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Dori, Ori and Nori
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Jul 7 2011, 1:10pm

Post #1 of 274 (15778 views)
Dori, Ori and Nori Can't Post


(This post was edited by Silverlode on Jul 7 2011, 7:07pm)


Jul 7 2011, 1:24pm

Post #2 of 274 (8779 views)
Very interesting! [In reply to] Can't Post

I'm not quite sure what to make of them, but thanks for posting that!

'But very bright were the stars upon the margin of the world, when at times the clouds about the West were drawn aside.'


Tol Eressea

Jul 7 2011, 1:25pm

Post #3 of 274 (8919 views)
The far left one looks strange... might be the hairdo... [In reply to] Can't Post

But overall, I think this puts to rest the "miniaturized human" theory that circulated after the Empire and Entertainment Weekly pic. Overall, they look great.

By the way, you beat me to the story. Tongue

Oh, I have to ask here... all pics we've seen have very dark, very distinct edges... is it the way the production pics are being taken, or should we expect the movie to look like that. For example, in this particular one, the dark edges emphasizes the prosthetics... not complaining, just saying. Wink

Visit Mexico from A to Z! Index to the whole series here.
Essay winner of the Show us your Hobbit Pride Giveway!

Grey Havens

Jul 7 2011, 1:27pm

Post #4 of 274 (8502 views)
!! [In reply to] Can't Post

Wow! They all look great, I can see they are definitely going for a more diverse looking group of dwarves this time around! Shocked
Glad they're not going with the Gimli look for all 13 of them. Audience has to be able to distinguish between them.

"I warn you, if you bore me, I shall take my revenge"
--J.R.R. Tolkien

"Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."
--Walter Sobchak

(This post was edited by Maiarmike on Jul 7 2011, 1:37pm)


Jul 7 2011, 1:27pm

Post #5 of 274 (8595 views)
Now, that's interesting... [In reply to] Can't Post

Well spotted!

So they are going for quite distinct looks and there is a colour difference there - Ori's red, it's too dark to tell with the others, on my screen at least. And they have got some of the angular dwarven styling in the costume to link to the previous films. And is it just me, or do they actually look dwarf proportion rather than human proportion?

Looks good, anyway - more please!

Do you think they're going for three at a time, then Thorin? Wink


Jul 7 2011, 1:34pm

Post #6 of 274 (8559 views)
Agreed [In reply to] Can't Post

They have a distinct look, and I think we should expect the movies too as well, much like the LOTR trilogy, but I don't think that will be a bad thing.

I think they look great! The more I look at the picture the more they sort of grow on me.

Tol Eressea

Jul 7 2011, 1:36pm

Post #7 of 274 (8653 views)
They look OK [In reply to] Can't Post

I definitely like the costumes, and I appreciate the efforts to make the three brothers look distinctive, but Nori's rocking one goofy hairstyle. I thought this was a Photoshop job for a moment. I'm also a bit troubled by their extremely short, goatee-like beards, which certainly aren't what I expect of Dwarves. The prosthetic noses and ears thankfully help to counter this. And is that the Book of Mazarbul in Ori's right hand...?

Grey Havens

Jul 7 2011, 1:41pm

Post #8 of 274 (8576 views)
Practicality, I assume. [In reply to] Can't Post

I imagine it would be a nightmare to have to have these guys all sit in the chair for 5 hours every morning before shooting. They probably wanted something dwarven, but not too insane with the beards (except for Nori's crazy hair). Smile
Although I expect Gloin to probably look just as hairy as Gimli! Oh, and I think you might be right about the book in Ori's hand, nice catch! Those little details are always cool.

"I warn you, if you bore me, I shall take my revenge"
--J.R.R. Tolkien

"Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."
--Walter Sobchak

(This post was edited by Maiarmike on Jul 7 2011, 1:44pm)

Tol Eressea

Jul 7 2011, 1:49pm

Post #9 of 274 (8574 views)
Well, they did offer the Glóin role to John Rhys Davies [In reply to] Can't Post

So I think you're spot on... Glóin will look a lot like Gimli. Who else is from that family? Thorin and Balin, I think?

Visit Mexico from A to Z! Index to the whole series here.
Essay winner of the Show us your Hobbit Pride Giveway!


Jul 7 2011, 1:50pm

Post #10 of 274 (8647 views)
I don't think that's a hairstyle on Nori.... [In reply to] Can't Post

... I think maybe it's a hat? Or something he's carrying on his back - axes perhaps? I think the outline of his (more normal) hairdo is visible in front of the pointy shape.

Tol Eressea

Jul 7 2011, 1:53pm

Post #11 of 274 (8354 views)
Bad hair day, Nori? Nah kidding, they look fantastic! [In reply to] Can't Post

Their faces, costumes and weapons.... all perfect!

Plus, I think we should have buried Tolkien in a larger coffin, he probably cant turn very well in his. -Rossmonster

(This post was edited by Faenoriel on Jul 7 2011, 1:54pm)


Jul 7 2011, 1:55pm

Post #12 of 274 (8315 views)
hmmm...looks like action figures / puppets !? [In reply to] Can't Post

strange. maybe it's the background, the light and situation that looks unreal.

