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Mar 8 2013, 10:02am

Post #1 of 57 (1345 views)
Return of the Getting to know you thread Can't Post

Mainly because I’m feeling a wee bit bored (dangerous I know Wink), but also because I haven’t really done any of these for a while and I need a bit of a distraction from everything that’s been happening here lately Smile

1. You're laid up inside with a broken leg, what three things are essential for you to have nearby?

2. What’s the naughtiest thing you ever did as a kid? (and don’t tell me you were all angels, cause I won't believe ya! TongueLaugh)

3. When you're feeling a little down, what one thing is always sure to make you smile?

4. What are some of the silliest things you’ve ever done?

5. You’ve been given the chance to ask your favourite actor/actress just one question, what would it be? And who is your favourite actor/actress?

Remember silly answers are not only acceptable, they’re actively encouraged WinkLaugh

*hugs, love and blessings*
Kel xHeart

Bag ENZ Home of the Hobbit *with thanks to cameragod ;D*

One by one they faded, and fell into shadow...

One book to rule them all
One book to find them
One book to bring them all
And in TORn bind them
In the land of TORnadoes...where the brilliant play


Mar 8 2013, 10:46am

Post #2 of 57 (903 views)
There are no silly answers ... just silly questions! ;-) [In reply to] Can't Post

1.You're laid up inside with a broken leg, what three things are essential for you to have nearby?

I'd have one of those long scratching aids to poke down the cast. There's nothing worse than having an itch you can't reach. The second essential item I would have would be a bell. After an itch, the next worse thing is being hungry and thirsty. The bell would alert my other half to bring me food! WinkThe third would be my laptop - I'd get bored talking to myself otherwise!

2. What’s the naughtiest thing you ever did as a kid?

I told my older brother to ride down some stairs on a bike. He did it ... and cracked his head open. Don't blame me though! He chose to do it, not me! Angelic

3. When you're feeling a little down, what one thing is always sure to make you smile?

Being on TORn. There's always something to laugh about on here. Failing that, chocolate biscuits normally does the trick for me.

4. What are some of the silliest things you’ve ever done?

Hid in a dustbin to scare my other half. It was hilarious at the time.Cool

And it terms of being very foolish ... getting stranded in Norway without a mobile phone.

5. You’ve been given the chance to ask your favourite actor/actress just one question, what would it be? And who is your favourite actor/actress?

Cate Blanchett, will you marry me? Evil


Mar 8 2013, 10:51am

Post #3 of 57 (912 views)
Silly questions means I haven't lost my touch ;-D // [In reply to] Can't Post


Bag ENZ Home of the Hobbit *with thanks to cameragod ;D*

One by one they faded, and fell into shadow...

One book to rule them all
One book to find them
One book to bring them all
And in TORn bind them
In the land of TORnadoes...where the brilliant play


Mar 8 2013, 12:22pm

Post #4 of 57 (907 views)
Hello! [In reply to] Can't Post

I love these posts!

1. My worn-out Two Towers paperback, my towel named Ford and a big bottle of crunchy peanut butter.

2. Several things...Apparently, when I was only a few months old I peed on my aunt when she tried to change my diaper and I laughed malevolently.

