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Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!


Jan 4 2013, 10:54am

Post #1 of 1 (901 views)
     Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!  

Hobbit Headlines for the period of 28th - 04th January 2013.

Please see below for classification of spoilers:

S! - Spoiler! (Warning - you will be spoiled by opening the link)
LS - Limited Spoilers (Tidbits and snippets, no hard spoilers)
NS - No Spoilers (No spoilers contained whatsoever)

You have been warned!



Cast of The Hobbit quizzed on their knowledge of JRR Tolkien. NS [Thread] [Source]

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey becomes 10th biggest film of the year, after box office takings. NS [Thread]


CNN crowns The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey as worst film of the year. NS [Thread] [Source] [Thread 2]

Professor Michael Drout reviews The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. NS [Thread] [Source]

Several cast interviews posted (see thread for links). LS/S! [Thread]


The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey passess $600 million mark in box office. NS [Thread] [Source]

Michael Martinez reviews The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, praises Richard Armitage. LS [Thread] [Source]


The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey almost at $700 million mark in box office. NS [Thread] [Source]

Collider readers' vote for top 20 movies of the year - The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey takes 5th position. NS [Thread] [Source]


Current Box Office takings. NS [Thread]

Huffington Post: Critics dislike Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey at their own peril. NS/LS [Thread] [Source]


Smithsonian.com post "The Tolkien Nerd’s Guide to The Hobbit". NS/LS [Thread] [Source]

Tourism boost for filming locations in New Zealand. NS [Thread] [Source]

Rumour: Universal plans Middle-earth theme park? NS [Thread]


For the most up-to-date list of 48fps (HFR 3D) theatres by country (and region) see this website:

- 48fps (HFR 3D) Theatre List


For a comprehensive collection of all released (and leaked(!)) pictures and screenshots, see TORn user DarkJackal's website:

-Hobbit Photo Gallery
-Screencaps from trailers, video blogs and TV spots


Previous Hobbit Headlines:

21st-28th December 2012
17th-21st December 2012
14th-17th December 2012
10th-14th December 2012
4th-10th December 2012
29th-4th December 2012
23rd-29th November 2012
16th-23rd Novermber 2012
9th-16th Novermber 2012
2nd-9th November 2012
26th-2nd November 2012
19th-26th October 2012
12th-19th October 2012
5th-12th October 2012
29th-5th October 2012
21st-28th September 2012
16th-21st September 2012
7th-15th September 2012
3rd-7th September 2012

Please PM Xanaseb or I if you have any questions, suggestions or ideas. Please notify us if any Hobbit movie news has been omitted. All links working at time of posting.


Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!


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