Grey Havens

Jul 7 2011, 1:58pm

Post #13 of 274 (8269 views)
I think they've been manipulated a bit to give a short and stout look. Even their hands look fat and nubby.// [In reply to] Can't Post


"I warn you, if you bore me, I shall take my revenge"
--J.R.R. Tolkien

"Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."
--Walter Sobchak

Tol Eressea

Jul 7 2011, 1:59pm

Post #14 of 274 (8304 views)
A long beard is a pain when you need to fight, travel, work and do other Middle-Earthy stuff [In reply to] Can't Post

Remember Gandalf was originally going to have a much longer beard, but they had to cut off a good deal of it. I can't remember whether it was because it was hard for Ian to move or act with it. Could have been both.

Plus, I think we should have buried Tolkien in a larger coffin, he probably cant turn very well in his. -Rossmonster

(This post was edited by entmaiden on Jul 7 2011, 3:51pm)


Jul 7 2011, 2:01pm

Post #15 of 274 (8293 views)
The description of the brothers is my favorite part [In reply to] Can't Post

"These three brothers, all sons of the same mother, could not be more different from each other. Dori, the oldest, spends much of his time watching out for Ori, the youngest; making sure he's not caught a chill or got himself killed by Wargs or Goblins. Nobody quite knows what Nori gets up to most of the time, except that it's guaranteed to be dodgy and quite probably, illegal. Dori, Nori and Ori are intensely loyal to each other – and whilst they are perfectly happy fighting amongst themselves, woe-betide any anyone who means harm to one of these brothers."

This sounds interesting. Seems like they're really trying to make the dwarves distinctive characters.

(This post was edited by kzer_za on Jul 7 2011, 2:02pm)

Tol Eressea

Jul 7 2011, 2:01pm

Post #16 of 274 (8166 views)
Could be just the many layers of costume making it look like that// [In reply to] Can't Post


Plus, I think we should have buried Tolkien in a larger coffin, he probably cant turn very well in his. -Rossmonster


Jul 7 2011, 2:04pm

Post #17 of 274 (8328 views)
Nori [In reply to] Can't Post

Looks a tad silly, but overall, I'm pleased with the variety! Happy to see that they're not all fat Gimli-clones.

Grey Havens

Jul 7 2011, 2:04pm

Post #18 of 274 (8177 views)
Definitely. [In reply to] Can't Post

I think in the book, they became one large mass of dwarves, and you don't hear from some of them much, besides Thorin and Balin. Then you have a only a few physical descriptions, like "the largest nose", or "the fattest dwarf". I imagine it was quite a challenge to give each of these dwarves a personality for the movies so they don't just fade into the background.

"I warn you, if you bore me, I shall take my revenge"
--J.R.R. Tolkien

"Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."
--Walter Sobchak

Tol Eressea

Jul 7 2011, 2:07pm

Post #19 of 274 (8258 views)
Don't forget the description of their basic character traits! [In reply to] Can't Post

These three brothers, all sons of the same mother, could not be more different from each other. Dori, the oldest, spends much of his time watching out for Ori, the youngest; making sure he's not caught a chill or got himself killed by Wargs or Goblins. Nobody quite knows what Nori gets up to most of the time, except that it's guaranteed to be dodgy and quite probably, illegal. Dori, Nori and Ori are intensely loyal to each other – and whilst they are perfectly happy fighting amongst themselves, woe-betide any anyone who means harm to one of these brothers.

I really like the sound of that. Can't wait to see them on silver screen. :)

How good they did the right thing and kept all the 13 Dwarves.

Hold on a second, they have the same mother? Does that mean to imply they don't have the same father?

Plus, I think we should have buried Tolkien in a larger coffin, he probably cant turn very well in his. -Rossmonster

Tol Eressea

Jul 7 2011, 2:08pm

Post #20 of 274 (8201 views)
Ah, you beat me to it... [In reply to] Can't Post

Yup, I love the description. They sound a loveable bunch.

Plus, I think we should have buried Tolkien in a larger coffin, he probably cant turn very well in his. -Rossmonster

Tol Eressea

Jul 7 2011, 2:11pm

Post #21 of 274 (8222 views)
It may look wickedly awesome while he's in motion and seen from different angles.// [In reply to] Can't Post


Plus, I think we should have buried Tolkien in a larger coffin, he probably cant turn very well in his. -Rossmonster

Mad Hatter of Middle-Earth

Jul 7 2011, 2:19pm

Post #22 of 274 (8125 views)
Hmmmm [In reply to] Can't Post

These dwarves are certainly not like Gimli but I'm confused over Dori's hair style! The costumes and swords look great! I think I like these dwarves!

All you have to decide is what to do with the time that has been given to you...


Jul 7 2011, 2:21pm

Post #23 of 274 (8187 views)
Ori is quite the fashion plate... [In reply to] Can't Post

...as Dwarves go.

Grey Havens

Jul 7 2011, 2:28pm

Post #24 of 274 (8128 views)
Wonder how soon we can expect the rest of the group photos? [In reply to] Can't Post

I'm dyin' to see the rest of the lot!
Edit: The hi-def photo on the front page of TORn is amazing, look at the detail! Does anyone else see the weapon that Nori has attached to his belt on the chain?

"I warn you, if you bore me, I shall take my revenge"
--J.R.R. Tolkien

"Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."
--Walter Sobchak

(This post was edited by Maiarmike on Jul 7 2011, 2:33pm)

Pipe Dream

Jul 7 2011, 2:28pm

Post #25 of 274 (8101 views)
Whoa... [In reply to] Can't Post

I need time to let this soak in.

"There is a long road yet," said Gandalf. "But it is the last road," said Bilbo.

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