3. When my lab, Sam, comes up to me and paws at my head. Makes me feel like a Frodo...

4. Ooh, goody! I've always wanted to make a list of these:
I - Went hunting, in the middle of the night with my 42-year old uncle and twelve year old cousin for imaginary soldiers, armed with just a broken light and some sweet wrappers and a dog that gets his tongue stuck to his frozen water bowl (and barks at these imaginary soldiers).
II - Danced the Safety Dance in front of my class because I was bored of the class photo-taking.
III - Fell over my chair( not joking) when my English teacher said that we would be reading the works of Conan Doyle. Then she said that we'd do poems by E.A. Poe, and I fell again.
IV - A food fight with my grown-up uncle and aunt and selfsame cousin as mentioned in (I). My nuncle won - he used the barbecue sauce on us...spaghetti just wasn't enough to defeat Captain Fearless.
V - Took a two minute video of potatoes when visiting New Zealand. Couldn't help myself. They were just standing there....
VI - My cousins (minions) helped me make vegetables with faces. The potato's name was Spud.
VII - Had a debate with a Star Wars fan for about an hour (I'm more of a Trekkie). Vulcan ears and furry bears have never been insulted so badly.
VIII - Slapped my sister with a teabag.
IX - I was left home alone for twenty minutes. When everyone came back, I was in a blanket-cloak attached with a Fellowship broach, a toothpaste moustache and a weapon that was a cross between a feather duster and deodorant. I sang "The Hero of Canton" song from Firefly.
X - Put marshmallows in my ears.
XI - I was three years old in a fancy restaurant with all these "proper" stuck up people around me. What did I do? Teach my aunt how to burp as loudly as I could.
XII - Taught at least 30 people how to play rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock.
XIII - Gone to a Thirty Seconds to Mars concert with my Mother. Head-banging with an awesome person...

Holy Eru, am I weird.
5. Sorry, but I can't decide between Christopher Lee and Anthony Hopkins. But the reaction would be the same; I would run up to him and ask him if I could hug him.

If it were Richard Armitage, it would be a different story. <Evil laugh>

Thanks, I enjoyed this immensely!!!

"Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards because a refusal often offends." - Terry Pratchett

(This post was edited by BoromirOfWinterfell on Mar 8 2013, 12:23pm)

The Shire

Mar 8 2013, 12:27pm

Post #5 of 57 (883 views)
This is me [In reply to] Can't Post

1.You're laid up inside with a broken leg, what three things are essential for you to have nearby?
I won't need three things, I'd only need my trusty bell which rings very loudly so husband dear can come running and bring me everything my heart desires. But if he's not there, my books to read, legos to play with and my mp3 player.

2. What’s the naughtiest thing you ever did as a kid?
I'd pick all sorts of leaves and flowers and seeds in the garden, mix them with dirt and water and then hide them under my bed for my mother to find when she was looking for my lost shoes. Must of thought it was some sort of experiment?

3. When you're feeling a little down, what one thing is always sure to make you smile?
A conversation with any of my nieces and nephews, especially my eldest niece Boromir_of_Winterfell. We go full Middle Earth geek (or Firefly, or Walking Dead, or Terry Pratchett, or Douglas Adams, or Dr. Who, or Star Trek, or Harry Potter... Our geek list is seemingly endless.)

4. What are some of the silliest things you’ve ever done?
Umm, be sure to go and look at Boromir_of_Winterfell's list. The silliest things I've ever done have been with her. Food fights, LoTR re-enactments, driving the family mad by singing the Ballad of Bilbo Baggins over and over and over. Just for the record, I'm 40 and the silliness is just increasing. Probably because we care less what others think as we get older?

5. You’ve been given the chance to ask your favourite actor/actress just one question, what would it be? And who is your favourite actor/actress?
Viggo Mortensen - I probably won't ask anything. I'd just stand there grinning like an idiot, hug him and run away in embarrassment!Blush


Mar 8 2013, 12:30pm

Post #6 of 57 (870 views)
Aww.. [In reply to] Can't Post

A conversation with any of my nieces and nephews, especially my eldest niece Boromir_of_Winterfell. We go full Middle Earth geek (or Firefly, or Walking Dead, or Terry Pratchett, or Douglas Adams, or Dr. Who, or Star Trek, or Harry Potter... Our geek list is seemingly endless.)

Aww, is so soppy...

"Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards because a refusal often offends." - Terry Pratchett


Mar 8 2013, 3:18pm

Post #7 of 57 (864 views)
Silly is good [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To

1. You're laid up inside with a broken leg, what three things are essential for you to have nearby?
Worn, worn TH copy
Pitcher of water and some tangerines
One of the LOTR EE in DVD player with remote (here comes commentary!)

2. What’s the naughtiest thing you ever did as a kid? (and don’t tell me you were all angels, cause I won't believe ya! TongueLaugh)
Actually I was a very good, quiet child. I am much worse now. My latest naughty thing was to sneak some very old runny applesauce into the hand cream dispenser at work. Very amusing for me.

