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RHYME TIME - Quiz III (The Grand Finale)
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Jan 30 2015, 6:56pm

Post #1 of 31 (3790 views)
RHYME TIME - Quiz III (The Grand Finale) Can't Post

The object is easy peasy. I have given hints. Your answers contain two consecutive words that rhyme.
Example: (Hint) The Shire guard tripped and fell. (Ans.) A Bounder flounder.
Yes you can! Yes you can figure these out! Here we go!

1. A sarcastic Wizard
2. A befuddled Bree village
3. Longshanks piggybacks a youngster
4. With a wand-wave the wind gusted, the snows fell
5. Gaudy marshy area in Eastfarthing

6. A cowardly Roäc
7. A cold daughter of Samwise
8. Four Farthings elevated
9. SW Mordor conflagration
10. A short-sword quartet concert

11. Gaffer’s helper dropped the plate
12. Bree servant weeps
13. 3rd King of Dale was forbidden in the inn
14. Dwarf King from another country
15. A sneaky malodorous Ring-bearer
16. What the messenger Dwarf called his transport

Tol Eressea

Jan 30 2015, 7:42pm

Post #2 of 31 (3658 views)
I'll have to come back for the rest... [In reply to] Can't Post

1. A sarcastic Wizard -Sour-man Sauruman?Tongue
2. A befuddled Bree village -Addled Staddle
3. Longshanks piggybacks a youngster -Strider Rider?
4. With a wand-wave the wind gusted, the snows fell - Wizard Blizzard
5. Gaudy marshy area in Eastfarthing - Garish Marish

6. A cowardly Roäc
- Craven Raven
7. A cold daughter of Samwise - Froze Rose
8. Four Farthings elevated - Higher Shire
9. SW Mordor conflagration -
Nurn Burn
10. A short-sword quartet concert -
eket quartet?

11. Gaffer’s helper dropped the plate -
Sam BAM!Laugh
12. Bree servant weeps - Nob sob
13. 3rd King of Dale was forbidden in the inn - Banned Brand
14. Dwarf King from another country
- Foreign Thorin
15. A sneaky malodorous Ring-bearer - Slinker Stinker?
16. What the messenger Dwarf called his transport-
Courier hurrier?Crazy

Call me Rem, and remember, not all who ramble are lost...Uh...where was I?


Jan 30 2015, 8:36pm

Post #3 of 31 (3658 views)
Oh yeah - we impressed - A quick strike by Rembrethil :) [In reply to] Can't Post

#1 Cutsie and clever but not on the mark (the Mark?) Tongue
#3 Yes
#10 Uh,uh - need a Tolkien word here...
#11 Well, not bad, but a tad off the mark - 1 point credit for RemLaugh
#15 Yes
#16 Nice rhyme but no 'Tolkien' word Crazy (I threw this one in at the last minute. It may have a rhyming problem...?) Unsure


Jan 30 2015, 9:29pm

Post #4 of 31 (3656 views)
*wipes sweat from brow* [In reply to] Can't Post

Boy, these are tough! Well, here goes nothing!

1. Sarky Sharkey
2. Upset Archet
3. Strider Rider
5. Garish Marish
6. Craven Raven
10. Sting String
12. Bob / Nob Sob
13. Banned Brand
14. Foreign Thorin
16. Dain Train

Thanks, BG! Smile

(This post was edited by BlackFox on Jan 30 2015, 9:34pm)


Jan 30 2015, 9:39pm

Post #5 of 31 (3643 views)
I've deciphered a few... I think... ? [In reply to] Can't Post

3. Strider rider
4. Wizard blizzard
6. craven raven
7. Rose froze
8. higher Shire
12. Nob/Hob sob
13. Brand banned
14. foreign Thorin

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters, these see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. -Psalm 107


Jan 30 2015, 11:44pm

Post #6 of 31 (3638 views)
Oooh.... first attempt... [In reply to] Can't Post

1. sarcy Sharkey
2. addled Staddle
3. Strider rider?
4. wizard blizzard
5. Er.... garish Marish?

6. craven raven
7. blue-nose Rose?
8. higher Shire?
9. burn Nurn?
10. Um, don't know.... four-Sting band?

