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Behind the scenes video is up!
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Grey Havens

Apr 14 2011, 6:43am

Post #1 of 238 (16766 views)
Behind the scenes video is up! Can't Post


It's amazing! There's so much stuff here I don't even know where to begin! It's so surreal...Evil

(This post was edited by Mooseboy018 on Apr 14 2011, 6:44am)

Grey Havens

Apr 14 2011, 6:48am

Post #2 of 238 (9776 views)
!!!!!!!!! [In reply to] Can't Post

Oh. My. God. Shocked
I just am too excited to say anything at this time.

"I'm just a happy camper! Rockin' and a-rollin!"


Apr 14 2011, 6:58am

Post #3 of 238 (9768 views)
*cries*... [In reply to] Can't Post

I loved this so much! Thank you, PJ. It's been well worth the wait.

And thank you for alerting me, Mooseboy!

Permanent address: Into the West

Must. Have. The Precious! Give us the LotR EE Blu-ray Ultimate Box Set!

Lost Hobbit

Apr 14 2011, 7:01am

Post #4 of 238 (9266 views)
Finally [In reply to] Can't Post

This is a simple teasing, not spoiling. I'm happy Peter continues with old traditions and intends to give us an insight into The Hobbit making process. These documentaries will really shake the world.

Aragorn the Elfstone
Tol Eressea

Apr 14 2011, 7:07am

Post #5 of 238 (9354 views)
Speechless... [In reply to] Can't Post

I'm in tears. Seriously. Laugh

God bless you PJ. It's not enough that you're going to bless us with another thrilling adventure into Middle Earth, but you're actually going to take us along for the ride as well. Evil This video was so much more than I expected at this point, while not spoiling anything at all. Most important of all, it convinced me that none of quibbles I have regarding 3D, 48 fps, digital filming, etc. will matter at all. You have once again assembled your great team, plus some, to take us "back again".

Thank you so much. May the next couple years be absolutely wonderful for you and the rest of the team! Smile

"All men dream; but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds awake to find that it was vanity; But the dreamers of day are dangerous men. That they may act their dreams with open eyes to make it possible."
- T.E. Lawrence

Grey Havens

Apr 14 2011, 7:11am

Post #6 of 238 (9313 views)
I got chills... [In reply to] Can't Post

...seeing The House of Elrond again. So we're going to see areas of Rivendell we haven't seen before...hmm...wonder what those are? Bag End just looks amazing, seeing the full cast with Ian there is amazing. The goblin caves, my god, the goblin caves! How cool is that? Probably just a small piece of them, but still! I wonder what in the world was that creature they were doing computer movements for when they said "very non-human shape"? There's so much in this video, its a wonderful tease, without giving anything away. Smile

"I'm just a happy camper! Rockin' and a-rollin!"


Apr 14 2011, 7:12am

Post #7 of 238 (9229 views)
OH.MY.GOD [In reply to] Can't Post

And the best part is: PJ is even more funny than he was during LOTR, full of joy!

The greatest adventure is what lies ahead.

(This post was edited by macfalk on Apr 14 2011, 7:13am)


Apr 14 2011, 7:15am

Post #8 of 238 (9105 views)
I really hope this video is put on the eventual blu-ray disc of The Hobbit... [In reply to] Can't Post

so every time I look at it, I can remember how I feel right now.Heart

Permanent address: Into the West

Must. Have. The Precious! Give us the LotR EE Blu-ray Ultimate Box Set!


Apr 14 2011, 7:18am

Post #9 of 238 (8969 views)
Can someon post it on youtube please.??? [In reply to] Can't Post

Can;t get it up on the adobe player for some reason.Thanks alot.OMG!!!Evil

Aragorn the Elfstone
Tol Eressea

Apr 14 2011, 7:18am

Post #10 of 238 (8939 views)
YouTubeDownloader is your friend. [In reply to] Can't Post

It'll download facebook videos too. Smile

I've been making sure I save all the important videos during this phase of production to keep a wonderful record of this wonderful time. Cool

"All men dream; but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds awake to find that it was vanity; But the dreamers of day are dangerous men. That they may act their dreams with open eyes to make it possible."
- T.E. Lawrence


Apr 14 2011, 7:25am

Post #11 of 238 (8836 views)
It;s not letting me download anything.... [In reply to] Can't Post

EvilAh well can anyone tell me what was ont he video clip then ;)

Lost Hobbit

Apr 14 2011, 7:25am

Post #12 of 238 (8848 views)
wow [In reply to] Can't Post

I'll do the same thing. If they all are going to last for 10 minutes I hope to collect them and convert into DVD for personal use. I'm sure there will be some parts of these videos on the official DVD, except those blurry effects.