3. When you're feeling a little down, what one thing is always sure to make you smiile?
Stupidly finding one of the LOTR films on regular tv. So dumb. I mean it's not even EE but love finding them anyway. Also, the Adventure Time episode "Thank You".

4. What are some of the silliest things you’ve ever done?
Besides getting married? (haha!) Let's see...staying recent - dressing up my head like a Sand Person using black thermometer covers and kerlax wrap, and greeting docs as such as they walk into the unit.
Also very silly and fun, if you put a really nasty looking salad dressing into a sterile comntainer and pretend it came out of a patient's drain - then take a big ol' taste off your finger (saying wow, I should send that to the lab...). Hysterical. I am a sad trial for my boss.
My NYPD husband has a siily pasttime- when they are bored they play YMCA (Village People) over the PA mike in the car. He says where else but in NYC (and particularly Manhattan) would everyone within hearing start doing the Y-M-C-A letters, completely matter-of-fact, no one reacting to anyone else, and including all the tourists.

5. You’ve been given the chance to ask your favourite actor/actress just one question, what would it be? And who is your favourite actor/actress?
Sir Derek Jacoby. I would probably start with "Oh I love everything you've ever done...." and gawk. Maybe cry. Then he'd get uncomfortable and leave, so no question for me.Unsure

*hugs, love and blessings*
Many, Right back atcha Kelx!Heart


Mar 8 2013, 3:24pm

Post #8 of 57 (866 views)
Very nice, Winterfell! [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To

XI - I was three years old in a fancy restaurant with all these "proper" stuck up people around me. What did I do? Teach my aunt how to burp as loudly as I could.

Holy Eru, am I weird.

If it were Richard Armitage, it would be a different story. <Evil laugh>

XI Channelling your inner Nori/Ori ahead of the curve.
You are in good company! No worries!Wink

Nice point! I like your laugh.......!


Mar 8 2013, 3:56pm

Post #9 of 57 (860 views)
okay [In reply to] Can't Post

1. You're laid up inside with a broken leg, what three things are essential for you to have nearby?
New York Times Crossword, a large pile of books, jigsaw puzzle

2. What’s the naughtiest thing you ever did as a kid? (and don’t tell me you were all angels, cause I won't believe ya! )
caught 13 garter snakes, brought them home, and "hid" them in a drawer. Of course my mom, who is terrified of snakes, opened that drawer a little later on . . .

3. When you're feeling a little down, what one thing is always sure to make you smile?
A chat with my niece.

4. What are some of the silliest things you’ve ever done?
Taken costumes, pink flamingoes, and a croquet set along on a backpacking trip.

5. You’ve been given the chance to ask your favourite actor/actress just one question, what would it be? And who is your favourite actor/actress?
Well, I wouldn't say he's my favorite, but I would love to talk with Viggo about art, because I think he'd have some interesting thoughts. But really, if there was one famous person I could get to meet & talk with, it wouldn't be an actor, it would be Ursula Le Guin.

The way we imagine our lives is the way we are going to go on living our lives.

- James Hillman, Healing Fiction

* * * * * * * * * *

NARF and member of Deplorable Cultus since 1967


Mar 8 2013, 5:03pm

Post #10 of 57 (858 views)
Embarrassment, thy name is Kitty [In reply to] Can't Post

1. You're laid up inside with a broken leg, what three things are essential for you to have nearby?

A stack of books and dvds, a laptop, and my love.

2. What’s the naughtiest thing you ever did as a kid?

I put a frog in an empty Big Mac container and left it on the counter at a McDonalds. After a while, the frog jumped out in front of some customers and I was banned from that location indefinitely (which probably saved my waistline, at least for a while).

3. When you're feeling a little down, what one thing is always sure to make you smile?

My love and/or my children... they are all so lovely and precious to me. Also talking with God usually helps. Sorry... hard to name one thing.

4. What are some of the silliest things you’ve ever done?

Too many to count... truly.