11. ....?
12. Nob sob
13. Brand banned
14. foreign Thorin
15. Slinker Stinker
16. Nain wain?

Na Vedui

Jan 31 2015, 12:14am

Post #7 of 31 (3647 views)
Here goes... [In reply to] Can't Post

1. Curunir-sneer ?
2. addled Staddle (could also be maddled Staddle, which is Yorkshire for being confused and bebothered)
3. Strider-rider
4. wizard blizzard
5. garish Marish
6. craven raven
7. Rose froze
8. higher Shire
9. Nurn burn
10. Sting string-thing
11. ? Tom-bomb
12. Nob- (or Bob-) sob
13. Brand banned (bit of a fire-raiser, was he?)
14. foreign Thorin (yeah, we Dwarves don't belong anywhere, do we? grump grump)
15. Slinker Stinker
16. note-goat


Jan 31 2015, 12:33am

Post #8 of 31 (3630 views)
BlackFox sweats but gives BG a run for his money... [In reply to] Can't Post

#1 Sarky (British informal for sarcastic) Got Me! Unsure
#2 Works great, but not what I had in mind. CREDIT DUE!
#10 Works "pretty" well but not on the money.
#16 Good rhyme and transport, but Dain was not known as a messenger Dwarf. (We may have a pronunciation problem with this one? I'm not sure.)

Thanks BF

I'll try to get to the rest of you soon. (Suppertime!)Tongue


Jan 31 2015, 1:18am

Post #9 of 31 (3634 views)
Dormouse peeks from teapot with a superb effort [In reply to] Can't Post

#1 "sarcy" seems to be an internet slang for sarcastic. If so - CREDIT DUE!
#3 Correct
#5 Correct
#7 Works super - Had another answer in mind. CREDIT DUE! Smile
#8 Correct
#9 Correct or "Nurn burn"
#16 Nice rhyme- But Nain was not known as a 'messenger' Dwarf

Thanks Dormouse Smile


Jan 31 2015, 1:20am

Post #10 of 31 (3630 views)
All correct Meneldor - as far as she goes.. ;) // [In reply to] Can't Post



Jan 31 2015, 1:26am

Post #11 of 31 (3635 views)
We can always count on the superb brain of Na Vedui.. [In reply to] Can't Post

#1. Seems to work but not the best rhyme - SOME CREDIT! Wink
#10. Oh, so close... Cool
#11 Sorry
#16 Nice try - Need a Tokien word.

Thanks Na Vedui Smile

Tol Eressea

Jan 31 2015, 6:00am

Post #12 of 31 (3629 views)
Tough stuff! [In reply to] Can't Post

1. Snarky Sharkey
2. Addled Staddle
3. Strider rider
4. Wizard blizzard
5. Garish Marish

6. Craven raven
7. Froze Rose
8. Shire higher
9. Nurn burn
10. Sting sing

11. Sam wham? (still working on it)
12. Nob (or Bob) sob
13. Brand banned
14. Foreign Thorin
15. Weasel Smeagol? (still working on it)
16. Ori lorry


He was born of mortal frailty mixed with Elven fallen realm,
Comin’ home to a land he’d never been before.
Arvernian behind him, sailed the seas of Middle-earth,
You might say he didn’t know what lay in store.

When his wife came out to find him she'd been turned into a bird,
Upon her breast there shone a shining star,
So he took her to his bosom, and by morn her form returned,
And he shifted West to find the high Valar.

And in Valinor he went before the high,
In doing so, resigned himself to die.
Take up arms against the Shadow, asked he of the high,
of the Valar high. (Fight, fight the Shadow)
of the Valar high. (Fight, fight the Shadow)

* * *


Jan 31 2015, 10:32am

Post #13 of 31 (3623 views)
*Squeak* [In reply to] Can't Post

'Sarcy' has been UK slang for sarcastic for as long as I can remember - maybe not used anywhere else, but pretty widespread here.

As for Nain, as thought maybe he had carried a message to someone sometime.... *look of wide-eyed innocence* Angelic Or to put it another way, it's all I could think of....

Oh - would you prefer Nar car?


