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User Profile: Cirashala

Title: Valinor
Status: Registered User
Registered: Jan 17 2013, 12:38am
Last Logon: Aug 15, 2:50am
Posts: 3213 (0.7 per day)
Real Name: Amanda
Location: Idaho, United States
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 0000-10-19
Local Time: 4:33 pm
Occupation: Mother, mini farmer, seamstress, cake decorator
Interests: archery, sword fighting, singing, violinist, writing, costuming, sewing, quilting, gardening/mini-farming, soapmaking, candlemaking, cake decorating, baking, canning, reading, drawing, pastel, sculpting, crafting, carving, building things, set building. Love to take walks in the woods and one of my main things on my bucket list is to have a 20 acre farm with log cabin someday, and "walk Middle-earth" by visiting New Zealand and hiking through the movie locations :D I would also love to work with PJ and crew as an actress, as they are passionate about their work, but most I'll probably ever get to do is a fan film someday....
First Lord of the Rings reading experience: Became a Tolkien/Middle-earth fan almost 7 years ago when I met my husband. Didn't even know he existed before that, and am embarrassed to say that the ONLY indication I ever had that LOTR even existed at ALL prior to that was seeing a Frodo toy in a McDonald's display case on a road trip when I was 13 and thinking, "Wow, he has huge hairy feet!" I know better now ;)
Favorite Tolkien character: Fili and Kili, for multiple reasons (NO, it's not the appearance- they were my favorites before the movies were even announced). They were the ONLY dwarves to not be influenced by gold lust, they trusted Bilbo fairly quickly, they fought and died for their uncle despite disagreeing with him on Bilbo's banishment because he was their UNCLE, not because he was their king- showing that they knew what it took him to be on his deathbed to find out- that food and cheer and song would make a merrier world. They were optimistic, and their youth and cheerfulness helped the company during gloomy times. Kili looks a LOT like my husband (Elciryamo on here <3 ) and I find it hysterical and also quite ironic ;) I also have a lot of things in common with them- I have played the violin/fiddle for almost 18 years, I love to sing and am pretty good at it, I am an archer and swordfighter (began long before movies also), I fight for my friends, I understand that gold is simply pretty and not worth dying for, and I judge people by who they are, not what they are. I also believe in justice, and fight for what is right and for what I believe in, and if my family was in danger I would not hesitate to die in order to protect them. It's not that they're "hot" (though since my husband resembles Kili, I guess that's my type visually lol). It's that they are good people, who unfortunately were the first casualties of the greater War of the Ring, and innocence lost ;( And I love Gandalf too- who wouldn't? ;)
Less Filling or Tastes Great: Tastes Great
Elves and Dragons or Cabbages and Potatoes: Elves and Dragons
Email: cirashala

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