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DoS Trailer Rated by the BBFC - 2 minutes, 1 second
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Rohirrim Rider

Jun 6 2013, 9:21am

Post #1 of 88 (5044 views)
DoS Trailer Rated by the BBFC - 2 minutes, 1 second Can't Post


Rated 12A, just like the second trailer for An Unexpected Journey.

2 minutes is a decent length - shorter than the AUJ trailers but long enough to give us some decent footage and not just be a title followed by a 'Coming Soon' flash.

Now it's as good as certain to be released with Man of Steel, time to guess when it will be online - beforehand like the others? Or will Warners hold it back until the mOnday after Man of Steel's opening weekend, like it did with Man of Steel and Dark Knight trailers?


Jun 6 2013, 9:35am

Post #2 of 88 (2667 views)
Yeeeesssss!! [In reply to] Can't Post

So excited. This next week is gonna be so goood. E3, Game Of Thrones Finale, Man Of Steel comes out and now the Hobbit trailer!



Jun 6 2013, 9:39am

Post #3 of 88 (2595 views)
so does this mean.... [In reply to] Can't Post

that the trailer is coming out this week?!!!
(holding back tears of joySmile)

"fingolfin looked up in grief to see what evil morgoth had done to maedhros"


Jun 6 2013, 9:56am

Post #4 of 88 (2555 views)
Excitement levels rising! [In reply to] Can't Post

I wonder if the plan is to release the trailer and vlog together? Perhaps the vlog details how they make the trailers (editing, mixing etc.).


Rohirrim Rider

Jun 6 2013, 9:58am

Post #5 of 88 (2577 views)
It means it can techincally be released to cinemas at any time from now onwards [In reply to] Can't Post

Though Warners will hold it back until Man of Steel so don't get your hopes up of seeing it on anything before next Friday (14th). If Warners do the same as they did with the first two Man of Steel trailers then they will be digitally locked and unable to be played until the correct date.

Hopefully it will be online before then but I'm not hoping too much as, like I say in the first post, Warners held the first trailers for Dark Knight Rises and Man of Steel off the net until after the opening weekend of the film they were attached to. We didn't have this with the AUJ trailer but that's because it was attached to Tin-Tin, a Paramount film, so Warners had no reason to try and get people to see it at the cinema - having the DoS trailer attached the Man of Steel makes that film's release even more of an occasion and I'm sure Warners will want to keep it that way.

(This post was edited by Rohirrim Rider on Jun 6 2013, 10:00am)

Welsh hero

Jun 6 2013, 9:58am

Post #6 of 88 (2465 views)
intresting // [In reply to] Can't Post



Twitter: @IrfonPennant
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Jun 6 2013, 10:02am

Post #7 of 88 (2565 views)
Also, unless we get an official announcement [In reply to] Can't Post

(though we probably will), keep an eye on the Apple trailers website. They usual put up a banner/ad for when a new trailer is incoming for a big film.


Jun 6 2013, 10:04am

Post #8 of 88 (2507 views)
Omg omg omg [In reply to] Can't Post

I am so excited!


*Baruk khazâd! Khazâd ai-męnu!*

(This post was edited by Azaghâl on Jun 6 2013, 10:05am)


Jun 6 2013, 10:25am

Post #9 of 88 (2487 views)
Fantastic, now let's just hope [In reply to] Can't Post

half of those 2 minutes aren't spent on 'fade to blacks', studio logos and green band announcements ...Laugh

'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey' Review

Rohirrim Rider

Jun 6 2013, 10:30am

Post #10 of 88 (2481 views)
Well you don't need to worry about the green band bit eating in to that running time at least [In reply to] Can't Post

The BBFC won't have had someone else's rating system slapped on the front of their version of the trailer Cool

In Reply To
half of those 2 minutes aren't spent on 'fade to blacks', studio logos and green band announcements ...Laugh


Jun 6 2013, 10:36am

Post #11 of 88 (2460 views)
Great! [In reply to] Can't Post

So that's 5-6 seconds guaranteed! Laugh

'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey' Review


Jun 6 2013, 11:16am

Post #12 of 88 (2425 views)
Indeed! [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
provided half of those 2 minutes aren't spent on 'fade to blacks', studio logos and green band announcements ...Laugh

And provided they are not wasted on 'Tauriel' – which would be a massive turn-off rather than anything to be excited about. I'd like to see more about the characters already established in the film, and perhaps new ones that are in the book – though I'm not sure whether I want to see Beorn or Smaug before the film's release.

