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The One Expected Party: the set-up

News from Bree

Feb 24 2013, 4:42pm

Post #1 of 6 (578 views)
The One Expected Party: the set-up Can't Post

The 85th installment of the Academy Awards are upon us! TORn staff spent yesterday setting up for our own special celebration, and here's an inside sneak-peak of what guests can expect to enjoy this evening! Just click the photo below to go to our chomplete gallery.

And, remember, if you're in the neighbourhood, we have a limited number of tickets on the door. It's gonna be big -- come along!


Feb 24 2013, 10:42pm

Post #2 of 6 (406 views)
Hey!!!!!!!! [In reply to] Can't Post

Gee whiz it is good to see all of your faces.Smile
I wonder what all of you are doing? I'd like to chip in too.
I will catch what i can of the festivities and take real joy that you guys can be together to have a ball.
Have at itSmileLaughCoolHeart

Forum Admin / Moderator

Feb 24 2013, 11:30pm

Post #3 of 6 (401 views)
There's gramma and greendragon! [In reply to] Can't Post

Photo #41! And Altaira, and deej, and - oh gosh, I should know who some of those others are!

I'm jealous, wish I could be out there doing setup with you (and I know a lot of others here wish the same)! Unsure Is that the Gollum statue from last year? And where did you get that cave troll?

Hope everything goes smoothly for the Big Event tonight! Smile


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Feb 25 2013, 4:38pm

Post #4 of 6 (393 views)
Peek-a-boo :D [In reply to] Can't Post

*waves madly* I'M HERE! And I've had to pinch myself several times a day just to prove it to ME!

Wow! I think we were as busy as hobbits cleaning up Hobbiton with the flurry of activity putting the Party together! I'm astounded at the drive and dedication of TORnsibs and all of those who came to help. So proud! So grateful to be a part of such an excellent place :D

They Party was AMAZING!!! And from where I sat, flawlessly... then again, I was so geeked out... the roof could have caved in and I would have imagined it as a Smaug Attack!

Dom showed up to do a couple of sets with Beecake. WOW! What a night! And what a band! Seriously... their music covers the whole range of whatever type you like. Billy really REALLY is an incredible singer, and his bandmates are ROCK STARS! THANK YOU BEECAKE and DOM for getting us all out of our seats!

Much more to tell, much more to still assimilate. We're on our way back over to the Legion Hall to tear *sniffle* it all down, but what a ride.

But the best part, the most delightful part, was the time to see old friends again... and to get our heads around the deja vu of the weekend since our last invasion at the 2004 Oscars.

Gotta fly... but I wanted to wave HOWDY to all my buddies and let you know that we ALL were thinking of you... with us in spirit, fersher.


Second draft of TH:AUJ Geeky Observation List - updated list coming soon


I'm SO HAPPY these new films take me back to that magical world!!

TIME Google Calendar
TORn's Geeky Observations Lists (updated soon)

Tol Eressea

Feb 26 2013, 12:31am

Post #5 of 6 (359 views)
It would be nice to be able to match faces and names [In reply to] Can't Post

Could anyone tag some of the photos?

Fourth Age Adventures at the Inn of the Burping Troll http://burpingtroll.com

Forum Admin / Moderator

Feb 26 2013, 2:21am

Post #6 of 6 (351 views)
I see you! [In reply to] Can't Post

Have you come down from the clouds yet, gramma? Dom showing up to jam with Beecake - it doesn't get much better than that (unless, of course, some of "our guys" had been given gold statues...but they'll always be gold to us Heart).

Can hardly wait for your reports - *hugs* to all!


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


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