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Lego Barad Dûr and Fellbeast

Grey Havens

May 14, 12:25pm

Post #1 of 3 (18598 views)
Lego Barad Dûr and Fellbeast Can't Post

Our first look at the Barad Dûr and Fellbeast Lego sets:


This is the second wave of Adult Lord of the Rings Lego sets, following the success of last year's Rivendell:


Barad Dûr will be available on June 1st 2024 and will retail at $459.99!

(This post was edited by AshNazg on May 14, 12:27pm)

Grey Havens

May 14, 4:32pm

Post #2 of 3 (18577 views)
Meat menu confirmed! [In reply to] Can't Post

So that's how orcs know what a menu is.

(This post was edited by AshNazg on May 14, 4:33pm)

Registered User

Jul 18, 2:59pm

Post #3 of 3 (4251 views)
Young me would have loved this [In reply to] Can't Post

Amazing sets. Considering merchandise and everything is still strong for this series.

I am certain a CGI uplift, added scenes and a new cinema re-release would be very popular.



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