

Oct 10 2007, 3:25pm
Post #1 of 57
'There’s more than hope' - Michael Lynne comment on The Hobbit
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Huge news from MTV today folks concering the future of 'The Hobbit.' We don't want to steal their thunder, so check out the video and jump on over to the MTV movie blog for the encouraging details! MTV Movie Blog
The Mysterious Calisuri
(This post was edited by calisuri on Oct 10 2007, 3:39pm)


Oct 10 2007, 3:35pm
Post #2 of 57
"There's more than hope" he says with a smile. lovely, lovely... interestingly, I just posted on a soundtrack forum in a discussion of the CR-ROTK soundtrack. We were musing about the pieces we want to hear and I said,
That music when Sam comes home at the end and the green door closes with "The End" - which I always read as: 'go home, people... it's over. It's all over.' and I sit slightly stunned refusing to admit it's over... I want that music... (although I do have it pulled from the movie). When I said, "It's all over" I meant, *ALL*. It was pretty much over. And then I come here and open up this post first and see that Entertainment Weekly cover and think "hmm... maybe I should start collecting magazines like this in anticipation that this might be the start of it all" and then he says, "There's more than hope" with a smile.


Oct 10 2007, 3:40pm
Post #3 of 57
Wow, thanks Calisuri! Here's another little something....
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but this is only stuff we know. Interesting that it's from Tolkien's nephew.... http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/article/tolkiens%20nephew%20praises%20progress%20in%20hobbit%20legal%20row_1046100
For Gondor!

Oct 10 2007, 3:46pm
Post #4 of 57
I'm gonna let this MTV one run for a bit and then we'll post this story. BTW - always feel free to email spymaster@theonering.net when you find great links that! Or if you prefer, you can email me directly at calisuri@theonering.net Thanks!!!
The Mysterious Calisuri


Oct 10 2007, 4:26pm
Post #5 of 57
Will do. Incidentally, I hope it's not presumptious of me to say...
[In reply to]
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it's really great to have the PTB on the messageboards more often!
For Gondor!

Oct 10 2007, 4:41pm
Post #6 of 57
The Mysterious Calisuri

Tol Eressea

Oct 10 2007, 5:03pm
Post #7 of 57
In the words of Napoleon Dynamite
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Yesss! I am trying to be realistic and not get too excited until I hear "Yes, the script is done and this is when we start filming", but wow - it's getting harder to do that will all these little 'news bits' coming out weekly. Woohoo!
Sincerely, deej - The Artist Formerly Known as djdeathskiss


Oct 10 2007, 5:19pm
Post #8 of 57
I've been seeing the idea of...
[In reply to]
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Jackson being only "executive producer" (not directing) so often now I'm beginning to get the bad feeling that that's what's gong to happen and we fans are being thrown this bone to prepare us.
For Gondor!

Registered User
Oct 10 2007, 5:52pm
Post #9 of 57
Let's bare in mind that this quote is taken completely out of context. We have no idea what was said before or after "there's more than a hope." He might have been talking about the hope that his wife made him a PB&J at home. Still... It is rather exciting :) I want Peter at the Helm. None of this producing crap.

The Shire

Oct 10 2007, 5:54pm
Post #10 of 57
And here I thought you were talking about me with that headline! I mean, after all, Mr. Lynne and I do spell "Lynne" the same way. Gave me a bit of a shock when I open TOR.n just now. hehe Good news, of course. And not totally unexpected, but still, I breathed a little sigh of relief.


Oct 10 2007, 6:27pm
Post #11 of 57
Sadly, I agree with you. I really want to see these projects made. But thrown together as a money grab would be far worse than never being made at all.

Registered User
Oct 10 2007, 6:50pm
Post #12 of 57
I mean, we're not talking about any film here.. PJ in the dir. chair is a must if u ask me

SandWitch King

Oct 10 2007, 7:10pm
Post #13 of 57
I have been telling you this for months. I wouldn't believe me either. 8)
No wonder all writers want to direct: one still has to put up with a load of nonsense, but even if wearing two hats (writer and director), there is one under which one is not called a thief and then raped - David Mamet

SandWitch King

Oct 10 2007, 7:13pm
Post #14 of 57
Nobody has even so much thought of a script. Unless Fran/Peter/Phillipa have already written broad outlines or a treatment of some kind or unless New Line secretly had somebody get started on one (unlikely because then the director might start from scratch for more $$$) there is no such thing as a script. Who needs a script? We have a marketing strategy!
No wonder all writers want to direct: one still has to put up with a load of nonsense, but even if wearing two hats (writer and director), there is one under which one is not called a thief and then raped - David Mamet

Tol Eressea

Oct 10 2007, 7:24pm
Post #15 of 57
I said that until I hear the words "there is a script", then I don't want to get too excited. And i'm sure it's going to be a while before there is one.
Sincerely, deej - The Artist Formerly Known as djdeathskiss

Registered User

Oct 10 2007, 7:32pm
Post #16 of 57
Nobody has even so much thought of a script. Unless Fran/Peter/Phillipa have already written broad outlines Wouldnt surprise me if have started smth already, at least tiny ideas about it..
--- *//Luxman

Sr. Staff

Oct 10 2007, 7:36pm
Post #17 of 57
I thought it was about you, too!!
[In reply to]
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I was thinking, 'Wow, Lith really does get the inside scoop, doesn't she?!'
'There are older and fouler things than orcs in the deep places of my fridge...'


