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Even More LOTR Trivia Questions!

Arwen's daughter

Nov 3 2014, 5:13pm

Post #1 of 17 (1568 views)
Even More LOTR Trivia Questions! Can't Post

Hi everyone! It's Monday and that means another round of LOTR Trivia!

The rules are simple.

I ask six questions from the LOTR Trivial Pursuit game. The questions are divided into six categories: Things, Evil Characters, Good Characters, Places & History, Warfare, and Making Movies.

I will post the answers for the questions on Friday for you to score yourselves. Until then, answer them, discuss them, joke about them, and feel free to award plenty of Invisible Extra Credit to those who deserve it.

For the record, the LOTR Trivial Pursuit game has some questions that are just too easy, some questions that are awkwardly phrased, and some questions that seem to be flat wrong. I am combining questions from a couple of different cards to get these sets and to try and weed out some of the odd ones. Also, I wouldn't put too much thought into worrying about whether or not the questions fit their categories.

Here are this week's questions:

What Hobbit family does Bilbo mention immediately after the Bagginses in his party speech?

Who is the "third one" referred to by the Rangers in Faramir's cave?

What is Gandalf doing when Frodo awakens to find him at his bedside in Rivendell?

How many leagues away from Edoras does Theoden say Eomer and his men are?

What weapon does Aragorn use to kill the Warg that threatens Gimli in the refugee attack?

What material were the leaves on the trees in the indoor sets made of?

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TORn's Costume Discussions Archive


Nov 3 2014, 5:41pm

Post #2 of 17 (1233 views)
Boy, these are tough! [In reply to] Can't Post

What Hobbit family does Bilbo mention immediately after the Bagginses in his party speech? Boffins?

Who is the "third one" referred to by the Rangers in Faramir's cave? Gollum

What is Gandalf doing when Frodo awakens to find him at his bedside in Rivendell? smoking his pipe?

How many leagues away from Edoras does Theoden say Eomer and his men are? three hundred

What weapon does Aragorn use to kill the Warg that threatens Gimli in the refugee attack? sword?

What material were the leaves on the trees in the indoor sets made of? ???

*crawls to her den, embarrassed*

Grey Havens

Nov 3 2014, 5:48pm

Post #3 of 17 (1234 views)
answers [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To

What Hobbit family does Bilbo mention immediately after the Bagginses in his party speech?


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Who is the "third one" referred to by the Rangers in Faramir's cave?


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What is Gandalf doing when Frodo awakens to find him at his bedside in Rivendell?


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How many leagues away from Edoras does Theoden say Eomer and his men are?


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What weapon does Aragorn use to kill the Warg that threatens Gimli in the refugee attack?

A spear?

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What material were the leaves on the trees in the indoor sets made of?

Real leaves.

Tough ones, I only feel sure of one answer...

Thanks for putting this together!

Eye's on Guard

Nov 3 2014, 7:25pm

Post #4 of 17 (1220 views)
Guesses [In reply to] Can't Post

What Hobbit family does Bilbo mention immediately after the Bagginses in his party speech?

Boffins (or was it Puffins...oh right, these are hobbits, not birds)

Who is the "third one" referred to by the Rangers in Faramir's cave?

(Conspiracy theory: Their captain's long lost younger brother, Golumir)

What is Gandalf doing when Frodo awakens to find him at his bedside in Rivendell?

Smoking? (Really, Gandalf...he's already sick Wink)

How many leagues away from Edoras does Theoden say Eomer and his men are?

20??? (Or was it 20,000?)

What weapon does Aragorn use to kill the Warg that threatens Gimli in the refugee attack?

An arrow
(Better question: What weapon does Aragorn use to nearly kill Gimli? ... A warg!)

What material were the leaves on the trees in the indoor sets made of?


"When you think of the great Battle of Pelennor, do not forget the Battle of Dale. Think of what might have been. Dragon-fire and savage swords in Eriador! There might be no Queen in Gondor. We might now only hope to return from the victory here to ruin and ash. But that has been averted -- because I met Thorin Oakenshield one evening on the edge of spring not far from Bree. A chance-meeting, as we say in Middle-earth."
- Gandalf


Nov 4 2014, 4:16am

Post #5 of 17 (1199 views)
Oooh, these are tough [In reply to] Can't Post

What Hobbit family does Bilbo mention immediately after the Bagginses in his party speech?

Who is the "third one" referred to by the Rangers in Faramir's cave?

