Aug 13 2013, 5:33pm
Post #1 of 66
Which Tolkien book character would you have lunch with, and why?
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I'm imagining you get lunch with the character as portrayed in the books - not any actors who portrayed them. So, no date with Richard Armitage or Liv Tyler, I'm afraid. I think I'd take lunch with Melian, to ask her about her side of the story. She is, as has been said in the Silmariion read through, so sketchily portrayed that its hard to see her as a character rather than a plot device.
Disclaimers: The words of noWizardme may stand on their heads! I'm often wrong about things, and its fun to be taught more.... "nowimė I am in the West, Furincurunir to the Dwarves (or at least, to their best friend) and by other names in other lands. Mostly they just say 'Oh no it's him - look busy!' " Or "Hold off! unhand me, grey-beard loon!"
Aug 13 2013, 5:49pm
Post #2 of 66
"So, where have you've been keeping yourself lately?"
****************************************** The audacious proposal stirred his heart. And the stirring became a song, and it mingled with the songs of Gil-galad and Celebrian, and with those of Feanor and Fingon. The song-weaving created a larger song, and then another, until suddenly it was as if a long forgotten memory woke and for one breathtaking moment the Music of the Ainur revealed itself in all glory. He opened his lips to sing and share this song. Then he realized that the others would not understand. Not even Mithrandir given his current state of mind. So he smiled and simply said "A diversion.
Tol Eressea
Aug 13 2013, 6:06pm
Post #3 of 66
The Talking Purse.
Aug 13 2013, 6:10pm
Post #4 of 66
I'd throw a whole dinner party and invite a few people
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T-Bomb and Goldberry would be musts, they tell great stories, and seem to have a nice taste in food (perhaps I could get him tipsy and finally get him to reveal his indentity)-the whole scene in his house always reads like a very odd dinner party to me anyway. Bilbo Baggins is another must- he's about as Hobbity as you can get, and as the SB's noted he has quite a reputation for odd stories, and nice food. Dain Ironfoot, Morwen, Hurin and Galadriel would all be cool to talk to (It would be interesting to see the greatest warrior of the Dwarves, and the greatest of the Men compare notes on battle strategy) and provide a interesting mix of opinions and stories, I'd second Melian as well for the same reasons-she is such an interesting enigma. I'd also like to ask all of them why no one apart from Hobbits and Men has surnames... Tar Aldarion, Cirdan the Shipwright (had to get him in there) and Imin would also be interesting to talk to-enigima's with very interesting stories to tell, And of course the Talking Purse and some of the Solosimpi would get invites for musical entertainment puposes...
The Talking Purse is Awesome, deal with it. But he isn't quite as aweome as Cirdan.
Aug 13 2013, 6:11pm
Post #5 of 66
Nuts! I'm getting a bit slow these days...
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Daniel where are you? You are letting the team down...
The Talking Purse is Awesome, deal with it. But he isn't quite as aweome as Cirdan.
Grey Havens
Aug 13 2013, 6:44pm
Post #6 of 66
He is my favorite character in both the movies and the books, I think because he's such an amazing friend. Also, as this concerns having lunch with someone - I'd be hoping he's cooking!
Aug 13 2013, 6:47pm
Post #7 of 66
...I just want a couple of hours one-on-one with Gandalf. Having learned his strategy for the War of the Ring, I'd then start digging into what he remembers about Valinor.
Aug 13 2013, 7:08pm
Post #8 of 66
For light conversation, Bilbo within the first few years after his grand adventure. That would be a fine meal. For a more serious tone, lunch with Aragorn (as Strider).
'There are older and fouler things than Orcs in the deep places of the world.' - Gandalf the Grey, The Fellowship of the Ring
Aug 13 2013, 7:27pm
Post #9 of 66
Favorite character - always has been, always will be. I don't think I'd have the cheek to try to "get to know him" or find out who he "really is". I think I'd be very happy to listen to a few stories, told over a table with a couple of beers. A lunch like that comes highly recommended by his friends:
Aragorn, the greatest traveller and huntsman of this age of the world. Was there ever any one like him? For all those who come to know him come to love him after his own fashion. Not but what he can tell a rare tale when he has the mind.
But he, of course, is his own best recommendation:
He wrapped his grey cloak about him, hiding his mail-shirt, and stretched out his long legs. Then he lay back and sent from his lips a thin stream of smoke. I am Strider and Dśnadan too, and I belong both to Gondor and the North.
squire online: RR Discussions: The Valaquenta, A Shortcut to Mushrooms, and Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit Lights! Action! Discuss on the Movie board!: 'A Journey in the Dark'. and 'Designing The Two Towers'. Footeramas: The 3rd (and NOW the 4th too!) TORn Reading Room LotR Discussion; and "Tolkien would have LOVED it!" squiretalk introduces the J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia: A Reader's Diary = Forum has no new posts. Forum needs no new posts.
Aug 13 2013, 7:51pm
Post #10 of 66
The Talking Purse is awesome, but is it much of a conversationalist? Now Cirdan, on the other hand
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Disclaimers: The words of noWizardme may stand on their heads! I'm often wrong about things, and its fun to be taught more.... "nowimė I am in the West, Furincurunir to the Dwarves (or at least, to their best friend) and by other names in other lands. Mostly they just say 'Oh no it's him - look busy!' " Or "Hold off! unhand me, grey-beard loon!"