Apr 14 2011, 7:28am

Post #13 of 238 (9417 views)
Amazing. Just one question... [In reply to] Can't Post

Peter gives us this extended walk through the rebuilt and extended Rivendell set... but we still don't know who's in charge there??? Where's the announcement re Elrond???

If one argues that the delay is because they aren't shooting in Rivendell for a while, why is the set all finished?

Join us in the Reading Room for LotR The Two Towers, Book IV!

Elizabeth is the TORnsib formerly known as 'erather'

Welsh hero

Apr 14 2011, 7:30am

Post #14 of 238 (8900 views)
[insert swear word here] yeaaaaaaaaaaa [In reply to] Can't Post


Twitter: @IrfonPennant

Welsh hero

Apr 14 2011, 7:32am

Post #15 of 238 (9016 views)
Because they'd rather have it ready in pre-proiduction [In reply to] Can't Post

rather than build it just before he gets there?

We'll find out in the next two months I think

Twitter: @IrfonPennant


Apr 14 2011, 7:32am

Post #16 of 238 (8836 views)
it's really happening! [In reply to] Can't Post

W O N D E R F U L !

Grey Havens

Apr 14 2011, 7:33am

Post #17 of 238 (8772 views)
I bet they'll be on Blu Ray. [In reply to] Can't Post

All of the King Kong production diaries ended up on dvd (except for the one with Howard Shore). The pre-production and production ones got a special standalone dvd release, and the post production ones were included with the theatrical cut dvd release. If I remember correctly.

One thing that really caught my attention was the scene they were rehearsing with Balin and Dwalin in Bag End. it looks like the two brothers will be involved in some sort of rough housing, and Bilbo doesn't know how to react. I'm really looking forward to seeing them flesh out these characters!Laugh


Apr 14 2011, 7:34am

Post #18 of 238 (8768 views)


Coz I am - i.e: "a script in this movie is causing Adobe 10 to run slowly"

Is it crashing because of demand? I don't know. But someone please hurry up with that youtube link, because I've been waiting for this for ages and now its here, I can't flipping watch it! Unsure



Apr 14 2011, 7:35am

Post #19 of 238 (8794 views)
Demand is extreme. [In reply to] Can't Post

I had a lot of pauses when I watched it. Try to be patient!

Join us in the Reading Room for LotR The Two Towers, Book IV!

Elizabeth is the TORnsib formerly known as 'erather'

Aragorn the Elfstone
Tol Eressea

Apr 14 2011, 7:35am

Post #20 of 238 (8850 views)
Ahh... beautiful HD. [In reply to] Can't Post

Turns out the full file is in 720p HD. Looks great on my HDTV! Cool

...and to think last time, I was watching tiny quicktime videos on my old, clunky desktop computer! Simply amazing. Smile

"All men dream; but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds awake to find that it was vanity; But the dreamers of day are dangerous men. That they may act their dreams with open eyes to make it possible."
- T.E. Lawrence

The Shire

Apr 14 2011, 7:38am

Post #21 of 238 (8833 views)
Nice! [In reply to] Can't Post

Got a pretty decent look at Dori's hair and costume, too...

Aragorn the Elfstone
Tol Eressea

Apr 14 2011, 7:43am

Post #22 of 238 (9049 views)
Here you go... [In reply to] Can't Post

I'd gladly do it, but someone beat me to the punch! Smile


"All men dream; but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds awake to find that it was vanity; But the dreamers of day are dangerous men. That they may act their dreams with open eyes to make it possible."
- T.E. Lawrence


Apr 14 2011, 7:43am

Post #23 of 238 (8791 views)
Get a free a free Realplayer [In reply to] Can't Post

here: http://download.cnet.com/...2139_4-10255189.html

It ended with a voice over, "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit" followed by TBC. Sounded like it might have been Martin Freeman. That was encouraging. Also encouraging was seeing proper sets and props. Spotted Kiran (Frodo's old double?) and a growed up PJ's daughter. Some other familiar faces as well...


Apr 14 2011, 7:46am

Post #24 of 238 (8846 views)
I seen it.! [In reply to] Can't Post

It was Awesome. The end seems like it will be the opening of the movie.PJ looks great and is exactly the same as when he was in Lord of the rings.Good to see the cast so enthusiastic about it all.It seems it will smash Lord of the rings out of the park to be honest.Richard Armitage giving that speech was Awesome.ALL rtound AWESOMENESS>Laugh


Apr 14 2011, 7:52am

Post #25 of 238 (8723 views)
Realplayer played it (and downloaded it) sweetly. [In reply to] Can't Post

The YouTube video is up, cast your eye further up the thread to Aragorn the Elfstone's post called "Here it is."

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