Oct 9 2013, 9:40pm
Post #1 of 86
Stupid question contest
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While there ARE NO stupid questions, we could still try to come up with some on purpose just for fun. Mine would be: 1. Since hobbits can eat anything, why didn't Frodo just eat the Ring and dissolve it in his tummy? 2. Why didn't the movie have light saber battles at Helm's Deep? I'm sure I read about them in the book. 3. Were the Ents really metal robots made in Dale? I mean, c'mon, trees don't walk and talk! How can anyone expect us to believe that nonsense?
Oct 9 2013, 11:39pm
Post #2 of 86
Hey, now *here* is a contest I think I can win!
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I agree about the Ents. And since they were robots, why couldn't they track the Entwives from their GPS? C'mon. How come Gandalf didn't just suggest going though the Gap of Rohan in horse costumes? Pride over who had to be the rear end? Why didn't Maehdros just gnaw his own hand off to get free?
Is there a Tolkien topic that you have wanted to look into more deeply, and write about your thoughts on it? If so, we'd like to hear from you for the next TORn Amateur Symposium- coming in November. Happy writing!
Oct 9 2013, 11:51pm
Post #3 of 86
1. since hobbits didn't wear shoes, does that mean they didn't go ice skating? 2. how do dragons gather treasure, since they have huge paws with claws that aren't suitable to grasping small objects? 3. if curiousg had a name in sindarin or quenya, what would it be? .
aka. fili orc-enshield +++++++++++++++++++ the scene, as i understand it, is exceptionally well-written. fili (in sort of a callback to the scene with the eagles), calls out "thorRIIIIIIN!!!" just as he sees the pale orc veer in for the kill. he picks up the severed arm of an orc which is lying on the ground, swings it up in desperation, effectively blocking the pale orc's blow. and thus, forever after, fili is known as "fili orc-enshield." this earns him deep respect from his hard-to-please uncle. as well as a hug. kili wipes his boots on the pale orc's glory box. -- maciliel telpemairo
Oct 10 2013, 12:39am
Post #5 of 86
i was more thinking along the lines of... 1. his mother-name 2. his father-name 3. his epesse (which i take to be "curiousg") maybe the elves would see him dancing in a glade at twilight, with his bazillion-tiered ice-cream cone and dub him "minasheleg" or "helegdil" .
aka. fili orc-enshield +++++++++++++++++++ the scene, as i understand it, is exceptionally well-written. fili (in sort of a callback to the scene with the eagles), calls out "thorRIIIIIIN!!!" just as he sees the pale orc veer in for the kill. he picks up the severed arm of an orc which is lying on the ground, swings it up in desperation, effectively blocking the pale orc's blow. and thus, forever after, fili is known as "fili orc-enshield." this earns him deep respect from his hard-to-please uncle. as well as a hug. kili wipes his boots on the pale orc's glory box. -- maciliel telpemairo
Oct 10 2013, 12:49am
Post #6 of 86
Is there a Tolkien topic that you have wanted to look into more deeply, and write about your thoughts on it? If so, we'd like to hear from you for the next TORn Amateur Symposium- coming in November. Happy writing!
Tol Eressea
Oct 10 2013, 1:46am
Post #7 of 86
Was Sauron in 'Eye' form really evil? Did he just need some Visine eye drops? Why did the Silmarils glow? We're they radioactive? It would explain the short lifespan of those close to them? When Arda was flat, could people fall off the edge? What would happen if Ungoliant and Turin had a kid? Where is Waldo? Were there any people in ME born with two heads? (Just asking!)
Oct 10 2013, 2:04pm
Post #8 of 86
Did one or more of the Istari found the first Wizarding school? Would Hobbits be considered to be muggles? Should King Kull be counted as a ruler of Numenor?
'There are older and fouler things than Orcs in the deep places of the world.' - Gandalf the Grey, The Fellowship of the Ring
Dame Ioreth
Tol Eressea
Oct 10 2013, 2:20pm
Post #9 of 86
Could Eru create a rock so big even he couldn't lift it?
“Where there's life there's hope, and need of vittles.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
Oct 10 2013, 2:32pm
Post #10 of 86
Questions needing answers.......
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1) Did the Eagles evolve into the Hippogriffs in Harry Potter? If so, why did the Hippogriffs not just drop Voldemort into Mount Doom? 2) Did the nursery rhyme "Teddy Bears' Picnic" originate with Beorn eating unwary travellers in Mirkwood? 3) Has anyone tried translating the song "Holding Out for a Hero" into Elvish or Khuzdul? 4) Did Tolkien leave out one of the great dragons from his legendarium? Was not the Sea, by which Puff the Magic Dragon lived, really the Sea of Rhun? Desperately seeking answers.........
Is there a Tolkien topic that you have wanted to look into more deeply and write about your thoughts on it? If so, we'd like to hear from you for the next TORn Amateur Symposium- coming in November. Happy writing!
Oct 10 2013, 4:13pm
Post #11 of 86
So what is the big deal about the ring?
Oct 10 2013, 6:23pm
Post #12 of 86
Did the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves have navels? If there are “High Elves, what are “Low Elves”? Is it true Orcs don’t eat clowns because they taste funny? If the hobbits pronounce the number 111 “elventy one”, shouldn’t they call the number 11 “onety one”? When Olórin the Maia became Gandalf the Old Man could it be said he was “dismayed”?
