


Jun 21 2013, 3:41am
Post #1 of 54
What ar your top 5 favorite books of all time?
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I know that there's a reading thread, but this isn't it :) I wanted to know what people put in their 5 books of all time. Put whatever you love the most. I'm a huge lover of the classics (yes, I'm the literary type, lol) so mine would be this: 1. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 2. Pride and Prejudice 3. To Kill a Mockingbird 4. Small Gods 5. Dracula What are yours?
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Finding Frodo
Tol Eressea

Jun 21 2013, 3:47am
Post #2 of 54
1. The Hobbit 2. The Lord of the Rings 3. Pride and Prejudice 4. Little House on the Prairie (entire series) 5. The Time Traveler's Wife
Where's Frodo?


Jun 21 2013, 4:08am
Post #3 of 54
We discussed which 9 books we'd paint on a staircase like this: http://25.media.tumblr.com/...Rwu1rnroy5o1_500.jpg Here was my nine. 1. Lord of the Rings 2. The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett 3. War For the Oaks - Emma Bull 4. My Ántonia - by Willa Cather 5. Childhood's End - Arthur C. Clarke 6. The Boxcar Children - Gertrude Warner 7. The Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. Le Guin 8. Dandelion Wine - Ray Bradbury 9. The Princess and the Goblins - George MacDonald They were really 9 books that had some impact on me in my life but I'm fairly comfortable taking the top 5 as my top 5 favorite. It works as well as any other list I could come up with if I could only choose five. But I might have to have a strong conversation with myself about whether to chose My Antonia or The Princess and The Goblins. I like Willa Cather very much but the man I would marry and I read The Princess and the Goblins out loud to each other when we first met. We also read Dandelion Wine. So not only did I like them, they have some sentimental value.
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Jun 21 2013, 4:12am
Post #4 of 54
1. The Lord of the Rings. 2. Jack the Bodiless - Julian May. 3. Changes - Jim Butcher. 4. Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang - Kate Wilhelm. 5. Dragonflight - Anne McCaffrey.
Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..." Dwarves: "Pretty rings..." Men: "Pretty rings..." Sauron: "Mine's better." "Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded beggar with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak. Ataahua's stories


Jun 21 2013, 4:19am
Post #6 of 54
1. The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings (I just can't separate them) 2. The Stand 3. The Martian Chronicles 4. The Wastelands (Third book in the Dark Tower series) 5. Anything by H.P. Lovecraft
"You are a very fine person, Mr. Baggins, and I am very fond of you; but you are only quite a little fellow in a wide world after all!" - Gandalf Darth Bungo: "Gandalf the Gray never told you what happened to your father." Bilbo Barrel-rider: "He told me enough. He told me you killed him." Darth Bungo: "No, I am your father."


Jun 21 2013, 4:22am
Post #8 of 54
Awwwww yeeeaaahhh! *high-fives* //
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"You are a very fine person, Mr. Baggins, and I am very fond of you; but you are only quite a little fellow in a wide world after all!" - Gandalf Darth Bungo: "Gandalf the Gray never told you what happened to your father." Bilbo Barrel-rider: "He told me enough. He told me you killed him." Darth Bungo: "No, I am your father."

Jun 21 2013, 4:42am
Post #9 of 54
My favourites tend to change depending on my mood. But the all time faithfuls are: 1. The Lord of the Rings 2. Pride and prejudice 3. Most of the books by Terry Prachett ( yes I know. I couldn't decide) 4. Hamlet 5. Lotr again? only joking...Jasper Fforde's Thursday Next series ...which is, ouch, also a series, not a book. 5a. A Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy Oh, and also Narnia Hmm. I'm not particularly good at this...
(This post was edited by Lothwen on Jun 21 2013, 4:44am)


Jun 21 2013, 5:09am
Post #10 of 54
but I might have to think for a bit about the other spots. 1. The Catcher in the Rye 2: Lord of the Flies 3: Animal Farm Others that would be in there somewhere would include Watership Down, K.M. Peyton's Flambards series, Tintin (yes, really), and the Plumb books (by Maurice Gee, a very good NZ author). I mostly read non-fiction these days, and a lot of the books I have particularly enjoyed are related to exploration, disasters, and survival stories, as well as natural history, biography and travel. Great question!


