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First rumour that the battle of Dol Guldur will be in The Desolation of Smaug.


Aug 7 2013, 10:27pm

Post #1 of 15 (2268 views)
First rumour that the battle of Dol Guldur will be in The Desolation of Smaug. Can't Post

Well I have not been on this site for a long time.

It is only a rumour for now but on the website www.bricksetforum.com a member has posted the following info:

Here I have a list of the upcoming Hobbit sets. As we know one of them is Lake Town Chase. See what you think. This was from a reliable source.

79011 Dol Guldur Ambush £19.99

79012 Mirkwood Elf Army £29.99

79013 Lake Town Chase £49.99

79014 Dol Guldur Battle £69.99

Source: http://www.bricksetforum.com/discussion/11780/the-hobbit-2013-sets

(Normally I would have posted this in the sub-forum "Gaming and Collecting" but if this info is true we will likely see the battle of Dol Guldur this December.)
Ceterum censeo montem artis magicae atrae esse delendum.


Aug 7 2013, 11:36pm

Post #2 of 15 (1076 views)
Dol Guldur Ambush vs. Battle [In reply to] Can't Post

Nice find, the Lake Town Chase we've already seen so I wonder if that means the others are legit.

It's especially interesting that there are two sets dedicated to Dol Guldur. I think one of them might be based on the Gandalf and Radagast bit we see in the trailer. If it's most definitely a trap, does that mean there's an ambush coming? Wink We do know that Gandalf appears to fight Thrain in Dol Guldur, and perhaps Bolg as well.

If this info means that the actual battle of Dol Guldur will be concluded in DoS, what does that leave for TaBA? Personally I wouldn't mind them getting this subplot out of the way in the second movie, but I do wonder how they will fill up the third.

Dwalin Balin Kili Fili Dori Nori Ori Oin Gloin Bifur Bofur Bombur Thorin

Orcs are mammals!

"Don't laugh at the Dwarves because they will mess you up." — Dean O'Gorman (Fili)

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Aug 8 2013, 1:35am

Post #3 of 15 (871 views)
Interesting [In reply to] Can't Post

I really hope there is a Battle of Dol Guldur with considerable armies involved, as well as Saruman.

But I hope it's saved for the thrid movie. I think the second is bloated enough as it is. TBo5A can't make up all of the third movie.

Tol Eressea

Aug 8 2013, 5:22am

Post #4 of 15 (812 views)
well if the BOT5A is in DOS... [In reply to] Can't Post

i guess were getting a 3 hour auction of bag end...

take me down to the woodland realm where the trees are green and the elf women are pretty....Oh will you please take me home!!

Welsh hero

Aug 8 2013, 5:41am

Post #5 of 15 (802 views)
I've always thought of the battle just before the barrel scene [In reply to] Can't Post

the party the elves are having is to celebrate winning


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Aug 8 2013, 7:19am

Post #6 of 15 (740 views)
Not the Bof5A.... [In reply to] Can't Post

the White Council vs. the Necromancer at Dol Guldur. The battle of five armies at the Lonely Mountain is definitely in TABA.


"Dark is the water of Kheled-zâram, and cold are the springs of Kibil-nâla, and fair were the many-pillared halls of Khazad-dûm in Elder Days before the fall of mighty kings beneath the stone."


Aug 8 2013, 10:10am

Post #7 of 15 (623 views)
Sorry [In reply to] Can't Post

but the "Cinema" magazine has often written a lot of sh**.
I just remember movies such as Inception,Django Unchained or Les Miserables.
If 30% of the written content as true in the end, it was huge ! To many disappointments with this magazine...

The sense is quite clear: Write some undetailed stuff to get more people to buy it. "Who cares in a few moths if it has been true" All about marketing.

And to state: I wait and see what really happens in and during The Desolation of Smaug. I´m sure i wont be proved wrong...


Aug 8 2013, 12:01pm

Post #8 of 15 (659 views)
Dol Guldor Ambush!? [In reply to] Can't Post

I wonder who is doing the ambushing...
Is it Elves ambushing Orcs or even Orcs ambushing Elves outside the fortress?
Or do you suppose it is referring to something that goes on inside the fortress (for example, Gandalf)?

So many options if this rumour is true...
Interesting situation! Laugh

Thoughts anyone?

What's this? A Ranger caught off his guard?


Aug 8 2013, 12:25pm

Post #9 of 15 (610 views)
Indeed - this is an interesting situation... [In reply to] Can't Post

Now, from what you've said, the idea of Orcs ambushing Elves (outside or in Tongue) sounds logical to me - supposing whilst the Dwarves are getting ambushed by the Elves, this is going on...
Here comes my hypothesis (you've done it now!):
• Bolg (Azog's son, rumoured to be in the second film) attacks the Elves and fails.
• Orcs in fortress have to retreat.
• Bolg has not got anywhere else to go, except back to his father.
• Father thinks he's a bit of a failure (that would put a bit of a weight of the Azog and Bolg storyline, so that his son can redeem himself - not that I want major father-and-son scenes, but it might lead up to Bolg's moment at the Battle of the Five Armies... or lead up to something in Lake Town since we all know there is a chase going on down there.)

Though, now that you mention Gandalf being within Dol Guldur... Oh, I'm getting the shivers!
What if something happens to him and he must try to miraculously escape from the fortress (remember in the trailer how Radagast and Gandalf say that it is a trap?)

