News from Bree
Oct 26 2010, 7:35am
Post #1 of 6
Robert "Fili" Kazinsky Looks Forward To Some Orc Slaying
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What does a Dwarf love doing most in Middle-earth besides mining for gold and jewels and spending countless hours working them into gems and treasures beyond price? How about avenging their forefathers and marching to battle against armies of Orcs? In the Lord of the Rings, Gimli said,
"Give me a row of orc-necks and room to swing and all weariness will fall from me!" So do all Dwarves feel the same? That can be discussed in our message boards. In the meantime, thanks to Twitter, we know that Fili at least is keen to wield his axe when he sets out next year with his companions on the Quest of Erebor. Here's what Rob Kazinsky tweeted after the announcement last week that he had been cast in the role of Fili:
"thank you all for your support and well wishing, looking forward to some orc slaying!" Sure looks like Sir Peter Jackson has found a Dwarf with the perfect Dwarven attitude.
Oct 26 2010, 2:30pm
Post #2 of 6
We'll travel light. Let's hunt some orc. //
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The greatest adventure is what lies ahead.
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Oct 26 2010, 4:36pm
Post #3 of 6
I wonder if Rob's a fan of LOTR...
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... I too thought of the exact same line by Gimli
Tol Eressea
Oct 26 2010, 4:45pm
Post #4 of 6
It will be interesting to see how many other people thought of that line.
Oct 27 2010, 2:10am
Post #5 of 6
I hope that's a misprint for "goblins"
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One of the charming differences between LotR and The Hobbit is that the term "goblin" is used in the earlier book. I very much hope the films will observe that difference! I remember that Karl Urban once described his role as Eomer in RotK as basically being an orc-killing machine. It was a good indication of how his movie role had been written down from the proud and sensitive prince of the books. Similarly, the dwarves of The Hobbit book are about anything but killing goblins. They are about endurance, revenge, avoiding risk, dodging adventures, regaining lost honor, regaining stolen treasure, regaining their inheritance. At the pinch, just before the goblins actually show up at the end, the dwarves are focusing on slaying, not orcs (goblins), but Men and Elves. I hope Mr. Kazinsky just hasn't read the book yet. I trust he is not referring to his role as it appears in the script!
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Tol Eressea
Oct 27 2010, 12:12pm
Post #6 of 6
that the word 'Orc' is used at least once or twice in the films, just so audiences realise that they're two words for the same type of creature.