Oct 10 2007, 7:42pm
Post #18 of 57
Theres got to be a draft script lying around somewhere ... :D
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*Looks under couch* *Looks in freezer*
I think caution is a great option here - Im not sure how it all goes, but with the legal dealings about and not cleared up yet, I think its difficult to say whats happening ... no need to whip out a script and then see that impacts on the legals ... though Ive not heard that a script is off limits ... that doesnt stop Phillipa and Fran though does it?
The Road Goes Ever On and On ... Happy 70th Birthday to The Hobbit!! Tolkien was a Capricorn! ..*sing & sway* "All we are saying ..Is Give Pete A Chance" ... "Your friends are with you Peter" Let the Hobbit Happen!!!


Oct 10 2007, 7:47pm
Post #19 of 57
Jack Lewis wrote the scripts for "Billy the Kid Versus Dracula" (1966) and its sequel "Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter" (also 1965) in less than two weeks! And veteran Hollywood director (over 350 movies) William "One Shot" Beaudine was able to film each one in eight days. (Slow for him. His record for shooting a film was two days.) New Line, the studio that gave us "Freddy Versus Jason" (2003), should have absolutely no problem at all!! BTW, Beaudine's most famous quote was "You mean someone out there is actually waiting to see this?"
****************************************** The audacious proposal stirred his heart. And the stirring became a song, and it mingled with the songs of Gil-galad and Celebrian, and with those of Feanor and Fingon. The song-weaving created a larger song, and then another, until suddenly it was as if a long forgotten memory woke and for one breathtaking moment the Music of the Ainur revealed itself in all glory. He opened his lips to sing and share this song. Then he realized that the others would not understand. Not even Mithrandir given his current state of mind. So he smiled and simply said "A diversion.”
(This post was edited by Darkstone on Oct 10 2007, 7:48pm)


Oct 10 2007, 7:52pm
Post #20 of 57
George Lucas was just the Executive Producer (not writer or director) of The Empire Strikes Back and it's generally considered the best of the series.
****************************************** The audacious proposal stirred his heart. And the stirring became a song, and it mingled with the songs of Gil-galad and Celebrian, and with those of Feanor and Fingon. The song-weaving created a larger song, and then another, until suddenly it was as if a long forgotten memory woke and for one breathtaking moment the Music of the Ainur revealed itself in all glory. He opened his lips to sing and share this song. Then he realized that the others would not understand. Not even Mithrandir given his current state of mind. So he smiled and simply said "A diversion.”
(This post was edited by Darkstone on Oct 10 2007, 7:53pm)

Oct 10 2007, 8:00pm
Post #21 of 57
PJ must direct the Hobbit !!!!
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but only Peter Jackson can direct Bilbo !!!!!


Oct 10 2007, 8:10pm
Post #22 of 57
now we are getting this news all too often. Hey, are you psychic or something?
For Gondor!


Oct 10 2007, 8:12pm
Post #23 of 57
*not a bad name for a band actually * I would like to see New Line claim it fully ... make an announcement instead of Dangling Carrots and being so precious about the Hobbit. Its like owing a rare jewel which they keep in the safe, never wear it, never showcase it, as if its too 'precious' to bring out and show off in case something happens to it! They covert it - and just tell you about it without letting anyone see it ... what a waste, what a shame. *rant over* Nothng new on the news front that we havent heard ... thought this has been said and winked about with drink in hand ... is that what makes it so much more appetising as substantial news ... maybe? Something is in the works, but its not tim for a celebration yet. I contacted a National Radio show Movie Proram this morning asking them to start following the Hobbit Jackson New Line Story and reporting on it occassionally .... I hope they do!!
The Road Goes Ever On and On ... Happy 70th Birthday to The Hobbit!! Tolkien was a Capricorn! ..*sing & sway* "All we are saying ..Is Give Pete A Chance" ... "Your friends are with you Peter" Let the Hobbit Happen!!!


Oct 10 2007, 8:16pm
Post #24 of 57
They would have had time after King Kong - it shouldn't've taken three years just to adapt The Lovely Bones... Anyone can adapt any work they want to into a script. They only need the rights to the original work to produce it as a play or a movie or a video game or whatever. I'd like to think that Fran and Phillipa have Hobbit script(s) mostly done. After all, Peter's already said there ought to be two movies, with part of the second covering "the gap" between the end of The Hobbit and the beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring. If they hadn't already been toying with adapting the Hobbit, how would they have known they had enough material for two movies?
Hey, it looks like I may be able to kill the the boycottnewline.com domain in the not-too-distant future!


Oct 10 2007, 8:17pm
Post #25 of 57
A cow can only reguritate something 3 times before it becomes unpalatable .. :D
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The same rule does not apply to marketing!
The Road Goes Ever On and On ... Happy 70th Birthday to The Hobbit!! Tolkien was a Capricorn! ..*sing & sway* "All we are saying ..Is Give Pete A Chance" ... "Your friends are with you Peter" Let the Hobbit Happen!!!