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Jan 22 2015, 1:24pm

Post #1 of 47 (2220 views)
RHYME TIME - Quiz II Can't Post

The object is easy peasy. I have given hints. Your answers contain two consecutive words that rhyme.
Example: (Hint) The Shire guard tripped and fell. (Ans.) A Bounder flounder.
Yes you can! Yes you can figure these out! Here we go!

1. Where wolves are taken for a necropsy
2. A lone land depression
3. A Drúedan proboscis
4. A scorched descendant of Girion
5. It’s raining on the talan

6. A fair-haired siege engine
7. “Get lost, Gamgee!”
8. A street named after the Master of Shire-moot
9. A dull-witted Baggins
10. Overcome the Rock

11. Kingdoms of Hammerhand
12. An Esgaroth biscuit getaway
13. A playground in Eastfold
14. Legend of an Erebor city
15. Jack of all trades and mill owner

(This post was edited by Bracegirdle on Jan 22 2015, 1:25pm)


Jan 22 2015, 2:35pm

Post #2 of 47 (2056 views)
Alright, here goes! [In reply to] Can't Post

1. Warg Morgue
3. Wose Nose
4. Burnt Brand
5. Wet Flet
6. Blond Grond
7. Thain Lane
9. Dodo Frodo
10. Helm's Realms
14. Dale Tale
15. Handyman Sandyman


Jan 22 2015, 3:29pm

Post #3 of 47 (2035 views)
Hooray! [In reply to] Can't Post

Not all of them I can't!

1. Warg morgue
2. Weathertop drop?
3. Wose nose
4. Charred Bard
5. Wet flet

6. Blond Grond
7. Scram, Sam
8. Thain Lane
9. *Tries in vain to think of a Baggins whose name rhymes with Dimbo....*
10. ...nope, can't get it....

11. Realms of Helm
12. er....
13. *scratches head.....
14. Dale tale
15. Handyman Sandyman


Jan 22 2015, 5:10pm

Post #4 of 47 (2026 views)
Nice job BlackFox [In reply to] Can't Post

#4 Burnt Brand doesn't rhyme (in English) Unsure

These must be more difficult for you if English isn't your 1st language?


Jan 22 2015, 5:14pm

Post #5 of 47 (2015 views)
Thanks for peeking out Dormouse [In reply to] Can't Post

#2 rhymes but is incorrect

#11 the two rhyming words are not connected - but, hey, close enough...
*BG's getting tooo picky* Wink


Jan 22 2015, 5:23pm

Post #6 of 47 (2023 views)
A bit [In reply to] Can't Post

But I'd like to think that I get better and better with each game. Thanks for the fun! Smile


Jan 22 2015, 6:38pm

Post #7 of 47 (2015 views)
Guessing... [In reply to] Can't Post

#2 single dingle?
#12 cram scram

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters, these see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. -Psalm 107


Jan 22 2015, 7:05pm

Post #8 of 47 (2005 views)
Two for two Meneldor - Hang in there! // [In reply to] Can't Post



Jan 22 2015, 7:17pm

Post #9 of 47 (2003 views)
I'm stumped. [In reply to] Can't Post

10 & 13 are the only two left, and I got nuthin.

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters, these see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. -Psalm 107

Tol Eressea

Jan 22 2015, 8:45pm

Post #10 of 47 (2004 views)
A second go... [In reply to] Can't Post

Thanks for all your hard work! These are very fun!

1. Where wolves are taken for a necropsy -Warg Morgue
2. A lone land depression -Single Dingle
3. A Drúedan proboscis - Wose Hose
4. A scorched descendant of Girion -Charred Bard
5. It’s raining on the talan - Wet Flet

6. A fair-haired siege engine
-Blonde Grond
7. “Get lost, Gamgee!” -Scram Sam
8. A street named after the Master of Shire-moot -Thain Lane
9. A dull-witted Baggins -Slow Bilbo
10. Overcome the Rock -???

11. Kingdoms of Hammerhand
-Realm of Helm
12. An Esgaroth biscuit getaway -Cram scram
13. A playground in Eastfold -???
14. Legend of an Erebor city - Tale of Dale
15. Jack of all trades and mill owner - Handyman Sandyman

Call me Rem, and remember, not all who ramble are lost...Uh...where was I?


Jan 22 2015, 9:18pm

Post #11 of 47 (1998 views)
Good shots Rem (or Rem shots - Rim shots.. Ba Boom). . . [In reply to] Can't Post

#3 "Hose"? rhymes well but 'hose' is not a proboscis.. (mistype?)Cool
#9 "Slow Bilbo" sorta works, but there's a better one.
#11 Should be "Helm's Realms" to keep the rhyming words consecutive. But it works, so credit due. Wink
#14. Same as #11 - "A Dale Tale"

I originally thought of "A Cram lam" for #12, but "scram" works just as well.

Thanks for playing Smile

Tol Eressea

Jan 23 2015, 3:46pm

Post #12 of 47 (2004 views)
Not a mistype [In reply to] Can't Post

TBH, I was thinking about my early Animal Sciences classes where they said that a honey-bee's proboscis was sort of like a 'straw' or 'hose'.

Call me Rem, and remember, not all who ramble are lost...Uh...where was I?


Jan 23 2015, 4:43pm

Post #13 of 47 (1988 views)
A very, very long shot at #13 [In reply to] Can't Post

The Mark Park ?

