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Reviews and Reactions part 10
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Dec 8 2013, 7:43pm

Post #1 of 39 (4206 views)
Reviews and Reactions part 10 Can't Post

Now 76 Percent on RT

The Shire

Dec 8 2013, 7:46pm

Post #2 of 39 (2428 views)
Here's a collection of reviews with ratings [In reply to] Can't Post


Let me now if I missed some


Dec 8 2013, 7:48pm

Post #3 of 39 (2006 views)
Nice [In reply to] Can't Post

thanks for collecting all of it.


Dec 8 2013, 7:59pm

Post #4 of 39 (1899 views)
Very nice. // [In reply to] Can't Post



Dec 8 2013, 8:02pm

Post #5 of 39 (1872 views)
Thanks very much. [In reply to] Can't Post

Good to have this while RT is rather underperforming with being up to date.

“All good stories deserve embellishment."

Praise is subjective. And so is criticism.

"I am afraid it is only too likely to be true what you say about the critics and the public. I am dreading the publication for it will be impossible not to mind what is said. I have exposed my heart to be shot at."


Dec 8 2013, 8:24pm

Post #6 of 39 (1922 views)
Found one [In reply to] Can't Post

Didn't see this in the list:

They gave it 5/5 stars



Dec 8 2013, 8:27pm

Post #7 of 39 (1789 views)
Very Thx! [In reply to] Can't Post

He is on critic list of RT too

The Shire

Dec 8 2013, 8:30pm

Post #8 of 39 (1761 views)
Got it! [In reply to] Can't Post



Dec 8 2013, 8:31pm

Post #9 of 39 (1819 views)
This. This makes me happy... [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To

"The action doesn’t just look more real than it did in the first film, it feels it too. After last year’s cartoony, multi-level chase in Goblinland, you get the sense that the laws of physics have been reinstated in Middle-earth.
Now the violence comes with consequences. When a dwarf tumbles down a waterfall or gets singed by dragon fire, you don’t expect him to just shake his head and carry on his way."


Dec 8 2013, 8:32pm

Post #10 of 39 (1815 views)
That quote has me pumped. [In reply to] Can't Post

Apparently, the sequence was made with a mixture of physical effects and digital trickery. I defy anyone to spot a single join.
The action doesn’t just look more real than it did in the first film, it feels it too.

“All good stories deserve embellishment."

Praise is subjective. And so is criticism.

"I am afraid it is only too likely to be true what you say about the critics and the public. I am dreading the publication for it will be impossible not to mind what is said. I have exposed my heart to be shot at."


Dec 8 2013, 8:49pm

Post #11 of 39 (1758 views)
Couple more ... [In reply to] Can't Post

This review by peter bradshaw is on the critic list. It is positive, no score:


This one is a bit more on the mixed side, no score:
Author Stella Papamichael shows up on RT critic list too

The Hobbit: the Desolation of Smaug review - "a film of great moments rather than a great film"


Dec 8 2013, 8:53pm

Post #12 of 39 (1722 views)
denofgeek [In reply to] Can't Post

A positive review with a few quibbles, not on RT critic list:



Dec 8 2013, 9:01pm

Post #13 of 39 (1681 views)
tv3 nz video review [In reply to] Can't Post



Dec 8 2013, 9:09pm

Post #14 of 39 (1672 views)
He is really no fan :D - But those who share the CGI judgment will certainly agree in parts. [In reply to] Can't Post

Devin Faraci ‏@devincf 4m
After HOBBIT 3 I'd like someone to challenge Peter Jackson to make a movie that doesn't have useless CGI. He needs to lose the computer.

Devin Faraci ‏@devincf 3m
There are these CGI bumblebees in HOBBIT 2 that are absolutely, inarguably pointless. They're indicative of a larger problem.

“All good stories deserve embellishment."

Praise is subjective. And so is criticism.

"I am afraid it is only too likely to be true what you say about the critics and the public. I am dreading the publication for it will be impossible not to mind what is said. I have exposed my heart to be shot at."


Dec 8 2013, 9:11pm

Post #15 of 39 (1592 views)
Tauriel really gets a LOT of praise from DIFFERENT corners. [In reply to] Can't Post

Nice. Go Lilly!

“All good stories deserve embellishment."

Praise is subjective. And so is criticism.

"I am afraid it is only too likely to be true what you say about the critics and the public. I am dreading the publication for it will be impossible not to mind what is said. I have exposed my heart to be shot at."