5. You’ve been given the chance to ask your favourite actor/actress just one question, what would it be? And who is your favourite actor/actress?

Hmmm favourite actor has to be, gah, here are too many as well, depending on my mood... okay today let's say Denzel Washington. The question would be: "for you personally, which role most brought your natural badassery to bear?"


Mar 8 2013, 5:14pm

Post #11 of 57 (864 views)
sick, naughty, silly.... [In reply to] Can't Post

1. You're laid up inside with a broken leg, what three things are essential for you to have nearby?
1 - Remote!
2 - DVDs - depending on how long I'm 'laid up', I'd probably run through: Firefly/Serenity - Battlestar Galactica - Pride & Prejudice (Knightly) - Sense and Sensibility (Thompson) - Moulin Rouge - A Knight's Tale. And probably listen to some of the commentaries.
3 - a soft pillow and warm cover to snuggle down and nap when the urge compels me. I'm assuming I get a hassock to put my broken leg up on. I have to put my feet up to feel comfortable.

2. What’s the naughtiest thing you ever did as a kid? (and don’t tell me you were all angels, cause I won't believe ya! )
OMG... I went through a period of being awful! I hate to say the worst thing I did was stab a kid in the hand with the pointy end of a drawing compass (probably 1st or 2nd grade). I think I scared myself at that point and whipped myself into shape.

3. When you're feeling a little down, what one thing is always sure to make you smile?
A child being a child in all the best ways (not talking tantrum or whiny stuff) will get me every time. I can remember a day that had been pretty awful and I went to meet my next class as they were coming back to the classroom from gym. They were all in line waiting to enter and one little girl looked up at me and said... all proud like... "I got something in my pocket." I mean, it made my heart clench. Don't ask me why. She was so happy about that thing in her pocket and so wanting to share that with someone. Life is so simple and uncomplicated and so free of drama and meanspiritness at those moments. I also loved watching children go through the halls on an errand unable to stop themselves from skipping. They knew there weren't supposed to. It's not safe to run in the halls! But they were just so infected with joy - at that moment - that it isn't that they can't help themselves... they just are inhabited with joy and not rules.

4. What are some of the silliest things you’ve ever done?
Well, I'm kind of a non-silly person. I don't strive to be. I just *am*. But I did ask someone for their leftover Two Towers popcorn bag after the movie was over. She said she had a used kleenex in it (sure I wouldn't want it in that case) but I said, 'no problem, I'm not going to eat out of it' and I turned it upside down over the waste basket on my way out.

5. You’ve been given the chance to ask your favourite actor/actress just one question, what would it be? And who is your favourite actor/actress?
Oh, this is hard for two reasons.

One: I dont' do 'favorite'. I mean, I have so many things I love it is very hard to elevate one above the other worthy ones. And what is my 'favorite' at any time is likely to change over time or with changes in mood.

Two: When I sense a connection and can find a common area of interest, I can chat like a loquacious magpie (my family tells me I never shut up). But I am reserved with people I don't know well and don't like to pry by asking questions.

So, at this moment... if I could choose to spend time with an actor/actress it would be.... Richard Armitage. And if I were going to pry... perhaps I would explore the relationships he's held with women in his life, notably while growing up. I suspect that he's had good relationships with women - mother? aunts? sisters? - that have helped him be someone who is very present and connected with people - a trait that seems to me to be tapping into feminine energy.

I didn't do silly answers, did I?

LOTR soundtrack website ~ magpie avatar gallery
TORn History Mathom-house ~ Torn Image Posting Guide


Mar 8 2013, 5:18pm

Post #12 of 57 (864 views)
I seriously considered peanut butter for one of my three items [In reply to] Can't Post

It is my #1 comfort food. But I need creamy these days. The nutty parts get caught in the receding gum lines. :-/

LOTR soundtrack website ~ magpie avatar gallery
TORn History Mathom-house ~ Torn Image Posting Guide


Mar 8 2013, 5:52pm

Post #13 of 57 (836 views)
I was a weird child...still am. [In reply to] Can't Post

XI Channelling your inner Nori/Ori ahead of the curve.
You are in good company! No worries!Wink

Nice point! I like your laugh.......!

