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Casting "The Children of Húrin"


Aug 11 2014, 1:59pm

Post #1 of 21 (2748 views)
Casting "The Children of Húrin" Can't Post

A lot of these roles would offer themselves to be cast with newcomers, I guess... but let's still do this.

"Star"-Cast "The Children of Húrin"!

I tried not to chose actors whom I just feel fitting when it comes to looks - but how I could see them play out these characters (judging from what I have seen them in) - especially voices and how I can imagine them in relation to the other characters (especially the "couples").

Túrin - Tom Mison (Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, etc.)

Nienor - Jessica Brown Findlay (Downton Abbey, etc.)

Húrin - Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad, Godzilla etc.)

Morwen - Connie Britton (American Horror Story, etc.)

Beleg - Alexander Skarsgård (Melancholia, True Blood, etc.)

Melian - Elizabeth Mitchell (V, LOST, etc.)

Thingol - Stephen Moyer (True Blood, etc.)

Glaurung (Mocap, voice) - James Earl Jones (The Lion King, etc.)

Morgoth (Mocap, voice) - Alan Rickman (Rasputin, Love Actually, Harry Potter, etc.)

Finduilas - Emily de Ravin (LOST, etc.)

Mablung - Jaime Bell (King Kong, Billy Elliot, Tintin, etc.)

Mîm - Ian McShane (Pirates of the Carribean, Pillars of the Earth, etc.)

Gwindor - Eion Bailey (Once Upon A Time, Band of Brother, etc.)

Orodreth - Tony Curran (Pillars of the Earth, etc.)

Brandir - Domhnall Gleeson (Harry Potter, Anna Karenina, etc.)

Sador - Bill Nighy (Love Actually, Pirates of the Carribean, etc.)

"I am afraid it is only too likely to be true what you say about the critics and the public. I am dreading the publication for it will be impossible not to mind what is said. I have exposed my heart to be shot at." J.R.R. Tolkien

We all have our hearts and minds one way or another invested in these books and movies. So we all mind and should show the necessary respect.

(This post was edited by Arannir on Aug 11 2014, 2:02pm)


Aug 11 2014, 5:12pm

Post #2 of 21 (2106 views)
Oh my gosh this is so great! [In reply to] Can't Post

Seeing this movie would be a dream come true! I don't care of they make it a movie or a Game of Thrones style tv show but it would be truly amazing.


Aug 11 2014, 5:13pm

Post #3 of 21 (2112 views)
I am not sure about Findaly [In reply to] Can't Post

She is awsome but definitely not what I thought Nienir would be like. I was thinking more along the lines of Kaya Scoldario.


Aug 11 2014, 5:48pm

Post #4 of 21 (2159 views)
Here would be my cast [In reply to] Can't Post

Túrin - Channing Tatum (The Eagle)
Nienor - Kaya Scodelario (Wuthering Heights)
Húrin- Sean Bean (GOT, Lotr)
Morwen - Miranda Otto (Lotr)
Beleg- Christian Cooke (Romeo and Juliet 2013)
Melian -?
Thingol - ?
Finduilas -?
Mablung - ?
Mim- Mick Walter (Narnia: the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe)
Gwindor - ?
Orodreth -?
Brandir - ?
Sador - Sean Connery


Aug 11 2014, 6:17pm

Post #5 of 21 (2103 views)
Nice list [In reply to] Can't Post

Jessica Brown Findlay (Lady Sybil) would be great as Nienor.

Since I don't like Morwen and don't like Connie Britton (because she's so cold and self-centered in Amer Horr Story), I think that would be a good fit.

I guess I'd go with Daughter's choice for Turin. I think he needs to be played by someone macho, good-looking, and not too bright. That could be a lot of people. There's the inner torment aspect too, since he's not all action hero, which complicates the choice since they need to have some depth to them. Maybe as long as we rule out Dwayne Johnson...

Actually, if no one minds recycling Viggo and giving him a youth serum, I think he'd make a great Turin. (OK, so he's smart, but it doesn't show too obviously, and he's got that spooky inner *something* going for him.)

The Shire

Aug 12 2014, 3:00am

Post #6 of 21 (2094 views)
Morgoth voice [In reply to] Can't Post

Alan Rickman's voice might be too recognizable; I think I might prefer Keith Szarabajka for Morgoth's, if he used his "Yuriev" (Xenosaga) voice.


Aug 12 2014, 4:36am

Post #7 of 21 (2052 views)
Agree Lana Rickman will always be Snape in my mind [In reply to] Can't Post

So someone less known would be better.


Aug 13 2014, 1:10am

Post #8 of 21 (2020 views)
Hurin [In reply to] Can't Post

Great list! However, when thinking of Hurin I always picture Jerome Flynn...you know, Bronn from GoT!


Aug 13 2014, 1:15am

Post #9 of 21 (2018 views)
Nobody minds CG... [In reply to] Can't Post

Recycling good ole Viggo. He does have that spooky vibe going on. I can picture him telling off Morgoth. As far as pretty boys go for Turin, would Richard Madden fit the bill?


Aug 13 2014, 4:14am

Post #10 of 21 (1988 views)
Wow! [In reply to] Can't Post

Forgot about Robb! He just might work...

Forum Admin / Moderator

Aug 13 2014, 6:57am

Post #11 of 21 (1982 views)
Is Richard Madden tall enough? [In reply to] Can't Post

IMDB says he's only 5' 9 1/2". Túrin's supposed to be as tall as an Elf, but broader in the shoulder. Whoever was to play him needs to be at least 6' IMHO, and with sufficient charisma to make you believe that this is a Man who Elves would follow. I don't see Channing Tatum in the role at all! Christian Bale (in Batman physique) would pull it off but he's probably too old now.

