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TORn Amateur Symposium: Abstracts for November 2013 TAS

TORn Amateur Symposium

Nov 9 2013, 6:01pm

Post #1 of 15 (2003 views)
TORn Amateur Symposium: Abstracts for November 2013 TAS Can't Post

Welcome all to the Abstract Presentation for the November 2013 TORn Amateur Symposium!

In the spirit of enjoyable inquiry, we present these abstracts for your persual. We have once again, in the second Symposium, received a wide, creative and wonderfully written range of ideas from our membership.

For this Symposium, we have elected to provide readers with abstracts of the pieces to be featured. The dates when these pieces will be featured is included along with the abstract. We hope that a preview of the varied and fascinating topics to be covered in this Symposium, along with an extended spacing of the pieces will help promote your reading and discussion pleasure.
We are very excited and proud to offer these to you! Enjoy this preview, and we hope to see you in the discussion threads as the writings are posted.

Galadriel, political animal of Middle-earth

By Demosthenes
Elves of Middle-earth in the Third Age are commonly held to be beings of magic and mystery, above human concerns and "petty" politicking. Especially so for Galadriel, regarded as some feminine aspect of the divine. However, evidence indicates that she accumulated, and wielded, political power in a most practical and pragmatic fashion.

Run date: Sunday, November 10th, 2013


The Often Maligned God of Arda: How Eru is the Ultimate Hero of Middle Earth

By Rangerfromthenorth
In this paper I will explore the complex topic of Eru's providence and sovereignty in Arda. I have often run into Tolkien fans who either misunderstand Eru or some who even suggest that he is a terrible God. I believe they think this way because they are frustrated not with Eru but with God in the real world. This of course is a testament to how Tolkien's work is so excellently crafted that it naturally connects to our world. The misconceptions of fans stem from a failing to realize that how Tolkien conceived of God (from a Christian and Catholic perspective) greatly impacts how he portrays Eru. Any analysis of Eru must start with this reality This paper is not about rehashing the same tired arguments about Christianity and Tolkien, rather, this paper will look specifically at the providence of Eru in light of Tolkien's views and how, ultimately, Eru is the true hero of Middle Earth. Without Eru, evil would have never been defeated and we would have been robbed of the immense joy of reading the many chapters of Middle Earth history. I will examine several instances, starting with the creation account, showing that Eru is not detached but is working out his perfect plan as found in the Great Music of the Ainulindale.
Run date: Tuesday, November 12th, 2013


The Physics of The Hobbit: Barrels out of Bond

by DwellerInDale
This essay presents an analysis of one of the most iconic scenes in The Hobbit, the escape from the dungeons of the Woodland Realm. Bilbo Baggins, using his magic ring, is able to steal the keys to the dungeon cells and free the Dwarves. The company then escape by being packed into wooden wine casks and floating down the river toward Laketown.
In Tolkienfs book, Bilbo packs each Dwarf into a wine barrel and seals the barrel with a lid. In The Desolation of Smaug, however, we know from previews that the barrels will be without lids, allowing us to see each of our characters as they negotiate the river and the rapids. This will undoubtedly produce a more visually exciting sequence than in the novel, but is it physically possible? Several members of TORn have criticized this scene on the basis of the physics. If the barrels have no lids, they argue, wonft they fill with water, causing them to sink and thus possibly drowning most of our main characters?
In Part One and Part Two of The Physics of The Hobbit I explained the basic physics of free fall, with and without air resistance. In this essay I will explain the basic physics of floating in water, including what happens to hollow objects when they fill with water. The concepts will then be applied to Barrels Out Of Bond.

Run date: Thursday, November 14th, 2013

Music and race in Howard Shore's score for "The Lord of The Rings" and "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey".
By Ida
In this essay, I aim to find out how Howard Shore approached the task of writing music for the different races in Middle Earth. In order to do this, I have analysed the music used in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy and "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" relating to the races of Elves, Men, Dwarves and Hobbits. I have done so from a musicological perspective, looking at (amongst other things) pitch; tempo; use of instruments; and what this says about the cultures and the associations they evoke in the listener. The essay will also focus briefly on what we might expect to hear in the upcoming "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug".
Run date: Sunday, November 17th, 2013


Revealed in his Wrath: The Matter of Glorfindel

By Ninrandir
The "Matter of Glorfindel" is an issue raised by many fans, and even Tolkien himself: a careful wordsmith uses the same name for two different instances of remarkably similar characters, why? Glorfindel becomes the victim of editing and accidental omission, a single character pulled apart. This paper attempts to rectify the two instances of Glorfindel back into a single character, as well as address why his wholeness is important and its effect on the legendarium at large.
Run date: Tuesday, November 19th, 2013


