

Lurker in the Mirk

Oct 16 2014, 5:16am
Post #1 of 49
Just a thought on the chore of Mod (small rambling kudos)
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(This should be a PM, but well, PM is only to individuals and I would like to say this to the whole Mod-squad) I wasn't here last year this time. This morning, I got a bit overwhelmed at the activity on the TH board already. Yeah, we had the frenzy in July over the trailer, but the flurry this morning is all over the place, what with duplicate threads and new posts and threads spawning like it's full-moon on coral reefs. I can only imagine the increasing buzz adding on to the Mods' plate.. prolly all the way into January at least. So before all that happens, and we get overwhelmed, I just want to say: thanks in advance, Mods! And when things get a bit much, maybe before dispensing the Wrath of Mod, which I'm sure you do in some variant

"I'll say dark and gritty, which, with the Elvenking, translates as Hot and Sexy. " - vanima ephel I fancy myself an ME BFF (Book/Film Fan)
Thranduil Appreciation Tis true: more appreciation threads for Thranduil exist than ME movies. Threadcount: XVIII I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | XVI
Thrall Wars!: What business do Elves, Dwarves or Men(?) have with drooling thralls, yea, with smartphones in tow, unto the slopes of Erebor? ... oh, yes, the Hobbit's lingering in some shadows, ever ready to swoop to the hairy rescue. Take cover if you dare! Teh partsies: Prologue (aka the 'tater-mash of whatever came before), two, three, three-appendix: An Unexpected Flashback, four, five (new, posted 20 August) "BoFA"= The Battle || "BotFA"/"tBotFA" = The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies =======
Middle-earth dispatches out of the lurkmirk
(This post was edited by Lurker in the Mirk on Oct 16 2014, 5:19am)

Forum Admin
/ Moderator

Oct 16 2014, 1:39pm
Post #2 of 49
Yes, it's about to get a bit busy around here. Hold on to your hat! It's hectic, but a lot of fun.

Forum Admin
/ Moderator

Oct 16 2014, 3:49pm
Post #4 of 49
Thank you! We've rolled up our shirtsleeves and prepared ourselves to tackle whatever happens in there, during the "busy seasons". Just think, it's only just begun, there have been hints that November and December will be filled with Hobbit fun - and with some "old favorite" characters returning as well! Yes, we're in for a wild ride!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Tol Eressea

Oct 16 2014, 4:27pm
Post #5 of 49
What Lurker said. Y'all are awesomeness! 
"Home is behind the world ahead And there are many paths to tread Through shadow to the edge of night Until the stars are all alight. Mist and shadow Cloud and shade All shall fade All shall fade"

Aunt Dora Baggins

Oct 16 2014, 7:45pm
Post #6 of 49
See what I did there? But really, a great post, and I agree 100%. And I"m chuckling over "Mod Squad" :-D
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "For DORA BAGGINS in memory of a LONG correspondence, with love from Bilbo; on a large wastebasket. Dora was Drogo's sister, and the eldest surviving female relative of Bilbo and Frodo; she was ninety-nine, and had written reams of good advice for more than half a century." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "A Chance Meeting at Rivendell" and other stories leleni at hotmail dot com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lurker in the Mirk

Oct 17 2014, 3:56am
Post #7 of 49
I think I am as braced for it as I can be
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"I'll say dark and gritty, which, with the Elvenking, translates as Hot and Sexy. " - vanima ephel I fancy myself an ME BFF (Book/Film Fan)
Thranduil Appreciation Tis true: more appreciation threads for Thranduil exist than ME movies. Threadcount: XVIII I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | XVI
Thrall Wars!: What business do Elves, Dwarves or Men(?) have with drooling thralls, yea, with smartphones in tow, unto the slopes of Erebor? ... oh, yes, the Hobbit's lingering in some shadows, ever ready to swoop to the hairy rescue. Take cover if you dare! Teh partsies: Prologue (aka the 'tater-mash of whatever came before), two, three, three-appendix: An Unexpected Flashback, four, five (new, posted 20 August) "BoFA"= The Battle || "BotFA"/"tBotFA" = The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies =======
Middle-earth dispatches out of the lurkmirk
(This post was edited by Lurker in the Mirk on Oct 17 2014, 3:57am)

