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Benedict Cumberbatch talks a bit more about Smaug + a little extra

Oleander Took

Nov 2 2011, 1:45am

Post #1 of 16 (3701 views)
Benedict Cumberbatch talks a bit more about Smaug + a little extra Can't Post

In an interview with Variety, he commented that he's already started preparing the role:

'Naturally, Cumberbatch already has his next job lined up. Through motion capture, he’ll be playing the villainous dragon Smaug in Peter Jackson’s “The Hobbit.”
“I’ll be donning … well, probably not Andy Serkis’ sweaty wet suit … I’m sure they dry clean it,” Cumberbatch says. “Playing a reptile is something I don’t believe has been done before. I’ve already started working out, crawling around on my belly whenever I can without alarming people too much.” 'It would be really amusing if they included those preps as extras. Laugh

source: originaly from Variety, but if can't see it there, look here

And as an extra, courtesy from my sister's photo collection, here you have a picture of Benedict and Andy,

taken this year on january, at InStyle party. Maybe it was around that time when he did his screen test? Tongue

"There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something."

(This post was edited by Oleander Took on Nov 2 2011, 1:45am)

The Shire

Nov 2 2011, 1:52am

Post #2 of 16 (1640 views)
..NZ? [In reply to] Can't Post

so when is he going to NZ ?

Oleander Took

Nov 2 2011, 2:21am

Post #3 of 16 (1479 views)
The party was in London [In reply to] Can't Post

and he'll be going to NZ next year in january.

"There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something."

Tol Eressea

Nov 2 2011, 3:39am

Post #4 of 16 (1565 views)
Yes! This must be included in the extras! [In reply to] Can't Post

Interesting that he indeed will be playing Smaug... I'm still having difficulities imaginig it, but surely it sounds like great fun! And I bet we're in for some entertaining extras! Sly

Tol Eressea

Nov 2 2011, 3:40am

Post #5 of 16 (1649 views)
"crawling around on my belly whenever I can without alarming people too much.” !!!!!! [In reply to] Can't Post

so we finally know that he wasn't kidding afterall!!.......

How the blazes is PJ going to pull this one off I wonder??? Wowie! :D

As many have said, I rly hope that he doesnt humanise Smaug.

Wow, all this news in the past two days has rather quenched my thirst for another Video Blog!! I think I'm quite content to wait another month at least :)

The Blue Wizards = Enigma = Great topic for Fan Fiction (proper fan fiction of course)


Nov 2 2011, 7:32am

Post #6 of 16 (1499 views)
I suppose?... it IS NESSe-scary to GET?.... Smaug's Voice right? [In reply to] Can't Post

I'm jus' guessing
but if you
are to play the MOST famous Dragon in Litterature...
I guess that

...what it takes?
Humm, very interesting..interesting In Deed?

(This post was edited by Bombadil on Nov 2 2011, 7:34am)


Nov 2 2011, 3:32pm

Post #7 of 16 (1328 views)
Sounds promising [In reply to] Can't Post

For my part I'm glad to hear that Smaug isn't going to be an entirely CG construct. Cumberbatch is an incredible actor from what I've seen with a very distinctive affect & emphasis in his method.

Keep in mind that the Mo-Cap methods used to create Gollum/ Smeagol don't necessarily have to be a 1:1 translation between body movement(s) and what is created. I believe that by going this route it doesn't automatically mean the the final Smaug we'll see on screen will be "humanized."


Nov 2 2011, 4:47pm

Post #8 of 16 (1318 views)
I'm not sure... [In reply to] Can't Post

It all seems a little bizarre to me. Using a human actor to provide the template for a giant gorilla, blue cat-person, shrivelled hobbit or Belgian journalist all makes sense; the forms are approximately similar.

But they aren't where dragons are concerned, and especially not in the case of this particular dragon (I'm thinking of the wonderful painting of Smaug wrapped around his glittering hoard).

I just can't see how Cumberbatch's humanoid form will be able to move in an appropriately reptilian way to provide us with anything like Tolkien's original vision for this beast...

Grey Havens

Nov 2 2011, 5:01pm

Post #9 of 16 (1307 views)
That's just a matter... [In reply to] Can't Post

Of trusting the wizards at Weta Digital.

They wouldn't commit to something like this without knowing if it was even feasible. I'm sure they've already done motion-capture tests.


Nov 2 2011, 9:18pm

Post #10 of 16 (1263 views)
Andy Serkis [In reply to] Can't Post

had nowhere near the agility that Gollum had either. using mocap as a basis and later adjusting is less work than hand animating from scratch.
Its a matter of finding the balance between mocap and animation.

The videoblog is never late. Nor is it early.
It arrives precisely when it means to.

(This post was edited by Chopsta123 on Nov 2 2011, 9:19pm)


Nov 3 2011, 12:38pm

Post #11 of 16 (1156 views)
OK [In reply to] Can't Post

Fair points. I imagine it will save a lot of time.

And I suppose Weta's rhino-sized computers (all 74,278 of them) will easily have the ability to shorten and deform Cumberbatch's limbs and greatly extend his torso into something approaching the appropriate shape...

(This post was edited by Kendalf on Nov 3 2011, 12:45pm)


Nov 3 2011, 12:52pm

Post #12 of 16 (1135 views)
Just as long as they don't run out of money... [In reply to] Can't Post

and end up having to film Cumberbatch covered in egg-boxes painted yellow....

Tol Eressea

Nov 3 2011, 2:28pm

Post #13 of 16 (1083 views)
LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [In reply to] Can't Post


The Blue Wizards = Enigma = Great topic for Fan Fiction (proper fan fiction of course)

Tol Eressea

Nov 3 2011, 2:30pm

Post #14 of 16 (1160 views)
That would be anti-climax! [In reply to] Can't Post

....Bilbo finally crosses the threshold of the doorway to behold: A man covered with cardboard sitting on lots of polystyrene hastily painted yellow.

The Blue Wizards = Enigma = Great topic for Fan Fiction (proper fan fiction of course)


Nov 3 2011, 3:03pm

Post #15 of 16 (1093 views)
My armour is like something out of Blue Peter... [In reply to] Can't Post

...my teeth are plastic, my claws fuzzy felt, the shock of my tail is essentially what you'd expect from a piece of foam rubber, my wings are covered in gaffer tape, and my breath is pleasantly minty!


Nov 3 2011, 3:34pm

Post #16 of 16 (1131 views)
That would be a good hazing for when he first starts filming [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
and end up having to film Cumberbatch covered in egg-boxes painted yellow....

Hand him some tacky costume like that, maybe something with a zipper showing down the back that is kind of "Godzilla-esque."

Richard Taylor: "Nah don't worry about it Benny. With these new cameras Pete got ahold of it's gonna look smashing!"

Maybe a little diorama of Laketown? Or would that be a little over the top?


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