Welsh hero

Jun 6 2013, 11:37am

Post #13 of 88 (2390 views)
Since it's a UK classification [In reply to] Can't Post

don't worry, no bands of any colour


Twitter: @IrfonPennant
middle earth timeline FB: https://www.facebook.com/MiddleEarth1

Registered User

Jun 6 2013, 12:02pm

Post #14 of 88 (2396 views)
I actually kinda hope [In reply to] Can't Post

They don't show Smaug. At least not all of him. I want to wait till the theater to see the full dragon


Jun 6 2013, 12:25pm

Post #15 of 88 (2311 views)
Green band [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
The BBFC won't have had someone else's rating system slapped on the front of their version of the trailer Cool

In Reply To
half of those 2 minutes aren't spent on 'fade to blacks', studio logos and green band announcements ...

Right, the green band announcement comes extra on top of 2:01.

Russian LOTR & Hobbit Site: Henneth-Annun.ru


Jun 6 2013, 12:26pm

Post #16 of 88 (2348 views)
AWESOME! [In reply to] Can't Post

Great. Finally some big news. Ah I really hope PJ doesn't mess up DOS as much as parts of AUJ with additions like Tauriel.. Movie 2 and 3 should really become as great as LOTR.

(This post was edited by Altaira on Jun 7 2013, 12:26am)


Jun 6 2013, 12:33pm

Post #17 of 88 (2387 views)
Not yet listed at the Alberta Recently Classified Trailers site [In reply to] Can't Post

Until I see it there, I will be skeptical.

'But very bright were the stars upon the margin of the world, when at times the clouds about the West were drawn aside.'

The Hall of Fire


Jun 6 2013, 12:56pm

Post #18 of 88 (2313 views)
You don't trust the British Board of Film Censors? [In reply to] Can't Post

*Raised eyebrow....* Wink

Semper Fi

Jun 6 2013, 12:57pm

Post #19 of 88 (2334 views)
1 second is really appreciated [In reply to] Can't Post



Jun 6 2013, 1:13pm

Post #20 of 88 (2321 views)
For all I know [In reply to] Can't Post

That could be a bogus site. Until I see it someplace that I know is real, I will withhold judgment. I' ve just seen too many weird hoaxs over the years not to be skeptical until I know for sure that something is true.

No offense intended.

'But very bright were the stars upon the margin of the world, when at times the clouds about the West were drawn aside.'

The Hall of Fire

Tol Eressea

Jun 6 2013, 1:16pm

Post #21 of 88 (2271 views)
Smaug, Beorn, Smaug, Beorn! :D// [In reply to] Can't Post


"So your own praise will forever keep your name green,
Both here on Earth and on the stage of the stars" - J.G.Kittel, writing about the composer Jan Dismas Zelenka (1740)

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Jun 6 2013, 1:25pm

Post #22 of 88 (2262 views)
It's OK, I wasn't offended.... [In reply to] Can't Post

Just quietly amused. I believe the site is genuine - oh, and the 'C' stands for 'Classification' not 'Censors' - that just shows what I know!!!


Jun 6 2013, 1:29pm

Post #23 of 88 (2236 views)
I like "censors" better [In reply to] Can't Post

It gave me a much needed chuckle. Smile

'But very bright were the stars upon the margin of the world, when at times the clouds about the West were drawn aside.'

The Hall of Fire


Jun 6 2013, 1:50pm

Post #24 of 88 (2227 views)
Bogus? [In reply to] Can't Post

It's the BBFC, the British Board of Film Classification. It's about as real as it gets.


Jun 6 2013, 2:03pm

Post #25 of 88 (2176 views)
Well, it's actually both [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
Just quietly amused. I believe the site is genuine - oh, and the 'C' stands for 'Classification' not 'Censors' - that just shows what I know!!!

Well, it's actually both. It used to mean "British Board of Film Censors", later it was renamed to "British Board of Film Classification".

Russian LOTR & Hobbit Site: Henneth-Annun.ru

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