Sep 20 2013, 8:24pm
Post #1 of 20
Who is your favourite incrantion of the Doctor/Doctor Who?
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(Not limted to just the TV Series-Mcgann for instance, his sole TV episode non withstanding, has done lots of Radio dramas as the 8th Doctor and his incarnation has featured in many books) I am a relatively casual fan of doctor who having only seen the 2 films, the first 5 seasons of New Who (and most of Season's 6-7) and bits and peices of the Old series here and there, but Tennant will always be tops for me, largely because I grew up with his doctor, though I think he struck a great balance between humour and drama (even if the whole Rose saga got rather annoying, and his regeneration was kinda overwrought) though Eccleston was also great. Tom Baker is my fave of the classic series-odd, funny, scary and imposing in equal measure I really think he nailed the eccentrity of the character, I also have a soft spot for the 60's Dalek films so Peter Cushing though not really Canon is always fun to watch. But I do have a feeling Capaldi will become my new fave, based on the hints about his character, and Capaldi's immense acting skills.
Sep 20 2013, 8:46pm
Post #2 of 20
All of them are the Doctor, and have all bought such different personalities to the role. I can't choose. They're so hard to compare with one another. I've got nearly all the classic era stories (that have been released) on DVD. If it was a question of who had the best stories, I'd go for: 1. Tom Baker 2. David Tennant 3. Peter Davison I always feel sorry for Colin Baker, McCoy and McGann - they're always overlooked. Yet, Trial of a Time Lord is high up on my list of favourite episodes. And as for companions, Elisabeth Sladen wins hands down. I was devastated when she passed away.
Sep 20 2013, 8:51pm
Post #3 of 20
And my favorite companion was Leela (Louise Jameson).
Sep 20 2013, 9:15pm
Post #4 of 20
I defintely get the feeling Tom Baker and David Tennant are the 2 Faves in the fandom
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I don't know whether it was the stories, mannersims of their doctors, the actors themselves or simply their extended time in the role but these are the two that I always see crop up in the list-for good reason. I agree on Sladen-how can you not love her?-although I haven't seen much of Classic Who, I enjoyed the spin off series she was in, and several of my friends are massive Whovians-they too were greatly upset when she passed away. Luckily a friend of mine has every single episode released so far on DVD, so whenever I have the time to spare or the urge to catch up it won't cost me. I also agree on Mcgann-although the 8th doctor actually holds the record for most media apperances (I have been told Mcgann's audio work probably outnumbers all the TV apperances by the 3 'New Who Doctors' put together) it was a shame he never returned to the role...even if certain all but confirmed rumours I have heard point to at least a cameo in the 50th aniversary...
Sep 20 2013, 9:51pm
Post #5 of 20
Sep 20 2013, 10:57pm
Post #6 of 20
I haven't seen any of the new Doctors. But I loved Pertwee's cloak and his cool car. (And the fact that he has a hunky son doesn't hurt, lol!)
Sep 20 2013, 10:58pm
Post #7 of 20
The McCoy episodes were terrible.
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Not his fault. But they were dark and pointless and made no sense whatsoever.
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Sep 21 2013, 4:50am
Post #8 of 20
I watched the old series on PBS and have seen nearly all of it, and Pertwee was my favorite. I have seen the new series and I love Tennant and Eccleston too, but Pertwee is still tops for me. I like the way he interacted with the UNIT team, and the original incarnation of the Master is still the best. It was a good era for the show. I liked him long before I knew about his hunky son, but I've no objection there either.
Sep 21 2013, 7:19am
Post #9 of 20
Which is why it ended up getting cancelled (probably) ...
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But I do like McCoy, and I loved Ace as well. More often than not, it is the scripts that let Doctor Who down. And it is the same now ... just look at recent episodes. Many of them are over complicated and pointless. And some of the very first episodes with Hartnell are overly long and tedious.
Sep 21 2013, 3:49pm
Post #10 of 20
Pre-teens (1960s, early '70s): Peter Cushing was the only Doctor I had experienced at that time. Teens: Tom Baker (although I was also quite fond of Pertwee's Doctor). Young adulthood: I liked Paul McGann as the Doctor, even if I had some minor issues with the actual movie. Today: Of the modern Doctors, I have to pick David Tennant as my favorite.
