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The Hobbit magazine with content by TORn
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Oct 13 2012, 7:17pm

Post #1 of 76 (7579 views)
The Hobbit magazine with content by TORn Can't Post

This got posted on The Hobbit board and fell to page 2 in 24 hours. And I know lots of people don't check the Hobbit board often, if at all. So I thought it was worth a repost on Main.

For those who are going "Hun?", I'm actually going to link you to the TORn Mathom-house History Page for some links for more information:

Unfortunately, I've called/visited three major B&N in the Twin Cities area and none have it. They can't tell if they will ever have it (since their inventory for magazines is not handled the same way as for books). I don't frequent book sellers nor WalMarts (the other place that was suggested I look). So, it looks like the chances I'll get this magazine are low.

But, I am interested in hearing from anyone who does. Any comments directly related to The Hobbit movie should go on The Hobbit board. But I'm more interested in what people think about the magazine in general: the writing, the images, the selection of articles. How are articles credited? What info on TheOneRing.net does the magazine provide?

And, if someone gets the magazine and would like to contribute to the TORn Mathom-house article, I'd be thrilled. Let me know if you'd like to do that and aren't set up with an editing account yet.

LOTR soundtrack website ~ magpie avatar gallery
TORn History Mathom-house ~ Torn Image Posting Guide

(This post was edited by Magpie on Oct 13 2012, 7:18pm)


Oct 13 2012, 8:31pm

Post #2 of 76 (5466 views)
I have the precious! [In reply to] Can't Post

I found two copies in the Entertainment magazine section at a nearby Barnes & Noble. I have to say I'm very impressed with the quality. There are lots and lots of pictures, a very colorful, exciting layout and, best of all, a full page ad for TORn on page 3 (just after the table of contents).

One very nice feature is that there are only has two ads in the entire magazine which, to me, truly makes it a "Collector's Edition." About 5 pages from the end, there's a full page ad for a similar fan-magazine for Twilight. But, the funniest thing is the full page ad inside the back cover for Blowfish fizzing tablets for hangovers, lol. Laugh Yep, us Tolkien fans hit the Dorwinian and 1420 ale pretty hard. Cool

99% of the side-bars and feature articles were written by TORn staff including the following board members:

MrCere - article on Richard Taylor, "Real Life Wizard" (though I think they cited his name wrong - MrCere's, not R. Taylor's). Frown

entmaiden - article on Daniel Reeve, "Where There's a Quill.."

Altaira - "The Book vs. the Movie" (Garfaimeo interviews moi), "Dwarf Women," and "You Might be Silvan Elf if..." and "The White Council" (which was credited to someone else entirely Frown)

greendragon - "The Tolkien Estate vs. Peter Jackson" and "Donato Giancola: Drawn to Middle-earth" - uncredited Frown

gramma - "Momentous Middle-earth Timeline" (two pages with gorgeous pictures).

Tehanu - "The Real Middle-earth" a piece on touring NZ with Red Carpet tours.

There are many, may other articles and side-bars: too many to list. There are a few spoilery things and pics, but the magazine went to press weeks ago, so there may not be that much new for those who follow Hobbit news rabidly (not that any of us resemble that remark). Angelic

The price is $7.99 U.S., but it's really so beautiful I think it was well worth it. If this first issue sells well, there may very well be another, and maybe even another. I don't think it's available outside the U.S., but U.S. Tornsibs could probably be bribed into sending some. I'd gladly send some overseas if I can only find more than the two I bought (don't worry, I'll be looking)! Finally, if it *doesn't* sell that well, there will probably be extra copies for sale at a discount, lol (erm... don't quote me on that).

Anyway, good luck finding it. I think you'll all love it! Smile

Koru: Maori symbol representing a fern frond as it opens. The koru reaches towards the light, striving for perfection, encouraging new, positive beginnings.

"Life can't be all work and no TORn" -- jflower

"I take a moment to fervently hope that the camaradarie and just plain old fun I found at TORn will never end" -- LOTR_nutcase


Oct 13 2012, 8:34pm

Post #3 of 76 (5286 views)
Desperate to get my fingers on a copy [In reply to] Can't Post

If you get hold of another copy Altaira, could you send it to me please? I'd pay for all expenses. Smile

Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!