Jun 21 2013, 5:57am
Post #11 of 54
Not in any Order Without Remorse - Tom Clancy LOTR Starship Troopers - Robert Heinlen The Sword of Shanarra and the Elfstones of Shanarra - Terry Brooks The Belgariad and the Elenium - David Eddings Zane Grey westerns Band of Brothers Tigers in the Mud
Take this Brother May it Serve you Well Vote for Pedro!


Jun 21 2013, 6:56am
Post #12 of 54
1, LotR, especially Book V. That's what I can re-read over and over. 2. War and Peace. I read it straight through in about 4 days, during Christmas break my senior year in high school. I ate, slept, and read. 3. Les Miserables, a few years later. Gripped. Incredible how the musical could capture so much of the magic of that book. Beyond that, there are only authors: 4. Anything by Jane Austin. 5. About 2/3 of the books by Dick Francis. Inventive, exciting, entertaining. But he did write a few clangers. Anne McCaffrey is great, but her books are one-time reads. Several authors in that category.
(This post was edited by Elizabeth on Jun 21 2013, 7:01am)

Jun 21 2013, 7:46am
Post #13 of 54
1.The Lord of the rings by J.R.R. Tolkien 2.The Chronicles of Narnia: The lion, the witch, and the wardrobe by C.S Lewis 3. Lemonade Mouth by Mark Peter Hughes 4. Mossflower by Brian Jacques 5. Catching Fire from The Hunger Games series (Yes, I'm a big Hunger Games fan too) by Suzanne Collins Of course I have a lot more favorite books besides those listed too ;).
(This post was edited by RachellovesLOTR on Jun 21 2013, 7:46am)


Jun 21 2013, 8:04am
Post #14 of 54
1. Hamlet (definite number one, the best thing I've ever read/seen) The rest in no order: 2. To Kill a Mockingbird 3. Jane Eyre 4. Richard Preston's Dark Biology series (in particular The Hot Zone) 5. Hobbit/LOTR There are so many more books that I love, but those are the ones that stand out to me the most

Jun 21 2013, 8:19am
Post #15 of 54
Mine, in no particular order: The Lord of the Rings (gasp!) 1984 The Man Who Was Thursday The Great Gatsby The Last Man (probably the most fascinating sci fi/apocalyptic novel in existence) Honorable mentions: Sherlock Holmes, the Earthsea series, Alexandre Dumas, Jane Austen, REH's Conan, The Hobbit
My Sam Gamgee is indeed a reflexion of the English soldier, of the privates and batmen I knew in the 1914 war, and recognized as so far superior to myself- J.R.R. Tolkien
(This post was edited by demnation on Jun 21 2013, 8:26am)

Grey Havens

Jun 21 2013, 12:37pm
Post #16 of 54
Hmmm, books I *love* the most.
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Not necessarily exactly the same as those I think are best, then - the ones I keep rereading! 1. Lord of the Rings (Hah, bet that surprised everyone!) 2. Harry Potter (if I must choose one, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"). I came to it later in life (it did not exist in my youth, but I fell hard when I did fall in love with it. This was my first online fandom). 3. Alexandre Dumas' Musketeer series (if I must choose one, "The Three Musketeers". When I was a child/teen, this series was an annual reread, at least. And "Three Musketeers" I have read in three languages - my native language, English, and after 6 years of school French, in the original). 4. Elizabeth Peters' Amelia Peabody mystery series. (The one I've read the most is "The Mummy Case". Possibly not my favorite, but so much older than a lot of them that I've had more time to reread it a lot!) 5. Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan series of SF novels. Together with HP, these are the two entries I only came across as an adult. If I had to pick one, probably "Komarr" for its depiction of an unhappy marriage.Though that is not the one I would recommend to a new reader of the series, just the one that is most personally appealing to me.
(This post was edited by arithmancer on Jun 21 2013, 12:39pm)


Jun 21 2013, 1:24pm
Post #17 of 54
...but here goes my list of books that I re-read often (annually, in some cases) and that I would not want to be without... The Hobbit Sir John Moore (by Carola Oman) Persuasion Desiree Apart from these, I have favourite book series (like Harry Potter) and authors...