*Ducks back into teapot


Jan 23 2015, 6:13pm

Post #14 of 47 (1987 views)
Hmm... [In reply to] Can't Post

1. Warg morgue
2. Thinking, thinking, thinking... nothing forthcoming...
3. Wose nose
4. arid Bard
5. wet flet
6. blond Grond
7. Scram, Sam!
8. Thane lane
9. Slow Frodo? Dodo Frodo?
10. win Gondolin?
11. Helm's realms
12. cram scram
13. Mark park
14. Dale tale
15. Handyman Sandyman

~There's some good left in this world. And it's worth fighting for.~


Jan 23 2015, 6:45pm

Post #15 of 47 (1986 views)
Well now then - credit for an honest effort. // [In reply to] Can't Post



Jan 23 2015, 6:47pm

Post #16 of 47 (1982 views)
Yes on #13 - Show thyself anytime... // [In reply to] Can't Post



Jan 23 2015, 6:59pm

Post #17 of 47 (1981 views)
Wowzer and good work Gianna. . . [In reply to] Can't Post

#4 is off the beam I deem Mad
#8 is correct but mispelled "Thane" (Thain)

#9 Dodo Frodo rhymes best I guessed
#10 Hmm- works somewhat, but there is a better retort I report Cool

Thanks for playing


Jan 23 2015, 7:35pm

Post #18 of 47 (1987 views)
In which a..s is completely unable to think of several answers, but submits anyway [In reply to] Can't Post

1. Where wolves are taken for a necropsy = the warg morgue
2. A lone land depression = geez Louise
3. A Drúedan proboscis = a Wose nose
4. A scorched descendant of Girion = a charred Bard
5. It’s raining on the talan = it's a wet flet?

6. A fair-haired siege engine = a blond Grond?
7. “Get lost, Gamgee!” = scram, Sam! (Frodo would NEVER tell Sam to scram)
8. A street named after the Master of Shire-moot = the Thain lane
9. A dull-witted Baggins =
10. Overcome the Rock =

11. Kingdoms of Hammerhand = the realm of Helm
12. An Esgaroth biscuit getaway = the only thing I can think that rhymes with cookie is not suitable for a family board. Hmmph.
13. A playground in Eastfold = a Mark park
14. Legend of an Erebor city = the Tale of Dale (a Dale tale)
15. Jack of all trades and mill owner = Handyman Sandyman

"an seileachan"

"A safe fairyland is untrue to all worlds." JRR Tolkien, Letters.


Jan 23 2015, 8:04pm

Post #19 of 47 (1973 views)
Your "anyway" submissions are very interesting.... [In reply to] Can't Post

#2 "geez Louise" I hadn't thought of .. *slaps forehead* Smile

#7 It was Ted Sandyman that told Sam to "Scram"

11 out of 15 . . . Pretty dog gone good.

Thanks a bunch for playing a.s.


Jan 23 2015, 11:47pm

Post #20 of 47 (1966 views)
Oooh, tougher this time [In reply to] Can't Post

  1. Warg Morgue
  2. ?
  3. Wose Nose
  4. Charred Bard
  5. ?
  6. Blond Grond
  7. Scram Sam!
  8. ?
  9. ?
  10. ?
  11. Helm Realm
  12. ?
  13. ?
  14. Dale Tale
  15. ?

Thanks for another fun round!


Tol Eressea

Jan 24 2015, 5:33am

Post #21 of 47 (1973 views)
Sure, why not? [In reply to] Can't Post

1. Warg morgue
2. Sole hole
3. Wose nose
4. Charred Bard
5. Wet flet

6. Blond Grond
7. "Scram, Sam!"
8. Thain Lane
9. Dodo Frodo
10. Knock the Carrock? Sock the Carrock? Confound the mound? Surmount the mount? Own the Stone?

11. Realms of Helm's
12. Cram lam
13. Mark park
14. Dale tale
15. Handyman Sandyman


He was born of mortal frailty mixed with Elven fallen realm,
Comin’ home to a land he’d never been before.
Arvernian behind him, sailed the seas of Middle-earth,
You might say he didn’t know what lay in store.

When his wife came out to find him she'd been turned into a bird,
Upon her breast there shone a shining star,
So he took her to his bosom, and by morn her form returned,
And he shifted West to find the high Valar.

And in Valinor he went before the high,
In doing so, resigned himself to die.
Take up arms against the Shadow, asked he of the high,
of the Valar high. (Fight, fight the Shadow)
of the Valar high. (Fight, fight the Shadow)

* * *


Jan 24 2015, 2:17pm

Post #22 of 47 (1958 views)
Well, shucks Rux. . . [In reply to] Can't Post

13 out of 15. Hmmm - may be a new worlds record.

#2 rhymes but is not Tolkienesque...
#10 lots of good tries but there is a bolder boulder which
has a more sublime rhyme. Cool



Jan 24 2015, 2:42pm

Post #23 of 47 (1967 views)
#10 [In reply to] Can't Post

Sweep the Deep?


Jan 24 2015, 6:40pm

Post #24 of 47 (1945 views)
Nice rhyme & thought - but think "Rock" // [In reply to] Can't Post



Jan 24 2015, 6:50pm

Post #25 of 47 (1942 views)
As in... [In reply to] Can't Post

... Hornrock?

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