


Jul 9 2014, 6:17am
Post #1 of 77
It's dullsville around here,
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think I'll start a controversial thread...


Jul 9 2014, 8:10am
Post #3 of 77
I don't know whether to berate everyone, disagree with all and sundry, post a long and tedious dissertation, or just be generally annoying. Or I could do something with pictures of cats I suppose.
Such an effort...


Jul 9 2014, 9:21am
Post #4 of 77
My top 10 topics I'd like to see discussed on TORn ...
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1. Is religion wrong? 2. Should marijuana be legalised? 3. Does global climate change really exist? 4. Is abortion and euthanasia ethically acceptable? 5. Should the death penalty be brought back? 6. (More UK-orientated) Why would UKIP be better at running the country, rather than Con or Lab? 7. Is it morally acceptable to use animals as test subjects, or to clone them? 8. Is pornography healthy? 9. The world is too populated. Should we cleanse the Earth? 10. Why do the US think they saved Europe? and one more: 11. Why are the people of TORn so unfriendly? Feel free to pick any of them Starling. I'm sure the admins won't mind ANY of these being discussed.  


Jul 9 2014, 9:44am
Post #5 of 77
I prefer something even more controversial
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Jul 9 2014, 9:50am
Post #6 of 77
There is only one right way. And I will change it if I ever see the paper falling under.
(This post was edited by DanielLB on Jul 9 2014, 9:54am)


Jul 9 2014, 9:54am
Post #7 of 77
Why you lit'l devil, DanielLB!
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I was thinking of more topical topics, such as: 1) Galadriel's ears are too big. 2) Elrond rides like a girl. 3) "Fili is waaaay cuter than Kili - AND he's gonna be king some day! (yeah, well, ok...but he is cuter!) 4) Trailers are overrated.


Jul 9 2014, 10:10am
Post #8 of 77
over. But folded or crumpled?


Jul 9 2014, 10:14am
Post #9 of 77
One roll to rule them all...


Jul 9 2014, 1:36pm
Post #11 of 77
1. Is religion wrong? Not if god and worshipper truly care for each other and respect each other’s boundaries. And remember the importance of logos. (That is, always use a safe word.) 2. Should marijuana be legalised? Depends. Do you want your money going into tax coffers or to narcoterrorists? 3. Does global climate change really exist? Yes. Climate equilibrium is a scientific fallacy. 4. Is abortion and euthanasia ethically acceptable? If the alternative is to allow newborn babies and old people to starve to death in the streets. 5. Should the death penalty be brought back? Try as you might, you just can’t outlaw Darwinism. 6. (More UK-orientated) Why would UKIP be better at running the country, rather than Con or Lab? Instead of the same old and tired policies that destroyed the country, they’ll use new and exciting polices that will destroy the country. 7. Is it morally acceptable to use animals as test subjects,… How else would college students get beer money? …or to clone them? According to some American political parties, you just can’t have too many White Anglo-Saxon Protestant males. 8. Is pornography healthy? It’s alive and well on the internet. 9. The world is too populated. Should we cleanse the Earth? Death to nematodes! 10. Why do the US think they saved Europe? Otherwise they’ll have to admit the Russians did it. and one more: 11. Why are the people of TORn so unfriendly? As always, blame the admins.
****************************************** "We’ve heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true." -Robert Wilensky


Jul 9 2014, 3:56pm
Post #12 of 77
all you have to do to make a thread controversial is say "you people." Or that TORn favorite, "well, a real fan would . . . [agree with me]."
To be sane we must recognize our beliefs as fictions. - James Hillman, Healing Fiction * * * * * * * * * * NARF and member of Deplorable Cultus since 1967


Jul 9 2014, 4:04pm
Post #13 of 77
They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep.

J Pierpont Flathead
Jul 9 2014, 4:23pm
Post #15 of 77
1. Tell me which one is right? 2. I'll get back to you - I got the munchies real bad. 3. Yes, and the political term doesn't "change" the fact that's it's in warming direction. 4. Yes, until we stop breeding like rabbits and stop raping and polluting our environment. 5. Yes. But it should be rescinded once the guilty criminal actually reaches a police station and admits their guilt instantly without the cost of a long trial. Give them a 5 minute head start on foot and no transportation allowed. After five minutes, use them for target practice. 6. All political parties are corrupt. 7. Yes. Morals are a human invention. The Universe doesn't care. 8. Yes. It's good exercise. 9. It will be cleansed by default as we insanely overburden it to such an extent that we kill ourselves and everything else. It turns out the nukes weren't necessary. 10. Because it did in WW 2. WW 1 - not so much - it and insane European leaders kind of caused all the problems down the road to set up WW 2. Maybe it was a bit like a fire fighter setting fire to a house, then putting it out? 11. Because they're all NARFs.
Now his life is full of wonder But his heart still knows some fear Of a simple thing he cannot comprehend Why they try to tear the mountains down To bring in a couple more More people, more scars upon the land

J Pierpont Flathead
Jul 9 2014, 4:34pm
Post #16 of 77
With a 50 pound weight tied to it. Otherwise it's too light and it will just sit there in the noose laughing at you.
Now his life is full of wonder But his heart still knows some fear Of a simple thing he cannot comprehend Why they try to tear the mountains down To bring in a couple more More people, more scars upon the land

