Jul 28 2015, 10:42am
Post #1 of 33
**Two Towers read-through - schedule and volunteers needed: could you (yes, YOU :) ) lead a chapter?
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In September, we are starting a "read-through" of The Two Towers (Boook III). Each week from 13 September to 22 November we'll discuss a chapter. We need 'Chapter leaders' . As chapter leader, your job is to: * Read the chapter * At the start of your week, write one or more posts about it, in order to get the discussion started. * Take part in the discussion That's basically it - it's up to the chapter leader to start the discussion in the way he or she feels comfortable with, and thinks is best. For example, some chapter leaders decide to break a chapter down into parts, starting each part with a new post. But others do it on one post. There's no one 'right way'. You don't need to be an expert on this chapter (or on anything else) - if you've read the chapter & can make a few comments, you're good. Comment can most certainly be about your personal reactions to the chapter: they really don't have to be (for example) ultra-learned literately criticism. Being very learned is entirely optional. You don't have to research or write a lot. In fact some feedback from our last read-through was that long initial posts could be a problem: some folks were instantly faced with more than they had time to read, & so couldn't join the discussion. Long initial posts also risk making chapter-leading look like it must always be a lot of scholarly work, which we worry will deter volunteers from coming forward in future. So shorter starter posts are definitely welcome (you can always lob further ideas into the discussion as it proceeds). You don't have to have led chapters before In fact, it would be great to have new leaders, and their fresh perspectives. Also, Book II seemed to me to rely a little worryingly on 'the usual suspects' When fewer people are doing more, it always looks like things are becoming unsustainable. Here is the schedule. Some chapters are already 'taken' (thanks for that), but there are plenty left. Please feel free to volunteer, or to comment or ask questions by replying to this thread. You can send me a private message if you prefer. But quite likely whatever you want to ask is what someone else is wondering - so post publicly if you feel you can.). week beginning # Chapter # Chapter name # leader 13-Sep-15 # I # The Departure of Boromir # MirielCelebel 20-Sep-15 # II # The Riders of Rohan # Brethil 27-Sep-15 # III # The Uruk-hai # cats16 04-Oct-15 # IV # Treebeard # Mikah 11-Oct-15 # V # The White Rider # Entwife Wandlimb 18-Oct-15 # VI # The King of the Golden Hall # squire 25-Oct-15 # VII # Helm's Deep # arithmancer 01-Nov-15 # VIII # The Road to Isengard # 08-Nov-15 # IX # Flotsam and Jetsam # 15-Nov-15 # X # The Voice of Saruman # jochenkeen 22-Nov-15 # XI # The Palantir # I'm eager to fill all 11 slots - but of course it's most pressing to find leaders for the early chapters. I'd also be happy to hear from anyone who is willing to be 'on the bench' - that is willing to be contacted & asked to lead a chapter at short notice if one of the chapter leaders has to withdraw (e.g. because of a personal emergency).
~~~~~~ "nowimė I am in the West, Furincurunir to the Dwarves (or at least, to their best friend) and by other names in other lands. Mostly they just say 'Oh no it's him - look busy!' " Or "Hold off! unhand me, grey-beard loon!" My avatar image s looking a bit blue, following the rumbling of my 2 "secrets" : http://newboards.theonering.net/...i?post=855358#855358 This year LOTR turns 60. The following image is my LOTR 60th anniversary party footer! You can get yours here: http://newboards.theonering.net/...i?post=762154#762154
(This post was edited by entmaiden on Sep 14 2015, 1:20pm)
Jul 28 2015, 2:54pm
Post #2 of 33
I will volunteer to do The Departure of Boromir if it is in fact still available. I hope you plan on doing Book 4 as well because The Window on the West is one of my favorite chapters in the whole trilogy and I'd volunteer for it also!
"The Road goes ever on..." Writing Bliss
Jul 28 2015, 6:00pm
Post #3 of 33
Kerching! Departure of Boromur sold! Thank you!
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We should certainly get on to Book IV in time, so there will be a chance to do "Window" then!