Aug 13 2013, 7:57pm
Post #11 of 66
Are we going out to eat? Where? Am I invited? Am I inviting? McDonald's (or other fast food): Legolas Red Lobster (or other expensive restaurant): Aragorn All you can eat buffet: ALL of the 13 dwarves at the same time I'm inviting: Bilbo I'm invited: Thranduil I suppose Gandalf might turn up at any time, exactly when he means to.
Tol Eressea
Aug 13 2013, 8:00pm
Post #12 of 66
The downside is, getting access to him probably required dying... and then, having the superior knowledge of everything in Middle-Earth would no longer hold the same value.
But every word you say today Gets twisted 'round some other way And they'll hurt you if they think you've lied
Aug 13 2013, 8:01pm
Post #13 of 66
Aragon could cook you a nice barbecue //
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Disclaimers: The words of noWizardme may stand on their heads! I'm often wrong about things, and its fun to be taught more.... "nowimė I am in the West, Furincurunir to the Dwarves (or at least, to their best friend) and by other names in other lands. Mostly they just say 'Oh no it's him - look busy!' " Or "Hold off! unhand me, grey-beard loon!"
Aug 13 2013, 8:02pm
Post #14 of 66
I'm interested - why Mc Donald's with Legolas? //
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Disclaimers: The words of noWizardme may stand on their heads! I'm often wrong about things, and its fun to be taught more.... "nowimė I am in the West, Furincurunir to the Dwarves (or at least, to their best friend) and by other names in other lands. Mostly they just say 'Oh no it's him - look busy!' " Or "Hold off! unhand me, grey-beard loon!"
Aug 13 2013, 8:09pm
Post #15 of 66
"Lunch with Smaug" would probably become "Lunch +for+ Smaug" - pity //
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Disclaimers: The words of noWizardme may stand on their heads! I'm often wrong about things, and its fun to be taught more.... "nowimė I am in the West, Furincurunir to the Dwarves (or at least, to their best friend) and by other names in other lands. Mostly they just say 'Oh no it's him - look busy!' " Or "Hold off! unhand me, grey-beard loon!"
Aug 13 2013, 8:10pm
Post #16 of 66
Anyone going to have lunch with a Balrog, and ask +that + question? //
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Disclaimers: The words of noWizardme may stand on their heads! I'm often wrong about things, and its fun to be taught more.... "nowimė I am in the West, Furincurunir to the Dwarves (or at least, to their best friend) and by other names in other lands. Mostly they just say 'Oh no it's him - look busy!' " Or "Hold off! unhand me, grey-beard loon!"
Registered User
Aug 13 2013, 8:14pm
Post #17 of 66
Gandalf is like the grandparent who always has something unusual and interesting to say-only of course being Gandalf he would be much, much wiser and far more knowledgeable than any mere mortal. His stories would also be greatly varied, from tales of dangerous adventures to detailed descriptions of evenings spent relaxing in The Shire. Radagast is also a fascinating Wizard, and I'm sure that the tales of his meanderings in the wild would be greatly insightful-no doubt one could learn much about how to commune with nature through his teachings. Failing those two Tom Bombadil would be a good laugh, and Bilbo would be a most excellent dinner guest. Treebeard would tell great stories, although one might fall asleep long before the ending!
"He's one of them Rangers, dangerous folk they are wandering in the wild."-Barliaman Butterbur
Tol Eressea
Aug 13 2013, 8:17pm
Post #18 of 66
He would be cool to have iver.
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A witty and charming guest. Just mind the tail.
Aug 13 2013, 8:20pm
Post #19 of 66
They're great at holding a conversation. Have you never tried it with your own purse? /
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Aug 13 2013, 8:26pm
Post #20 of 66
If Radagast brings some of his mushrooms, it might be unwise to try them
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Disclaimers: The words of noWizardme may stand on their heads! I'm often wrong about things, and its fun to be taught more.... "nowimė I am in the West, Furincurunir to the Dwarves (or at least, to their best friend) and by other names in other lands. Mostly they just say 'Oh no it's him - look busy!' " Or "Hold off! unhand me, grey-beard loon!"
Aug 13 2013, 8:30pm
Post #21 of 66
I don't know what's more worrying...
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The fact that you seem to own a purse, or that you suggest talking to it (The purse 'ere 'o are you' dosen't seem the most cultured or friendly of things anyway) But seriously who would you invite?
The Talking Purse is Awesome, deal with it. But he isn't quite as aweome as Cirdan.
Registered User
Aug 13 2013, 8:31pm
Post #22 of 66
I'll try and make sure that I invite Radagast the Brown instead of his brother Radagast the Clown, who, incidentally, is also a Wizard
"He's one of them Rangers, dangerous folk they are wandering in the wild."-Barliaman Butterbur
(This post was edited by Madril on Aug 13 2013, 8:32pm)
Aug 13 2013, 8:33pm
Post #23 of 66
And, welcome to the Reading Room Madril! Glad you can join us! //
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Disclaimers: The words of noWizardme may stand on their heads! I'm often wrong about things, and its fun to be taught more.... "nowimė I am in the West, Furincurunir to the Dwarves (or at least, to their best friend) and by other names in other lands. Mostly they just say 'Oh no it's him - look busy!' " Or "Hold off! unhand me, grey-beard loon!"
Aug 13 2013, 8:34pm
Post #24 of 66
The character that I am the most like. We could have taters!
Registered User
Aug 13 2013, 8:34pm
Post #25 of 66
Thanks very much! I've finally decided to stop lurking!...//
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"He's one of them Rangers, dangerous folk they are wandering in the wild."-Barliaman Butterbur