Jul 9 2014, 5:15pm
Post #17 of 77
Okay, I'll bite: 1. Is religion wrong? NO 2. Should marijuana be legalised? MAYBE 3. Does global climate change really exist? YES, but the real question is "are we doing it?" 4. Is abortion and euthanasia ethically acceptable? NOT IMO, but this discussion could get ugly 5. Should the death penalty be brought back? When did it go away? 6. (More UK-orientated) Why would UKIP be better at running the country, rather than Con or Lab? N/A - I live in the USA 7. Is it morally acceptable to use animals as test subjects, or to clone them? Sure, why not? 8. Is pornography healthy? Um, IDK 9. The world is too populated. Should we cleanse the Earth? No need to start a "cleansing" program, people are doing a fine job of that already (Iraq, Syria, Israel/Gaza, etc.) 10. Why do the US think they saved Europe? Because we DID! and one more: 11. Why are the people of TORn so unfriendly? Well, some are more friendly than others, overall I think most fall on the "reasonable" side. As for TP, you get better torque if it rolls back, so that would be under, right?

Aunt Dora Baggins

Jul 9 2014, 6:08pm
Post #18 of 77
you have cats.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "For DORA BAGGINS in memory of a LONG correspondence, with love from Bilbo; on a large wastebasket. Dora was Drogo's sister, and the eldest surviving female relative of Bilbo and Frodo; she was ninety-nine, and had written reams of good advice for more than half a century." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "A Chance Meeting at Rivendell" and other stories leleni at hotmail dot com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Aunt Dora Baggins

Jul 9 2014, 6:11pm
Post #19 of 77
Whenever I see a post by Darkstone entitled "well"
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I know it's going to be worth reading. That was great! Have a cookie!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "For DORA BAGGINS in memory of a LONG correspondence, with love from Bilbo; on a large wastebasket. Dora was Drogo's sister, and the eldest surviving female relative of Bilbo and Frodo; she was ninety-nine, and had written reams of good advice for more than half a century." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "A Chance Meeting at Rivendell" and other stories leleni at hotmail dot com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tol Eressea

Jul 9 2014, 6:31pm
Post #20 of 77
Well, in the interest of making this a bit more Tolkien related...
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Here are some great argument conversation starters. They will really weed out the NARF'a among us! 1. Is The Lord of the Rings an allegory? 2. Did J.R.R. Tolkien really write it? 3. Did Balrogs have wings, shadow-wings, wings of shadow, jet turbines, or just some ambiguous self-image issues? 4.Could Balrogs fly? 5.Could J.R.R. Tolkien fly? Did he have wings? 6. What was the real cause of the enmity between Dwarves and Elves? 7. Was Morgoth really evil, or just a misunderstood artist? 8. Why didn't the Eagles fly the Ring to Mordor? 9. Where did the orcs come from? 10. Is Glorifindel one Elf or two? Did the Eagles have something to do with it? 11. Why is Thranduil never named in The Hobbit? Does he have negative self-image issues? Can he fly? 12. Why does every person who has special jewelry (Silmarils, Ring of Barahir, Mannish rings, Elven Rings, The Ring, Arkenstone, Nauglamir, etc...) end up in trouble? 13. What did the Dwarven and Mannish rings do? Did they confer the ability to fly? 14. If a wraith put on the Ring, what would happen? Would they become doubly invisible? 15. How did Bill the pony escape the Wargs at Moria's gate? Did the Eagles have anything to do with it? 16. If Boromir had lived, how would he have responded to Frodo and Sam's feat of 'simply walking into Mordor?' 17. Who was Legolas's mother? Why did she disappear? Did the Eagles have anything to do with it? 18. Who was Gimli's mother? 19. Was Turin bi-polar? 20. Who is Gollum's love interest? 21. Where was Gondor when the Westfold burned? 22. Who was the Mouth of Sauron? Where were the Ears? How was Sauron supposed to hear their answer? 23. Where were the Eyes? How did he get there without seeing? 24. On a scale of 1-10, how scary would you rank the Navel of Sauron? 25. Who is Tom Bombadil? Is he the first Glorifindel?. 26. Is Shelob Sauron's love interest? 27. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen Fell Beast? 28. If mithril is so strong and light, why didn't anyone make a sword out of it? 29. Was Beorn a legitimate skin-changer or a humbug? How come no one ever saw him change? 30. Why didn't the Elves sing Tra-la-la-la-la-lally in LotR? Was Elvish Karaoke that bad?
Call me Rem, and remember, not all who ramble are lost...Uh...where was I?

Ethel Duath

Jul 9 2014, 6:58pm
Post #21 of 77
The one on the left shows the correct angle of Balrog Wings and one
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can extrapolate from the gossamer quality of your sample material how air currents might have interacted with said wings, and why The Moria Balrog fell so precipitously down that chasm! Therefore, the one on the left is right. I mean . . .wait . . . .


Jul 9 2014, 7:15pm
Post #24 of 77
You people! Such nasty clever hobbitses.
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Ahhh (sigh). Yes, this is better. Thank you, Ms Starling.