~~~~~~ Join us for a read-through of The Two Towers (Book III of Lord of the Rings) in the Reading-Room - 13 September- 29 November 2015. Schedule etc: http://newboards.theonering.net/...i?post=864064#864064
Jul 28 2015, 6:03pm
Post #4 of 33
I am overwhelmed by the subtlety of your footer there, Wizard.
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Hooray on signups! Great to see everyone!
Jul 29 2015, 12:41am
Post #6 of 33
Jul 29 2015, 12:50am
Post #7 of 33
what lotr would look like if designed by atari circa 1975... //
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aka. fili orc-enshield +++++++++++++++++++ the scene, as i understand it, is exceptionally well-written. fili (in sort of a callback to the scene with the eagles), calls out "thorRIIIIIIN!!!" just as he sees the pale orc veer in for the kill. he picks up the severed arm of an orc which is lying on the ground, swings it up in desperation, effectively blocking the pale orc's blow. and thus, forever after, fili is known as "fili orc-enshield." this earns him deep respect from his hard-to-please uncle. as well as a hug. kili wipes his boots on the pale orc's glory box. -- maciliel telpemairo
Jul 29 2015, 5:31am
Post #8 of 33
Hullo there! I'm going to do everything I can to make it all the way through this one, unlike FOTR. Really regrettable that I couldn't jump back in! Could I possibly do The Uruk-hai? I think that date should work well for me, looking ahead. Thanks for keeping this together, everyone! I'm really glad things are still moving onward, in proper Tolkien spirit.
Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!
Jul 29 2015, 1:24pm
Post #10 of 33
Is it really family-friendly to discuss a bunch of orcs stoned on drugs?
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We should instead consider the Uruk-low, except that might be a little too depressing. Might I suggest discussing the Uruk-medium as a happy compromise?
Jul 29 2015, 1:43pm
Post #11 of 33
You don't want to say "medium" to the Uruks....
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Not after that unfortunate business of the escaped dwarf soothsayer. They're still terrified that Saruman will find out there's a small medium at large....
~~~~~~ Join us for a read-through of The Two Towers (Book III of Lord of the Rings) in the Reading-Room - 13 September- 29 November 2015. Schedule etc: http://newboards.theonering.net/...i?post=864064#864064
Jul 29 2015, 8:22pm
Post #13 of 33
No, it may give them all kinds of ideas.
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You don't want to say "medium" to the Uruks.... Uruk 1: "Hmmm, Ugluk looks a bit worn down." Uruk 2: Looks over. "Yeah. Medicine or dinner?" Uruk 1: "I say dinner. Make my cut medium." Uruk 2 sharpens knife.
Jul 29 2015, 8:26pm
Post #14 of 33
And besides, being whacked over the head with your ouija board often offends... //
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What was this thread about again? Oh, yeah...
~~~~~~ Join us for a read-through of The Two Towers (Book III of Lord of the Rings) in the Reading-Room - 13 September- 29 November 2015. Schedule etc: http://newboards.theonering.net/...i?post=864064#864064
Jul 30 2015, 4:18am
Post #16 of 33
Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!
Jul 30 2015, 8:27am
Post #17 of 33
**Latest chapter leader board (30 July 2015)**
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Thanks to everyone who has volunteered so far, we have leaders for the first 4 chapters and so Boromir will be able to Depart on schedule. There are still chapters wanting leaders from 11 October onwards, so nobody needs to feel they've come too late to join the Fellowship. It would be especially nice to get a leader for Chapter V The White Rider, as then we have a batting order up until 25 October. week # Chapter # Chapter name # leader 13-Sep-15 # I # The Departure of Boromir # MirielCelebel 20-Sep-15 # II # The Riders of Rohan # Brethil 27-Sep-15 # III # The Uruk-hai # cats16 04-Oct-15 # IV # Treebeard # Mikah 11-Oct-15 # V # The White Rider # 18-Oct-15 # VI # The King of the Golden Hall # squire 25-Oct-15 # VII # Helm's Deep # 01-Nov-15 # VIII # The Road to Isengard # 08-Nov-15 # IX # Flotsam and Jetsam # 15-Nov-15 # X # The Voice of Saruman # 22-Nov-15 # XI # The Palantir # Obviously I'l be pleased to have a full team of chapter leaders as soon as we can, and the recruiting office definitely remains open for further volunteers. But I do appreciate that some folks can't commit quite yet. For example, maybe someone needs to wait and see how busy they are in October/November, or wants to wait and see what character the discussion has this time. So I propose we say we'll definitely start on 13th September, and if necessary I'll re-advertise a bit later to fill those later slots. Thanks again to the chapter leaders who have volunteered so far - of course we can't do these read-throughs without people coming forward to start the conversations, and so chapter leaders deserve our gratitude.
