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Potential EE Snippet from William Kircher (spoilers)


May 9 2015, 11:17am

Post #1 of 15 (4503 views)
Potential EE Snippet from William Kircher (spoilers) Can't Post

From that HobbitCon3 report posted on the main page:


As some have noticed, in the final scene of saying goodbye to Bilbo in «The Battle of the Five Armies» Kircher is missing his famous axe in his forehead. Still, he wouldn’t answer our question about the particulars:

William Kircher: We did an incredible scene with that axe! You have to wait for the Extended version! Let’s just say, I might have found the orc who put it there. The scene involves Bofur and Bombur as well!

As much as I'd love to see such a hero moment involving some of the other Dwarves, and at last a chance for Bifur to shine, unless Jackson or Boyens confirm it being in I'm not taking it for granted. I'll remain doubtful over this until we get further confirmation or glimpse some footage. Hopefully I'm wrong!

(This post was edited by Shagrat on May 9 2015, 11:17am)


May 9 2015, 11:51am

Post #2 of 15 (4429 views)
Yeah [In reply to] Can't Post

I'm going to be cautious about hoping anything for the EE since the TE was a bit of a let down. And considering how much we have heard stories of being filmed in the previous movies, but never seen...

Regarding what Kircher said though - I have heard of that before, but I believe he also said it was his own kind of headcanon. That Bifur was out looking for the orc that put it there. Not that it was actually filmed. IF it was filmed though I would love all the dwarf moments I can get. I love the Company so much and the movie is in dire need of them too.

Thrain II

May 9 2015, 12:06pm

Post #3 of 15 (4414 views)
Thanks! [In reply to] Can't Post

News like this make me sad because we find out more and more of what great scenes could have been in the movie... I really can't understand PJ's reasoning what to add in the TE, it's like he was going for less dwarves and Bilbo, and more Alfrid, Legolas, Tauriel and other 'more important' stuff! Pirate


May 9 2015, 3:06pm

Post #4 of 15 (4302 views)
I really hope so... [In reply to] Can't Post

This movie needs more moments with the company in my opinion. Especially dwarves like Bombur, Bifur, Nori, Dori, and Ori who barely got any screen time.

Smaug the iron

May 9 2015, 3:28pm

Post #5 of 15 (4289 views)
I think this is a part of it. [In reply to] Can't Post

At 4.28


May 9 2015, 3:46pm

Post #6 of 15 (4260 views)
GREAT EYE...yes [In reply to] Can't Post

It looks like Bifur on his Knees
With Bombur coming to his Rescue?

"What Your Mind can conceive... charlie can achieve"


May 9 2015, 5:16pm

Post #7 of 15 (4201 views)
That would be so awesome! [In reply to] Can't Post

I love the giant mace that Bombur has! Smile


May 9 2015, 5:18pm

Post #8 of 15 (4197 views)
Well, ultimately, it is the problem of having 13 dwarves plus the other story arc [In reply to] Can't Post

characters. I wish the TE was more like the EE but then again, that is what EEs are for and they are my preferred versions for all of the films. It is tough to balance the need for running time, the various character arcs, and yes, a bit of levity in an otherwise intense film and still have time to showcase all of the characters....sad, but reality.


May 9 2015, 7:20pm

Post #9 of 15 (4116 views)
I feel the same [In reply to] Can't Post

It just shame we didn't get to see every dwarf getting small moment on battle. I rather watch company dwarves going to town, fighting together, than seeing Legolas hanging under flying bat and then once again killing troll, which also game from nowhere.


May 9 2015, 8:46pm

Post #10 of 15 (4048 views)
Kircher has hinted at this since 2012: [In reply to] Can't Post

"I only speak in Dwarvish - it's because of the axe. But something happens...can't say any more. The backstory for my character is that once he was a reasonably okay guy but unfortunately he's turned into a bit of a maniac."

I always thought he'd be "healed" by one of the Elves. Bifur's just going to pull it out in mid-battle, isn't he? Unsure

Grey Havens

May 9 2015, 8:53pm

Post #11 of 15 (4035 views)
Or head-butt it into the orc's head [In reply to] Can't Post

There's another quote somewhere, where Kircher said that Bifur was on the quest because he wanted to find the orc responsible for his injury. Don't know where that quote is. Probably one of my many Empire magazines.

Smaug the iron

May 9 2015, 9:09pm

Post #12 of 15 (4021 views)
Here [In reply to] Can't Post

At 2.05

Grey Havens

May 10 2015, 12:34am

Post #13 of 15 (3922 views)
Wow, nice one! [In reply to] Can't Post

I have no idea how you did that, haha! Have you just remembered every quote and source ever? Laugh

Thanks. Smile


May 11 2015, 8:34pm

Post #14 of 15 (3384 views)
well, the dwarves were evidently supposed to.... [In reply to] Can't Post

re the earlier articles that each and every dwarf would have their moment. *Gloomily* Frown only watched part of the vid, but I kind of flinched when PJ said something about "keeping the focus on the lead characters" when IMO the dwarf company - all of them - as far I was concerned - WAS a sort of free-flowing "lead" character, as a group especially Fili, Bofur, Balin....

And it still feels like I had this "lead" character up to BOFA, but then that character was replaced by others. Like Alfrid-time, Tauriel-time, Legolas-time but I would rather have had some dwarf interactions "driving the story".

Well, anyway....appreciate the OP posting the linkSmile and like Aragorn said, there is always hope.Cool


May 11 2015, 10:09pm

Post #15 of 15 (3356 views)
Games-Workshop strategy game [In reply to] Can't Post

In the tabletop strategy the company got new rules for Bot5A. One wast hat Bofur could remove the axe from Bifur's head at the cost of Bifur's health but he would get a stats buff or new rule or something. I'm not sure how great Games-Workshop's track record is for these sort of things, it might be worth knowing the new company models were wearing the heavy armour they wear before the battle, and they put Thranduil on horse so they have gotten things wrong before.

Yes, my username is terrible.


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