Storm clouds

The Shire

Aug 13 2014, 7:25am

Post #12 of 21 (1980 views)
I agree [In reply to] Can't Post

I think Channing Tatum won't fit in with the role of Turin.
In any case I would prefer a rather unknown actor for this central character (I don't like to think "Hey he's the guy who played in...!").
Actually, a well-known actor would stick Turin to our present time while the story is supposed to be "out of time" . Smile

"Ils ne savaient pas que c'était impossible, alors ils l'ont fait." Mark Twain


Aug 13 2014, 12:13pm

Post #13 of 21 (1980 views)
Okay... I wanna see THAT flick! :D // [In reply to] Can't Post


6th draft of TH:AUJ Geeky Observation List - November 28, 2013
4th draft of TH:DOS Geeky Observation List - May 15, 2014


"There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West."

I'm SO HAPPY these new films take me back to that magical world!!

TIME Google Calendar
TORn's Geeky Observations Lists for LotR and The Hobbit


Aug 13 2014, 3:49pm

Post #14 of 21 (1964 views)
Channing is 6' ft [In reply to] Can't Post

For what its worth.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Aug 13 2014, 10:19pm

Post #15 of 21 (1951 views)
He's not my Túrin [In reply to] Can't Post

For me, he lacks the presence and depth that a Túrin needs.

Storm clouds


Aug 14 2014, 12:37am

Post #16 of 21 (2041 views)
My 'mental' Turin... [In reply to] Can't Post

My mind's Turin is Chris Hemsworth, for whatever reason. I hear his voice when Turin speaks, and easily picture him acting the part.

Whether he would be fit for the role, or play it well in reality, is another story. But my imagination seems to think so. Smile


Sep 8 2014, 2:15am

Post #17 of 21 (1922 views)
Gak [In reply to] Can't Post

I sincerely, deeply, profoundly hope that the Hobbit "trilogy" is the end of Tolkien on film. I most certainly never want to see anything to do with the Silmarillion, my favorite part of the Legendarium, defaced by Hollywood.

Enough. Is. Enough.


Dec 16 2015, 6:20pm

Post #18 of 21 (1527 views)
Other choice for Turin [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
My mind's Turin is Chris Hemsworth, for whatever reason. I hear his voice when Turin speaks, and easily picture him acting the part.

Whether he would be fit for the role, or play it well in reality, is another story. But my imagination seems to think so. Smile


Dec 16 2015, 6:28pm

Post #19 of 21 (1533 views)
Here are some castings [In reply to] Can't Post

Beren and Luthien

Beren: Richard Madden (GoT, Cinderella)

Luthien: Dakota Johnson (50 shades)

Finrod: Nico Evers-Swindell (Will & Kate, Grimm)

Sauron: I'm stuck between Brett Dalton (Agents of Shield) and Toby Kebbell (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes), WCS (worst case scenario) would be Jamie Dornan (50 Shades)

Thingol: Paul Bettany

Melian: Charlize Theron (Prometheus, Monster, Mad Max: Fury Road)

Celegorm: Jonathan Groff (Frozen)

Curufin: Shia LaBoeuf

Huan: Idris Elba or Anthony Mackie

Morgoth: Josh Brolin (Guardians of the Galaxy) or Hugh Keays-Byrne (Mad Max, Mad Max: Fury Road)

The Children of Hurin

Turin: Liam Hemsworth

Nienor: Elizabeth Debicki

Beleg: J.J. Feild (Captain America: The First Avenger, Northanger Abbey)

Glaurung: Toby Leonard Moore (Daredevil) or Javier Bardem (No Country for Old Men, Skyfall)

Hurin: Nick Blood (Agents of Shield)

Morwen: Abby Cornish (Sucker Punch)

Brandir: Iain de Caestecker (Agents of Shield)

Finduilas: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (Mad Max: Fury Road)

Gwindor: Will Estes (Blue Bloods)

Orodreth: Andrew Lincoln (The Walking Dead, Love Actually, Wuthering Heights)

Brodda: Arnold Vosloo (The Mummy, G.I. Joe)

Morgoth: see Beren and Luthien

The Fall of Gondolin

Tuor: Alexander Ludwig (The Hunger Games, Lone Survivor)

Idril Celebrindal: Lily James (Downton Abbey, Cinderella) or Shailene Woodley (The Divergent Series, The Descendents (the one with George Clooney, not the Disney one), The Fault in Our Stars)

Maeglin: Freddie Highmore (The Spiderwick Chronicles, The Bates Motel, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) or Logan Lerman (3:10 to Yuma, Percy Jackson and the Olympians)

Turgon: Jude Law (Anna Karenina, Sherlock Holmes, Road to Perdition, Gattaca)

Aredhal: Rose Byrne (X-Men: First Class)

Ulmo (Mo-cap): Daniel Craig (James Bond, Road to Perdition)

Gothmog: Nathan Jones (Mad Max: Fury Road)

(This post was edited by ange1e4e5 on Dec 16 2015, 6:42pm)


Dec 16 2015, 6:45pm

Post #20 of 21 (1523 views)
Last-minute addition [In reply to] Can't Post

I forgot:

Mim: Timothy Spall


Dec 16 2015, 7:13pm

Post #21 of 21 (1516 views)
Other choices for Morgoth voice [In reply to] Can't Post

I was thinking Josh Brolin or Hugh Keays-Byrne for the voice of Morgoth, along with mo-cap.


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