<Bows until beard sweeps on the floor>
Wait, I don't have a beard. Oh well, I'm a dwarf at heart.

"Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards because a refusal often offends." - Terry Pratchett


Mar 8 2013, 6:01pm

Post #14 of 57 (833 views)
That makes me happy, too. [In reply to] Can't Post

Stupidly finding one of the LOTR films on regular tv. So dumb. I mean it's not even EE but love finding them anyway.

One night I was very tired and had to study for my end-of-year maths exam. I had so much work still to do, but decided to take a break. I walk in the television room, and the latter half of RoTK is on. So, of course I have to watch the entire thing and cry my eyes out at the end, but was very happy because all of Middle-earth was saved. Again!
The maths did not go as well as I had planned...Blush

"Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards because a refusal often offends." - Terry Pratchett

Forum Admin / Moderator

Mar 8 2013, 6:57pm

Post #15 of 57 (829 views)
Me?? Silly?? [In reply to] Can't Post

Have you meet my sister, she is silly Wink.

But I'm more than willing to answer your questions...

1. You're laid up inside with a broken leg, what three things are essential for you to have nearby?
Since it is just a broken leg, I'm assuming I'm able to sit up. So I have my crafts basket with me, with my cross stitch work, knitting work and felt doll. (and I can use the knitting needles for the necessary scratching as Daniel already mentioned).
My laptop. So I can keep in touch with the world and call for help when I get bored.
A big bag of liquorice, yumm!! Can't live without it, especially not when I'm a poor little girl with a broken leg.

2. What’s the naughtiest thing you ever did as a kid? (and don’t tell me you were all angels, cause I won't believe ya! )
Uhm (promise my mum isn't reading along).
Together with my brother cut all the play-doh we had in small tiny pieces and used it to throw around the kitchen (we had fun, mum didn't really think it was funny, especially not when we also walked through it).
Used the biggest teddy bear we had, and used it like a sleigh to ride down the stairs. (it was great fun!)
Pfff. I think I am really too nice, or I banned all the naughtiness from my mind.

3. When you're feeling a little down, what one thing is always sure to make you smile?
Seeing a puppy having fun.
Seeing a small kid laughing.
Snow flakes
Little white clouds in a blue sky, on a nice summer day.

4. What are some of the silliest things you’ve ever done?
Is playing tag with a couple of TORn-sibs on Facebook silly??
And what is silly. My colleague always wears black. As a counter balance I wear the brightest colours I have. She thinks I"m silly.
I participated in a free-hug day in Eindhoven. It was great. Some people looked at us as if we were completely insane. Others really came to you for a hug. I had a wonderful time!
According to some my life is just a big silly happening (going to NZ for a certain premiere, going to the midnight screening of that same movie, going to conventions to meet stars of that same movie), but I claim I'm absolutely normal.

5. You’ve been given the chance to ask your favourite actor/actress just one question, what would it be? And who is your favourite actor/actress?
This one varies with the movie I like at that moment.
Currently I would just be happy to sit in a room with 13 dwarves. No asking questions just having fun.


Mar 8 2013, 7:13pm

Post #16 of 57 (828 views)
Good questions [In reply to] Can't Post

1) You're laid up inside with a broken leg, what three things are essential for you to have nearby?
- Laptop
- DVDs, including the LOTR EEs
- Supply of hot chocolate

2. What’s the naughtiest thing you ever did as a kid? (and don’t tell me you were all angels, cause I won't believe ya!
Probably too many to recall here. My earliest memory of being naughty was ramming my baby brother's pram through the front door- fortunately he was not in it at the time. I think I was about 3 then
When I was about 8, I remember the teacher being called from class to take a phone call. She had just written a load of sums on the board for us to do. For some reason, she seemed to think I was responsible and left me in charge of the class for the few minutes she needed to be out of the room. I took the opportunity to take a vote from the class confirming my view that maths was boring and erased all the sums from the board. I tried to deny it when she came back of course....
3. When you're feeling a little down, what one thing is always sure to make you smile?
Many things rather than just one- giving friends a call, seeing something beautiful in nature, chocolate(!), reading my travel diaries (on many levels- reminds me how fortunate I am really, but also some is quite funny in retrospect)
4. What are some of the silliest things you’ve ever done?
Manifold!! The most recent being reading "The Dead Marshes" chapter out loud to my cat (with all the voices including Gollum)- or maybe that's just stir craziness...

