2008, 6:34am
Post #6 of 154
Like other's have stated I'm horrible when it comes to riddles. I would never have done well in the dark with a certain hobbit like creature, preeecioussssssss. Welcome to TORn!
Do not meddle in the affairs of hobbits for we can bite your kneecaps off!
CAhobbit's flickr page CAhobbit's myspace


Apr 20 2008, 6:44am
Post #7 of 154
Welcome! Welcome!! Thank goodness it was Bilbo in that cave, I would have eaten, I am not good at Riddles ... but here's my attempt I get that the 'time' (from Bilbos riddle in the Dark) The day of the moon will be Moon Day is .. Monday At ten minus Three ... 7 Joining to be Ten minus Eight ....72 Add to the slate of the two dozen princes ..... 24 that die without winces. And add to each day of the week. .... ? 7 maybe Is this then something revealed on Monday or the 24th of April at 7am ... LOL!! Ah after another thought ,,, monday: 72 + 24 (added to Monday) = Friday! (from where Im standing) - just in time for Fiesta Friday Maybe I'm not sure I can wait that long Cheers Elven
Tolkien was a Capricorn!
(This post was edited by Elven on Apr 20 2008, 6:53am)

Sr. Staff

Apr 20 2008, 6:54am
Post #8 of 154
We can't KNOW it's GDT but it sure feels like him and its fun either way. There are other folks named Guillermo so perhaps one of them has a sense of humor. So, I think the time portion from Bilbo's riddles is the part we are told at the opening that we are expected to know, as stated before. I am a little stuck on the part with the princes that die without winces. The only dictionary definition I can find for winces is some variation of flinching or drawing back in pain or fear. I like what you have done with the numbers, but what to make of these winces? Anybody? Buhler? Buhler? Anybody?
I have no choice but to believe in free will. The cake is a lie The cake is a lie The cake is a lie

Forum Admin
/ Moderator

Apr 20 2008, 7:11am
Post #9 of 154
Whether or not you're the Guillermo, you're very welcome here! Throwing my attempt in: It almost is time. Monday all will be revealed. At 7. I think the "two dozen princes" are the 24 hours in a day. Add two to that, and perhaps we are a mere 26 hours away from a big announcement!
My writing (including The Passing of Mistress Rose) Do we find happiness so often that we should turn it off the box when it happens to sit there? - A Room With a View

Sr. Staff

Apr 20 2008, 7:15am
Post #10 of 154
Ahhh check out the brain on Kimi
[In reply to]
Can't Post
I like the 24 hours of the day being equal to 2 dozen princes, certainly better than any thing I have thought of. Time zones surely make any time, 7 for example, pretty tough to figure. In L.A.? In Wellington? In New York? Mexico?
I have no choice but to believe in free will. The cake is a lie The cake is a lie The cake is a lie

Apr 20 2008, 7:27am
Post #11 of 154
"check out the big brain on Kimi!"
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Oh dear, Mr. Cere. And I was set to head off to bed. I shall now be quoting Samuel L . Jackson/"Pulp Fiction" dialogue in my dreams. Thanks a lot

The Shire

Apr 20 2008, 7:36am
Post #12 of 154
Ok, so we know the first riddle is TIME, and clearly there is much of it left before a big announcement. I agree that the third paragraph might make reference to differing time zones. Is it possible that, when the announcement comes, GDT and PJ would be broadcasting (joining) from two places, allowing one man's clock to read 2:00 while the other reads 7:00? How many time zones apart is NZ from LA, or wherever else GDT might reside? And yes, 2 dozen (hours) surely die without winces, and we wouldn't have days of the week without them. At ten minus Three. Joining to be Ten minus Eight Add to the slate of the two dozen princes that die without winces. And add to each day of the week.
(This post was edited by wilsonst541 on Apr 20 2008, 7:37am)


Apr 20 2008, 7:48am
Post #13 of 154
I dont know MrCere ... sounds a bit 'fairytale-ish' to me ... though it rhymes (and thats what counts) ..* place wince emoticon here* Have a good day Cheers Elven
Tolkien was a Capricorn!
(This post was edited by Elven on Apr 20 2008, 7:51am)

Forum Admin
/ Moderator

Apr 20 2008, 7:54am
Post #14 of 154
is 7 pm (the previous day) in LA. I think you may have provided the last link!
My writing (including The Passing of Mistress Rose) Do we find happiness so often that we should turn it off the box when it happens to sit there? - A Room With a View
(This post was edited by Kimi on Apr 20 2008, 7:57am)

Sr. Staff

Apr 20 2008, 8:08am
Post #15 of 154
Hmmmmmmm now THAT's a tasty burger! My girlfriend is a vegitarian, which pretty much makes me a vegitarian too {NT}
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I have no choice but to believe in free will. The cake is a lie The cake is a lie The cake is a lie

Forum Admin
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Apr 20 2008, 8:59am
Post #16 of 154
I think Kimi got the riddle ...
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and anyway I'm hopeless at them. Welcome to TORn, Guillermo!
Akaroa jetty, New Zealand, March 2008

Tol Eressea
Apr 20 2008, 10:52am
Post #17 of 154
"Time a half moon forty." It's a cryptic answer, because it's really an anagram for a secret message: "A finale from thy moot." I suspect this means that Guillermo has secretly been attending riddle moots and is offering this one as a, well, a finale. Either that or I have no idea what the answer to this riddle is! :-) Anyways, welcome, Guillermo, and thanks for stretching our brains a bit!

One Ringer
Tol Eressea

Apr 20 2008, 11:39am
Post #18 of 154
I'm also sure that Kimi is on to something.
Ash nazg durbatulūk, Ash nazg gimbatul, Ash nazg thrakatulūk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul. My Upcoming Discussion Leads: THE TWO TOWERS READING DISCUSSION: The Uruk-Hai - April 21st-27th

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Apr 20 2008, 12:04pm
Post #19 of 154
Hmm...well, the first two were easily discerned, and it does look like Kimi et.al. have the proper answer to the third (which was boggling my brain)! Very nicely done, sir. And welcome to TORn!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I desired dragons with a profound desire" "It struck me last night that you might write a fearfully good romantic drama, with as much of the 'supernatural' as you cared to introduce. Have you ever thought of it?" -Geoffrey B. Smith, letter to JRR Tolkien, 1915

Tol Eressea

Apr 20 2008, 1:44pm
Post #20 of 154
I feel like I forgot my manners- sorry!! Welcome to TORn!!


Apr 20 2008, 1:55pm
Post #21 of 154
I think the answer is "I'll prove to you that it's really me very soon with news you'll love!" Welcome to our family!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * NARF and member of Deplorable Cultus since 1967

Tol Eressea

Apr 20 2008, 1:56pm
Post #22 of 154
ok, I'm going with that idea!!

Sr. Staff

Apr 20 2008, 3:03pm
Post #23 of 154
Seems the riddle isn't ours alone
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Over on the Hellboy boards the same message was left but this time by somebody official, with an administrator's login. Sure wish we knew for sure. If we can confirm him we will have Altaira give the logon some official status (like "Director") so we can all know for sure. But with the same thing on the other board under an official log-in, seems pretty likely to be the real deal. Check it out here
I have no choice but to believe in free will. The cake is a lie The cake is a lie The cake is a lie
(This post was edited by MrCere on Apr 20 2008, 3:11pm)


Apr 20 2008, 3:48pm
Post #24 of 154
*SqueeeeL!! Oh My Stars x 1000!! * :D //
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Tolkien was a Capricorn!