Lurker in the Mirk

Oct 17 2014, 3:57am
Post #8 of 49
I don't know how you keep your zen but you floor me. Hat's off
"I'll say dark and gritty, which, with the Elvenking, translates as Hot and Sexy. " - vanima ephel I fancy myself an ME BFF (Book/Film Fan)
Thranduil Appreciation Tis true: more appreciation threads for Thranduil exist than ME movies. Threadcount: XVIII I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | XVI
Thrall Wars!: What business do Elves, Dwarves or Men(?) have with drooling thralls, yea, with smartphones in tow, unto the slopes of Erebor? ... oh, yes, the Hobbit's lingering in some shadows, ever ready to swoop to the hairy rescue. Take cover if you dare! Teh partsies: Prologue (aka the 'tater-mash of whatever came before), two, three, three-appendix: An Unexpected Flashback, four, five (new, posted 20 August) "BoFA"= The Battle || "BotFA"/"tBotFA" = The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies =======
Middle-earth dispatches out of the lurkmirk

Lurker in the Mirk

Oct 17 2014, 3:58am
Post #9 of 49
See what I did there? But really, a great post, and I agree 100%. And I"m chuckling over "Mod Squad" :-D Good ones all around
"I'll say dark and gritty, which, with the Elvenking, translates as Hot and Sexy. " - vanima ephel I fancy myself an ME BFF (Book/Film Fan)
Thranduil Appreciation Tis true: more appreciation threads for Thranduil exist than ME movies. Threadcount: XVIII I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | XVI
Thrall Wars!: What business do Elves, Dwarves or Men(?) have with drooling thralls, yea, with smartphones in tow, unto the slopes of Erebor? ... oh, yes, the Hobbit's lingering in some shadows, ever ready to swoop to the hairy rescue. Take cover if you dare! Teh partsies: Prologue (aka the 'tater-mash of whatever came before), two, three, three-appendix: An Unexpected Flashback, four, five (new, posted 20 August) "BoFA"= The Battle || "BotFA"/"tBotFA" = The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies =======
Middle-earth dispatches out of the lurkmirk


Oct 17 2014, 4:18am
Post #10 of 49
It's modar this and modar that
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and chuck 'im out, the brute! But it's Savior of the Forum When the flames begin to shoot. (My apologies to Kipling)
They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters, these see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. -Psalm 107


Oct 17 2014, 4:33am
Post #11 of 49
and I agree - there was quite a flurry on TH board, and it reminded me of last year once the new trailer came out, on into Dec. Lots to keep track of, so I'll add my advance thanks as well. Love the new name "Mod-squad" - that's perfect! And the Cookie Monster.
Join us every weekend for The Hobbit Chapter of the Week discussions!

Lurker in the Mirk

Oct 17 2014, 12:24pm
Post #12 of 49
*Lol* Eruvandi, you've got that hug patented, haven't you?
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Oh, reckon the Mods can just about wave this about for Thrall calming...
"I'll say dark and gritty, which, with the Elvenking, translates as Hot and Sexy. " - vanima ephel I fancy myself an ME BFF (Book/Film Fan)
Thranduil Appreciation Tis true: more appreciation threads for Thranduil exist than ME movies. Threadcount: XVIII I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | XVI
Thrall Wars!: What business do Elves, Dwarves or Men(?) have with drooling thralls, yea, with smartphones in tow, unto the slopes of Erebor? ... oh, yes, the Hobbit's lingering in some shadows, ever ready to swoop to the hairy rescue. Take cover if you dare! Teh partsies: Prologue (aka the 'tater-mash of whatever came before), two, three, three-appendix: An Unexpected Flashback, four, five (new, posted 20 August) "BoFA"= The Battle || "BotFA"/"tBotFA" = The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies =======
Middle-earth dispatches out of the lurkmirk

Lurker in the Mirk

Oct 17 2014, 12:25pm
Post #13 of 49
That's a jolly good one, Meneldor
"I'll say dark and gritty, which, with the Elvenking, translates as Hot and Sexy. " - vanima ephel I fancy myself an ME BFF (Book/Film Fan)
Thranduil Appreciation Tis true: more appreciation threads for Thranduil exist than ME movies. Threadcount: XVIII I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | XVI
Thrall Wars!: What business do Elves, Dwarves or Men(?) have with drooling thralls, yea, with smartphones in tow, unto the slopes of Erebor? ... oh, yes, the Hobbit's lingering in some shadows, ever ready to swoop to the hairy rescue. Take cover if you dare! Teh partsies: Prologue (aka the 'tater-mash of whatever came before), two, three, three-appendix: An Unexpected Flashback, four, five (new, posted 20 August) "BoFA"= The Battle || "BotFA"/"tBotFA" = The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies =======
Middle-earth dispatches out of the lurkmirk

