


May 18 2024, 1:05am
Post #76 of 83
Thranduil says Aragorn goes by the name Strider in the wild and "His real name you must discover for yourself" This means Aragorn is still hiding his true name. He receives his name from Elrond shortly before meeting Arwen. So this must be just after BoFA Let us assume that Aragorn was 87 when the One Ring is destroyed (in book-canon, he was 88, but we'll ignore that). In Peter Jackson's Middle-earth that places Aragorn's year of birth at 2915 (Third Age). That means that if Elrond revealed his true name and ancestry to him on his twentieth birthday, the year was 2935. Aragorn should first meet Arwen in Imladris about that same time, with him setting out into the Wild soon after. So Aragorn is about 25 years old at the time of the Battle of Five Armies. Just because he is not using his real name in the Wild does not mean that he doesn't know it. Aragorn routinely used aliases when he journeyed, he had to as he was being hunted by the Dark Lord.
“Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved.” - Tony Isabella
(This post was edited by Otaku-sempai on May 18 2024, 1:09am)


May 18 2024, 6:31pm
Post #77 of 83
Reading the Tale of Years and Of the Rings of Power, Aragorn meets Arwen very shortly after the Battle of Five Armies, it is said he was out on some errands with Elrond's sons. Well we just replace the sons with Legolas and it all fits. Aragorn would be about 27 when he meets Arwen. Not a big change. Gandalf already has suspicions about Bilbo's ring at the end of BoFA. He explicitly says so to Bilbo and gives him a dark look. That is enough for Gandalf to wonder "Who was this Gollum chap" and want him hunted down. So he gets Legolas and Aragorn to do so. The book tells us 2951 - Gollum heads to Mordor and the Nazgul reoccupy Dol Guldur. But why?? What's Gollum doing? Wouldn't he more likely be tracking Bilbo and end up lost in Mirkwood or Dol Guldur? It says Aragorn later does errantries for Gandalf under the name Thorongil. Well this could be one of his tasks. We then take all of the Hunt for Gollum that was cut from FotR and place it 20 years earlier, tying it with the attack of Dol Guldur on Thranduil's Halls. (There's no way the hunt and questioning etc all took place during Gandalf's short excursion to Minas Tirith, it would be weird to retcon that in now) There's no reason at all this needs to take place after Bilbo's birthday or before the Council. It's completely arbitrary when it happens, as long as Gandalf has the information that Gollum knows "Shire" and "Baggins" then he can piece it all together after reading Isildur's account. I replied:
If you mean Tolkien's "Tale of Years" (Appendix B), Aragorn is only 10 years old at the time of the Quest of Erebor. How is 2951 "shortly after the Battle of Five Armies"? If you are looking at my version for the films, take it with a grain of salt or two. I'm not going to claim that it's completely accurate. If (film) Aragorn was 87 when Sauron fell then his twentieth birthday was in 2935, fifteen years before PJ's Hobbit films. Sorry, I made a big error there! Film-Aragorn's twentieth birthday would have been five years before the Quest of Erebor (or six years before if he was actually 88 years old when the Ring was destroyed). So Aragorn would have been 25 (or 26) years old at the time of PJ's Battle of Five Armies. And in case you had not seen it, here is that "Tale of Years" I developed for Peter Jackson's Middle-earth (or an early version of it): http://newboards.theonering.net/...i?post=905150#905150.
“Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved.” - Tony Isabella
(This post was edited by Otaku-sempai on May 18 2024, 6:34pm)

May 18 2024, 11:30pm
Post #78 of 83
I suppose this might mean the permanent Hobbiton will get a paint job.


May 19 2024, 2:05am
Post #79 of 83
I suppose this might mean the permanent Hobbiton will get a paint job. There could be a few Hobbiton scenes, especially a the beginning.
“Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved.” - Tony Isabella

May 19 2024, 3:10am
Post #80 of 83
Appropriately, I see there's a new topic post by Eruonen in the Main forum about "A Tour of Hobbiton Movie Set | Nerd in New Zealand Nerd of the Ring" that has a link to a 39-minute YouTube video. It looks well-maintained.
(This post was edited by DGHCaretaker on May 19 2024, 3:11am)


May 22 2024, 10:55pm
Post #81 of 83
TORN quoted on 2009 'Hunt for Gollum' short-lived takedown: NYTimes article today
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Who yuh gonna call/email? Xoanon! Cheers, mate! https://www.nytimes.com/...X&smid=url-share
The removal “was an ‘uh-oh’ moment for the fan base,” Michael Regina, a founder of the popular fan site TheOneRing.net, said in an email. Shortly after the takedown, Bouchard appealed YouTube’s decision and explained his movie’s status as a noncommercial film. Early on, he had reached an agreement with the Tolkien estate ensuring that his project would respect its intellectual property, and that it would be freely available and noncommercial. “We were lucky that they looked kindly on it as something that was for the fan community,” Bouchard said.

Tampa Phil

Jul 7 2024, 2:08pm
Post #82 of 83
"Hunt For Gollum is a strange choice."
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My understanding is that Tolkien did sketch out a subplot where Gollum was brought back to life by a Genesis Device, his living spirit having been transferred to Frodo just before he fell to his death. The challenge is to reunite mind and body, which is what the new film is about. TP.