Narrating Middle-earth
By NoWizardMe
"Which voices tell the story?" is a fundamental decision for a writer to make. Looking at The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, I discuss examples of the various solutions Tolkien uses, and the effects these have. These include his first-person "storyteller" narrator in The Hobbit, and the long and complex eye-witness accounts of Lord of the Rings. The predominant choice in either book is third-person, but that does not mean using the same voice throughout - I discuss Tolkienfs ability to narrate different characters in a style which combines distanced observation with a flavour of how that character sees the world.
Run date: Thursday, November 21st, 2013


On the Formation of Fog on the Barrow-downs

By DanielLB

In this essay I describe the physical processes responsible for the formation of fog on the Barrow-downs in The Fellowship of the Ring. Using knowledge on the formation of fog in the real-world, I explain how and why the fog formed (and ceased), through Tolkien’s excellent descriptions of the weather through September 3018 Third Age. Though Tolkien’s descriptions represent the formation of fog in the real-world entirely, some discrepancies may indicate an unnatural factor in its formation. I, therefore, conclude that although the fog is entirely possible in nature, it may also have been the work of the Barrow-wights, Goldberry and/or Tom Bombadil (either intentionally, or unintentionally).
Run date: Sunday, November 24th, 2013

Bilbo - All That is Gold
by Dame Ioreth
As a linguist and historian, Ifve often wondered if J.R.R.Tolkien saw something of himself in Bilbo Baggins, the hobbit turned adventurer turned historian he created. Certainly, his writing of these tales and the creation of Middle Earth was a major part of his lifefs work. Originally, he presented it as a prehistory of his own native land - legends and stories written by Bilbo and other historians, translated by Tolkien.
It is very easy to find individuals here on TORn who have read The Hobbit and LOTR and immersed themselves in the world of Middle Earth, finding new and wonderful sights and sounds to share with their fellow travelers. We sit around virtual campfires telling stories, spinning tales, and retelling that same prehistory. Dates and times, places and events become the building blocks of conversations. Some gravitate towards the more concrete, some towards the more ethereal. I would like to focus on one individual and attempt to determine his motivations for writing a particular piece, the All that is Gold poem written by Bilbo Baggins through the lens of his character.

Run date: Tuesday, November 26th, 2013

The Sea Longing
by Swordwhale
Elves, gulls, snorkels, kayaks and barrier islands... Tolkien and the potent archetypal imagery of water, and why Legolas' sea song can be used to row a Viking Longship.

Run date: Friday, November 29th, 2013

Thanks to all of our authors for submitting, and we cannot wait to feature these pieces and host the discussion. Hope to see you there!

The TAS Team
Elaen32, DanielLB and Brethil

(This post was edited by TORn Amateur Symposium on Nov 9 2013, 6:07pm)

TORn Amateur Symposium

Nov 9 2013, 9:10pm

Post #2 of 15 (1315 views)
Abstracts, continued: [In reply to] Can't Post

Aredhel and Galadriel - Sisters
By Maciliel
Galadriel and Aredhel seem to exist in different worlds and timelines -- though they are first cousins, born around the same time, both self-exiled to the mainland of Middle-Earth, and powerful in both personality and ability. Additionally, Galadriel's actions are most often seen as admirable, whereas Aredhel is often viewed as the cause of the downfall of Gondolin. Why are they viewed so differently? Why, in the reading of the Silmarillion, does it seem like they exist in separate worlds?
Run Date: Sunday, December 1st, 2013

Thanks to all of our authors for submitting, and we cannot wait to feature these pieces and host the discussion. Hope to see you there!

The TAS Team

Elaen32, DanielLB and Brethil

Forum Admin / Moderator

Nov 9 2013, 11:31pm

Post #3 of 15 (1310 views)
So much to look forward to! [In reply to] Can't Post

What a great variety of topics. I'm really looking forward to reading all of them. Smile


"Dark is the water of Kheled-zâram, and cold are the springs of Kibil-nâla, and fair were the many-pillared halls of Khazad-dûm in Elder Days before the fall of mighty kings beneath the stone."


Nov 10 2013, 1:37am

Post #4 of 15 (1266 views)
Thanks Silverlode! We are very happy to feature them all! [In reply to] Can't Post

Both in topics and writing, we have a collection of great pieces - all making for a great event!

Is there a Tolkien topic that you have wanted to look into more deeply, and write about your thoughts on it? If so, we'd like to hear from you for the next TORn Amateur Symposium- coming in November. Happy writing!


