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The Desolation of Smaug SEE Collector's Statue is... Not very nice.
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Aug 6 2014, 7:13pm

Post #1 of 70 (8073 views)
The Desolation of Smaug SEE Collector's Statue is... Not very nice. Can't Post


I'm very disappointed. Yes, I enjoy the barrels scene immensely. But I wanted Smaug. Everyone wanted Smaug and this was the perfect opportunity to give us Smaug. Also, Bilbo looks like poo.

Our destiny lies above us.


Aug 6 2014, 7:17pm

Post #2 of 70 (6805 views)
Looks fine to me. [In reply to] Can't Post

A statue of Smaug was always unrealistic - to really appreciate his detail the statue would had to have been large. It would've made it too expensive for a DVD release.

WETA are still releasing a Smaug statue, regardless.


Aug 6 2014, 7:18pm

Post #3 of 70 (6821 views)
Minas Tirith was possible as well... [In reply to] Can't Post

Other than that I can only quote myself from the other thread...

What a disappointment. First Collector's Edition I am not going to get.

I'd rather have them use the Dwarven statues again... heck, even just a coin from the treasure would have been better.

Getting a version of the Smaug statues always seemed too good to be true... but this is not worth the money for me personally.

For LotR I felt we always got the defining WETA design with the EE collector's editions... the Argonath for FotR, Gollum for TTT and Minas Tirith for RotK (wasn't it even possible to get Minas Morgul with a voucher?).

For AUJ I thought Riddles was quite perfect... for DoS it had to be Erebor or Smaug connected, imho (they also have a great minature version of the frontgate of Erebor). Not this... it is a memorable scene, but imho neither the focus of the movie nor a good way to capture it in a miniature, especially not with Kili in it. And that water looks like those cheap dolphin minatures one can buy in touristic beach areas. It probably isn't cheap it all... but I cannot help myself.

"I am afraid it is only too likely to be true what you say about the critics and the public. I am dreading the publication for it will be impossible not to mind what is said. I have exposed my heart to be shot at." J.R.R. Tolkien

We all have our hearts and minds one way or another invested in these books and movies. So we all mind and should show the necessary respect.


Aug 6 2014, 7:26pm

Post #4 of 70 (6754 views)
While the statue is so-so [In reply to] Can't Post

The Barrel Sequence artwork is quite interesting on the box. I love the color scheme. I hope this means they've re-colored the sequence (PJ has done it in the past). It looks great, much better than the pinky blotchy mess we got in the film.


Aug 6 2014, 7:27pm

Post #5 of 70 (6733 views)
IT izzz... plain & simple [In reply to] Can't Post

"Barrels out of Bound"

izz the one scene
the average viewers
WILL remember the Most.

Collectors, theszz people are


Aug 6 2014, 7:30pm

Post #6 of 70 (6721 views)
I will admit though, [In reply to] Can't Post

Thorin looks pretty awesome. And the box is cool too.

Our destiny lies above us.

The Shire

Aug 6 2014, 7:52pm

Post #7 of 70 (6701 views)
I hate the statue. [In reply to] Can't Post

But I love the cover of the 2D edition!


Aug 6 2014, 7:55pm

Post #8 of 70 (6675 views)
Looks amazing! [In reply to] Can't Post

Love the statue!! Looks very detailed, and one of my favorite parts in DOS, and in all the Middle-earth saga! Love the backdrop for the collector's edition box, and especially the image of Tauriel and Legolas. And that 2D Blu-ray cover is my absolute favorite!! Can't wait!

The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies 12/17/14
"I know what I must do. It's just... I'm afraid to do it."


Aug 6 2014, 7:55pm

Post #9 of 70 (6660 views)
I like it myself [In reply to] Can't Post

Should fit in well with the rest of my collection.


Aug 6 2014, 8:12pm

Post #10 of 70 (6665 views)
Smaug is just as memorable. [In reply to] Can't Post

It is simply a matter of personal taste. It has nothing to do with who is a collector and who is not. Wink

P.S.: I would have really preferred this to stay in the main Hobbit forum.

"I am afraid it is only too likely to be true what you say about the critics and the public. I am dreading the publication for it will be impossible not to mind what is said. I have exposed my heart to be shot at." J.R.R. Tolkien

We all have our hearts and minds one way or another invested in these books and movies. So we all mind and should show the necessary respect.

(This post was edited by Arannir on Aug 6 2014, 8:13pm)


Aug 6 2014, 8:13pm

Post #11 of 70 (6634 views)
I hoped for Smaug... [In reply to] Can't Post

...but did see the potential problems: for one part, the scale.