Oh, you should not make me so excited - I am hyped up enough as it is! Laugh

I must congratulate you, however, for those interesting questions about the Fortress - I was wondering that myself.
Mae Govannen to the forums, by the way. Wink

....."Loyalty, Honor,
......A Willing Heart.
I can ask no more than that."

.... ~ Thorin Oakenshield


Aug 8 2013, 1:18pm

Post #10 of 15 (573 views)
Wow this is good stuff :) [In reply to] Can't Post

You're getting more carried away than I am. Laugh

I just thought if they were going to put more into the Necromancer story then an ambush as well as what happens to Gandalf in Dol Guldur would be in order.

I like the idea of giving a little more to Bolg's character as he is said to be one of the Orcs in the fortress. It would add weight to the fact they have both Azog and Bolg in these stories (something I'm still trying to see the reason for). It is said it is going to have a father-and-son theme within this film - not that I want too many scenes of the Orcs myself, but a couple of scenes about the same length and style as Weathertop in AUJ might work.
If they have all the things you have mentioned in this one film I think it would make quite an amazing part of the story and would link it up well with what is happening elsewhere.

By the way, thank you for the welcome.

What's this? A Ranger caught off his guard?


Aug 8 2013, 3:35pm

Post #11 of 15 (537 views)
I think the ambush refers to Thrain [In reply to] Can't Post

The "Dol Guldur Ambush" set is in a low price range, suggesting to me that it likely contains 2-3 mini-figures and some scenery. I'm thinking these will be Gandalf, Thrain, and perhaps Radagast, and capture the moment we saw in the DoS preview when Thrain leaps from an improbable height to surprise Gandalf.

I don't think that the elves will be heavily involved in the assault on Dol Guldur, with Galadriel and perhaps Elrond arriving to save Gandalf from the mess he's getting himself into. It sounds as if the majority of Thranduil's forces will have their hands full with the endlessly intrusive Azog subplot.

But perhaps I'll be completely wrong about all of this!

"After all, I believe that legends and myths are largely made of 'truth', and indeed present aspects of it that can only be received in this mode; and long ago certain truths and modes of this kind were discovered and must always reappear." Professor Tolkien, 1951

Tol Eressea

Aug 8 2013, 3:41pm

Post #12 of 15 (497 views)
Maybe...... [In reply to] Can't Post

They want to have the Dol Guldur battle/Smaug climax DOS, and the BOFA climax TABA?

Agreed that if the get rid of the White Council subplot, they will need another one to fill up that space. BOFA just can't take up a whole movie.


Aug 10 2013, 3:04am

Post #13 of 15 (329 views)
I hope we will see something of Gandalf in battle with the Nazgul in a cannon lift from the Fellowship Novel. [In reply to] Can't Post

It would be one of the best things they could do, and a travesty if they let it pass. You will recall the Amon Sul conflict, where Gandalf battles The Nine from dusk until dawn in a confrontation seen from afar by Aragorn and Frodo as "lightning that leaps up from the hill top." Certainly neither Thrain nor Bolg should be suggested as sufficient to truly test a Wizard who has come prepared for a fight.

In Reply To
You're getting more carried away than I am. Laugh

I just thought if they were going to put more into the Necromancer story then an ambush as well as what happens to Gandalf in Dol Guldur would be in order.

I like the idea of giving a little more to Bolg's character as he is said to be one of the Orcs in the fortress. It would add weight to the fact they have both Azog and Bolg in these stories (something I'm still trying to see the reason for). It is said it is going to have a father-and-son theme within this film - not that I want too many scenes of the Orcs myself, but a couple of scenes about the same length and style as Weathertop in AUJ might work.
If they have all the things you have mentioned in this one film I think it would make quite an amazing part of the story and would link it up well with what is happening elsewhere.

By the way, thank you for the welcome.

"Hear me, hounds of Sauron, Gandalf is here! Fly if you value your foul skins, I will shrivel you from tail to snout if you step within this circle!"

"Do not be to eager to deal out death in judgement. Even the very wise cannot see all ends."


Aug 10 2013, 3:13am

Post #14 of 15 (346 views)
I don't see Elrond or Galadriel showing up while Gandalf is investigating Dol Guldur. [In reply to] Can't Post

If any of the other Wise could peer into Dol Guldur from afar, he wouldn't need to venture there. Also, at least one other council scene is needed. Lots to discuss. I think it far more likely (hopefully, and also from certain evidence, like him having the same staff in some of the Dale shots, though not in other very differnt ones) that he, with Radagast as getaway car, will escape Dol Guldur narrowly with no more help than Radagast, and that he will bring the needed news back to the council with urgency, THEN the assault will commence.

In Reply To
The "Dol Guldur Ambush" set is in a low price range, suggesting to me that it likely contains 2-3 mini-figures and some scenery. I'm thinking these will be Gandalf, Thrain, and perhaps Radagast, and capture the moment we saw in the DoS preview when Thrain leaps from an improbable height to surprise Gandalf.

I don't think that the elves will be heavily involved in the assault on Dol Guldur, with Galadriel and perhaps Elrond arriving to save Gandalf from the mess he's getting himself into. It sounds as if the majority of Thranduil's forces will have their hands full with the endlessly intrusive Azog subplot.

But perhaps I'll be completely wrong about all of this!

"Hear me, hounds of Sauron, Gandalf is here! Fly if you value your foul skins, I will shrivel you from tail to snout if you step within this circle!"

"Do not be to eager to deal out death in judgement. Even the very wise cannot see all ends."


Aug 12 2013, 11:20pm

Post #15 of 15 (242 views)
Nice idea! [In reply to] Can't Post

Sounds perfect. Smile


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