Dancing the lambada on a table at a Greek restaurant in London, once the plate throwing and belly dancing part of the evening had started
Dancing the OkeyCokey halfway up the Annapurna Trek in Nepal with a load of Sherpas- they taught us some of their folk songs around the camp fire- we gave them the Okey Cokey and the Birdie Song!!
5. You’ve been given the chance to ask your favourite actor/actress just one question, what would it be? And who is your favourite actor/actress?
Difficult to say re one favourite, because it varies. However, at present-

Viggo Mortensen- how does he maintain his apparent joie de vivre?
Richard Armitage- discuss his ideas re Richard III , misunderstood good guy or villain?
Johnny Depp- how many times did he crack up laughing playing Jack Sparrow, doing that walk?

Sorry about the font size- it keeps changing spontaneously as I type

"Beneath the roof of sleeping leaves the dreams of trees unfold"


Mar 8 2013, 7:42pm

Post #17 of 57 (820 views)
Is the OkeyCokey the same thing as the Hokey Pokey? [In reply to] Can't Post

You put your right hand in, you put your right hand out.
You put your right hand in and you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!

LOTR soundtrack website ~ magpie avatar gallery
TORn History Mathom-house ~ Torn Image Posting Guide


Mar 8 2013, 8:18pm

Post #18 of 57 (813 views)
Exactly that! [In reply to] Can't Post

You can tell we really delivered the best of Western culture to our Sherpa guides! They loved it- they were particularly violent for the refrain thinking that the aim was to take out as many of the other participants as possible! When us poor soft Westerners had had enough, the Sherpas were crying "No we want more Western dance!!". This episode is one of those mentioned in my aforementioned travel diaries which make me smile when low. Or rather crack up giggling....

"Beneath the roof of sleeping leaves the dreams of trees unfold"


Mar 8 2013, 8:33pm

Post #19 of 57 (821 views)
Here's a back up if you need another one [In reply to] Can't Post

Tooty Ta

They used to do this at the elementary school where I worked. They'll pull it out when there were visiting adults in the room (like parents). It seems so innocent when you start but by the end, you're acting like a complete fool and wondering how you got suckered into it!

LOTR soundtrack website ~ magpie avatar gallery
TORn History Mathom-house ~ Torn Image Posting Guide


Mar 8 2013, 8:46pm

Post #20 of 57 (819 views)
We call it the Hokey Tokey [In reply to] Can't Post

Hokey Pokey is an ice-cream flavour here. Smile


Mar 8 2013, 8:53pm

Post #21 of 57 (827 views)
My preferences would be [In reply to] Can't Post

1. The Lord of the Rings (the book obviously), the laptop (so I could post here), and the LOTR trilogy EE box set (in case the book wasn't enough to tide me over).

2. Probably when I accidentally smashed the fish tank when play-fighting with a friend Frown Thankfully the fish was still alive and remained so long enough for me to fetch a bag full of water to put him in.

3. Gandalf's wise words always cheer me up.

4. Well that depends what you mean by silly: silly as in stupid (like leaving the kettle on when you went for a shower, to return to find the kettle melted onto the top of the cooker), or whether you mean regular silly habits (such as playing the spoons). Either way I've done too many of both to list!Laugh

5. I'd find it almost impossible to choose just one question, but as an aspiring actor myself I suppose I would ask him for any advice/knowledge/secrets that he could share with me concerning a career in the theatre. My favourite actor is Sir Ian McKellen, though I neglected to ask him that question when I met him! Seeing my favourite actor talking to me in front of my own eyes let alone seeing Gandalf in front of me was just about as much as I could take!

