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(125259 posts in 8338 threads)
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Post with replies Expand entire thread Expand Root post How Best to Contact an Admin for Help Kyriel 293695 3 Jun 18 2015, 10:06am (deena900Jump to last post in thread
Post This thread is locked   Root post Welcome to Main Altaira 266362 0 Dec 28 2006, 3:02am Jump to last post in thread
Post with replies Expand entire thread Expand Root post TIME - July 13 grammaboodawg 1756 13 Fri, 1:18pm (grammaboodawgJump to last post in thread
Post with replies   Expand entire thread Expand Root post Nice interview with Kiran Shah (Frodo double and much, much more) Kimi 935 2 Jul 18, 9:08pm (KimiJump to last post in thread
Post Root post New Hobbit Discussion post in the RR. Ethel Duath 938 0 Jul 2, 2:17am Jump to last post in thread
Post with replies   Expand entire thread Expand Root post Hobbitise a song (game) noWizardme 1125 6 Jul 2, 10:55pm (Ethel DuathJump to last post in thread
Post with replies   Expand entire thread Expand Root post Ian McKellan's been injured after falling off a stage during a play Ataahua 1863 10 Jul 1, 6:58pm (AtaahuaJump to last post in thread
Post with replies Expand entire thread Expand Root post TIME - June 15 grammaboodawg 4242 32 Jul 12, 1:02pm (grammaboodawgJump to last post in thread
Post with replies   Expand entire thread Expand Root post Newly discovered Amazon fish species is named after ‘The Lord of the Rings’ villain Otaku-sempai 1804 2 Jun 18, 10:09pm (Ethel DuathJump to last post in thread
Post with replies   Expand entire thread Expand Root post Moria timeline question … MouthofSauron 1910 2 Jun 12, 10:06pm (MouthofSauronJump to last post in thread
Post with replies   Expand entire thread Expand Root post The Dead Don't Hurt - Viggo Mortensen's Western - A Review JRandomRohirrim01 1816 1 Fri, 1:33pm (grammaboodawgJump to last post in thread
Post with replies   Expand entire thread Expand Root post Ian McKellen opened to returning as Gandalf OldestDaughter 1820 1 Jun 10, 8:00pm (DGHCaretakerJump to last post in thread
Post with replies   Expand entire thread Expand Root post Tolkien in Chinese: book and event Alveric 1834 3 Jul 21, 1:19pm (AlvericJump to last post in thread
Post with replies Expand entire thread Expand Root post Walk to Rivendell... and Beyond!! June 1 grammaboodawg 1949 3 Jul 2, 11:10pm (grammaboodawgJump to last post in thread
Post with replies   Expand entire thread Expand Root post New Tolkien Short Film - Fellowship: Tolkien & Lewis Otaku-sempai 2089 3 Jul 13, 1:10am (Otaku-sempaiJump to last post in thread
Post with replies   Expand entire thread Expand Root post AI generated fiction? The Wrath of Morgoth: New Lord of the Rings Sequel Trilogy - AI Scoop Eruonen 2578 7 Jun 6, 7:03pm (CuriousGJump to last post in thread
Post with replies Expand entire thread Expand Root post TIME - May 20 grammaboodawg 4958 30 Jun 14, 1:02pm (grammaboodawgJump to last post in thread
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