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Fili & dwarves goes to NZ!


Jan 12 2011, 2:24pm

Post #1 of 25 (3156 views)
Fili & dwarves goes to NZ! Can't Post

I just saw this from The Hobbit board on imdb:

farewell Los Angeles, Hello Middle Earth. 8 hours ago

From his twitter.



The greatest adventure is what lies ahead.

The Shire

Jan 12 2011, 2:35pm

Post #2 of 25 (1740 views)
Copy and Paste [In reply to] Can't Post

Can someone paste the content into a thread?

They have blocked twitter at my work... Crazy

Forum Admin / Moderator

Jan 12 2011, 2:45pm

Post #3 of 25 (1777 views)
The italicized text in macfalk's post is the content of Rob's tweet :o) // [In reply to] Can't Post


The Shire

Jan 12 2011, 3:08pm

Post #4 of 25 (1729 views)
I see TY... [In reply to] Can't Post



Jan 12 2011, 5:32pm

Post #5 of 25 (1673 views)
Last time I checked, [In reply to] Can't Post

...we were still missing a few dwarves. Have they all been cast? If not, what does that mean?

Looking forward to chapter discussion of LotR The Two Towers, Book III, beginning Jan. 9, 2010!

Elizabeth is the TORnsib formerly known as 'erather'


Jan 12 2011, 5:36pm

Post #6 of 25 (1718 views)
All 13 has been cast [In reply to] Can't Post

Ken Stott was the latest addition as Balin, along with Jed Brophy as Nori. It was in the announcement alongside Persbrandt, Blanchett & co Smile

The greatest adventure is what lies ahead.


Jan 12 2011, 6:53pm

Post #7 of 25 (1593 views)
Heh heh... [In reply to] Can't Post

..somewhere on the Isle of Man, John Rhys-Davies is laughing. "You don't know what you're in for..." Laugh Boot camp, in that make-up, indeed.

*j/k. Wonderful.* We get to see all this play out in real time.
Incredible to think that in 2001, beubg able to watch moving pictures on the Internet was a pipeweed dream. No YouTube, no Twitter, no Facebook, nothing. The Trailers for LOTR were painstakingly reproduced by TPTB and analyzed frame by pixellated frame. (Remember folks?) THe Internet still amazes me attimes. In terms of where we are now tio where we were then, it's like going from horses and carriages to a Model T. (So much more to come!)


Jan 12 2011, 7:41pm

Post #8 of 25 (1648 views)
Whatever happened to B.o.B? [In reply to] Can't Post

He used to post on here. I thought he was cast as one of the dwarves. He seems to have disappeared.

Tol Eressea

Jan 12 2011, 7:48pm

Post #9 of 25 (1633 views)
He left a couple of months back. [In reply to] Can't Post

I remember him saying that everyone behind the scenes in New Zealand was celebrating that the production was going to stay there – even though the dispute was ongoing and Jackson still seemed very worried. BOB never posted again, as far as I'm aware.


Jan 12 2011, 8:42pm

Post #10 of 25 (1498 views)
Thanks!// [In reply to] Can't Post


Looking forward to chapter discussion of LotR The Two Towers, Book III, beginning Jan. 9, 2010!

Elizabeth is the TORnsib formerly known as 'erather'


Jan 12 2011, 8:59pm

Post #11 of 25 (1591 views)
Fili / twitter [In reply to] Can't Post

Cool Best Wishes Robert / Fili!

Your journey is taking you towards
movie history.
May it be safe, n joyous so that you
will have many new friends, n great times
to treasure always!

Heart willowgreylock ~


Jan 12 2011, 10:01pm

Post #12 of 25 (1555 views)
So I guess he didn't get the part [In reply to] Can't Post

Because I don't see his picture on any of the dwarf cast.

Kangi Ska

Jan 12 2011, 10:13pm

Post #13 of 25 (1552 views)
I would think that he was up for a Dwarf Extra (if anything) [In reply to] Can't Post

There is an army of Dwarves.

Kangi Ska Resident Trickster & Wicked White Crebain
New Zealand is Middle-earth & today life is good.

At night you can not tell if crows are black or white.