Forum Admin / Moderator

Oct 13 2012, 11:00pm

Post #4 of 76 (5277 views)
One does not simply walk into Mordor-mart. [In reply to] Can't Post

One must first trek from the farthest reaches of the parking-lot, and fight one's way through hordes of orcs - er, customers, and find one's way to "Books & Magazines" without a Map...

Only for The Precious would I enter that store! Laugh

The publishers did an outstanding job putting this together. It's going to take me a while to delve into it! But let me give you some highlights of my first impressions.

Top three geekiest items:
- Donato Giancola's painting of the middle-age Tolkien at his desk. Heart
- The Map of the TORn Message-Boards in the middle of the Daniel Reeve article. (And the picture of him is awesome.)
- Map of Middle-earth, done in cross-stitch, by... Rosie-with-the-Ribbons!

Oh, gramma, wait 'til you see how they've done up your time-line! Smile (I've never seen that pic of the Party with a rainbow over it...)

Lots of photos of the actors and the characters - and it looks like they've tried to give every one of the named characters a paragraph of their own. Background of getting The Hobbit going; interviews with Andy Serkis, Richard Taylor (yes, they did mix up Mr. Cere's surname in the credit), stills from the apps, 3D discussion, movie discussions, Tolkien estate (this one is credited to Tehanu), animations, elves and dwarves and Councils oh my, New Zealand, collectibles, games, awesome fan stuff...I'm trying to not use "awesome" too often! Laugh

And ending with a Map of the Hobbit journey, and that geeky (yes!) ad for the hangover med!

This is a delight! Thank you, whoever thought of creating this, and all those creative folks who had a hand in it! Cool


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Oct 14 2012, 12:50am

Post #5 of 76 (5168 views)
Jealous [In reply to] Can't Post

That its in stores and that I haven't had time to search myself. I look forward to seeing how everyone else's stories came out, and how the two stories I worked on came out, this was such an awesome project to work on. I hope this pushes TORn to more people so we gather more tolkien fans. :)


Oct 14 2012, 12:53am

Post #6 of 76 (5274 views)
I just found one in the most unlikely place... [In reply to] Can't Post

my local Kroger Grocery Store. Seriously the last place I would think to look, and the last place in my small town I DID look! There was Gandalf peering out at me! I'm afraid I *squeeeee'd* kinda loudly and... well... I didn't get escorted out of the store.

Some ideas for searching. The Barnes & Noble closest to me (about 40 mins drive away) only got a few copies, and they were gone almost immediately.

I called the Barnes & Noble south an hour and they had 2! I talked them into mailing them to me and paid with a credit card over the phone.

So call any B&N you can and just tell them that the B&N in a different nearby town always mails magazines to you for $4. Ask them to go check the shelf. When I called the first one the first time, the gent only looked on their computer and said it didn't show up. When I called that same one later and talked with someone else, they told me they had a few, but they just sold out :(

I check all the stores in my town that carry magazines, including Wal-Mart (0), Target (0), 7-11, K-Mart (0), Meijers Grocery Store (0), Student Book Exchange on campus (0).

So don't give up! Call around to ALL the major Book Sellers and ask them to mail it.

I haven't even opened it yet. I'm going to bed soon and enjoy getting lost in peace a quiet :) I'm shaking like a leaf!


I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

TORn's Observations Lists
Unused Scenes

(This post was edited by grammaboodawg on Oct 14 2012, 12:57am)

Forum Admin / Moderator

Oct 14 2012, 1:34am

Post #7 of 76 (5242 views)
They came out well! [In reply to] Can't Post

Your article about what to anticipate for the higher filming rate is concise and to the point, and they've "framed" it nicely! I would have liked a bit longer Q&A with you and Garfeimao, but they probably had to strictly limit space.

(I didn't "recognize" you, they refer to you as "Sarumann" in the intro to the Q&A!)