Jan 31 2015, 12:27pm

Post #14 of 31 (3621 views)
Apparently not tough enough - Nice work Rux ... [In reply to] Can't Post

I think you get highest honors so far...

#11 Keep working Wink
#15 Same
#16 Nice rhyme and transport but Ori wasn't known as a 'messenger Dwarf'...Mad


Jan 31 2015, 12:48pm

Post #15 of 31 (3617 views)
Good morning Master of the Teapot.... [In reply to] Can't Post

#1. Right 'sarcy' seems to be a slang abbreviation for sarcastic. and CREDIT DUE, although there is a slightly better rhyme.
BlackFox also brought up "sarky" (British informal for sarcastic, which would rhyme some better than "sarcy"?)Wink

16. YES, "Nar car" is what I had in mind as he was the "messenger Dwarf" that carried the news of the murder of Thror (along with a small bag of worthless coins).
I kinda threw that one in at the last minute as I wasn't sure on the pronunciation? Nár has an acute accent over the 'a'.


Jan 31 2015, 1:55pm

Post #16 of 31 (3611 views)
Beg pardon Mr Bracegirdle, Sir, and good morning! [In reply to] Can't Post

Sarcy and sarky is one and the same thing, begging your pardon, Sir. Being slang, no one ever writes it down 'cos no-one ever has to - I don't know if there is an official spelling. I just put sarcy with a 'c' 'cos it's an abbreviation of sarcastic. BlackFox went for sarky with a 'k' either 'cos he knows something I don't (this is entirely likely!) or because it is a better representation of how it's pronounced. But both spellings represent the same word and we pronounce exactly like the 'sarc' in 'sarcastic' - with a hard 'c'.

*Phew* ... curls up inside darkened teapot....

Tol Eressea

Jan 31 2015, 2:28pm

Post #17 of 31 (3604 views)
16 [In reply to] Can't Post


16 - Nár car.

Still working out the last two.

This is great Bracegirdle, thanks!


He was born of mortal frailty mixed with Elven fallen realm,
Comin’ home to a land he’d never been before.
Arvernian behind him, sailed the seas of Middle-earth,
You might say he didn’t know what lay in store.

When his wife came out to find him she'd been turned into a bird,
Upon her breast there shone a shining star,
So he took her to his bosom, and by morn her form returned,
And he shifted West to find the high Valar.

And in Valinor he went before the high,
In doing so, resigned himself to die.
Take up arms against the Shadow, asked he of the high,
of the Valar high. (Fight, fight the Shadow)
of the Valar high. (Fight, fight the Shadow)

* * *


Jan 31 2015, 2:52pm

Post #18 of 31 (3601 views)
No pardons need be begged.. [In reply to] Can't Post

"sarcy" hard 'c' same same as sarky... ok CREDIT FOR DORMOUSE

Mine, is guess is "American English"? crotchety, snappish. sarcastic, impertinent, or irreverent. Cool

But all rhyme well.. eh? Tongue


Jan 31 2015, 2:55pm

Post #19 of 31 (3610 views)
Erm.... [In reply to] Can't Post

How about
10. Sting quartet

11. Rumble fumble

Tol Eressea

Jan 31 2015, 3:47pm

Post #20 of 31 (3600 views)
11 [In reply to] Can't Post

11. Rumble fumble.

Still working on 15....


He was born of mortal frailty mixed with Elven fallen realm,
Comin’ home to a land he’d never been before.
Arvernian behind him, sailed the seas of Middle-earth,
You might say he didn’t know what lay in store.

When his wife came out to find him she'd been turned into a bird,
Upon her breast there shone a shining star,
So he took her to his bosom, and by morn her form returned,
And he shifted West to find the high Valar.

And in Valinor he went before the high,
In doing so, resigned himself to die.
Take up arms against the Shadow, asked he of the high,
of the Valar high. (Fight, fight the Shadow)
of the Valar high. (Fight, fight the Shadow)

* * *

Tol Eressea

Jan 31 2015, 6:05pm

Post #21 of 31 (3592 views)
15 [In reply to] Can't Post

15. Heinous Incánus

So how's that? Did I get 'em all?

This was fun! Another well done!