Jan 12 2011, 10:50pm

Post #14 of 25 (1536 views)
Dain hasn't been cast yet.... [In reply to] Can't Post

.... or at least, there's been no announcement....


Jan 12 2011, 11:30pm

Post #15 of 25 (1524 views)
I just love it [In reply to] Can't Post

that Jed Brophy is one of the dwarves! That's perfect!

sample sample

I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

TORn's Observations Lists
Unused Scenes

Kangi Ska

Jan 12 2011, 11:40pm

Post #16 of 25 (1501 views)
He certainly deserves the part. [In reply to] Can't Post

I loved each and every one of him in LotR. Bet his little boy is all growed up now. It would be great to see a recent pic.

Kangi Ska Resident Trickster & Wicked White Crebain
New Zealand is Middle-earth & today life is good.

At night you can not tell if crows are black or white.



Jan 13 2011, 1:50am

Post #17 of 25 (1514 views)
B.o.B? [In reply to] Can't Post

Did I meiss something here? Who was B.o.B?

And I second the good wishes....Rob..have a safe trip to NZ, and a wonderful adventure in :Middle-earth"! You are going to become a honored member of an incredible family of peopke and it will be something you will remember the rest of your life.
You may be a "Dwarf", but an Elvish greeting is appropriate here;;"A star shines upon the hour of our meting"!


Jan 13 2011, 3:08am

Post #18 of 25 (1491 views)
From what I remember [In reply to] Can't Post

He had auditioned for one of the 13, but a younger dwarf, Kili or Fili maybe? He intimated he had got the part.

Kangi Ska

Jan 13 2011, 3:21am

Post #19 of 25 (1486 views)
He claimed a lot of things and got a little gruff with doubters. [In reply to] Can't Post

I am proud of my doubter creds and am still waiting to be disproved.

Kangi Ska Resident Trickster & Wicked White Crebain
New Zealand is Middle-earth & today life is good.

At night you can not tell if crows are black or white.


Kangi Ska

Jan 13 2011, 3:47am

Post #20 of 25 (1490 views)
B.o.B. [In reply to] Can't Post

Bond-of Blood last posted October 21, 2010. He is now invisible if you are interested.

Kangi Ska Resident Trickster & Wicked White Crebain
New Zealand is Middle-earth & today life is good.

At night you can not tell if crows are black or white.



Jan 13 2011, 8:05am

Post #21 of 25 (1444 views)
You won´t be disproved [In reply to] Can't Post

In one post he said he was doing some makeuptests... Or training with a beard. He even said he had a role in an upcoming ´big´ picture. When I found out what his real name was, I asked him about everything. He then said that he wasn´t cast.

The role in the ´big´ picture turned out to be an extra in a ´not so big´ movie, that bombed. So I guess he didn´t get a part in The Hobbit..

He was a little bit harsh when people questioned the authenticity of his words...


Jan 13 2011, 7:40pm

Post #22 of 25 (1379 views)
That's interesting [In reply to] Can't Post

I was inclined to believe him at the time. He first posted here asking for tips on accent, etc for his upcoming audition, but over time his attitude changed and he rubbed a few people up the wrong way. It's a pity he didn't take the time to post how he really got on. I wonder why he is invisible?

Kangi Ska

Jan 13 2011, 9:17pm

Post #23 of 25 (1374 views)
I would think that he does not want to be seen when he reads the boards. [In reply to] Can't Post

That is the only thing I can think of. As to why...I could make some guesses but I will not. He may have very good reasons.

Kangi Ska Resident Trickster & Wicked White Crebain
New Zealand is Middle-earth & today life is good.

At night you can not tell if crows are black or white.



Jan 14 2011, 12:52am

Post #24 of 25 (1375 views)
I wonder why Fili went to NZ via LA? [In reply to] Can't Post

More often than not, travellers from the UK go via Dubai/Singapore. He appears to have been in LA for 5 days so perhaps he was in discussion for further film roles off the back of his part in TH. Wonder if any of the other cast members went with him.


Jan 14 2011, 1:37am

Post #25 of 25 (1439 views)
flight routes [In reply to] Can't Post

Flying from LA to NZ is also a popular route, and can be quicker than going via Singapore. It also makes sense if the actor wants to talk with LA (ie, Hollywood) based people about future projects.


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