What is Gandalf doing when Frodo awakens to find him at his bedside in Rivendell?

How many leagues away from Edoras does Theoden say Eomer and his men are?

What weapon does Aragorn use to kill the Warg that threatens Gimli in the refugee attack?
A spear.

What material were the leaves on the trees in the indoor sets made of?

Join us every weekend for The Hobbit Chapter of the Week discussions!


Nov 5 2014, 2:05am

Post #6 of 17 (1200 views)
As the only one to guess [In reply to] Can't Post

ky Jelly (sort of) in the last round, I hope to rise to the occasion again here.

1. Boffins?
2. Gollum?
3. Smoking a pipe?
4. 300?
5. A spear.
6. Mylar?

Thanks AD!

Arwen's daughter

Nov 7 2014, 5:14pm

Post #7 of 17 (1199 views)
Answers [In reply to] Can't Post

Well, it's Friday again and Friday means answers. Here are the answers for this week's trivia game. How did everyone do?

In Reply To

Here are this week's questions:

What Hobbit family does Bilbo mention immediately after the Bagginses in his party speech?
The Boffins

Who is the "third one" referred to by the Rangers in Faramir's cave?

Can anyone confirm or deny for me? I think Faramir never uses the exact words "third one" to refer to Gollum. There may be some wiggle room for anyone who missed this one!

What is Gandalf doing when Frodo awakens to find him at his bedside in Rivendell?
Smoking his pipe

How many leagues away from Edoras does Theoden say Eomer and his men are?
Three hundred

What weapon does Aragorn use to kill the Warg that threatens Gimli in the refugee attack?
A spear

What material were the leaves on the trees in the indoor sets made of?

Thanks for playing or lurking this week!

My Costuming Site
TORn's Costume Discussions Archive


Nov 7 2014, 5:22pm

Post #8 of 17 (1165 views)
Four out of six [In reply to] Can't Post

As usual. Smile

Thanks, AD!

Arwen's daughter

Nov 7 2014, 7:02pm

Post #9 of 17 (1157 views)
Thanks for playing, BlackFox! [In reply to] Can't Post

I try to include a mix of different difficulty levels each round. But I'm still always surprised by which ones people remember. You've been doing great!

My Costuming Site
TORn's Costume Discussions Archive


Nov 7 2014, 7:30pm

Post #10 of 17 (1152 views)
Cheers! [In reply to] Can't Post

Making Movies seems to be my weakest spot. *hangs head in shame*

Arwen's daughter

Nov 7 2014, 8:36pm

Post #11 of 17 (1153 views)
Those are definitely the hardest! [In reply to] Can't Post

When I'm picking questions for that category, they always seem to be way too hard or way too easy. I promise to slip some of those easier ones into later posts Cool

My Costuming Site
TORn's Costume Discussions Archive


Nov 7 2014, 9:54pm

Post #12 of 17 (1170 views)
I shall hold you to your word [In reply to] Can't Post



Nov 8 2014, 12:52am

Post #13 of 17 (1149 views)
Six out of six! Woohoo! [In reply to] Can't Post

That just made my week. Cool

Join us every weekend for The Hobbit Chapter of the Week discussions!


Nov 8 2014, 9:37am

Post #14 of 17 (1132 views)
Way to go, Kim! // [In reply to] Can't Post



Nov 8 2014, 3:59pm

Post #15 of 17 (1138 views)
Nicely done! [In reply to] Can't Post

I almost guessed silk as well but thought it was too easy Crazy

Eye's on Guard

Nov 10 2014, 11:37pm

Post #16 of 17 (1194 views)
First three [In reply to] Can't Post

Need to brush up on my geography...especially how far a league is Crazy

"When you think of the great Battle of Pelennor, do not forget the Battle of Dale. Think of what might have been. Dragon-fire and savage swords in Eriador! There might be no Queen in Gondor. We might now only hope to return from the victory here to ruin and ash. But that has been averted -- because I met Thorin Oakenshield one evening on the edge of spring not far from Bree. A chance-meeting, as we say in Middle-earth."
- Gandalf


Dec 9 2014, 1:22am

Post #17 of 17 (1125 views)
Trivia [In reply to] Can't Post

1) Brandybucks
2) Gollum
3) Smoking
4) 300
5) Spear
6) Paper


(This post was edited by KingTurgon on Dec 9 2014, 1:22am)


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