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Forum Admin / Moderator

Oct 14 2012, 1:39am

Post #8 of 76 (5116 views)
Sweet dreams, gramma! [In reply to] Can't Post

Better warn your furry friends to expect numerous "squee's" while you're reading...Wink


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Oct 14 2012, 2:07am

Post #9 of 76 (5203 views)
Me? [In reply to] Can't Post

My articles should have been on the super collectors and the video games.


Oct 14 2012, 3:25am

Post #10 of 76 (5168 views)
Thang you Very Bunch..Gramma! [In reply to] Can't Post

8 Issues were on the Lowest and Highest visible Level of my My Kroger Store!( King Soopers in Colorado)
So I hid the other 7 issues behind the Justin Beiber fanzines
PM me if you a have a problem?
PM me soon!


Oct 14 2012, 10:58am

Post #11 of 76 (5014 views)
I'm going to [In reply to] Can't Post

Barnes & Noble today. I'll let you know if I have any luck. Plus, I would be happy to mail a few out to those who can't find any.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Oct 14 2012, 12:18pm

Post #12 of 76 (5029 views)
Ah, this explains it... [In reply to] Can't Post

The articles in the latter part of the mag are uncredited, and they include yours! Unsure (I had thought you were the "other" Josh.)

They have one page for each article, and I can tell you've got a sense of humor! For the collectibles, did the collectors send you photos, or did you get a chance to see their collections yourself?


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Oct 14 2012, 12:58pm

Post #13 of 76 (5046 views)
If you haven't got [In reply to] Can't Post

something lined up yet, DanielLB, pm me and I'll send you one of the 2 I'm expecting through the mail.

One warning, though... we have LOTS of rain predicted this week, and I'm hoping that B&N thought to use water-proof packaging since it will be sitting in my outdoor mailbox until I get home. *bites fingernails* If I had thought, I would have had them sent to my work.


I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

TORn's Observations Lists
Unused Scenes


Oct 14 2012, 1:18pm

Post #14 of 76 (4976 views)
Good!! :D [In reply to] Can't Post

I left an issue behind in case another geek-in-the-know runs in to find it. If it's still there when I go into work tomorrow at 6am, it's coming home with me ;)

It just didn't feel right (or hobbity) to take them all. I know I felt very blind-sided when I lost my chance at B&N during my first call there.


I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

TORn's Observations Lists
Unused Scenes


Oct 14 2012, 1:38pm

Post #15 of 76 (5005 views)
Sent in [In reply to] Can't Post

Ah got ya. It's ok that's happened a few times since I became a staff member. lol Smile

They sent pictures in. We asked for people who thought they where super collectors for pictures/info.


Oct 14 2012, 1:51pm

Post #16 of 76 (4967 views)
Thank you for the offer gramma! :-) [In reply to] Can't Post

dernwyn has been able to get one for me, and is sending it onwards. Can't wait! Cool

Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!


Oct 14 2012, 2:06pm

Post #17 of 76 (5077 views)
My review after my first visit with the magazine [In reply to] Can't Post

November/December 2012 [issue] of The Hobbit Fan Tribute: The Hobbit - A Tribute to the Unexpected Prequel to The Lord Of The Rings.

Firstly, I have to say I really fought the impulse to scan some pages and share them here just to SHOW how beautifully done this is... but I don't think it's proper to do so just yet... so I'll wait until I'm sure I'm not violating an assumption or trust. That said...

This magazine is absolutely stunning, high-quality and polished. I am so incredibly impressed with the beauty and detail that fills this.... I have trouble calling it this... magazine. It's more like a soft-cover booklet packed with so much information, so many images, and never-before visited articles by fans who love Tolkien's works and Jackson's films.

The publisher, TopixMediaLab doesn't mess around. They understand how to do a fan magazine right! This well-priced, 83-page booklet has a heavy-stock cover and high-gloss, solid pages with vibrant images, Tolkien-esque borders/details, and pages that are FILLED from edge to edge with a variety of colorful, antiqued, scrollish appearances. It's not at all articles dropped into a standard format like most magazines. Every page and article is stand-alone distinctive. The one article I was grateful to contribute was transformed into a format and look that bowled me over! I have to say I was shocked at the amazing transformation of the information I offered. And this is apparent through the whole thing.