****************************************** I met a Balrog on the stair, He had some wings that weren't there. They weren't there again today, I wish he would just fly away.
Oct 10 2013, 9:05pm
Post #14 of 86
I could go with Orodheleg, or Orodeleg.
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A mountain of ice (cream) is better than a tower.
Oct 10 2013, 9:07pm
Post #15 of 86
Everyone's replies have been hilarious! I came up with another: if the hobbits have a Postal System, why didn't they just mail the Ring to the Crack of Doom and skip the quest, even skip the Eagle idea?
Ethel Duath
Oct 10 2013, 9:09pm
Post #16 of 86
Or thanc? How does pipe weed? Where does bag end? How does smoke ring? How does Lori end? Where is Boro mere? (Where the midges water?)
Oct 10 2013, 9:10pm
Post #17 of 86
1. why did luthien pick beren, when she could have had sauron in his vampire form, all glittering and superhumanly beautiful and all? 2. why does grima stay with saruman, instead of going back to thornfield hall to be with his true love, mr. rochester? 3. with rivendell entailed away from the female line, won't arwen have to marry mr. collins? .
aka. fili orc-enshield +++++++++++++++++++ the scene, as i understand it, is exceptionally well-written. fili (in sort of a callback to the scene with the eagles), calls out "thorRIIIIIIN!!!" just as he sees the pale orc veer in for the kill. he picks up the severed arm of an orc which is lying on the ground, swings it up in desperation, effectively blocking the pale orc's blow. and thus, forever after, fili is known as "fili orc-enshield." this earns him deep respect from his hard-to-please uncle. as well as a hug. kili wipes his boots on the pale orc's glory box. -- maciliel telpemairo
Ethel Duath
Oct 10 2013, 9:32pm
Post #18 of 86
What on earth are the answers?
Oct 10 2013, 9:46pm
Post #19 of 86
I'm not sure if this is a serious Question or a stupid one...
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But why wait two months in Rivendell before setting off on the Quest? I get the reference to setting out on Christmas, but it always seemed kinda silly to start in the depths of winter, the Nine Walkers would run into trouble in Moria or Rohan no matter when they set out, and and earlier start might have averted some of the battles of the War of The Ring.
I don't have much to say.
Tol Eressea
Oct 10 2013, 10:07pm
Post #20 of 86
They were scouting the surrounding country, and trying to find the best course to take. Elimination of spies could have been a motivation.
Oct 10 2013, 10:32pm
Post #22 of 86
Though it beats me why Gandalf and co didn't simply try and sneak over the mountains-the sooner they left Rivendell the less likely they were to run into any organised trouble. Perhaps I should start my much delayed LOTR re read...
I don't have much to say.
Aunt Dora Baggins
Oct 10 2013, 10:40pm
Post #23 of 86
I have one that's probably stupid and also serious.
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What kind of power does the Ring really confer on Sauron that he doesn't already have? He already has lots of scary minions. If he had the Ring, then what? What extra power would it give him?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "For DORA BAGGINS in memory of a LONG correspondence, with love from Bilbo; on a large wastebasket. Dora was Drogo's sister, and the eldest surviving female relative of Bilbo and Frodo; she was ninety-nine, and had written reams of good advice for more than half a century." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "A Chance Meeting at Rivendell" and other stories leleni at hotmail dot com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Oct 11 2013, 1:13am
Post #24 of 86
There are no stupid questions, there are only stupid Evil Overlords
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It's a good question. I think we are supposed to understand the answer from the discussion of the Council of Elrond, where the story's basic strategic situation is laid out. Basically, Sauron can conquer Middle-earth without the Ring. Gondor first, then Rohan and Lorien and Erebor, then finally Rivendell and the Havens. Why then is he "seeking it, seeking it?" What good will it do him? Why, as you say, does he need the extra power of the Ring? The answer, as Gandalf says, is that it represents part of himself, and naturally he wishes to be whole again. Furthermore, although it is inconceivable to Sauron that anyone would wish to destroy it, should someone with enough inherent power, say Elrond or Gandalf, claim the Ring, the new Ringlord would potentially be able to thwart Sauron's forces and maybe even Sauron himself. In other words, he doesn't want the Ring to increase his own power, although there's nothing wrong with that. He wants it to be sure that no one else gets it. Gandalf's plan, to actually destroy it and also Sauron, is in no way part of Sauron's calculations - which is one of the most delicious ironies of the book.
squire online: RR Discussions: The Valaquenta, A Shortcut to Mushrooms, and Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit Lights! Action! Discuss on the Movie board!: 'A Journey in the Dark'. and 'Designing The Two Towers'. Footeramas: The 3rd (and NOW the 4th too!) TORn Reading Room LotR Discussion; and "Tolkien would have LOVED it!" squiretalk introduces the J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia: A Reader's Diary = Forum has no new posts. Forum needs no new posts.
Riven Delve
Tol Eressea
Oct 11 2013, 1:46am
Post #25 of 86
why didn't Sauron send a politely worded request for the Ring's return with a self-addressed, stamped envelope to "Baggins, Shire"? Would have been more cost effective than sending the Black Riders for it.
"Our perennial spiritual and psychological task is to look at things familiar until they become unfamiliar again." --G. K. Chesterton
(This post was edited by Riven Delve on Oct 11 2013, 1:46am)