Dec 8 2013, 9:11pm

Post #16 of 39 (1621 views)
Yet Devin loved Del Toro's Pacific Rim... [In reply to] Can't Post

So many shots of that movie are completely CGI that it's basically a live-action anime.

The Shire

Dec 8 2013, 9:18pm

Post #17 of 39 (1680 views)
digital spy review! [In reply to] Can't Post

A very good review from Digital spy....with many pros and a couple of negatives but very well written!




Dec 8 2013, 9:19pm

Post #18 of 39 (1583 views)
To be fair... [In reply to] Can't Post

... they have totally different production designs and general looks. And the ME movies depend much more on believability (although I thought that the TOTAL lack of the feeling of reality in PR in several scenes ruined the overall interesting attempt by GDT).

“All good stories deserve embellishment."

Praise is subjective. And so is criticism.

"I am afraid it is only too likely to be true what you say about the critics and the public. I am dreading the publication for it will be impossible not to mind what is said. I have exposed my heart to be shot at."

Tol Eressea

Dec 8 2013, 9:20pm

Post #19 of 39 (1550 views)
Okay but...... [In reply to] Can't Post

Honestly. Should there not be bumblebees at all then? That shows a lack of understanding of the basic material. Which I guess is fine and all. But if you are going to have the bees they almost certainly have to be CGI.

They may be extraneous to this guy but they are part of the story. I guess to each his own. I need to stop reading quotes though because I want to decide for myself.


Thank you for your questions, now go sod off and do something useful - Martin Freeman Twitter chat 3/1/13


Dec 8 2013, 9:30pm

Post #20 of 39 (1527 views)
This guy... [In reply to] Can't Post

Now let challenge him to do what Jackson does (big fantasy movies) without any and i mean any CGI through the whole process and let see if he is capable to have the same amount of raving review for the visual! I can accept negatives sides or critics but these types of comments are insolent borderline idiotics!

The Shire

Dec 8 2013, 10:11pm

Post #21 of 39 (1394 views)
Apples and oranges... [In reply to] Can't Post

A lot of the shots in Pacific Rim were completely CGI by necessity; the days of making monster-disaster movies by stuffing two guys into rubber suits are long gone. Plus many of the scenes that could have been done cheaper as CGI were actual sets, like the Jaeger cockpits, because Del Toro wanted them to have that extra realism.

By contrast, LOTR proved that, despite the success of Gollum, you don't need to replace every actor with a CGI makeover to get a decent effect, and in some cases, you get a better effect by spending half the day gluing your orc hero into his suit. (Though it's not that off-putting, I do think that Azog looks like a Saturday morning cartoon villain next to Lurtz.) So when Jackson opted to go full CGI for so many of the antagonists in the next trilogy, I can see where it might come across as self-indulgent.

Reserving judgement until I see DoS for myself, of course, but comparing the sheer scale and awe of the CGI in Pacific Rim vs some the cartoony, immersion-breaking uses in AUJ, I don't see any inconsistency in applauding Pacific Rim's CGI while side-eying some of Jackson's.


Dec 8 2013, 10:18pm

Post #22 of 39 (1474 views)
New Review [In reply to] Can't Post

thetimes.co.uk: 3/5 stars, by Kate Muir (paywalled article, so I couldn't read the whole thing):

(This post was edited by shadowfaux on Dec 8 2013, 10:20pm)


Dec 8 2013, 10:25pm

Post #23 of 39 (1342 views)
Would be really interesting to read.. [In reply to] Can't Post

...as she goes against most reviews so far. Besides 3D action she really seems to have an issue with the running time and pacing and gave it one star less than AUJ. I hope it will remain a frsh review...

“All good stories deserve embellishment."

Praise is subjective. And so is criticism.

"I am afraid it is only too likely to be true what you say about the critics and the public. I am dreading the publication for it will be impossible not to mind what is said. I have exposed my heart to be shot at."

(This post was edited by Arannir on Dec 8 2013, 10:26pm)


Dec 8 2013, 10:29pm

Post #24 of 39 (1324 views)
She gave Catching Fire 3/5 too [In reply to] Can't Post

And it still be fresh on RT


Dec 8 2013, 10:31pm

Post #25 of 39 (1308 views)
Yes.. [In reply to] Can't Post

... but either her or the mods on RT can decide with a 3/5 rating to go both ways... AUJ has 3/5 ratings that were considered rotten.

“All good stories deserve embellishment."

Praise is subjective. And so is criticism.

"I am afraid it is only too likely to be true what you say about the critics and the public. I am dreading the publication for it will be impossible not to mind what is said. I have exposed my heart to be shot at."

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