Of the 2 ads that are mentioned within the publication... just TWO ADS... one is for a future publication by the host of this issue, and the other is on the very last page for an OTC medicine to settle a touchy stomach. THAT'S IT! No intrusions in your escape through page-after-page of a jaw-dropping journey through a rich and diverse booklet that promises to feed anyone's desire to get lost in the intriguing world of Tolkien/Jackson. That's what this publisher and this issue is all about. Simply a chance to stop and indulge in all those things that make us happy and doing it with people we know from our very own community. That's also what makes it so unique. Like TORN... this is for fans by fans who are local and home-grown :)


I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

TORn's Observations Lists
Unused Scenes

(This post was edited by grammaboodawg on Oct 14 2012, 2:08pm)


Oct 14 2012, 2:07pm

Post #18 of 76 (4953 views)
Oh, Cool!!! *high five* // [In reply to] Can't Post



I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

TORn's Observations Lists
Unused Scenes


Oct 14 2012, 2:22pm

Post #19 of 76 (4980 views)
Are they your pictures on TORn's facebook page as well? / [In reply to] Can't Post


Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!


Oct 14 2012, 2:33pm

Post #20 of 76 (4976 views)
Yeah [In reply to] Can't Post

Yeah, I just shared two. The one with all the figures, film frames, calendar, and the one with the statues from Weta. I did not put myself in the magazine as that's about you all.


Oct 14 2012, 2:37pm

Post #21 of 76 (4951 views)
Your hoard looks fantastic! [In reply to] Can't Post


I'll have to be cheeky - what film cells did you get? Any spoilers? Angelic

Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!


Oct 14 2012, 2:49pm

Post #22 of 76 (4942 views)
Thank you :) [In reply to] Can't Post

Thanks! That's only the beginning though. lol

Everything in the two I got came from the first trailer. Actually both of them had the same scenes. Which stunk of course. I would expect after the movie comes out the variety will be much better.


Oct 14 2012, 2:53pm

Post #23 of 76 (4950 views)
I suppose they can't give anything away! [In reply to] Can't Post

You might've ended up with some massive spoilers. Wink

I'll be tempted to by one once the films have come out.

Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!


Oct 14 2012, 3:16pm

Post #24 of 76 (4928 views)
True [In reply to] Can't Post

I was hoping for sure. lol at least would have liked to get a mix of both trailers but they're nice pieces either way.

You'll like it I'm sure. :)


Oct 14 2012, 6:53pm

Post #25 of 76 (4959 views)
got a copy... [In reply to] Can't Post

actually, two. I told myself not to buy two but the old LOTR uber collector in me did.

I just glanced through the pages over lunch and ... WOW. I mean, seriously WOW. This is comprehensive, well laid out, the headlines are grabbers (haven't dipped into the articles yet). The images are fantastic. This was one seriously good collaboration. "Well done" to everyone who was involved (and I can only take teeny tiny credit for scouting down an image being sought).

I decided to drive out to a third tier suburb south of town. It had two things going for it. One: land out there is a little cheaper and stores can be larger. Two: there were a number of potential places for me to look: B&N, Target, Walmart, and Cub Food (large grocery store chain).

I found it at the B&N. I checked Target first since I have a Target debit card which gets me 5% off. But they didn't have it (they did have Twilight magazine, though... just saying)

My advice for people looking: don't call.. unless you are so far away you really can't justify the trip without calling first. I don't think some people really look (I'm not even sure they 'check their computers' when they say they are since I was told by one person they don't have magazines entered in the same way into their computers. I think they just decided 'not worth looking' and give the customer a line). Also, the copies I found were not easily spotted. The section is crowded and there were magazines behind magazines. They won't care as much as you do and may not look at carefully as you would.

If you have to call, MAKE them go to the rack and physically look. Plead, beg, bribe... whatever. Just make them go look. And then make them look behind every other magazines. Make them dig.

And if you're looking, man... dig. Look behind everything. Once I was standing in front of the entertainment section of the rack, it took me a couple of minutes to find it.

This is so cool. :-D

LOTR soundtrack website ~ magpie avatar gallery
TORn History Mathom-house ~ Torn Image Posting Guide

(This post was edited by Magpie on Oct 14 2012, 6:55pm)

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