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**Jangles Keys** It's time for Fiesta Friday!!!
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Feb 24, 3:42am

Post #26 of 42 (1187 views)
Nasturtiums! yes :D [In reply to] Can't Post

They've got a lot of personality and have such soothing colours. Yeah... I could see them sharing the garden with you!


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Feb 24, 3:43am

Post #27 of 42 (1184 views)
I think it depends on if its being chased ;) // [In reply to] Can't Post



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Feb 24, 4:06am

Post #28 of 42 (1186 views)
What a wonderful trip! [In reply to] Can't Post

It's fantastic that you two have gotten in such a great trip at the tail-end of summer. You can warm yourselves on the memories all winter long :D

I'm glad you've made it back safe and sound! Have a fantastic weekend!


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Feb 24, 4:14am

Post #29 of 42 (1187 views)
Let the sun dry up the extra run-off [In reply to] Can't Post

Here's hoping you'll have some dryer weather for a spell so the ground can stabilize a bit. Now a Facetime party sounds like a great idea! No one has to do party cleanup and all those dishes!

I hope you have a great weekend :D *eyes my Dune II ticket* *slaver, slurp*


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Feb 24, 4:52am

Post #30 of 42 (1185 views)
Ooh, an unsolicited Dr. Pepper? [In reply to] Can't Post

Don't mind if I do, thank you! Angelic

Fingers crossed for the dry weather! We've been itching to do some hiking, so a dry week or two is what we really need.

Thanks, you too! See you on the other side of Dune 2.

Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!

Greenwood Hobbit

Feb 24, 9:44am

Post #31 of 42 (1180 views)
Oops, had a senior moment [In reply to] Can't Post

and completely forgot Fiesta last night! Do you do breakfasts? Nice crispy bacon? Tomatoes? On second thoughts, I've had my healthy cereal so that'll have to do until lunch. (Or second breakfast of course...Wink) I'm in a domestic tidying-up and corner-attacking mood and that has taken over my mind somewhat. That robin is more dramatically coloured than our British robins; I love to hear their song, it's very melodious and in a way plaintive. I'll skip the skunks, thanks! A few days dog-sitting led to some very muddy walks - we have had way too much rain lately - so I resorted to taking him to the beach. Sand is much easier to clean off! I'm going out with a very good friend for coffee and a mooch round some charity shops shortly, a pleasant way to spend Saturday morning. You never know what you'll find; last week I found a scarf in the precise colour I'd been seeking for ages. It's a donation to charity too; win/win! Hope you all have something pleasant in store for the weekend (even if there's boring stuff to be dealt with as well!) Cheers! Just tea at this hour, of course.

Greenwood Hobbit

Feb 24, 9:53am

Post #32 of 42 (1176 views)
Nasturtiums are great! [In reply to] Can't Post

They come in all sorts of colours from cream to crimson, some have variegated leaves and the leaves taste peppery and can be used (sparingly!) in salads. Apparently the seeds can be picked like capers but I haven't tried that. Great flowers for pollinators and a lovely splash of exuberant rambling colour (or you can buy clumpy ones). Easy from seed and they seed themselves, so that's a plus. The first frost will reduce them to limp green string, but until then they're a good unfussy garden plant. Treat 'em mean,keep 'em keen; sunny position, sharp drainage. Soil that's too fertile means lots of leaves and not enough flowers.

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Feb 24, 1:08pm

Post #33 of 42 (1169 views)
I'll be [In reply to] Can't Post

making some oatmeal for breakfast shortly, would you like some? I like what we call "steel-cut" rather than "rolled", it's a bit chew-ier. And I have a couple of cranberry English muffins for the toaster. My morning coffee has almost finished brewing, and gramma will probably be by shortly with the tea!

Oh dear, having to hose off - or towel off? - the pup's paws and lower legs before allowing house-entry! Ever notice how dogs and young children love to walk through mud? He didn't try to go for a swim in the river, did he? And has the family returned from their holiday?