Nov 10 2013, 2:25am

Post #5 of 15 (1271 views)
Wow! [In reply to] Can't Post

I am so impressed with the creativity and thought that went into these. I am very excited to read all of them! What great topics!


Nov 10 2013, 3:37am

Post #6 of 15 (1252 views)
We are impressed too Mikah! [In reply to] Can't Post

Enjoy the reading!

(Hope to see you in the discussions too Mikah!) Smile

Is there a Tolkien topic that you have wanted to look into more deeply, and write about your thoughts on it? If so, we'd like to hear from you for the next TORn Amateur Symposium- coming in November. Happy writing!

Sr. Staff

Nov 10 2013, 3:51am

Post #7 of 15 (1256 views)
flattered! [In reply to] Can't Post

Very flattered to be first in the pond

... and a bit scared that means everyone will be there picking holes in my piece that I'd not really thought of!

TheOneRing.net Senior Staff
IRC Admin and Hall of Fire moderator


Nov 10 2013, 4:25am

Post #8 of 15 (1250 views)
Those openin' night jitters...! [In reply to] Can't Post

But have no fear Demosthenes - as enjoyable a read as your piece is I foresee no picking!

Very glad to have you in the mix! Cool

Is there a Tolkien topic that you have wanted to look into more deeply, and write about your thoughts on it? If so, we'd like to hear from you for the next TORn Amateur Symposium- coming in November. Happy writing!


Nov 10 2013, 6:57am

Post #9 of 15 (1253 views)
as long [In reply to] Can't Post

as long as you keep those marbles out of your mouth, you'll be fine.


aka. fili orc-enshield
the scene, as i understand it, is exceptionally well-written. fili (in sort of a callback to the scene with the eagles), calls out "thorRIIIIIIN!!!" just as he sees the pale orc veer in for the kill. he picks up the severed arm of an orc which is lying on the ground, swings it up in desperation, effectively blocking the pale orc's blow. and thus, forever after, fili is known as "fili orc-enshield."

this earns him deep respect from his hard-to-please uncle. as well as a hug. kili wipes his boots on the pale orc's glory box. -- maciliel telpemairo

Dame Ioreth
Tol Eressea

Nov 10 2013, 4:24pm

Post #10 of 15 (1215 views)
At least you know what you're talking about, Demosthenes! [In reply to] Can't Post

I wrote mine mostly out of whole cloth fueled by too much caffeine and Sudafed. I just hoping all the scholars out there take it in the spirit that it was written, I.e. *not* scholarly! Sly

Where there's life there's hope, and need of vittles.
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings


Nov 10 2013, 9:19pm

Post #11 of 15 (1199 views)
You're very clever on caffeine and Sudafed, Ioreth. [In reply to] Can't Post

It seems a good combination for you - it worked for this piece! Smile

Is there a Tolkien topic that you have wanted to look into more deeply, and write about your thoughts on it? If so, we'd like to hear from you for the next TORn Amateur Symposium- coming in November. Happy writing!


Nov 10 2013, 9:36pm

Post #12 of 15 (1186 views)
Aw, you see, it's going just fine… [In reply to] Can't Post


Disclaimers: The words of noWizardme may stand on their heads! I'm often wrong about things, and its fun to be taught more....

"nowimë I am in the West, Furincurunir to the Dwarves (or at least, to their best friend) and by other names in other lands. Mostly they just say 'Oh no it's him - look busy!' "
Or "Hold off! unhand me, grey-beard loon!"

Ethel Duath

Nov 12 2013, 4:28am

Post #13 of 15 (1152 views)
What a feast! Thanks so much [In reply to] Can't Post

These are all fabulous! So excited to read them all,

Congrats to you and Daniel and Elaen for hosting this once again, and thanks for all your hard work!!!

Sr. Staff

Nov 17 2013, 11:41am

Post #14 of 15 (1135 views)
posted to frontpage. [In reply to] Can't Post

Some great stuff here in what I've read so far. I'm sorry that I haven't had the time to comment more!

I've just posted it up so a wider audience can see and, hopefully, participate in the discussion.

Wonderful initiative and much kudos to Elaen32, DanielLB and Brethil for coordinating everything!

TheOneRing.net Senior Staff
IRC Admin and Hall of Fire moderator

TORn Amateur Symposium

Nov 17 2013, 11:53am

Post #15 of 15 (1170 views)
Cheers Demosthenes! [In reply to] Can't Post

That's great, thank you very much! We have enjoyed running the TAS and feel privileged to have first "sneak peek" at all these wonderful pieces! The next essay has just gone up this morning


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