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The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: Gaming and Collecting:
Sideshow Collectibles LOTR Update - 9/20/07


Sep 22 2007, 10:46am

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Sideshow Collectibles LOTR Update - 9/20/07 Can't Post

The Balrog Legendary Scale BustSideshow Collectibles has just revealed their latest edition to The Lord of the Rings Legendary Scale line-up - The Balrog! The item will pre-order next week at SideshowCollectibles.com, but if you'd like a sneak peak, check out the preview. If you are a collector of the Legendary Scale Bust series, you may want to chime in on their frontpage poll, as it is directly related what you'd like to see created. And last but not least, Sideshow has released a new 'Backstage Pass' video on their Gandalf the White Premium Format figure page. If you were on the fence about ordering this piece and wanted some additional information, check it out!

Balrog Preview Vote! Gandalf Video Discuss

The Mysterious Calisuri

(This post was edited by calisuri on Sep 22 2007, 10:55am)


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