Jun 21 2013, 2:41pm
Post #18 of 54
Persuasion (Austen) Our Mutual Friend (Dickens) Jane Eyre (C. Bronte) The Lord of the Rings (Tolkien) Middlemarch (Eliot) I have read all of these too many times to remember, and they continue to delight.
The way we imagine our lives is the way we are going to go on living our lives. - James Hillman, Healing Fiction * * * * * * * * * * NARF and member of Deplorable Cultus since 1967


Jun 21 2013, 2:46pm
Post #19 of 54
Mine, in no particular order: The Lord of the Rings (gasp!) 1984 The Man Who Was Thursday The Great Gatsby The Last Man (probably the most fascinating sci fi/apocalyptic novel in existence) Honorable mentions: Sherlock Holmes, the Earthsea series, Alexandre Dumas, Jane Austen, REH's Conan, The Hobbit I love all of your honorable mentions :D I'm a big fan of Holmes, Musketeers and Jane Austen, of course ;)
「さようなら、ミスター·ホームズ」〜アイリーン·アダラーのメール 「ベルグレービアの醜聞」


Jun 21 2013, 2:55pm
Post #20 of 54
1. The Hobbit 2. Watership Down 3. Alice in Wonderland 4. Dune (just the original) 5. Anne of Green Gables Honrable mentions: LOTR, Christopher Tolkien's edited works of his father's writing, The Secret of NIMH, The Last Unicorn, Through the Looking Glass, Ishmael (the one by Daniel Quinn), the whole Anne series, most of Edgar Allen Poe's stuff (that I have read so far), most of what I have read in the Pippi Longstocking series, The Thief of Always
(This post was edited by Escapist on Jun 21 2013, 2:57pm)


Jun 21 2013, 3:01pm
Post #21 of 54
I like exploration, disaster, and survival stories, too
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along with whatever 'genre' books like The Hot Zone would fall into. I particularly like reading about local extreme events like the Armistice Day Blizzard (as experienced in Minnesota) and the Hinkley Fire. And I once read a book on the history of the different neighborhoods of Minneapolis. It discussed how some neighborhoods were built with high density in mind and others were influenced by swampiness etc. In high school, I went through the entire shelf of biography books. I don't read biographies much anymore, though.
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Jun 21 2013, 3:24pm
Post #23 of 54
Or else JRRT dominates the list. In no order, just thinking titles quickly: (and I went to six. Can't help it.) Adventures of Sherlock Holmes The Wisdom of the Bones (Walker/Shipman) The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (Christie) Pride and Prejudice The Other (Tryon) Peter the Great (Massey)
Manwe, when asked a simple "Yes" or "No" question, contemplated, and responded "the middle one."


Jun 21 2013, 3:32pm
Post #24 of 54
along with whatever 'genre' books like The Hot Zone would fall into. I particularly like reading about local extreme events like the Armistice Day Blizzard (as experienced in Minnesota) and the Hinkley Fire. And I once read a book on the history of the different neighborhoods of Minneapolis. It discussed how some neighborhoods were built with high density in mind and others were influenced by swampiness etc. In high school, I went through the entire shelf of biography books. I don't read biographies much anymore, though. I wish I could get into non-fiction books, but I can't get into it for some reason. However, my husband loves non-fiction and reads it all the time (along with sci-fi and fantasy).
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Jun 21 2013, 4:00pm
Post #25 of 54
Very difficult to name just five but...
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considering books I love which have had a big impact on me, in no particular order- Watership Down Wuthering Heights The Lord of the Rings Pride & Prejudice The Sunne In Splendour (Sharon K Penman) Honourable mentions- The rest of Sharon Penman's novels- they are so well researched and well written, other Tolkien works, The Lion the Witch & the Wardrobe, Harry Potter Series, Anne of GG series, rest of Jane Austen, The Cazalet chronicles...... Aaagh just too many!
"Beneath the roof of sleeping leaves the dreams of trees unfold"