"These are Gundabad Wargs! They will outrun you!"

"THESE are Rhosgobel Rabbits! I'd like to see them try...."

(This post was edited by Radagast-Aiwendil on Mar 8 2013, 8:58pm)

The Prancing Pony

Mar 8 2013, 8:55pm

Post #22 of 57 (809 views)
Let's see [In reply to] Can't Post

1. Luckily, I've never broken a leg or any other bone, and I hope that remains so. But if I ever did, I'd need my LOTR books (that only counts as one!), chocolate, and lots of tissues.

2. Naughty? Me?
Can't think of anything at the moment, though there must have been something.

3. Animals playing in the snow. But as I can't rely on it to snow in summer, just to cheer me up, I'll say...
The smell of a good book. I love the smell of books, it is the first thing I check out when I bought a new book. Oddly enough, books I like also seem to smell good, whereas I've discovered that those I don't like smell bitter. LOTR still ranks #1 in the best books i've ever smelt. (Ugh, that sounds strange somehow)

4. Hm, one includes lots of blood on a previously white tiling. Here's a little advise: Don't play "tennis" (with a table-tennis bat and ball) against a wall if you're standing directly under a staircase.

5. Difficult. Can't pick only one. Anyone playing in LOTR or TH. Doesn't matter who, I'd be completely tongue-tied and forget my question anyway.

Well, though you didn't ask for it, another thing belonging to the category of "getting to know you" would be that I'm terribly bad with comma placement Crazy. I'm sorry if I mess this up in any of my posts. Unsure

"If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world."


Mar 9 2013, 12:12am

Post #23 of 57 (794 views)
great questions [In reply to] Can't Post

1. You're laid up inside with a broken leg, what three things are essential for you to have nearby?

Laptop - has my M-e e-books on so that's all of them, lol, plus it has internet etc so i can watch tv, play games, come on here. Water and Crutches so i can move about, lol or is that cheating?

2. What’s the naughtiest thing you ever did as a kid? (and don’t tell me you were all angels, cause I won't believe ya! )

I once when a toddler went into my granmothers purse and took out her credit card - i didn't know what it was other than important and without warning ran outside to the closest drain - i waited for her to get within a few feet then looking at her i dropped it down the drain, haha.

3. When you're feeling a little down, what one thing is always sure to make you smile?

I just think things will get better - maybe play some music i enjoy or read a chapter or two of one of Tolkien's works. Hang out with friends or gf? Lol more than one sorry.

4. What are some of the silliest things you’ve ever done?

Pretended i was related to the royal family when i went to Cali to fellow classmates for a day or two, haha. They were all wonderfully gullible and believed me but found it funny when i told them the truth.

5. You’ve been given the chance to ask your favourite actor/actress just one question, what would it be? And who is your favourite actor/actress?

Hmm do i go for favourite in terms of acting or who i just think is fit, lol. I think i would want to see Famke Janssen and tell her how i have had a crush on her since i was about 8 years old and be so passionate she falls madly for me (yeah right!) i would even be happy to die like the characters in Goldeneye with her, haha.


Mar 9 2013, 1:42am

Post #24 of 57 (778 views)
Huh? But this little Kitty isn't embarrassed!// [In reply to] Can't Post


Bag ENZ Home of the Hobbit *with thanks to cameragod ;D*

One by one they faded, and fell into shadow...

One book to rule them all
One book to find them
One book to bring them all
And in TORn bind them
In the land of TORnadoes...where the brilliant play


Mar 9 2013, 1:45am

Post #25 of 57 (782 views)
Playing 'Tag' on Facebook? [In reply to] Can't Post

Sounds perfectly normal to me AngelicLaugh

Which sister? There's two of us remember? *you'd better name the other one, who won't play here any more MadFrown cries, sniffle*

Bag ENZ Home of the Hobbit *with thanks to cameragod ;D*

One by one they faded, and fell into shadow...

One book to rule them all
One book to find them
One book to bring them all
And in TORn bind them
In the land of TORnadoes...where the brilliant play

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