Fredeghar Wayfarer
Sep 21 2013, 10:33pm
Post #11 of 20
I'm mostly a New Who fan so far and of the new guys, David Tennant is my favorite with Matt Smith a close second. Tennant had a great range of cheeky humor and dramatic pathos while Smith has an infectious child-like enthusiasm that I love. Of the classic Doctors, my favorite is Sylvester McCoy. He was the first Doctor I ever encountered (albeit for a short time at the beginning of the TV movie) and I've enjoyed what I've seen of his episodes and his take on the character. I also just enjoy him in general at convention appearances and in the Hobbit movie. He's hilarious.
Sep 23 2013, 2:51pm
Post #12 of 20
much as I loved some of the earlier incarnations
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Pertwee, Baker, Davison, & Eccleston in particular . . . David Tennant is the only actor who made me feel that the Doctor is an alien.
Sep 23 2013, 2:54pm
Post #13 of 20
I've got a thing for Sean Pertwee too :) He's playing Lestrade in the season opener of Elementary - here's hoping it's a recurring role!
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Sep 23 2013, 11:25pm
Post #14 of 20
I just saw the preview for that!
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They only showed him briefly, but the voice made it obvious who it was. I haven't really been able to get into Elementary, but I'll be watching that episode.
Sep 26 2013, 7:42pm
Post #15 of 20
Many of them are overly complicated and pointless. And some of the very first episodes with Hartnell are overly long and tedious. The highlighted words could probably be applied to many of the polls I create Still surprised you haven't done a poll on the purse... I do intend to watch more of classic Who soon, but I'm not going to lie the ropey effects and very uneven stories (so I hear) aren't exactly calling cards at the mo.
Sep 26 2013, 7:56pm
Post #16 of 20
One of the criticsm's against Tennant by some of the more hardcore fans, was he was too human, i.e was too emotional, lighearted and relatable in his approacj to problem solving. It's not a view I entirely agree with, but I do think towards the end of his tenure it became the David Tennant show, and at points, as much as I love him he does feel too predictable in the role. Smith on the other hand, though I never warmed to him that much, looked and acted more alien imo-I did get more of a sense of a ancient time traveller trapped in a young man's body 'Football? That's the one with sticks?' not entirely sure of who or what he was doing, Tennant on the other hand always seemed to have a fully fledged plan, solving it with that dammed sonic screwdriver. But this is more down to the writing (and admittedly what the show probably needed at the time) than the actors. Eccleston always felt alien to me, but I also got the impression he was never entirely comfortable with the role.
Sep 26 2013, 10:33pm
Post #17 of 20
I haven't seen him in many things.
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He was in the first season of the Cadfael mysteries starring Derek Jacobi (awesome series!). And I saw bits and pieces of a really cheesy horror/monster movie. I don't even remember what it was called. And that's about it, I think. I should look for Elementary. I guess I do miss a lot by not turning the tv on.
Sep 27 2013, 11:10pm
Post #18 of 20
Matt Smith is great! He is also my first doctor, so he will always have a special place in my heart. i only started watching doctor who around a year ago, though I have seen lots of the old episodes. For my 2nd favorite, I have to go with Sylvester McCoy, or tom Baker. I cant decide.
Sep 29 2013, 9:23am
Post #19 of 20
He has an exquisite ability to play the Doctor as both young and terribly old, goofy at times but also frigtening, while displaying a great range of emotions with both his voice and expression.
Sep 29 2013, 3:14pm
Post #20 of 20
well, I don't know what you mean by "hardcore"
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I've only been watching the show since the Tom Baker years . . . For me it was all in the delivery, particularly his impatience sometimes with the human mind. And his arrogance, which got worse after he lost Rose and even worse when he traveled alone, but was always there: Doctor: Who are you? Louis XIV: I'm the King of France! Doctor, dismissively: Yeah? I'm the Lord of Time.
(This post was edited by Annael on Sep 29 2013, 3:15pm)