So the barrels is quite okay, even despite it not being Smaug.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Booklet Project


Aug 6 2014, 8:16pm

Post #12 of 70 (6616 views)
Agree. On both points [In reply to] Can't Post


Our destiny lies above us.

Aragorn the Elfstone
Tol Eressea

Aug 6 2014, 8:42pm

Post #13 of 70 (6598 views)
Not impressed... [In reply to] Can't Post

All for the best, I suppose. I didn't really want to shell out the cash for the collector's edition anyway. Still, what a disappointment. Should definitely have been Erebor or Smaug related.


"The danger with any movie that does as well as this one does is that the amount of money it's making and the number of awards that it's got becomes almost more important than the movie itself in people's minds. I look at that as, in a sense, being very much like the Ring, and its effect on people. You know, you can kind of forget what we were doing, if you get too wrapped up in that."
- Viggo Mortensen

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Aug 6 2014, 9:23pm

Post #14 of 70 (6575 views)
I agree [In reply to] Can't Post

This is rather poor fare, especially since it's meant to be the definitive edition. I think WETA's just trying to complete their "barrels" line of collectibles.

Oh well, this is money saved for me :)

The Hobbit Soundtracks - Being an online archive of information concerning Howard Shore's score for The Hobbit films.

Grey Havens

Aug 6 2014, 9:50pm

Post #15 of 70 (6583 views)
3D version [In reply to] Can't Post

Is the statue only packaged with the 2D version this time? I'm not seeing anything for the 3D version other than the standalone copy. I don't care that much about 3D, but at this point I'd like to own them all in 3D (and the statues). Gotta get some use out of my dad's 3D TV.Wink

EDIT: Nevermind. I think I found the right link. Not sure how I missed that before...

(This post was edited by Mooseboy018 on Aug 6 2014, 9:58pm)

Tol Eressea

Aug 7 2014, 12:14am

Post #16 of 70 (6488 views)
they already did Minas Tirith back with the LOTR trilogy I think [In reply to] Can't Post

At least I think I remember getting one with one of the editions (it wasn't large but it was the size you'd expect with a DVD edition)

My memory may be fuzzy but I believe so.

Thank you for your questions, now go sod off and do something useful - Martin Freeman Twitter chat 3/1/13


Aug 7 2014, 1:18am

Post #17 of 70 (6463 views)
I don't know about that [In reply to] Can't Post

This will have no bearing I would say on that line at all. It's just a Collectibles to go with there.


Aug 7 2014, 1:19am

Post #18 of 70 (6457 views)
We did [In reply to] Can't Post

And you could get Minas Morgul with a voucher.

Tol Eressea

Aug 7 2014, 1:21am

Post #19 of 70 (6445 views)
Yup [In reply to] Can't Post

I got both.

Thank you for your questions, now go sod off and do something useful - Martin Freeman Twitter chat 3/1/13


Aug 7 2014, 1:25am

Post #20 of 70 (6442 views)
Nice! [In reply to] Can't Post

I still have Minas Tirith but sold Minas Morgul a few years back.

Tol Eressea

Aug 7 2014, 2:02am

Post #21 of 70 (6428 views)
I can't find mine right at the moment [In reply to] Can't Post

I think my husband took them over to storage LOL.

Thank you for your questions, now go sod off and do something useful - Martin Freeman Twitter chat 3/1/13


Aug 7 2014, 2:13am

Post #22 of 70 (6425 views)
Oops lol [In reply to] Can't Post


Tol Eressea

Aug 7 2014, 2:27am

Post #23 of 70 (6420 views)
I know LOL [In reply to] Can't Post

the smaller statues got taken to storage in a box. I still have the Morgul Lord, gandalf on shadowfax, shelob, Fel Beast and Gandalf/Frodo statues but something happened to the smaller ones and my husband said they were in a box in storage LOL. But he forgot the Elessar Crown one. It's still here haha.

Thank you for your questions, now go sod off and do something useful - Martin Freeman Twitter chat 3/1/13


Aug 7 2014, 2:53am

Post #24 of 70 (6415 views)
At least he missed one. lol [In reply to] Can't Post

Those are some darn nice statues though. Pretty sweet collection. Cool


Aug 7 2014, 4:02am

Post #25 of 70 (6434 views)
Disagree - love it [In reply to] Can't Post

Everyone wanted Smaug and this was the perfect opportunity to give us Smaug.

I'm delighted - of course I would be being a Thorin fan. Not that I wouldn't have been happy with Smaug. But this is novel and has energy for a figure at this price point.

Also - evidently WETA is putting out a huge Smaug and a mini Smaug which IMO looks adorable.

I DO understand it would have been great to have the iconic Smaug. But since he isn't here, I am suspicious he will be used in many other future marketing opportunities.

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