It's amazing what one can find in charity shops, my youngest uses them all the time. Have fun poking around together! Smile


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Feb 24, 2:57pm

Post #34 of 42 (1164 views)
Ah... too late for breakfast? [In reply to] Can't Post

How about a nice BLT? I could slip a fried egg in there, too ;)

I need to get inspired to clean the corners. I hope you have some fun discoveries with yours :D

Have a GREAT weekend!!


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(This post was edited by grammaboodawg on Feb 24, 2:58pm)


Feb 24, 3:00pm

Post #35 of 42 (1159 views)
No, it's all gone south of us [In reply to] Can't Post

We've been too warm, it's all been melting off.

I am a dreamer of words, of written words.
-- Gaston Bachelard

* * * * * * * * * *

NARF and member of Deplorable Cultus since 1967

Greenwood Hobbit

Feb 24, 3:41pm

Post #36 of 42 (1157 views)
I make mine with steel-cut/pinhead oatmeal too [In reply to] Can't Post

I enjoy the texture much more. Rolled oats are best in flapjacks though! the dog's quite hairy, so it's all the underparts that need a good rinse and a brisk towelling. the family trip to London was a great success, they packed a lot in and will have plenty to talk to their friends about when school starts again on Monday. My friend found a lovely oval bevel-edged mirror in a local charity shop this morning; it's in excellent condition for its age, no deterioration in the silvering.

Greenwood Hobbit

Feb 24, 3:43pm

Post #37 of 42 (1158 views)
That'll do nicely! Yum... [In reply to] Can't Post

My friend and I spent sometime i a local cafe this morning and ried two kid of cake; spiced apple and something called a mocha square, both of which were delicious, so today is full of treats real and virtual! Now the weather's still good so I'm going to tackle my small and spider-ridden garden shed and try to make some sense out of it. ~shudder~

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Feb 25, 1:49am

Post #38 of 42 (1125 views)
It was, thanks! [In reply to] Can't Post

The Cadbury factory was in its day the most popular Dunedin attraction, though I never got around to visiting it myself - just not enough of a fan of their chocolate :)

The city itself has a lovely vibe, and there are so many interesting places within easy reach, whether wildlife, landscapes, history, or lovely beaches.

The Passing of Mistress Rose
My historical novels

Do we find happiness so often that we should turn it off the box when it happens to sit there?

- A Room With a View

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Feb 25, 1:53am

Post #39 of 42 (1126 views)
Yes, really nice. [In reply to] Can't Post

We only stayed in three different places and did easy day trips, so there wasn't a vast amount of packing up and moving on, or any very long drives.

There were laundry facilities at each stay, and I did do some washing, but it didn't seem worth doing the hiking gear till we got home. That and some delicates that I didn't feel like trusting to an unfamiliar machine resulted in lots of small loads back home. Fortunately yesterday was hot and dry, so I got most of it washed and dried.

The Passing of Mistress Rose
My historical novels

Do we find happiness so often that we should turn it off the box when it happens to sit there?

- A Room With a View

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Feb 25, 1:57am

Post #40 of 42 (1127 views)
Yes, it was [In reply to] Can't Post

a lovely trip, and a nice time to be away. Such contrasts, too, both in scenery and between the quietness of the country places (St Bathans has a population barely in double figures) and the buzziness of Orientation Week in Dunedin (the academic year is about to start, and Dunedin's our only real "University City", where the university is such a large part of the population). It was a fun bonus to add another LOTR site to our "collection"!

The Passing of Mistress Rose
My historical novels

Do we find happiness so often that we should turn it off the box when it happens to sit there?

- A Room With a View

Greenwood Hobbit

Feb 25, 11:00am

Post #41 of 42 (1101 views)
Three typos - what was I thinking? [In reply to] Can't Post

My mind was obviously already in the shed with the spiders. Shed tidying is ongoing...~yuk~


Feb 25, 5:57pm

Post #42 of 42 (1065 views)
Oh Mercy, girl! [In reply to] Can't Post

My posts are ALWAYS plagued with my creative writing ;) You're safe! Just the thought of walking into a spider-riddled ANYTHING would do the same to me!


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