~~~~~~ Join us for a read-through of The Two Towers (Book III of Lord of the Rings) in the Reading-Room - 13 September- 29 November 2015. Schedule etc: http://newboards.theonering.net/...i?post=864064#864064
The Shire
Aug 2 2015, 10:39pm
Post #18 of 33
I'd be happy to sign up for the Voice of Saruman if it is still free! Thanks for getting this together - I'm looking forward to it. Matthew (aka Jochenkeen)
Aug 4 2015, 11:51pm
Post #19 of 33
I think that is great news! I am looking forward to your take on The Voice of Saruman! It is one of my favorite chapters!
Aug 7 2015, 5:01am
Post #21 of 33
Lovely to see all the sign ups! //
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Aug 7 2015, 7:52am
Post #22 of 33
Thanks for this - The Voice of Saruman is yours!
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Thanks very much! Apologies for taking some time to reply - it wasn't lack of enthusiasm, it was that i was away
~~~~~~ Join us for a read-through of The Two Towers (Book III of Lord of the Rings) in the Reading-Room - 13 September- 29 November 2015. Schedule etc: http://newboards.theonering.net/...i?post=864064#864064
Aug 7 2015, 7:54am
Post #23 of 33
Thanks - The White Rider it is!
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It's a good chapter, and of course it means we're in the good position of having leaders all the way to 24 October. (Sorry it has taken me a while to respond - I've been up a mountain...)
~~~~~~ Join us for a read-through of The Two Towers (Book III of Lord of the Rings) in the Reading-Room - 13 September- 29 November 2015. Schedule etc: http://newboards.theonering.net/...i?post=864064#864064
Aug 7 2015, 8:04am
Post #24 of 33
**latest (chapter) leader board - situation on 7 August 2015
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Well, this is good - I go off for a few days and come back to more sign-ups! We now have leaders all the way down to 24 October. Chapters still free if you would like to volunteer are: 25-Oct-15 # VII # Helm's Deep 01-Nov-15 # VIII # The Road to Isengard 08-Nov-15 # IX # Flotsam and Jetsam 22-Nov-15 # XI # The Palantir ...and the schedule to date is: week starts # Chapter # Chapter name # leader 13-Sep-15 # I # The Departure of Boromir # MirielCelebel 20-Sep-15 # II # The Riders of Rohan # Brethil 27-Sep-15 # III # The Uruk-hai # cats16 04-Oct-15 # IV # Treebeard # Mikah 11-Oct-15 # V # The White Rider # Entwife Wandlimb 18-Oct-15 # VI # The King of the Golden Hall # squire 25-Oct-15 # VII # Helm's Deep # 01-Nov-15 # VIII # The Road to Isengard # 08-Nov-15 # IX # Flotsam and Jetsam # 15-Nov-15 # X # The Voice of Saruman # jochenkeen 22-Nov-15 # XI # The Palantir #
~~~~~~ Join us for a read-through of The Two Towers (Book III of Lord of the Rings) in the Reading-Room - 13 September- 29 November 2015. Schedule etc: http://newboards.theonering.net/...i?post=864064#864064
Grey Havens
Aug 9 2015, 5:02pm
Post #25 of 33
I'd be happy to lead that chapter.