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Nov 11 2024, 2:32am
Post #51 of 71
So nice to see you again! I love the little art, I find the ones with various kinds of stitchery in them to be very fascinating! You are so creative! And thank you for the iNaturalist link!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I desired dragons with a profound desire"

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Nov 11 2024, 2:37am
Post #52 of 71
it sounds like you had a wonderfully relaxing week's travels! Glad the weather held out for the daytime visits and walks!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I desired dragons with a profound desire"

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Nov 11 2024, 2:44am
Post #53 of 71
*checks the 'fridge for leftovers*
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Thank you for the lovely spread, Altaira! So nice to see some names here from days gone by! I've been at a get-together with hubby's family, his mom would have been 92 this weekend so we celebrated with her favorite dinner (grilled salmon and roasted veggies) and for a "birthday cake" one sister made a Pavlova. We also went through the boxes of little items which had been hastily packed away when we cleared out the parents' house to put it on market (it was sold last month). The last of the Christmas decorations and window and shelf knickknacks are all now distributed amongst the families. A happy Veterans' Day weekend, everyone! Remember to thank a veteran!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Nov 11 2024, 1:44pm
Post #54 of 71
You two always have such lovely trips where you pause and look around at so many things that enrich the journey. The Gardens are beautiful, but I'm quite taken by the graveyard facing the Main Trunk near National Park. The significance of it facing the rails is fascinating. One of my favourite parts of my last trip there in 2018 was taking the train from Wellington to Hamilton... so anything to do with the life along the tracks captures my attention and imagination :) Thank you for the links. I'm definitely going to spend some time with both! :) CHEERS!
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Nov 11 2024, 3:16pm
Post #55 of 71
What a great way to honour her
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I love how the family gathers and spends time (in heart and mind) with Mom-in-law for her 92nd birthday. We did the same thing as we went through those last-days boxes. The knickknacks always stir such great memories. For each of you to have Christmas decorations in time to use this year is perfect :) This closure is certainly another layer to the adjustment. *hugs*
We have been there and back again. TIME Google Calendar


Nov 11 2024, 3:24pm
Post #56 of 71
LOVE the Quest continuing in Virginia! :D Nice to think of you both reaching the Old Rag's end ;)
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Nov 11 2024, 3:53pm
Post #57 of 71
*flying tackle hug!* Howdy! :D
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It's so great to see you! Isn't it amazing how the kids grow so fast when you keep watering and feeding them? ;) My g'kiddies are 24, 26, 26, & 29 (soon 30)! Mercy!! Hope all is well in your world and that you have a wonderful holiday season. The kids are a perfect age to really get a big kick out of the special days coming up.
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Nov 11 2024, 4:01pm
Post #58 of 71
I hope you had fun at your meeting
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That Photographic Society is proving to be a GREAT investment of your time and talent. It will be interesting to see what kind of photos are inspired by the upcoming holidays! You're going to be very busy with the Society and with your knitting group's activities! HANG IN THERE! :D
We have been there and back again. TIME Google Calendar

Greenwood Hobbit

Nov 11 2024, 7:57pm
Post #59 of 71
though I'll never achieve the technical excellence of some of the members - not sure I want to, actually! I'm interested in taking well-composed photos, not spending hours tinkering with them to change them - beyond a little cropping and tweaking of contrast, brilliance etc. That I can do with the basic software already in the computer. The meetings are interesting weekly evenings out; that's good in the winter. The quilting meetings are only once a month.

Greenwood Hobbit

Nov 11 2024, 8:04pm
Post #60 of 71
I see so many amazing displays online
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especially just now with all the poppies and other Remembrance Day tributes. People are very creative. A handful of the ladies in our knitting group have done amazingly creative things, but most are happy to just make poppies or knit things for charity rather than display. Some of the festive tree wraps we'll be putting up soon were first displayed in 2014; I'm amazed at how well they've survived!


Nov 11 2024, 11:20pm
Post #61 of 71
some of you are seeing poppies out there. I've hardly seen any here this year. As a veteran, I find that very sad.
They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters, these see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. -Psalm 107

Greenwood Hobbit

Nov 12 2024, 9:46am
Post #62 of 71
although it was the end of WW1 that started the whole Remembrance Day thing, the poppy symbol chosen due to the rich growth of poppies on the churned-up battlefields, it's now an opportunity to remember all those lost in conflicts since then as well. Apart from the big national events there are many community commemorations, with lots of poppy tributes of all kinds. I hadn't thought it was particularly English; so many people have been affected by various conflicts I would have thought some sort of memorial events would be pretty much worldwide - Veteran's Day, Anzac Day for example - though maybe the poppies don't feature so much,which I think is a shame.

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Nov 12 2024, 7:37pm
Post #63 of 71
are still a very visible part of Anzac Day (25th of April) here in Aotearoa, and more broadly as a symbol of remembrance for those lost in conflicts.
The Passing of Mistress Rose My historical novels Do we find happiness so often that we should turn it off the box when it happens to sit there? - A Room With a View
(This post was edited by Kimi on Nov 12 2024, 7:38pm)

Greenwood Hobbit

Nov 12 2024, 9:54pm
Post #64 of 71
they are such a poignant symbol, showing both the fragile, fleeting nature of life and its resilience.

Nov 13 2024, 1:47pm
Post #65 of 71
Always great to see you around, Magpie! //
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Happiness: money matters, but less than we think and not in the way that we think. Family is important and so are friends, while envy is toxic -- and so is excessive thinking. Beaches are optional. Trust is not. Neither is gratitude. - The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner as summarized by Lily Fairbairn. And a bit of the Hobbit reading thrown in never hurts. - NottaSackville

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Nov 14 2024, 12:01am
Post #66 of 71
Thats what happens when you rely on a sundial in the wilds of Wales in winter. I guess theres no leftovers but theres always 1420... right? Ill just be over there in the corner by the fire - its cold tonight!
" Grant me a good sword - but no use for it "

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Nov 14 2024, 7:36am
Post #67 of 71
Glad you can still find your way to the bar. ;) :D /
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Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..." Dwarves: "Pretty rings..." Men: "Pretty rings..." Sauron: "Mine's better." "Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded beggar with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak. Fantasy novel - The Arcanist's Tattoo My LOTR fan-fiction


Nov 15 2024, 5:07am
Post #68 of 71
So nice to see you Magpie! I’ve had old episodes of Antiques Roadshow on in the background while puttering about, baking or whatever. For some reason I keep expecting to see you on the show talking about one of your baubles or treasures. And just the other day I was speaking with my daughter about how deep and nuanced Tolkien fans are. To illustrate I recounted the time you had my back when someone thought I was joking about being a fan of the Fast and Furious movies. …gosh, that was some years ago, around the time of Paul Walker’ death, almost to the day to be precise. It’s the deep breath before the plunge into the holiday season. Hope everyone’s is filled with special magnificence.


Nov 15 2024, 1:30pm
Post #69 of 71
You're never too late! Things are settled down enough that you can find that seat by the fire quite easily :) CHEERS!
We have been there and back again. TIME Google Calendar


Nov 15 2024, 1:36pm
Post #70 of 71
She is always rich with gifts and treasures of tidbits :D Oh... Paul... Have you seen him in "Eight Below"? It's based on a true story. I'm still shaken by his loss; but very grateful for how they completed his journey in the films. Makes me cry still. It's so good to see you! Yes, the holidays are rapping loudly on my door! I hope you have a GREAT season :D
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Ethel Duath

Nov 15 2024, 6:32pm
Post #71 of 71
And I love antique's roadshow, and keep hoping to find a Rembrandt behind my husband's uncle's very good copies of french masters. :D