Lurker in the Mirk

Oct 17 2014, 12:28pm
Post #14 of 49
Thanks, gotta embrace the Cookie Monster gusto... oh, and HTR!
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And well, I suppose the whole frenzy fer ya was...
"I'll say dark and gritty, which, with the Elvenking, translates as Hot and Sexy. " - vanima ephel I fancy myself an ME BFF (Book/Film Fan)
Thranduil Appreciation Tis true: more appreciation threads for Thranduil exist than ME movies. Threadcount: XVIII I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | XVI
Thrall Wars!: What business do Elves, Dwarves or Men(?) have with drooling thralls, yea, with smartphones in tow, unto the slopes of Erebor? ... oh, yes, the Hobbit's lingering in some shadows, ever ready to swoop to the hairy rescue. Take cover if you dare! Teh partsies: Prologue (aka the 'tater-mash of whatever came before), two, three, three-appendix: An Unexpected Flashback, four, five (new, posted 20 August) "BoFA"= The Battle || "BotFA"/"tBotFA" = The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies =======
Middle-earth dispatches out of the lurkmirk

Forum Admin
/ Moderator

Oct 17 2014, 3:54pm
Post #15 of 49
Actually...gramma has that hug "patented"!
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The "Flying Tackle Hug" is a grammaboodawg original! To be freely dispersed.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Forum Admin
/ Moderator

Oct 17 2014, 3:55pm
Post #16 of 49
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Forum Admin
/ Moderator

Oct 17 2014, 3:57pm
Post #17 of 49
...you gals see the latest pic he tweeted? The reactions to it are priceless! HTR indeed!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Oct 17 2014, 5:26pm
Post #18 of 49
my favorite: "Good Lord!, I mean, good job Lord!" Side note: I got another one of my co-workers to watch N&S, which she finished last night, and I showed her the pic. She's totally on board now.
Join us every weekend for The Hobbit Chapter of the Week discussions!


Oct 17 2014, 9:50pm
Post #19 of 49
Fully agreed! Go Mod Squad, go! //
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Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!

Tol Eressea

Oct 17 2014, 10:44pm
Post #20 of 49
*sees pic* Oof! Those eyes!
"Home is behind the world ahead And there are many paths to tread Through shadow to the edge of night Until the stars are all alight. Mist and shadow Cloud and shade All shall fade All shall fade"


Oct 18 2014, 12:23am
Post #21 of 49
Why thank you, and here's a little something for you:
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not sure if you've already seen this, but it's so darn cute, probably worth looking at again:
Join us every weekend for The Hobbit Chapter of the Week discussions!

Forum Admin
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Oct 18 2014, 3:14am
Post #22 of 49
Those two show up on the red carpet at the same time, and the en-thralled onlooking fangirls collapse, leading to a massive medical emergency at the premier...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Oct 18 2014, 3:28am
Post #23 of 49
I'd say that's a distinct possibility
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I hope the event planners are suitably prepared and put all local clinics and hospitals on alert! Perhaps if they hand out brown paper bags as the fans arrive, they can mitigate the risk.
Join us every weekend for The Hobbit Chapter of the Week discussions!

Tol Eressea

Oct 18 2014, 4:18pm
Post #24 of 49
Lurker came up with a visual for this very possibility in the TA threads
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HERE in TA Thread XVI. The perfect visual for all of the Thralls, both for Thranduil and Thorin, being flattened by the combined fabulousness and #majesticness! If LP and RA show up on the red carpet together, Lurker's "news report" about "Massive Audience Spontaneous Swooning (MASS)" may just become reality!
"Home is behind the world ahead And there are many paths to tread Through shadow to the edge of night Until the stars are all alight. Mist and shadow Cloud and shade All shall fade All shall fade"


Oct 18 2014, 4:49pm
Post #25 of 49
Ah, thank you for bringing this to my attention
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This excellent article has inspired me to offer the following suggestion: Thrall-only screenings. Then, there would be no disruptive behavior as the Thralls would have exclusive front and center access to the object of their respective thralldoms, and the non-afflicted could go on their oblivious way to enjoying the movie in peace. I'll draft a petition to send to the movie execs - it's a win-win for everyone.
Join us every weekend for The Hobbit Chapter of the Week discussions!