He was born of mortal frailty mixed with Elven fallen realm,
Comin’ home to a land he’d never been before.
Arvernian behind him, sailed the seas of Middle-earth,
You might say he didn’t know what lay in store.

When his wife came out to find him she'd been turned into a bird,
Upon her breast there shone a shining star,
So he took her to his bosom, and by morn her form returned,
And he shifted West to find the high Valar.

And in Valinor he went before the high,
In doing so, resigned himself to die.
Take up arms against the Shadow, asked he of the high,
of the Valar high. (Fight, fight the Shadow)
of the Valar high. (Fight, fight the Shadow)

* * *

Tol Eressea

Jan 31 2015, 6:10pm

Post #22 of 31 (3611 views)
update, final amswers [In reply to] Can't Post

1. Snarky Sharkey
2. Addled Staddle
3. Strider rider
4. Wizard blizzard
5. Garish Marish

6. Craven raven
7. Froze Rose
8. Shire higher
9. Nurn burn
10. Sting sing

11. Rumble fumble
12. Nob (or Bob) sob
13. Brand banned
14. Foreign Thorin
15. Heinous Incánus
16. Nár car

Thanks Bracegirdle for the convivial times with the trivial rhymes!


He was born of mortal frailty mixed with Elven fallen realm,
Comin’ home to a land he’d never been before.
Arvernian behind him, sailed the seas of Middle-earth,
You might say he didn’t know what lay in store.

When his wife came out to find him she'd been turned into a bird,
Upon her breast there shone a shining star,
So he took her to his bosom, and by morn her form returned,
And he shifted West to find the high Valar.

And in Valinor he went before the high,
In doing so, resigned himself to die.
Take up arms against the Shadow, asked he of the high,
of the Valar high. (Fight, fight the Shadow)
of the Valar high. (Fight, fight the Shadow)

* * *


Jan 31 2015, 8:18pm

Post #23 of 31 (3598 views)
Ohhh SO CLOSE.. Too close.. you got them Rux.. [In reply to] Can't Post

#11 Rumble fumble is Goood! I had "bumble" One on me..Crazy

#15 Depending on pronunciation "Heinous Incanus" works. Another one on me? English "haynus", British "heenus" -

BUT! As I had Ring-bearer with a capital "R" I was thinking of the One Ring.

A sneaky malodorous Ring-bearer -- A Slinker Stinker Sly

Credit where credit is due. YOU GOT EM ALL! One way or tother Tongue


Jan 31 2015, 9:04pm

Post #24 of 31 (3587 views)
And the mouse said "Erm"... :) [In reply to] Can't Post

#10 Sting quartet... Hmm, nice rhyme. Must be a mouse thingy... TongueHow about "A Sting Sing"?

#11 Works super. Or "bumble"...

Oh well, why not? As a great team everyone came up with all the answers, so here's my roundup (or A roundup).

1. A sarcastic Wizard **** A snarkey Sharkey
2. A befuddled Bree village **** An addled Staddle
3. Longshanks piggybacks a youngster **** A Strider rider
4. With a wand-wave the wind gusted, the snows fell **** A Wizard blizzard
5. Gaudy marshy area in Eastfarthing **** A garish Marish

6. A cowardly Roäc **** A craven Raven
7. A cold daughter of Samwise **** A froze Rose
8. Four Farthings elevated **** A higher Shire
9. SW Mordor conflagration **** A Nurn burn
10. A short-sword quartet concert **** A Sting Sing

11. Gaffer’s helper dropped the plate **** A Rumble bumble
12. Bree servant weeps **** A Nob (or Bob) sob
13. 3rd King of Dale was forbidden in the inn **** A banned Brand
14. Dwarf King from another country **** A foreign Thorin
15. A sneaky malodorous Ring-bearer **** A Slinker Stinker
16. What the messenger Dwarf called his transport **** A Nár car

Thanks everyone for playing. I hope it was fun, fun, fun!


Tol Eressea

Jan 31 2015, 10:30pm

Post #25 of 31 (3590 views)
'Eket' is Tolkien related... [In reply to] Can't Post


Call me Rem, and remember, not all who ramble are lost...Uh...where was I?

(This post was edited by Rembrethil on Jan 31 2015, 10:30pm)

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